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Marie-Laure POIRET


Chargée de Recherche - HDR

CFR / COSYS - Département Composants et Systèmes

GRETTIA - Génie des réseaux de transports terrestres et informatique avancée

Docteure en Automatique de l'Université Paris XI-Orsay et Habilitée à Diriger les Recherches (HDR) Spécialiste en régulation, résilience et qualité de service des réseaux de transports multimodaux.
Neïla BHOURI mène ses recherches au sein du laboratoire COSYS-GRETTIA de l’Université Gustave Eiffel. Auparavant, elle a été Maître de conférences de l’Université Tunisienne (1993-1999), où elle a enseigné l’Automatique, la Recherche Opérationnelle et l’Ingénierie du Trafic et par la suite chercheuse à l'IFSTTAR et puis à l'Université Gustave Eiffel. Ses recherches portent actuellement sur divers aspects de la mobilité urbaine, plus particulièrement la fiabilité, la résilience des réseaux de transport, les services de mobilité automatisés, les systèmes coopératifs, Maas et RaaS (Resilience as a service), la modélisation et la simulation. Elle a également des activités ponctuelles d’enseignement en master et en écoles d’ingénieurs, où elle intervient sur diverses matières, notamment les systèmes de transport intelligents, la planification des transports et la gestion des transports multimodaux. Au-delà de sa contribution à la recherche académique, elle met également ses compétences au service d'institutions de renom, notamment en effectuant des expertises pour des organisations telles que l'OCDE et le ministère français des transports

Ph.D. in Control Engineering from the University of Paris XI-Orsay with a post-doctoral qualification (Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches - HDR). Specialized in the modeling, control, resilience, and quality of service in multimodal transportation networks, Dr. Neïla BHOURI conducts her research within the COSYS-GRETTIA laboratory at Gustave Eiffel University.

Previously, she served as an Associate Professor at a Tunisian university, where she taught subjects including Control Engineering, Operations Research, and Traffic Engineering. She later joined IFSTTAR and then the University of Gustave Eiffel as a researcher. Her current research focuses on various aspects of urban mobility, particularly the reliability and resilience of transportation networks, automated mobility services, cooperative systems, Mobility as a Service (MaaS), and Resilience as a Service (RaaS), as well as modeling and simulation.

In addition to her research activities, Dr. BHOURI occasionally teaches in master's programs and engineering schools, covering various topics such as intelligent transportation systems, transportation planning, and multimodal transportation management. Beyond her contributions to academic research, she also lends her expertise to prestigious institutions, like the OECD and the French Ministry of Transportation.

Mes dernières références

My latest references

Mes publications

Pierre Cornemillot, S M Hassan Mahdavi Moghaddam, N
Bhouri. Evaluations of the reliability, consistency and uniformity of speed and acceleration of autonomous vehicles. Results of various SAM project experiments. 52ème Congrès de la mobilité intelligente ATEC ITS France, ATEC-ITS France, Jan 2024, Montrouge, France
Rihab Amghar, Sara Jaber, S M Hassan Mahdavi Moghaddam, Neila Bhouri, Mostafa Ameli
Resilience as a Service for Transportation Networks: Definition and Basic Concepts. Transportation Research Record, 2024, 2678 (1), pp.177-189
Victoria Orlando, Enrique Baquela, Neila Bhouri, Pablo Lotito
Public transport demand estimation by frequency adjustments. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 2023, 19, pp.100832
Mouloud Khelf, Salim Boukebbab, Neila Bhouri
The Effect of Tram Management on Road Traffic Fluidity and its Influence on Drivers Behaviors at a Critical Junction in Algeria. Transport Problems = Problemy Transportu, 2023, 18 (2), pp.31-42
Sara Jaber, N
Bhouri, Maurice Aron, S. M. Hassan Mahdavi Moghaddam. Connectivity Reliability For Assessing Public Transport Networks. EWGT23, 25th Euro Working Group on Transportation Meeting, University of Cantabria. Santander. Spain, Sep 2023, Santander, Spain. pp.3
Mouloud Khelf, Neila Bhouri
The Effect of the Intelligent Control System on the Tram Timetable Efficiency and Its Influence on the Road Capacity at Signalized Intersections. Advanced Computational Techniques for Renewable Energy Systems, 591, Springer International Publishing, pp.482-492, 2023, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
Rihab Amghar, Sara Jaber, S
M. Hassan Mahdavi Moghaddam, N. Bhouri, Mostafa Ameli. Resilience as a Service - RaaS in Transportation Networks: Definition and Describing the Concept. The Transportation Research Board (TRB) 102nd Annual Meeting,, The Transportation Research Board (TRB), Jan 2023, Washington, D.C., USA, United States. pp.22P
Silvia Siri, Cecilia Pasquale, Neila Bhouri, Bart de Schutter, Mohamed Ghazel, et al.
Guest Editorial: Innovative control approaches for smart transportation systems. Control Engineering Practice, 137, pp.105564, 2023
Sara Jaber, Neila Bhouri, Mustapha Tendjaoui, Benoit Oillo
Modélisation microscopique du temps de parcours des transports collectifs par apprentissage à partir des mesures DIALEXIS. 49ème Congrès ATEC ITS France, Jan 2022, Paris, France. 18p
Mouloud Khelf, Salim Boukebbab, Neila Bhouri
Evaluation of the tram intelligent system management by an analysis of its key performance indicators for an optimal mixed traffic control in Algeria. International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 2022, 14 (1/2), pp 33-55
Sara Jaber, Benoit Oillo, Mustapha Tendjaoui, Neila Bhouri
Microscopic modelling of bus travel time by using graph properties and Machine learning. 101st Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, Jan 2022, Washington, DC, United States
Victoria Orlando, Enrique Baquela, Neila Bhouri, Pablo Lotito
Analytical and simulation-based estimation of public transport demand. Transportation Research Procedia, 2022, 62, pp.727-734
Mouloud Khelf, Salim Boukebbab, Imene Denche, N
Bhouri. L'impact du système de régulation du trafic multimodal (Tramways-Automobiles) sur le comportement des conducteurs dans les intersections urbaines en Algérie. SaNuitMaghreb – 1er colloque international de sécurité routière au Maghreb, Nov 2021, Tunis, Tunisie
Victoria M Orlando, Enrique G Baquela, Neila Bhouri, Pablo A Lotito
An inverse bilevel equilibrium problem for public transport demand estimation. 16th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems 2021, Jun 2021, Lille, France. pp.13-18
Neila Bhouri, Jean Patrick Lebacque, Pablo A Lotito, Victoria M Orlando
A bilevel model for public transport demand estimation. Transportation Research Procedia, 2021, 52, pp 669-676
Hassan Mahdavi, Neila Bhouri, Gérard Scemama
Dynamic Resilience of Public Transport Network: A Case Study for Fleet-Failure in Bus Transport Operation of New Delhi. Transportation Research Procedia, 2020, 22nd EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting, EWGT 2019, 18th – 20th September 2019, Barcelona, Spain, 47, pp.672-679
Jennie Lioris, Neila Bhouri
Adaptive level lane estimation policy of automotive systems moving within arbitrary road networks. VENITS 2020, 5th International Workshop on Vehicular Networking and Intelligent Transportation Systems, Aug 2020, Honolulu, United States. 6p
Neila Bhouri, Jean Patrick Lebacque, Pablo A Lotito, Victoria M Orlando
On the estimation of the public transport demand. EWGT 2020, 23rd EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting, Sep 2020, Paphos, France. 7p
Mariano A Risso, Neila Bhouri, Aldo J Rubiales, Pablo A Lotito
A constrained filtering algorithm for freeway traffic state estimation. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 2020, 16, pp.316-336
Jennie Lioris, Neila Bhouri
A probabilistic approach for automated lane identification based on sensor information. ANZCC 2020, Australian and New Zealand Control Conference, Nov 2020, GOLD COAST, Australia. pp.199-204
Jennie Lioris, Neila Bhouri
Decision making approaches optimizing the benefits of fully autonomous and connected collective cars. HSI 2020, 13th International Conference on Human System Interaction, Jun 2020, Tokyo, Japan. 6p
Miaohang Hu, Neila Bhouri
Evaluation of Resilience Indicators for Public Transportation Networks by the Grey Relational Analysis. IEEE 23rd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Sep 2020, Rhodes, Greece. 6p
Amine Melakhsou, Neila Bhouri
Bus regularity evaluation using The Gini index and the Lorenz curve: A case study of New Delhi bus network. 5th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems, May 2019, Heraklion, France. 16p
Neila Bhouri, Maurice Aron, Habib Haj Salem
A Data-driven Approach for Estimating the Fundamental Diagram. Promet - Traffic & Transportation, 2019, 31 (2), pp. 117-128
Mouloud Khelf, Salim Boukebbab, Neila Bhouri, Mohamed Salah Boulahlib
Tram Service Quality and Its Impact on the Passengers’ Modal Choice in Constantine City (Algeria). Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication, 68, Springer International Publishing; Springer International Publishing, pp.35-44, 2019, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
Maurice Aron, Romain Billot, Neila Bhouri, Nour Eddine El Faousi, Régine Seidowsky
Power and Exponential Functions Relating Accidents to Traffic and Rain. Calibration on a French Network.. Advanced Concepts, Methodologies and Technologies for Transportation and Logistics, EWGT 2016, EURO 2016. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 572, Springer Link, pp 309-333, 2018
Mouloud Khelf, Salim Boukebbab, Neila Bhouri, Mohamed Salah Boulahlib
Tram Service Quality and Its Impact On the Passengers' Modal Choice in Constantine City - Algeria. RelStat 2018, International Conference on Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication, Oct 2018, Riga, France. pp 35-44
Neila Bhouri
Régulation, fiabilité et qualité de service des réseaux de transports multimodaux. Sciences de l'ingénieur [physics]. Université Paris-Est, 2018
Neila Bhouri, Maurice Aron, Gérard Scemama, Mustapha Tendjaoui
L'indice de Gini pour évaluer la régularité d'une ligne de bus à partir des données issues de l'Open Data. ATEC ITS FRANCE, Jan 2016, Montrouge, France. 18p
Flavien Balbo, Neïla Bhouri, Suzanne Pinson
Bimodal traffic regulation system: A multi-agent approach. Web Intelligence and Agent Systems, 2016, 14 (2), pp. 139-151
Neila Bhouri, Maurice Aron, Gérard Scemama
Gini Index for Evaluating Bus Reliability Performances for Operators and Riders. Transportation Research Board, Jan 2016, Washington, United States. 13p
Matthis Gaciarz, Samir Aknine, Neila Bhouri
Automated Negotiation for Traffic Regulation. CARE (Collaborative Agents Research & Development) workshop, AAMAS, Advances in Social Computing and Multiagent Systems, Springer, May 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. pp.1-18
Tiziana Campisi, Neila Bhouri, Giovanni Tesoriere
Environmental Aspect on Road Network: A Mesoscopic Approach to Define CO2 and NOX Concentration. ARTS ECR 2015, Autonomic Road Transport Support Systems Early Career Researcher Conference, May 2015, La Valletta, Malta
Matthis Gaciarz, Samir Aknine, Neila Bhouri
A continuous negotiation based model for traffic regulation at an intersection. AAMAS, International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Long Abstract, May 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. pp.1791-1792
Matthis Gaciarz, Neila Bhouri, Samir Aknine
Continuous Negotiation for a Vehicle-Regulated Intersection. ARTS ECR (Autonomic Road Transport Support Systems Early Career Researcher Conference), 2015, San Anton, Malta
Matthis Gaciarz, Samir Aknine, Neila Bhouri
Constraint-based negotiation model for traffic regulation. IAT, Dec 2015, singapour, Singapore. pp.320-327
Dora Lee Borg, Neila Bhouri, Kenneth Scerri
A Cooperative Traffic Control Strategy. ARTS - Autonomic Road Transport Support Systems Conference, Oct 2015, Bordeaux, France. 1p
Neila Bhouri, Fernando J Mayorano, Pablo A Lotito, Habib Haj Salem, Jean Patrick Lebacque
Public Transport Priority for Multimodal Urban Traffic Control. Cybernetics and Information Technologies, 2015, 15 (5), pp. 766-771
Dihya Atmani, Jean Patrick Lebacque, Neila Bhouri
Multi agent dynamic traffic assignment on guided vehicles. ICTL 2015, 1st International conference on Transportation and Logistics, May 2015, Sousse, Tunisia. 5p
Tiziana Campisi, Neila Bhouri, Giovanni Tesoriere
Comparative results of environmental aspects obtained by Micro and Mesoscopic approach for urban road networks. ARTS - Autonomic Road Transport Support Systems Conference, Oct 2015, Bordeaux, France. ARTS - Autonomic Road Transport Support Systems Conference, 1p, 2015
Dihya Atmani, Fabio Galatioto, Neila Bhouri, Patrizia Franco, Jean Patrick Lebacque, et al.
Towards the introduction of an autonomous transportation line in a multimodal transportion system. ARTS ECR 2015, Autonomic Road Transport Support Systems Early Career Researcher Conference, May 2015, La valetta, France. 8p
Neila Bhouri, Maurice Aron
Isolating Different Factors Affecting Travel Time Reliability in an Observational Before/After Study. EWGT - Euro Working Group on Transportation, Jul 2014, Spain. 10p
Neila Bhouri, Maurice Aron
Isolating Different Factors Affecting Travel Time Reliability in an Observational Before/After Study. Transportation Research Procedia, 2014, 10p
Neila Bhouri, Nadir Farhi
Towards efficient and reliable transportation systems. Transportation research. Part C, Emerging technologies, 2014, 47 (1), pp 1-2
Younes Guessous, Maurice Aron, Neila Bhouri, Simon Cohen
Estimating Travel Time Distribution under different Traffic conditions. EWGT - Euro Working Group on Transportation, Jul 2014, Spain. 10p
Younes Guessous, Maurice Aron, Neila Bhouri, Simon Cohen
Estimating Travel Time Distribution Under Different Traffic Conditions. Transportation Research Procedia, 2014, 10p
Dihya Atmani, Jean Patrick Lebacque, Neila Bhouri, Habib Haj Salem
Dynamic assignment with user information in multimodal networks. EWGT2014 - EURO Working Group on Transportation, Jul 2014, SEVILLE, Spain. pp 895-904
Matthis Gaciarz, Samir Aknine, Neïla Bhouri
A coalition-based approach for cooperative urban traffic regulation. EUMAS (European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems), Dec 2013, Toulouse, France. pp.1-4
Neila Bhouri, Maurice Aron
Reliability Benefits of Active Traffic Management : A Managed Lanes Case in a French Urban Motorway. 92nd Annual Meeting Transportation Research Board - TRB, Jan 2013, WASHINGTON DC, United States. 16p
Neila Bhouri, Maurice Aron, Vincent Chagnaud, Francis Papon
Reliability assessment of dynamic use of the hard shoulder field test from a French motorway. 13th WCTR - World Conference on Transportation Research, Jul 2013, France. 18p
Neila Bhouri, Habib Haj Salem, Jari Kauppila
Isolated versus Coordinated Ramp metering: Field Evaluation Results of Travel Time Reliability and Traffic Impact. Transportation research. Part C, Emerging technologies, 2013, 28, pp.155-167
Neila Bhouri, Maurice Aron, Jari Kauppila
Relevance of travel time reliability indicators: a managed lanes case study. 15th EWGT Euro Working Group on Transportation, Sep 2012, MARNE LA VALLEE, France. pp.450-459
Vincent Aguiléra, N Bhouri, N Farhi, Fabien Leurent, R Seidowsky (Dir.)
Proceedings of EWGT2012 - 15th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation Paris, France, 10-13 septembre - Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 54, 4 October. Elsevier, pp.Vol. 54 1-1396, 2012
Neila Bhouri, Flavien Balbo, Suzanne Pinson
Towards Urban Traffic Regulation Using a Multi-Agent System. Progress in Artificial Intelligence, 2012, 1 (2), pp.139-147
N Bhouri, F Balbo, S Pinson
Towards Urban Traffic Regulation using a Multi-Agent System. 9th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS11), Mar 2011, SALAMANQUE, Spain. pp.179-188
N Bhouri, J Kauppila
Managing Highways for Better Reliability - Assessing Reliability Benefits of Ramp Metering. Transportation Research Record, 2011, 2229, pp 1-7
Neila Bhouri, Flavien Balbo, Suzanne Pinson
Collaborative Agents for Modelling Traffic Regulation Systems. IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technologies (IAT), Vol.2, Aug 2011, Lyon, France. pp.7-13
G Scemama, N Bhouri
Evaluation de la performance des réseaux de transport de surface. Congrès international ATEC - ITS, Feb 2011, France. 29p
Neila Bhouri, Jari Kauppila
Managing Highways for Better Reliability - Assessing Reliability Benefits of Ramp Metering. 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Jan 2011, Washington, DC, United States. 15p
Neila Bhouri, F Balbo, Suzanne Pinson
Toward Urban traffic Regulation Using a Multi-Agent System. 9th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS), Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, Vol 88, Springer, Apr 2011, Salamanca, Spain. pp.179-188
Neila Bhouri, Flavien Balbo, S Pinson, Mohamed Tlig
Collaborative agents for modeling traffic regulation systems. The 2011 IEEE, WIC, ACM International Conferences on web intelligence and intelligent agent technology, Aug 2011, LYON, France. pp.7-13
Neila Bhouri, Flavien Balbo, Suzanne Pinson
A Multi-Agent System to regulate Bimodal Urban Traffic. 8th European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS'2010), 2010, Paris, France
S Haciane, N Bhouri
Régulation du trafic urbain avec priorité aux transports en commun à l'aide d'un système multi-agents. 8ème Conférence Internationale de MOdélisation et SIMulation (MOSIM'10), May 2010, HAMMAMET, Tunisie. pp.1450-1458
Neila Bhouri
Constrained optimal control strategy for multimodal urban traffic network. CAO'09 - IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization, May 2009, JyÊskylä, Finland. 7p
Neila Bhouri, Habib Haj Salem
Improving Travel Time Reliability Using Ramp Metering: Field Assessment results on A6W Motorway in Paris. 12th IFAC Symposium on Transportation Systems, Sep 2009, Redondo Beach, CA, United States. pp.627-632
Sofiane Kachroudi, Neila Bhouri
A multimodal traffic responsive strategy using particle swarm optimization. 12th IFAC Symposium on Transportation Systems, Sep 2009, LOS ANGELES, CA, United States. pp 531-537
Habib Haj Salem, Said Mammar, Neila Bhouri
Isolated VS coordinated ramp metering strategies: Field evaluation results in France. EWGT2009, 13th Meeting of the Euro Working Group on Transportation, Sep 2009, PADOUE, Italy. 8p
Sofiene Kachroudi, Neila Bhouri, Saïd Mammar, Gérard Scemama
Modèle de prédiction semi-macroscopique pour les véhicules de transport en commun en milieu urbain. Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique (CIFA 2008), Sep 2008, BUCAREST, Roumanie
S Kachroudi, N Bhouri
A multimodal model for an urban traffic control policy. 17th IFAC World Congress, Jul 2008, Seoul, South Korea. pp.13070-13078
Neila Bhouri, Djilali Touazi
Commande prédictive à base de modèle (MPC) pour le trafic urbain bi-modal. CIFA : Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique, Sep 2008, Bucarest, Roumanie. 8p
Sofiene Kachroudi, Neila Bhouri
Communication interprocessus entre Dynasim et Scilab pour l'évaluation d'une stratégie de régulation du trafic urbain. Congrès de l'ATEC, Jan 2007, Issy les Moulineaux, France. 12p
Neila Bhouri, P Lotito
Régulation du trafic urbain multimodal avec priorité pour les transports en commun. MOSIM'06 - 6ème Conférence Francophone de MOdélisation et SIMulation, Apr 2006, Rabat, Maroc. 10p
Nadir Farhi, Neila Bhouri, P Lotito
Regulation of the bimodal traffic. CTS 2006 - 11th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems, Aug 2006, Delft, Netherlands. pp.233-238
Neila Bhouri
Une stratégie de contrôle d'accès autoroutier fondée sur la théorie de l'optimisation. 3ème Colloque Maghrébin sur les modèles numériques de l'ingénieur, Nov 1991, Tunis, Tunisie. 6p
Neila Bhouri, Markos Papageorgiou, Jean Marc Blosseville
Optimal control of traffic flow on periurban ringways with an application to the Boulevard Périphérique in Paris. IFAC, 11th World Congress, Aug 1990, Talinn, France. 9p
Neila Bhouri, Habib Haj Salem, Markos Papageorgiou, Jean Marc Blosseville
Estimation of traffic density on motorways. IFAC/IFIP/IFORS International Symposium (AIPAC'89), Jul 1989, Nancy, France. pp.579-583
Neila Bhouri, H
Hadj-Salem, M. Papageorgiou, J.-M. Blosseville. Estimation of Traffic Density on Motorways Using Presence Detector Measurements. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 22 (6), pp.453-457, 1989

Resilience as a Service for Transportation Networks: Definition and Basic Concepts

Il n'y a aucune publication pour cette liste.


Evaluation of the tram intelligent system management by an analysis of its key performance indicators for an optimal mixed traffic control in Algeria

KHELF, Mouloud ; BOUKEBBAB, Salim ; BHOURI, Neila   /   (2022)

International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 14, 1/2, pp 33-55, doi: 10.1504/IJSTL.2022.10044657

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Modélisation microscopique du temps de parcours des transports collectifs par apprentissage à partir des mesures DIALEXIS

JABER, Sara ; BHOURI, Neila ; TENDJAOUI, Mustapha ; OILLO, Benoit   /   (2022)

49ème Congrès ATEC ITS France, France, 18p

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Microscopic modelling of bus travel time by using graph properties and Machine learning

JABER, Sara ; OILLO, Benoit ; TENDJAOUI, Mustapha ; BHOURI, Neila   /   (2022)

101st TRB Annual Meeting, ETATS-UNIS, 14p

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An inverse bilevel equilibrium problem for public transport demand estimation

ORLANDO, Victoria M ; BAQUELA, Enrique G ; BHOURI, Neila ; LOTITO, Pablo A   /   (2021)

IFAC-PapersOnLine, 54, 2,  Pp 13-18, doi: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.06.002

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Timetable and Headway Adherence Assessment using the Gini Coefficient and the Lorenz Curve

BHOURI, Neila ; LAKHOTIA, Sneha ; ARON, Maurice ; TIWARI, Geetam   /   (2021)

WSEAS Transactions on Computer Research, 9, pp 137-151, doi: 10.37394/232018.2021.9.16

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A bilevel model for public transport demand estimation

BHOURI, Neila ; LEBACQUE, Jean Patrick ; LOTITO, Pablo A ; ORLANDO, Victoria M   /   (2021)

Transport research procedia, 52, p 669-676, doi: 10.1016/j.trpro.2021.01.080

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On the estimation of the public transport demand

BHOURI, Neila ; LEBACQUE, Jean Patrick ; LOTITO, Pablo A ; ORLANDO, Victoria M   /   (2020)

EWGT 2020, 23rd EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting, CHYPRE, 7p

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A constrained filtering algorithm for freeway traffic state estimation

RISSO, Mariano A ; BHOURI, Neila ; RUBIALES, Aldo J ; LOTITO, Pablo A   /   (2020)

Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 16, 2, pp 316-336, doi: 10.1080/23249935.2018.1549618

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Evaluation of Resilience Indicators for Public Transportation Networks by the Grey Relational Analysis

HU, Miaohang ; BHOURI, Neila   /   (2020)

IEEE-ITSC'20, 23rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, GRECE, 6p

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Decision making approaches optimizing the benefits of fully autonomous and connected collective cars

LIORIS, Jennie ; BHOURI, Neila   /   (2020)

HSI 2020, 13th International Conference on Human System Interaction, JAPON, 6p

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Adaptive level lane estimation policy of automotive systems moving within arbitrary road networks

LIORIS, Jennie ; BHOURI, Neila   /   (2020)

VENITS 2020, 5th International Workshop on Vehicular Networking and Intelligent Transportation Systems, ETATS-UNIS, 6p

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A probabilistic approach for automated lane identification based on sensor information

LIORIS, Jennie ; BHOURI, Neila   /   (2020)

ANZCC'20, Australian and New Zealand Control Conference, AUSTRALIE, 6p

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Dynamic Resilience of Public Transport Network: A Case Study for Fleet-Failure in Bus Transport Operation of New Delhi

BHOURI, Neila ; MAHDAVI, Hassan ; SCEMAMA, Gérard   /   (2020)

Transportation Research Procedia, 47, pp 672-679, doi: 10.1016/j.trpro.2020.03.146

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Bus regularity evaluation using The Gini index and the Lorenz curve: A case study of New Delhi bus network

MELAKHSOU, Amine ; BHOURI, Neila   /   (2019)

VEHITS'19, 5th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems, GRECE, 16p

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A Data-driven Approach for Estimating the Fundamental Diagram

BHOURI, Neila ; ARON, Maurice ; HAJ SALEM, Habib   /   (2019)

Promet - Traffic & Transportation, 31, 2, pp. 117-128, doi: 10.7307/ptt.v31i2.2849

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Régulation, fiabilité et qualité de service des réseaux de transports multimodaux

BHOURI, Neila   /   (2018)

Université Paris-Est, 180p

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Tram Service Quality and Its Impact On the Passengers' Modal Choice in Constantine City - Algeria

KHELF, Mouloud ; BOUKEBBAB, Salim ; BHOURI, Neila ; BOULAHLIB, Mohamed Salah   /   (2018)

Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication, pp 35-44, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-12450-2_4

Plus d'infos

Power and Exponential Functions Relating Accidents to Traffic and Rain. Calibration on a French Network. In: Advanced Concepts, Methodologies and Technologies for Transportation and Logistics, EWGT 2016, EURO 2016. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

ARON, Maurice ; BILLOT, Romain ; BHOURI, Neila ; EL FAOUSI, Nour Eddine ; SEIDOWSKY, Régine   /   (2016)

Springer Link, pp 309-333

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Bimodal traffic regulation system: A multi-agent approach

BALBO, Flavien ; BHOURI, Neila ; PINSON, Suzanne   /   (2016)

Web Intelligence , 14, 2, pp. 139-151, doi: 10.3233/WEB-160336

Plus d'infos

Gini Index for Evaluating Bus Reliability Performances for Operators and Riders

BHOURI, Neila ; ARON, Maurice ; SCEMAMA, Gérard   /   (2016)

Transportation Research Board, ETATS-UNIS, 13p

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L'indice de Gini pour évaluer la régularité d'une ligne de bus à partir des données issues de l'Open Data

BHOURI, Neila ; ARON, Maurice ; SCEMAMA, Gérard ; TENDJAOUI, Mustapha   /   (2016)


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Environmental Aspect on Road Network: A Mesoscopic Approach to Define CO2 and NOX Concentration

CAMPISI, Tiziana ; BHOURI, Neila ; TESORIERE, Giovanni   /   (2015)

ARTS ECR 2015, Autonomic Road Transport Support Systems Early Career Researcher Conference, MALTE, 8p

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Towards the introduction of an autonomous transportation line in a multimodal transportation system

ATMANI, Dihya ; GALATIOTO, Fabio ; BHOURI, Neila ; FRANCO, Patrizia ; LEBACQUE, Jean Patrick ; BELL, Margareth ; HAJ SALEM, Habib   /   (2015)

ARTS ECR 2015, Autonomic Road Transport Support Systems Early Career Researcher Conference, MALTE, 8p

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Multi agent dynamic traffic assignment on guided vehicles

ATMANI, Dihya ; LEBACQUE, Jean Patrick ; BHOURI, Neila   /   (2015)

ICTL 2015, 1st International conference on Transportation and Logistics, TUNISIE, 5p

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A Cooperative Traffic Control Strategy

BORG, Dora Lee ; BHOURI, Neila ; SCERRI, Kenneth   /   (2015)

ARTS - Autonomic Road Transport Support Systems Conference, France, 1p

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Comparative results of environmental aspects obtained by Micro and Mesoscopic approach for urban road networks

CAMPISI, Tiziana ; BHOURI, Neila ; TESORIERE, Giovanni   /   (2015)

ARTS - Autonomic Road Transport Support Systems Conference, FRANCE, 1p

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Constraint-based negotiation model for traffic regulation

GACIARZ, Matthis ; AKNINE, Samir ; BHOURI, Neila   /   (2015)

IAT'15 - 2015 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology, SINGAPOUR,

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Continuous Negotiation for a Vehicle-Regulated Intersection

GACIARZ, Matthis ; BHOURI, Neila ; AKNINE, Samir   /   (2015)

ARTS ECR - Autonomic Road Transport Support systems Early Career Researcher Conference, MALTE, 6p

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Automated Negotiation for Traffic Regulation

GACIARZ, Matthis ; AKNINE, Samir ; BHOURI, Neila   /   (2015)

Advances in Social Computing and Multiagent Systems, pp. 1-18, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-24804-2_1 - Gaciarz Aknine Bhouri.pdf

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Public Transport Priority for Multimodal Urban Traffic Control

BHOURI, Neila ; MAYORANO, Fernando J ; LOTITO, Pablo A ; HAJ SALEM, Habib ; LEBACQUE, Jean Patrick   /   (2015)

Cybernetics and Information Technologies, 15, 5, pp. 766-771, doi: 10.1515/cait-2015-0014

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Dynamic assignment with user information in multimodal networks

ATMANI, Dihya ; LEBACQUE, Jean Patrick ; BHOURI, Neila ; HAJ SALEM, Habib   /   (2014)

Transportation Research Procedia, 3, pp 895-904, doi: 10.1016/j.trpro.2014.10.069

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Towards efficient and reliable transportation systems

BHOURI, Neila ; FARHI, Nadir   /   (2014)

Transportation research - Part C : Emerging technologies, 47, 1, pp 1-2, doi: 10.1016/j.trc.2014.08.016

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Isolating Different Factors Affecting Travel Time Reliability in an Observational Before/After Study

BHOURI, Neila ; ARON, Maurice   /   (2014)

Transportation Research Procedia, 3, pp 329-338, doi: 10.1016/j.trpro.2014.10.013

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Estimating Travel Time Distribution under different Traffic conditions

GUESSOUS, Younes ; ARON, Maurice ; BHOURI, Neila ; COHEN, Simon   /   (2014)

Transportation Research Procedia, 3, pp 339-348, doi: 10.1016/j.trpro.2014.10.014

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Estimating Travel Time Distribution for Reliability Analysis

ARON, Maurice ; BHOURI, Neila ; GUESSOUS, Younes   /   (2014)

TRA2014 - Transport Research Arena: Transport Solutions: from Research to Deployment - Innovate Mobility, Mobilise Innovation !, FRANCE, 10p

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A coalition-based approach for cooperative urban traffic regulation

GACIARZ, Matthis ; AKNINE, Samir ; BHOURI, Neila   /   (2013)

EUMAS, European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems, France, pp. 1-4

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Isolated versus Coordinated Ramp metering: Field Evaluation Results of Travel Time Reliability and Traffic Impact

BHOURI, Neila ; HAJ SALEM, Habib ; KAUPPILA, Jari   /   (2013)

Transportation research - Part C : Emerging technologies, 28, pp 155-167, doi: 10.1016/j.trc.2011.11.001

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Reliability Benefits of Active Traffic Management : A Managed Lanes Case in a French Urban Motorway

BHOURI, Neila ; ARON, Maurice   /   (2013)

92nd Annual Meeting Transportation Research Board - TRB, ETATS-UNIS, 16p

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Reliability assessment of dynamic use of the hard shoulder field test from a French motorway

BHOURI, Neila ; ARON, Maurice ; CHAGNAUD, Vincent ; PAPON, Francis   /   (2013)

WCTR 2013, 13th World Conference on Transport Research, BRESIL, 18p

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Towards Urban Traffic Regulation Using a Multi-Agent System

BHOURI, Neila ; BALBO, Flavien ; PINSON, Suzanne   /   (2012)

Progress in Artificial Intelligence, 1, 2, pp 139-147, doi: 10.1007/s13748-012-0011-0

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Relevance of travel time reliability indicators: a managed lanes case study

BHOURI, Neila ; ARON, Maurice ; KAUPPILA, Jari   /   (2012)

Procedia Social and Behavioral Science, 54, 4, pp. 450-459, doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.09.763

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Managing Highways for Better Reliability - Assessing Reliability Benefits of Ramp Metering

BHOURI, Neila ; KAUPPILA, Jari   /   (2011)

90th Annual Meeting of TRB, ETATS-UNIS, 15p

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Evaluation de la performance des réseaux de transport de surface

SCEMAMA, G ; BHOURI, N   /   (2011)

Congrès international ATEC - ITS, FRANCE, 29p

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Collaborative agents for modeling traffic regulation systems

BHOURI, Neila ; BALBO, Flavien ; PINSON, S ; TLIG, Mohamed   /   (2011)

The 2011 IEEE, WIC, ACM International Conferences on web intelligence and intelligent agent technology, FRANCE, pp 7-13

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Towards Urban Traffic Regulation using a Multi-Agent System

BHOURI, Neila ; BALBO, Flavien ; PINSON, Suzanne   /   (2011)

PAAMS11, 9th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, ESPAGNE, pp 179-188

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Managing Highways for Better Reliability - Assessing Reliability Benefits of Ramp Metering

BHOURI, N ; KAUPPILA, J   /   (2011)

TRB : Transportation research record, 2229, pp 1-7, doi: 10.3141/2229-01

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A Multi-Agent System to Urban Traffic and Buses Regularity Control

TLIG, M ; BHOURI, N   /   (2011)

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, pp 896-905, volume 20

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A Multi-Agent System to Regulate Bimodal Urban Traffic

BHOURI, N ; BALBO, F ; PINSON, S ; -, - ; -, - ; -, - ; -, - ; -, - ; -, - ; -, -   /   (2010)

13ème international IEEE conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, ITSC, 19-22 Sept. 2010, Funchal, Portugal, 1575-1581

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Les systèmes de priorité aux feux pour les tramways. In: Innovations dans les transports guidés urbains et régionaux

BHOURI, N   /   (2010)

Hermès Science Publications - Lavoisier, p238-244

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CLAIRE-SITI : Système Intelligent référentiel pour le Transport Intermodal de voyageurs

SCEMAMA, G ; BHOURI, N   /   (2010)

ISTLS, Systèmes et Logiciels pour les NTIC dans les transports , 2 avril 2010, Sousse, Tunisie, 

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A Multi-Agent System to Regulate Urban Traffic: Private Vehicles and Public Transport

BHOURI, N ; HACIANE, S ; BALBO, F ; -, - ; -, - ; -, - ; -, - ; -, - ; -, - ; -, -   /   (2010)

ITSC 10, 13th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 19-22 September 2010, Madeira Island, Portugal, 

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Régulation du trafic urbain avec priorité aux transports en commun à l'aide d'un système multi-agents

HACIANE, S ; BHOURI, N   /   (2010)

MOSIM'10, 8ème Conférence Internationale de MOdélisation et SIMulation, TUNISIE, 9p

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Isolated VS coordinated ramp metering strategies: Field evaluation results in France

HAJ SALEM, Habib ; MAMMAR, Said ; BHOURI, Neila   /   (2009)

EWGT2009, 13th Meeting of the Euro Working Group on Transportation, ITALIE, 8p

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Constrained optimal control strategy for multimodal urban traffic network

BHOURI, Neila   /   (2009)

CAO'09 - IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization, FINLANDE, 7p

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A multimodal traffic responsive strategy using particle swarm optimization

KACHROUDI, Sofiane ; BHOURI, Neila   /   (2009)

12th IFAC Symposium on Transportation Systems, ETATS-UNIS, pp 531-537

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Improving Travel Time Reliability Using Ramp Metering: Field Assessment results on A6W Motorway in Paris

BHOURI, Neila ; HAJ SALEM, Habib   /   (2009)

12th IFAC Symposium on Transportation Systems, ETATS-UNIS, pp 627-632

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Commande prédictive à base de modèle pour le trafic urbain bi-modal

BHOURI, N ; TOUAZI, D   /   (2009)

e-STA, Sciences et Technologies de l'Automatique, 6, 2, 8p

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Fiabilité des réseaux de transport de surface

BHOURI, N   /   (2009)

ATEC-ITS, 23 janvier 2009, Paris, France, 

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Commande prédictive à base de modèle (MPC) pour le trafic urbain bi-modal

BHOURI, Neila ; TOUAZI, Djilali   /   (2008)

CIFA : Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique, ROUMANIE, 8p

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Modèle de prédiction semi-macroscopique pour les véhicules de transport en commun en milieu urbain


CIFA, Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique, ROUMANIE, 

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A multimodal model for an urban traffic control policy

KACHROUDI, S ; BHOURI, N   /   (2008)

17th IFAC World Congress, COREE, REPUBLIQUE DE, 

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Régulation multimodale du trafic routier et des transports en commun de surface : une classification des méthodes

BHOURI, N ; BOILLOT, F ; VINANT, P ; -, - ; -, - ; -, - ; -, - ; -, - ; -, - ; -, -   /   (2008)

RTS : Recherche transports sécurité, n98, p53-72

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ITS applications in France as a tool for mitigating reliability of surface transport

BHOURI, N   /   (2007)

ITF, Working group on surface transport nerworks : improving their reliability and levels of service, 2-3 novembre 2007, Rotterdam, Pays-Bas, 

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Systèmes intélligents de transport et multimodalité

BHOURI, N   /   (2007)

JPTL 2007 Transport et logistique, 21-22 Novembre 2007, Sousse, Tunisie, 

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Communication interprocessus entre Dynasim et Scilab pour l'évaluation d'une stratégie de régulation du trafic urbain

KACHROUDI, Sofiene ; BHOURI, Neila   /   (2007)

Congrès de l'ATEC, FRANCE, 12p

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Commande optimale du trafic sur un réseau urbain

BHOURI, N   /   (2006)

Séminaire TISIC (traitement de l'information, signal, image, connaissance), 19 septembre 2006, Paris,France, 

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Regulation of the bimodal traffic

FARHI, Nadir ; BHOURI, Neila ; LOTITO, P   /   (2006)

11th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems, PAYS-BAS, 

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Régulation du trafic urbain multimodal avec priorité pour les transports en commun

BHOURI, Neila ; LOTITO, P   /   (2006)

MOSIM'06 - 6ème Conférence Francophone de MOdélisation et SIMulation, Maroc, 10p

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An intermodal traffic control strategy for private vehicle and public transport

BHOURI, Neila ; LOTITO, Pablo   /   (2005)


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A model for the traffic equilibrium assignment in a multimodal transportation network

BHOURI, N ; LEBACQUE, JP   /   (2003)

5th EURO/INFORMS on 'new opportunities for operations research', July 6-10, 2003, Istanbul, Turkey, 7p

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Intermodality in urban management systems: State of the art

BHOURI, N ; SCEMAMA, G   /   (2002)

Faculty of Engineering9th meeting of the euro working group on transportation 'intermodality, sustainability and intelligent transportation systems', June 10-13, 2002, Bari, Italy, 6p

Plus d'infos

Intermodalité : bilan et perspective des systèmes informatiques

BHOURI, N ; SCEMAMA, G   /   (2002)

Presses de l'Ecole Nationale des Ponts et ChausséesNouveaux enjeux : le transport doit s'adapter. Congrès international francophone ATEX, 23 et 24 janvier 2002, Paris, France, p218-30

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Intermodalité : bilan et perspectives de systèmes informatiques

BHOURI, Neila   /   (2002)

Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et Leur Sécurité - INRETS, 93P

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L'opportunité d'informations mutuelles VP et TC. Synopsis du projet SITP-VP

SCEMAMA, G ; BHOURI, N   /   (2001)

Journée de valorisation du groupe 4.5 NSU. Predit 27 janvier 2001, La défense, Paris, France, 4p

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ARNAR : recherche du plus court chemin avec contrainte sur un réseau de voies aériennes

BHOURI, N ; FONDACCI, R   /   (1994)


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Proceedings of the second meeting of the EURO Group on urban traffic and transportation, 15-17 september 1993, Paris, France

BOILLOT, F ; BHOURI, N ; LEURENT, F   /   (1993)


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Une stratégie de contrôle d'accès autoroutier fondée sur la théorie de l'optimisation

BHOURI, Neila   /   (1991)

3ème Colloque Maghrébin sur les modèles numériques de l'ingénieur, TUNISIE, 6p

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Comparaison entre deux stratégies de contrôle d'accès appliquées au boulevard périphérique de Paris

BHOURI, N   /   (1991)

RTS : Recherche transports sécurité, n29, p25-38

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Comparaison entre deux stratégies de contrôle d'accès appliquées au boulevard périphérique de Paris

BHOURI, Neila   /   (1991)

RTS. Recherche transports sécurité, 29, pp.23-38

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Optimal control of traffic flow on periurban ringways with an application to the Boulevard Périphérique in Paris

BHOURI, Neila ; PAPAGEORGIOU, Markos ; BLOSSEVILLE, Jean Marc   /   (1990)

IFAC, 11th World Congress, ESTONIE, 9p

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Estimation of traffic density on motorways

BHOURI, Neila ; HAJ SALEM, Habib ; PAPAGEORGIOU, Markos ; BLOSSEVILLE, Jean Marc   /   (1989)

IFAC/IFIP/IFORS International Symposium AIPAC'89, FRANCE, 4p

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Modelling and real-time control of traffic flow on the boulevard peripherique in Paris


AFCETCCCT'89, control, computers, communications in transportation, p279-86

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Simulation et visualisation graphique du trafic, cas de Paris


ES International CommunicationsVISUDA 89, conférence internationale et exposition sur l'informatique graphique pour la défense, l'administration et les grands projets, CIP porte maillot, 13-16/6/89, Paris , France, 4p

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Estimation of traffic density on motorways


Traffic engineering control, vol29, n11, p579-83

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