Chargé de recherche, HDR
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14-20 Boulevard Newton$Champs-sur-Marne$77447 Marne-la-Vallée Cedex 2
Bureau: Office: B136
Chargé de recherche, HDR
Senior researcher
Nadir Farhi, HDR en Mathématiques (2018), PhD en Mathématiques appliquées (2008), est chargé de recherche au laboratoire Grettia de l'Université Gustave Eiffel, depuis 2011. Il développe des recherches en modélisation mathématique et physique et en optimisation du fonctionnement des systèmes complexes. Ses domaines d'applications incluent la modélisation, la régulation et la simulation du trafic dans les réseaux de transport et les systèmes de transport intelligents. Il est aussi enseignant à l'Ecole des Ponts ParisTech (responsable d'un cours magistral de 3ème année ingénieur (Bac+5) sur la simulation et régulation du trafic en transport collectif) et à l'Université Gustave Eiffel (responsable d'un cours magistral en Master 2 sur l'apprentissage par renforcement et contrôle optimal, et d'un cours Magistral sur les TIC en transport).
Nadir Farhi, Habilitation in Mathematics (2018), PhD in Applied Mathematics (2008), is a senior researcher at the Grettia laboratory of Gustave Eiffel University since 2011. He develops research in mathematical and physical modeling and in optimization on complex systems. His fields of application include modeling, control and simulation of traffic in transport networks, and intelligent transport systems. He is also Professor at the Ecole des Ponts ParisTech (responsible for a last year engineering course on the Simulation and control of traffic in public transport) and at the Université Gustave Eiffel (responsible for a Master course on Reinforcement learning and optimal control, and for a course on ICT in transport).
Mes dernières références
My latest references
2024 ------------------------------------------
- R Farrando, N Farhi, Z Christoforou, A Urban, Impact of a First-In–First-Out Rule on the Merge of a Metro Line with a Junction, Transportation Research Record 2678 (2), 223-234. 2024.
2023 ------------------------------------------
- N Farhi, A Min-Plus Algebra System Theory for Traffic Networks, Mathematics 11 (19), 4028. 2023.
- S Khozam, N Farhi, Deep Reinforcement Q-Learning for Intelligent Traffic Control in Mass Transit, Sustainability 15 (14), 11051. 2023.
- Z Christoforou, AMP Kalakoni, N Farhi, Neighborhood characteristics encouraging micromobility: An observational study for tourists and local users, Travel Behaviour and Society 32, 100564. 2023.
- F Mouhous, D Aissani, N Farhi, A stochastic risk model for incident occurrences and duration in road networks, Transportmetrica A: transport science 19 (3), 2077469. 2023.
- Romain Ducrocq, Nadir Farhi, Deep reinforcement Q-learning for intelligent traffic signal control with partial detection, International journal of intelligent transportation systems research, 21 (1), Pages 192-206. 2023.
- R Farrando, N Farhi, Z Christoforou, A Urban, Impact of a FIFO rule on the merge of a metro line with a junction. in Transportation Research Board (TRB) Meeting, Washington DC, 2023.
- L Zhao, N Farhi, Y Valero, Z Christoforou, Long short-time memory neural networks for human driving behavior modelling, Transportation research procedia 72, 2589-2596, 2023.
2022 ------------------------------------------
- C Nguyen Van Phu, N Farhi, Estimation of road traffic state at a multi-lanes controlled junction, in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2022.
- H Mahiout, N Farhi, MS Radjef, CN Van Phu, Semi-Decentralized Traffic-Responsive Urban Control,International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research, 1-13, 2022.
- F Mouhous, D Aissani, N Farhi, A stochastic risk model for incident occurrences and duration in road networks, Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 1-33, 2022.
- N Foissaud, C Gioldasis, S Tamura, Z Christoforou, N Farhi, Free-floating e-scooter usage in urban areas: A spatiotemporal analysis, Journal of Transport Geography 100, 103335, 2022.
- AMP Kalakoni, Z Christoforou, N Farhi, A novel methodology for micromobility system assessment using multi-criteria analysis, Case Studies on Transport Policy, 2022.
- L Zhao, N Farhi, Z Christoforou, N Haddadou, Analysis of driver behavior and intervehicular collision: a data-based traffic modeling and simulation approach, Journal of advanced transportation 2022.
2021 ------------------------------------------
- R Ducrocq, N Farhi, Deep Reinforcement Q-Learning for Intelligent Traffic Signal Control with Partial Detection, arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.14337, 2021.
- N Farhi, A discrete-event model of the train traffic on a linear metro line, in Applied Mathematical Modelling 96, 523-544, 2021.
- L Zhao, N Farhi, Z Christoforou, N Haddadou, Imitation of real lane-change decisions using reinforcement learning, IFAC-PapersOnLine 54 (2), 203-209, 2021.
2020 ------------------------------------------
- Y Valero, A Antonelli, Z Christoforou, N Farhi, B Kabalan, C Gioldasis, N Foissaud, Adaptation and calibration of a social force based model to study interactions between electric scooters and pedestrians, IEEE 23rd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2020.
- R Farrando, N Farhi, Z Christoforou, F Schanzenbächer, Traffic modeling and simulation on a mass transit line with skip-stop policy, IEEE 23rd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2020.
- F Manseur, N Farhi, CN Van Phu, H Haj-Salem, JP Lebacque, Robust routing, its price, and the tradeoff between routing robustness and travel time reliability in road networks, in European Journal of Operational Research 285 (1), 159-171, 2020.
- CN Van Phu, N Farhi, Estimation of urban traffic state with probe vehicles, in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 22 (5), 2797-2808, 2020.
- F Schanzenbächer, N Farhi, F Leurent, G Gabriel, Feedback control for metro lines with a junction, in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 22 (5), 2741-2750, 2020.
- Z Christoforou, N Farhi, Y Valero, Is the car-following model appropriate for the simulation of mixed traffic considering e-scooters? in Transport Research Arena 2020.
2019 ------------------------------------------
- Florian Schanzenbächer, Nadir Farhi, Fabien Leurent, Gérard Gabriel. Comprehensive passenger demand-dependent traffic control on a metro line with a junction and a derivation of the traffic phases. TRB Meeting, Washington D.C. 2019.
2018 ------------------------------------------
- N. Farhi, Dynamic programming systems for modeling and control of the traffic in transportation networks, Habilitation thesis (HDR), Universite Paris Est, 2018.
- F Manseur, N Farhi, CN Van Phu, H Haj-Salem, JP Lebacque, Robust routing, its price, and the tradeoff between routing robustness and travel time reliability in road networks. European Journal of Operational Research. 2018.
- Nadir Farhi, Physical models and control of the train dynamics in a metro line without junction. in IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 2018.
- Souaad Boussoufa-Lahlah, Fouzi Semchedine, Louiza Bouallouche-Medjkoune, Nadir Farhi, PSCAR: a proactive-optimal-path selection with coordinator agents assisted routing for vehicular ad hoc networks. International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking. Volume 11, Numéro 2. 2018.
- Florian Schanzenbacher, Nadir Farhi, Fabien Leurent, Gérard Gabriel. Real-time control of the metro train dynamics with minimization of the train time-headway variance. IEEE ITS Conference. Hawaï, 2018.
- Florian Schanzenbacher, Nadir Farhi, Fabien Leurent, Gérard Gabriel. A discrete event traffic model explaining the traffic phases of the train dynamics on a linear metro line with demand-dependent control. American Control Conference (IEEE). Milwaukee, 2018.
- Florian Schanzenbächer, Nadir Farhi, Zoi Christoforou, Fabien Leurent, Gérard Gabriel. Demand-dependent and supply control on a linear metro line of the RATP network. International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport. TUM Munich, 2018.
2017 ------------------------------------------
- Nacira Guerouahane, Djamil Aissani, Nadir Farhi, Louiza Bouallouche-Medjkoune. M/G/c/c state dependent queuing model for a road traffic system of two sections in tandem. Computers & Operations Research. Volume 87, Pages 98-106, 2017. - Nacira Guerrouahane, Djamil Aissani, Louiza Bouallouche-Medjkoune, Nadir Farhi, M/g/c/c State Dependent Queueing Model for Road Traffic Simulation. Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, Volume 11, Numéro 1, pages: 59-68, 2017. - Farida Manseur, Nadir Farhi, Habib Haj Salem, Jean Patrick Lebacque, An Algorithm for Robust Routing Strategies in Networks. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Volume 5, pages: 8-20. 2017.
- Florian Schanzenbächer, Nadir Farhi, Zoi Christoforou, Fabien Leurent, Gérard Gabriel. A discrete event traffic model explaining the traffic phases of the train dynamics in a metro line with a junction. In IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Melbourne, 2017.
- Nadir Farhi, Cyril Nguyen Van Phu, Habib Haj-Salem, Jean-Patrick Lebacque. Traffic modeling and real-time control for metro lines. Part I-A max-plus algebra model explaining the traffic phases of the train dynamics. In American Control Conference (IEEE), Seattle, 2017.
- Nadir Farhi, Cyril Nguyen Van Phu, Habib Haj-Salem, Jean-Patrick Lebacque. Traffic modeling and real-time control for metro lines. Part II-The effect of passenger demand on the traffic phases. In American Control Conferene (IEEE), Seattle, 2017.
- Cyril Nguyen Van Phu, Nadir Farhi, Habib Haj-Salem, Jean-Patrick Lebacque. A vehicle-to-infrastructure communication based algorithm for urban traffic control. In IEEE Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems, Naples, 2017.
- Farida Manseur, Nadir Farhi, Habib Haj-Salem, Jean-Patrick Lebacque, Robust adaptive strategies for the guidance of users in road networks. In European Working Group in Transportation (EWGT) and in Transportation research procedia. Volume 22, pages: 645-654. 2017.
2016 ------------------------------------------
- Zoi Christoforou, Etienne Corbille, Nadir Farhi, Fabien Leurent. Managing planned disruptions of mass transit systems. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, N. 2541, pages: 46-45. 2016. - Zoi Christoforou, Etienne Corbille, Nadir Farhi, Fabien Leurent. Managing planned disruptions of mass transit systems. In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 2016.
- Florian Schanzenbacher, Rémy Chevrier, Nadir Farhi. Fluidification du trafic Transilien: approche prédictive et optimisation quadratique. Conférence ROADEF (Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision), 2016. - N Farhi, C Nguyen Van Phu, H Haj-Salem, JP Lebacque. Traffic modeling and real-time control for metro lines. arXiv report 1604.04593. 2016.
2015 ------------------------------------------
- N Farhi, CN Van Phu, M Amir, H Haj-Salem, JP Lebacque. A semi-decentralized control strategy for urban traffic. EWGT (Euro Working Group on Transportation), Delft, 2015. And in Transportation Research Procedia, Volume 10, pages: 41-50. 2015.
- N Guerrouahane, N Farhi, D Aissani, L Bouallouche-Medjkoune, A queuing model for road traffic simulation. AIP Conference Proceedings 1648 (1), 530012. 2015.
- H Haj Salem, N Farhi, JP Lebacque. Application of multi-objective nonlinear optimization technique for coordinated ramp-metering AIP Conference Proceedings 1648 (1), 530010. 2015.
- N Farhi, H Haj-Salem, JP Lebacque. On the robust guidance of users in road traffic networks. AIP Conference Proceedings 1648 (1), 530004. 2015.
- N Farhi, X Louis, JP Lebacque. Preface of the “Symposium on modeling, simulation and optimization of transportation networks”. AIP Conference Proceedings 1648 (1), 530001. 2015.
2014 ------------------------------------------
- Bhouri, Nadir Farhi. Towards efficient and reliable transportation systems. Transportation research Part C, Emerging technologies, Volume 41, Numéro 1, pages: 1-2. 2014.
- Nadir Farhi, Habib Haj-Salem, Jean-Patrick Lebacque. Algebraic Approach for Performance Bound Calculus on Transportation Networks (Road Network Calculus)Transportation Research Record, Volume 2334. 2014.
- N Farhi, H Haj-Salem, JP Lebacque. Upper bounds for the travel time on traffic systems. EWGT (Euro Working Group on Transportation), Sevilla, 2014. in Transportation Research Procedia, Volume 3, pages: 349-358. 2014.
- H Haj-Salem, N Farhi, J Lebacque. Combining Ramp Metering and Hard Shoulder Strategies: Field Evaluation Results on the Ile the France Motorway Network. EWGT (Euro Working Group on Transportation), Sevilla, 2014. in Transportation Research Procedia, Volume 3, pages: 1002-1010. 2014.
- N Farhi, H Haj-Salem, JP Lebacque. An algebraic approach for modeling and simulation of road traffic networks. COSI (Colloque sur l'Optimisation et les Systèmes d'Information), Bejaia, 2014.
2013 ------------------------------------------
- Nadir Farhi, Habib Haj-Salem, Jean-Patrick Lebacque. Multi-Anticipative Piecewise Linear Car-Following Model. Transportation Research Record, Volume 2315. 2013.
- N Farhi, H Haj-Salem, M Khoshyaran, JP Lebacque, F Salvarani, F. De Vuyst. The Logit lane assignment model: first results. TRB (Transportation Research Board) Meeting, Whashington DC, 2013.
- Habib Haj Salem, Nadir Farhi, Jean Patrick Lebacque. Risk index model building: application for field ramp metering safety evaluation on urban motorway traffic in Paris. Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Volume 13, Numéro 4, pages: 33-41. 2013.
- N Farhi, H Haj-Salem, JP Lebacque. Algebraic Approach for Performance Bound Calculus on Transportation Networks (Road Network Calculus). TRB (Transportation Research Board) Meeting, Washington DC, 2013.
2012 ------------------------------------------
- Nadir Farhi. Piecewise linear car-following modeling. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Volume 25, pages: 100-112. 2012.
- A Bouillard, N Farhi, B Gaujal. Packetization and packet curves in network calculus. Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (VALUETOOLS), 2012.
- V Aguiléra, N Bhouri, N Farhi, F Leurent, R Seidowsky. Preface of the Proceedings of EWGT2012-15th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation, Paris, France. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 54, 4 October. Elsevier. 2012.
- N Farhi, H Haj-Salem, JP Lebacque. Multi-Anticipative Piecewise Linear Car-Following Model. TRB (Transportation Research Board) Meeting, Washington DC, 2012.
- Vincent Aguillera, Neila Bhouri, Nadir Farhi, Fabien Leurent et Regine Seidowsky. Proceedings of the Euro Working Group on Transportation. In Transportation Research Procedia. Volume 54, Pages 1-1396, October, 2012.
2011 ------------------------------------------
- Nadir Farhi, Maurice Goursat, J-P Quadrat.Piecewise linear concave dynamical systems appearing in the microscopic traffic modeling.Linear Algebra and its Applications, Volume 435, numéro 7, pages: 1711-1735. 2011.
- Nadir Farhi, Maurice Goursat, J-P Quadrat. The traffic phases of road networks. Transportation Research part C: emerging technologies, volume 19, numéro 1, pages: 85-102. 2011.
- Jean-Patrick Lebacque, Maurice Aron, Vincent Aguillera et Nadir Farhi. Actes Ifsttar du séminaire Modélisation des réseaux de transport. Les collections de l'INRETS, 2011.
2010 ------------------------------------------
- Jean-Patrick Lebacque, Maurice Aron, Vincent Aguillera et Nadir Farhi. Actes Ifsttar du séminaire Modélisation des réseaux de transport. Les collections de l'INRETS, 2010.
- Alain Bensoussan and Nadir Farhi. Uncertainties and risks in water resource management. In The economics of sustainable development, Economica, pp. 163-179, 2010.
2009 ------------------------------------------
- N Farhi. A class of periodic minplus homogeneous dynamical systems. Contemporary Mathematics 14, 159, 2009. 2009.
- N Farhi. Modeling and control of elementary 2D-Traffic systems using Petri nets and minplus algebra. CDC (Conference on Decision and Control), & CCC (Chinese Control Conference), Shanghai, 2009.
- N Farhi. Solving the additive eigenvalue problem associated to a dynamics of a 2D-traffic system. arXiv preprint arXiv:0904.0628. 2009
2008 ------------------------------------------
- N. Farhi. Modélisation Minplus et commande du trafic de villes régulières. PhD thesis. Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne. 2008.
- Jean-Patrick Lebacque, Maurice Aron, Vincent Aguillera et Nadir Farhi. Actes Ifsttar du séminaire Modélisation des réseaux de transport. Les collections de l'INRETS, 2008.
2007 ------------------------------------------
- N Farhi, M Goursat, JP Quadrat. Road Traffic Models using Petri Nets and Minplus Algebra. TGF (Traffic and Granular Flow) Orsay, pp. 281-286, 2007. 2007.
- N Farhi, M Goursat, JP Quadrat. Degree one homogeneous minplus dynamic systems and traffic applications: Part I - IDEMPOTENT AND TROPICAL MATHEMATICS AND PROBLEMS OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, 33, Moscow, 2007.
- N Farhi, M Goursat, JP Quadrat. Degree one homogeneous minplus dynamic systems and traffic applications: Part II - IDEMPOTENT AND TROPICAL MATHEMATICS AND PROBLEMS OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, 33, Moscow, 2007.
- N Farhi, M Goursat, JP Quadrat. Fundamental traffic diagrams of elementary road networks. ECC (European Control Conference), Kos, pp. 4944-4951, 2007.
2006 ------------------------------------------
- N Farhi, N Bhouri, P Lotito. Regulation of the bimodal traffic. IFAC CTS (Control in Transportation Systems), 11 (1), 233-238, Delft, 2006.
2005 ------------------------------------------
- N Farhi, M Goursat, JP Quadrat. Derivation of the fundamental traffic diagram for two circular roads and a crossing using minplus algebra and Petri net modeling. CDC (Conference on Decision and Control) & ECC (European Control Conference) (IEEE), Sevilla, 2005.
- Nadir Farhi, Maurice Goursat and Jean-Pierre Quadrat. Dérivation du diagramme fondamental du trafic pour un système de deux routes avec un carrefour en commun. Actes du séminaire "Modèles de trafic", INRETS, 2005.
2004 ------------------------------------------
- N Farhi, JP Quadrat. Résolution numérique de problèmes de commande optimale de chaînes de Markov observées imparfaitement. INRIA Research Report. 2004.