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Mohamed GHAZEL

Directeur du Laboratoire ESTAS - Campus de Lille

CFR / COSYS - Département Composants et Systèmes

ESTAS - Évaluation des Systèmes de Transports Automatisés et de leur Sécurité

Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex

Bâtiment: Building: G

Bureau: Office: 105

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Mohamed GHAZEL

Directeur du Laboratoire ESTAS - Campus de Lille

CFR / COSYS - Département Composants et Systèmes

ESTAS - Évaluation des Systèmes de Transports Automatisés et de leur Sécurité

Directeur de recherche - Sécurité et interopérabilité des transports guidés

Directeur de recherche - Safety and interoperability of guided transportation systems

Mes dernières références

My latest references

Quelques publications

Some publications

Ci Liang, Mohamed Ghazel, Chi Xie, Wei Zheng, Wei Chen
A Dynamic Synchronous Interactive Functional Validation Approach for Electric Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 2024, pp.1-14
Amira Chouchane, Mohamed Ghazel
An Efficient Algorithm for K -Diagnosability Analysis of Bounded and Unbounded Petri Nets. WODES'2024 - 17th IFAC Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, Apr 2024, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Amira Chouchane, Mohamed Ghazel
Fault-prognosability, K-step prognosis and K-step predictive diagnosis in partially observed petri nets by means of algebraic techniques. Automatica, 2024, 162, pp.111513
Fateh Boudardara, Abderraouf Boussif, Pierre-Jean Meyer, Mohamed Ghazel
Monitoring of Neural Network Classifiers using Neuron Activation Paths. International Conference on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems (VECoS), Oct 2024, Djerba, Tunisia, Tunisia
Ci Liang, Mohamed Ghazel, Yusheng Ci, Wei Zheng
Analyzing Rear-End Collision Risk Relevant to Autonomous Vehicles by Using a Humanlike Brake Model. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 2024, 150 (7), 8 p
Florent Peres, Mohamed Ghazel
A proven translation from a UML state machine subset to timed automata. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), 2023
Ci Liang, Mohamed Ghazel
Accident Prediction Modeling Approaches for European Railway Level Crossing Safety. New Research on Railway Engineering and Transport [Working Title], IntechOpen, 2023
Marrone, F. Flammini, B. Janssen, R. Saddem-Yagoubi, Julie Beugin, et al.. Deliverable D2.2-Moving Block Specification Development. Consorzio interuniversitario nazionale per l’informatica. 2023
Ouail Himrane, Julie Beugin, Mohamed Ghazel
Implementation of a Model-Oriented Approach for Supporting Safe Integration of GNSS-Based Virtual Balises in ERTMS/ETCS Level 3. IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023
Ci Liang, Mohamed Ghazel, Yusheng Ci, Nour-Eddin El Faouzi, Rui Wang, et al.
Rear-End Collision Risk Analysis for Autonomous Driving. Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security. SAFECOMP 2023 Workshops, 14182, Springer Nature Switzerland, pp.271-282, 2023, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Fateh Boudardara, Abderraouf Boussif, Mohamed Ghazel
A Sound Abstraction Method Towards Efficient Neural Networks Verification. Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems: 16th International Conference, VECoS 2023, Oct 2023, Marrakech, Morocco. pp.76-89
Fateh Boudardara, Abderraouf Boussif, Pierre-Jean Meyer, Mohamed Ghazel
INNAbstract: An INN-Based Abstraction Method for Large-Scale Neural Network Verification. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2023, pp.1-15
Amira Chouchane, Mohamed Ghazel, Abderraouf Boussif
K-diagnosability analysis of bounded and unbounded Petri nets using linear optimization. Automatica, 2023, 147, pp1-13
Quaglietta, N. Versluis, Julie Beugin, Mohamed Ghazel, D. Kirkwood. Deliverable D1.2-Best Practices, Recommendations and Standardisation to Definition of the Railway Minimum Operations Performance Standards. Delft University of Technology. 2023
Fateh Boudardara, Abderraouf Boussif, Pierre-Jean Meyer, Mohamed Ghazel
A review of abstraction methods towards verifying neural networks. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), 2023, 23 (4), pp.1-19
Silvia Siri, Cecilia Pasquale, Neila Bhouri, Bart de Schutter, Mohamed Ghazel, et al.
Guest Editorial: Innovative control approaches for smart transportation systems. Control Engineering Practice, 137, pp.105564, 2023
Saddem-Yagoubi, Julie Beugin, Mohamed Ghazel, S. Marrone, B. Janssen, et al.. Deliverable D2.3-Moving Block Verification and Validation. Université Gustave Eiffel. 2023
Samra, Julie Beugin, Mohamed Ghazel, S. Marrone, V. Vittorini, et al.. Deliverable D1.1-Baseline System Specification and Definition for Moving Block Systems. University of Birmingham. 2022
Fateh Boudardara, Abderraouf Boussif, Pierre-Jean Meyer, Mohamed Ghazel
Deep Neural Networks Abstraction using An Interval Weights Based Approach. Days, Oct 2022, Saclay (92), France
Rim Saddem-Yagoubi, Muhammad Usman Sanwal, Simone Libutti, Massimo Benerecetti, Julie Beugin, et al.
Toward Usable Formal Models for Safety and Performance Evaluation of ERTMS/ETCS Level 3: The PERFORMINGRAIL Project. ESREL 2022, 32nd European Safety and Reliability Conference, Aug 2022, Dublin, France. 8p
Rim Saddem-Yagoubi, Julie Beugin, Mohamed Ghazel
Verification Framework for Moving Block System Safety: application on the Loss of Train Integrity Use Case. TRISTAN XI, 11th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis conference, Jun 2022, Balaclava, France. 5p
Rim Saddem-Yagoubi, Julie Beugin, Mohamed Ghazel
A Formal Modelling Framework for Moving Block Systems in the PERFORMINGRAIL project. RAILWAYS 2022, 5th International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance, Aug 2022, Montpellier, France. pp.5P
Fateh Boudardara, Abderraouf Boussif, Mohamed Ghazel, Pierre-Jean Meyer
Deep Neural Networks Abstraction using An Interval Weights Based Approach. Days 2022, Oct 2022, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Insaf Sassi, Mohamed Ghazel, El Miloudi El Koursi
Statistical Model Checking for On-board Train Integrity Safety and Performance Analysis. European Conference on Safety and Reliability (ESREL2022), Aug 2022, Dublin, France. 8p
Fateh Boudardara, Abderraouf Boussif, Pierre-Jean Meyer, Mohamed Ghazel
Interval Weight-Based Abstraction for Neural Network Verification. International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security, Sep 2022, Munich, Germany. pp.330-342
Rim Saddem-Yagoubi, Julie Beugin, Mohamed Ghazel
Methodology Framework for Modelling ETCS-L3 Moving Block System. TRA 2022, Transport Research Arena, Nov 2022, Lisbon, Portugal. 6p
Siddhartha Verma, Mohamed Ghazel, Marion Berbineau
Safety and Performance analysis of virtually coupled train sets. 3rd SmartRaCon Workshop, Sep 2021, Virtual conference, Germany
Insaf Sassi, Mohamed Ghazel, El-Miloudi El-Koursi
Formal modeling of a new On-board Train integrity System ETCS Compliant. 31st European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2021), Sep 2021, Angers, France. 9p
Abderraouf Boussif, Mohamed Ghazel
Tuning the Diagnoser-based Approach for Diagnosability Analysis of Finite Automata. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 2021, 19 (8), pp2842-2858
Siddhartha Verma, Mohamed Ghazel, Marion Berbineau
Model-based dependability evaluation of a Wireless Communication System in a Virtually Coupled Train Set. CTS 2021, 16th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems, Jun 2021, Lille, France. pp179-186
Abderraouf Boussif, Mohamed Ghazel, Kais Klai
A semi-symbolic diagnoser for fault diagnosis of bounded labeled petri nets. Asian Journal of Control, 2021, 23 (2), pp648-660
Mohamed Ghazel
IFAC CTS'2021, 16th IFAC Symposium On Control in Transportation Systems CTS, Lille, France, 8-10 juin 2021, Proceedings. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 54 (2), pp1-360, 2021
Seceleanu, F. Flammini, S. Marrone, F. Mogavero, R. Nardone, et al.. Deliverable D2.1-Modelling guidelines and Moving Block Use Cases characterization. Mälardalen University. 2021
Ouail Himrane, Julie Beugin, Mohamed Ghazel
Toward Formal Safety and Performance Evaluation of GNSS-based Railway Localisation Function. CTS 2021, 16th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems, Jun 2021, Lille (virtual), France. pp159-166
Parinaz Bazeghi Kisomi, Francis Bedel, Mohamed Ghazel
Système d'aide à la conduite automobile aux passages à niveau. Revue Générale des Chemins de Fer (RGCF), 2020, 306, pp78-86
Ouail Himrane, Julie Beugin, Mohamed Ghazel
Proposition d'une approche orientée modèles pour évaluer la sécurité des systèmes de signalisation ferroviaire utilisant les GNSS. Congrès Lambda Mu 22 « Les risques au cœur des transitions » (e-congrès) - 22e Congrès de Maîtrise des Risques et de Sûreté de Fonctionnement, Institut pour la Maîtrise des Risques, Oct 2020, Le Havre (e-congrès), France
Ouail Himrane, Julie Beugin, Mohamed Ghazel
Proposition d'une approche orientée modèles pour évaluer la sécurité des systèmes de signalisation ferroviaire utilisant les GNSS. Lambda Mu 22, 22e Congrès de maîtrise des risques et de sûreté de fonctionnement. Les risques au coeur des transitions (e-congrès), Nov 2020, Virtuel, France. pp687-696
Abderraouf Boussif, Mohamed Ghazel, João Carlos Basilio
Intermittent fault diagnosability of discrete event systems: an overview of automaton-based approaches. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 2020, 30 (3), 44p
Ci Liang, Mohamed Ghazel, Olivier Cazier, Laurent Bouillaut
Advanced model-based risk reasoning on automatic railway level crossings. Safety science, 2020, 124, pp1-11
Ouail Himrane, Julie Beugin, Mohamed Ghazel
Towards a Model-Based Safety Assessment of Railway Operation Using GNSS Localization. ESREL 2020 PSAM 15, 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and the 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference, Nov 2020, Venise, Italy. 8p
Insaf Sassi, Mohamed Ghazel, El Miloudi El Koursi
Formalising the Specifications of Onboard Train Integrity System for Verification Purposes. 2nd SmartRaCon Workshop, Jun 2020, San Sebastian, Spain
Abderraouf Boussif, Mohamed Ghazel
Diagnosability Analysis of Intermittent Faults in Discrete Event Systems Using a Twin-plant Structure. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 2019, 18 (3), pp682-695
Abderraouf Boussif, Mohamed Ghazel
Model-Based Monitoring of a Train Passenger Access System. IEEE Access, 2018, 6 (1), pp41619-41632
Francesco Basile, Gianmaria de Tommasi, Claudio Sterle, Abderraouf Boussif, Mohamed Ghazel
Efficient diagnosability assessment via ILP optimization: a railway benchmark. IEEE ETFA 2018, 23rd International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Sep 2018, Torino, Italy. 8p
Ci Liang, Mohamed Ghazel, Olivier Cazier
Using Bayesian Networks for the Purpose of Risk Analysis at Railway Level Crossings. CTS 2018, 15th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems, Jun 2018, Savona, Italy. 8p
Abderraouf Boussif, Mohamed Ghazel
A Diagnosis Study on a Train Passenger Access System using Petri Net Models. CTS 2018, 15th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems, Jun 2018, Savona, Italy. 6p
Baisi Liu, Mohamed Ghazel, Armand Toguyeni
On-the-Fly and Incremental Technique for Fault Diagnosis of Discrete Event Systems Modeled by Labeled Petri Nets. Asian Journal of Control, 2018, 20 (1), 13p
Ci Liang, Mohamed Ghazel, Olivier Cazier, El Miloudi El Koursi
Analyzing risky behavior of motorists during the closure cycle of railway level crossings. Safety science, 2018, 110, pp115-126
El Miloudi El Koursi, Virginie Deniau, Sébastien Ambellouis, Mohamed Ghazel, Christophe Gransart, et al.
Quels axes pour la sûreté dans les transports terrestres collectifs?. Congrès Lambda Mu 21 « Maîtrise des risques et transformation numérique : opportunités et menaces », Oct 2018, Reims, France
Abderraouf Boussif, Mohamed Ghazel, Kais Klai
Fault diagnosis of discrete-event systems based on the symbolic observation graph. International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems (IJCCBS), 2018, 8 (2), pp141-168
Olivier Cazier, Ci Liang, Mohamed Ghazel
Le projet MORIPAN « Modèle de Risque au Passage à Niveau ». Revue Générale des Chemins de Fer (RGCF), 2018, 281, 9p
Ci Liang, Mohamed Ghazel, Olivier Cazier, Laurent Bouillaut, El Miloudi El Koursi
Bayesian Network Modeling Applied on Railway Level Crossing Safety. RSSRail 2017 - 2nd International Conference Reliability, Safety and Security of Railway Systems: Modelling, Analysis, Verification and Certification, Nov 2017, Pistoia, Italy. 15p
Ci Liang, Mohamed Ghazel, Olivier Cazier, El Miloudi El Koursi
Developing accident prediction model for railway level crossings. Safety science, 2017, 101, pp48-59
Abderraouf Boussif, Mohamed Ghazel
A Diagnoser-Based Approach for Intermittent Fault Diagnosis of Discrete-Event Systems. ACC - 2017 American Control Conference, May 2017, Seattle, United States. pp 3860-3867
Abderraouf Boussif, Mohamed Ghazel
An Experimental Comparison of Two Approaches for Diagnosability Analysis of Discrete Event Systems - A Railway Case-Study. VECOS 2017 - 11th International Conference on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems, Aug 2017, Montreal, Canada. pp 92-107
Cyril Legrand, Laurent Cebulski, Joffrey Clarhaut, Mohamed Ghazel, Laurent Cauffriez, et al.
Performance Evaluation Model of Railway Operators Safety Management Systems. IRSC 2017, 27th International Railway Safety Council 2017, Oct 2017, Hong Kong, China
Baisi Liu, Mohamed Ghazel, Jonathan Paragreen, Rahi Rahbari
A survey of lubrication techniques of railway switches and crossings. Railway Engineering-2017, Jun 2017, Edinburgh, France. 11p
Abderraouf Boussif, Mohamed Ghazel, Kais Klai
DPN-SOG: A Software Tool for Fault Diagnosis of Labeled Petri Nets Using the Semi-Symbolic Diagnoser. 11ème Colloque sur la Modélisation des Systèmes Réactifs (MSR 2017), Nov 2017, Marseille, France
Abderraouf Boussif, Mohamed Ghazel
Diagnosticabilité des Systèmes à Évènements Discrets: Une Nouvelle Variante de l'Approche Diagnostiqueur. MSR 2017 - 11ème Colloque sur la Modélisation des Systèmes Réactifs, Nov 2017, Marseille, France. 15p
Abderraouf Boussif, Mohamed Ghazel
Diagnosability Analysis of Input/Output Discrete-Event Systems Using Model-Checking. 5th IFAC International Workshop on Dependable Control of Discrete Systems : DCDS 2015, May 2017, Cancun, Mexico. pp.71-78
Ci Liang, Mohamed Ghazel
A risk assessment study on accidents at French level crossings using Bayesian belief networks. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, 2017, 15p
Abderraouf Boussif, Mohamed Ghazel
DIAG-IPF: A Software Tool for Fault Diagnosis of Discrete Event Systems. 11ème Colloque sur la Modélisation des Systèmes Réactifs (MSR 2017), Nov 2017, Marseille, France
Mohamed Ghazel
A Control Scheme for Automatic Level Crossings under the ERTMS/ETCS Level 2/3 Operation. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2017, 18 (10), 13p
Abderraouf Boussif, Baisi Liu, Mohamed Ghazel
An Experimental Comparison of Three Diagnosis Techniques for Discrete Event Systems. DX'17 - 28th International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis, Sep 2017, Brescia, Italy. p8
Ci Liang, Mohamed Ghazel, Olivier Cazier, El Miloudi El Koursi
A new insight on the risky behavior of motorists at railway level crossings: An observational field study. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2017, 108, pp.181-188
Ci Liang, Mohamed Ghazel, El Miloudi El Koursi, Olivier Cazier
Statistical Analysis of Collisions at French Level Crossings. The Third International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance, Apr 2016, Cagliari, Italy. 15p
Mohamed Ghazel, Baisi Liu
A Customizable Railway Benchmark to Deal with Fault Diagnosis Issues in DES. 13th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES 2016), May 2016, Xi'An, China. p177-182
Florent Peres, Mohamed Ghazel
A µ calculus formulation of the diagnosability of discrete event systems. International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems, 2016, 6 (4), 27p
Zakaryae Boudi, El Miloudi El Koursi, Mohamed Ghazel
The New Challenges of Rail Security. Journal of Traffic and Logistics Engineering, 2016, 5p
Baisi Liu, Mohamed Ghazel
Petri net diagnosability analyzer. 11th International Design and Test Symposium - IDT 2016, Dec 2016, Hammamet, Tunisia. 6p
Abderraouf Boussif, Baisi Liu, Mohamed Ghazel
A Twin-Plant Based Approach for Diagnosability Analysis of Intermittent Failure. 13th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES 2016), May 2016, Xi'An, China. p237-244
Ci Liang, Mohamed Ghazel, Olivier Cazier, El Miloudi El Koursi
Risk analysis on level crossings using a causal Bayesian network based approach. WCTR 2016 - World Conference on Transport Research, Jul 2016, Shanghai, China. pp2167-2181
Abderraouf Boussif, Mohamed Ghazel
Using Model-Checking Techniques for Diagnosability Analysis of Intermittent Faults-A Railway Case-Study.. VECOS 2016 - 10th International Workshop on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems, Oct 2016, Tunis, Tunisia. 11p
Abderraouf Boussif, Mohamed Ghazel
Intermittent Fault Diagnosis of Industrial Systems in a Model-Checking Framework. ICPHM - 2016 IEEE International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management, Jun 2016, Ottawa, Canada. 6p
Baisi Liu, Mohamed Ghazel, Armand Toguyeni
Model-Based Diagnosis of Multi-Track Level Crossing Plants. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2016, 17 (2), p546 - 556
Mohamed Ghazel, Jing Yang, El Miloudi El Koursi
A pattern-based method for refining and formalizing informal specifications in critical control systems. Journal of Innovation in Digital Ecosystems, 2015, 2 (1-2), p32-44
Abderraouf Boussif, Mohamed Ghazel, Kais Klai
Combining Enumerative and Symbolic Techniques for Diagnosis of Discrete-Event Systems. VECOS 2015 - 9th Workshop on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems, Sep 2015, Bucarest, Romania. 11p
Abderraouf Boussif, Mohamed Ghazel
Diagnosability Analysis of Input/Output Discrete-Event Systems Using Model-Checking. 5th IFAC Workshop on Dependable Control of Discrete Systems, May 2015, Cancun, Mexico. 8p
Abderraouf Boussif, Mohamed Ghazel
Une Approche par Décomposition de Modèles pour l'Analyse de la Diagnosticabilité des SEDs par Model-Checking. Modélisation des Systèmes Réactifs (MSR 2015), Nov 2015, Nancy, France
Mohamed Ghazel, El Miloudi El Koursi
Two-Half-Barrier Level Crossings Versus Four-Half-Barrier Level Crossings: A Comparative Risk Analysis Study. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2014, 11p
Baisi Liu, Mohamed Ghazel, Armand Toguyeni
Toward an Efficient Approach for Diagnosability Analysis of DES modeled by Labeled Petri Nets. 13th European Control Conference - ECC'2014, Jun 2014, France. 6p
Baisi Liu, Mohamed Ghazel, Armand Toguyeni
Diagnosis of Labeled Time Petri Nets Using Time Interval Splitting. IFAC World congress - 19th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, Aug 2014, South Africa. 6p
Baisi Liu, Mohamed Ghazel, Armand Toguyéni
Toward an efficient approach for diagnosability analysis of DES modeled by labeled Petri nets. 2014 European Control Conference (ECC), Jun 2014, Strasbourg, France
Florent Peres, Mohamed Ghazel
An Operative Formulation of the Diagnosability of Discrete Event Systems Using a Single Logical Framework. VECOS 2014 - 8th International Workshop on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems, Sep 2014, Bejaia, France. 12p
Baisi Liu, Mohamed Ghazel, Armand Toguyeni
OF-PENDA: A Software Tool for Fault Diagnosis of Discrete Event Systems Modeled by Labeled Petri Nets. International Workshop Petri Nets for Adaptive Discrete-Event Control Systems, Jun 2014, Tunisia. 16p
Baisi Liu, Mohamed Ghazel, Armand Toguyéni
Diagnosis of Labeled Time Petri Nets Using Time Interval Splitting. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2014, 47 (3), pp.1784 - 1789
Mohamed Ghazel
Formalizing a subset of ERTMS/ETCS specifications for verification purposes. Transportation research. Part C, Emerging technologies, 2014, 42, p60-75
Patrick Sondi, Marion Berbineau, Mohamed Kassab, Martine Wahl, Christophe Gransart, et al.
Virtual lab based on co-simulation to include impairments of wireless telecommunication such as GSM-R in the evaluation of ERTMS. TRA - Transport Research Arena, Apr 2014, Paris, France
Jing Yang, Mohamed Ghazel, El Miloudi El Koursi
From Formal Specifications to Efficient Test Scenarios Generation. ICALT, International Conference on Advanced Logistics and Transport, May 2013, Tunisia. 6p
Baisi Liu, Mohamed Ghazel, Armand Toguyeni
Évaluation à la Volée de la Diagnosticabilité des Systèmes à Événements Discrets Temporisés. Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, 2013, 47 (1-3), p227-242
David Gouyon, Dragos Dobre, Florent Peres, Jean-François Pétin, Mohamed Ghazel
Livrable L2.2 - Méthode de spécification d’une architec-ture de commande à base de COTS . [Rapport de recherche] CRAN. 2012
Florent Peres, Jing Yang, Mohamed Ghazel
A Formal Framework for the Formalization of Informal Requirements. The International Journal of Soft Computing and Software Engineering, 2012, 2 (8), p14-27
Khaled Bahloul, François Defossez, Mohamed Ghazel, Simon Collart-Dutilleul
Adding Technological Solutions for Safety Improvement at Level Crossings: a Functional Specification. TRA, Transport Research Arena, Apr 2012, France. 10p
Ahmed Mekki, Mohamed Ghazel, Armand Toguyeni
Validation of a New Functional Design of Automatic Protection Systems at Level Crossings with Model-Checking Techniques. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2012, 3 (2), pp.714-723
Khaled Bahloul, François Defossez, Mohamed Ghazel, Simon Collart-Dutilleul
Adding technological solutions for safety improvement at level crossings: a functional specification. Transport Research Arena Europe 2012, Apr 2012, Athens, Greece. pp.CDROM
Ahmed Mekki, Mohamed Ghazel, Armand Toguyeni
Assisting Temporal Requirement Specification. Computer Technology and Application, 2012, 3 (1), pp.47-55
Baisi Liu, Mohamed Ghazel, Armand Toguyeni
K-diagnosability of labeled Petri nets. 9ème édition de la conférence MAnifestation des JEunes Chercheurs en Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication - MajecSTIC 2012 (2012), Nicolas Gouvy, Oct 2012, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
Mohamed Ghazel, Florent Peres, Atef Belhaj Alaya, Abderrazak Jemai
A DBMS Framework for Diagnosability Analysis of Discrete Event Systems. DSN 2012, 42nd Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, Jun 2012, France. 2p
David Gouyon, Jean-François Pétin, Florent Peres, Mohamed Ghazel
Lot 5 - Méthode de spécification d’une architecture de commande à base de COTS : cas d’étude simplifié . [Rapport de recherche] CRAN. 2012
Ahmed Mekki, Mohamed Ghazel, Armand Toguyeni
Patterns-Based Assistance for Temporal Requirement Specification. Software Engineering Research and Practice (SERP2011), Jul 2011, Las Vegas, United States. pp.1-7
Ahmed Mekki, Mohamed Ghazel, Armand Toguyeni
Timed Specification Patterns for System Validation. A railway case study. Juan Andrade Cetto, Jean-Louis Ferrier Joaquim Filipe. Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp.121-134, 2011, 978-3-642-19538-9
Mohamed Ghazel
Surveillance des systèmes à événements discrets à l'aide des réseaux de Petri temporels. Editions Universitaires Européennes, 160p, 2010, 978-613-1-50009-1
Ahmed Mekki, Mohamed Ghazel, Armand Toguyeni
Patterns for Temporal Requirements Engineering - A Level Crossing Case Study. 7th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Jun 2010, Funchal, Portugal. pp.45-52
Ahmed Mekki, Mohamed Ghazel, Armand Toguyeni
Time-constrained systems validation using mda model transformation. A railway case study. 8th International Conference of Modeling and Simulation MOSIM'10, May 2010, Hammamet, Tunisia. pp.1-10
Ahmed Mekki, Mohamed Ghazel, Armand Toguyeni
Validating time-constrained systems using UML Statecharts Patterns and Timed Automata Observers. Third International Workshop on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems, Jul 2009, Rabat, Morocco. pp.112-124
Mohamed Ghazel, Armand Toguyeni, Pascal Yim
State Observer for DES Under Partial Observation with Time Petri Nets. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 2009, 19 (2), pp.137-165
Louahdi Khoudour, Mohamed Ghazel, Fouzia Boukour, Marc Heddebaut, El-Miloudi El-Koursi
Towards safer level crossings: existing recommendations, new applicable technologies and a proposed simulation model. European Transport Research Review, 2008, 1 (1), pp.35-45