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Maxime LLARI

Directeur Adjoint du LBA Ingénieur de Recherche en Biomécanique Responsable des moyens de calcul

CFR / LBA - Laboratoire de Biomécanique Appliquée

Maxime LLARI

Directeur Adjoint du LBA Ingénieur de Recherche en Biomécanique Responsable des moyens de calcul

Research Engineer in Biomechanics, modeling and scientific computing

CFR / LBA - Laboratoire de Biomécanique Appliquée

Prédiction du risque lésionnel

Modélisation et Simulation numérique d'impacts sur corps humain

Reconstruction d'accidents

Développement d'équipements de protection individuel

Modélisation et calcul scientifique

Expertise judiciare

Prediction of injury risk

Modeling and Numerical Simulation of impacts on the human body

Reconstruction of accidents

Development of personal protective equipment

Management of computing resources and software

Mes dernières références

My latest references


Shi Shang, Catherine Masson, Maxime Llari, Max Py, Quentin Ferrand, et al.
Instrumentation of the sacroiliac joint with cylindrical threaded implants: A detailed finite element study of patient characteristics affecting fixation performance. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 2021, 39 (12), pp.2693-2702
Tristan Tarrade, Nawfal Dakhil, Michel Behr, Dorian Salin, Maxime Llari
Real-Time Analysis of the Dynamic Foot Function: A Machine Learning and Finite Element Approach. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 2021, 143 (4)
Shi Shang, Catherine Masson, Maxime Llari, Max Py, Quentin Ferrand, et al.
The predictive capacity of the MADYMO ellipsoid pedestrian model for pedestrian ground contact kinematics and injury evaluation. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2021, 149, pp.105803
Oscar Cherta Ballester, Maxime Llari, Valentin Honoré, Catherine Masson, Pierre-Jean Arnoux
An evaluation methodology for motorcyclists’ wearable airbag protectors based on finite element simulations. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 2021, 26 (1), pp.99-108
Nawfal Dakhil, Tristan Tarrade, Michel Behr, Fuhao Mo, Morgane Evin, et al.
Influence of the scale reduction in designing sockets for trans-tibial amputees. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 2020, 234 (8), pp761-768
Tristan Tarrade, Fabrice Doucet, Nicolas Saint-Lo, Maxime Llari, Michel Behr
Are custom-made foot orthoses of any interest on the treatment of foot pain for prolonged standing workers?. Applied Ergonomics, 2019, 80, pp.130-135
Laura Cogoluenhes, Morgane Evin, Arash Forodighasemabadi, Wei Wei, Lionel Thollon, et al.
A modelisation of quantification of head and neck risks associated with tackles in rugby union. 44th Congress of the Société de Biomécanique, Oct 2019, Poitiers, France. pp273-275
Thierry Serre, Catherine Masson, Maxime Llari, Bastien Canu, Max Py, et al.
Gilets airbags pour motocyclistes : analyse d'accidents et crash-tests. Colloque COSMOS - Connaissances Scientifiques sur les Motocycles, Nov 2019, Marne-la-Vallée, France. 8p
Thierry Serre, Catherine Masson, Maxime Llari, Bastien Canu, Max Py, et al.
Airbag Jacket for Motorcyclists: Evaluation of Real Effectiveness. IRCOBI 2019, International Conference on the Biomechanics of Injury, Sep 2019, Florence, Italy. pp533-547
Nawfal Dakhil, Morgane Evin, Maxime Llari, Fuhao Mo, Laurent Thefenne, et al.
Is skin pressure a relevant factor for socket assessment in patients with lower limb amputation?. Technology and Health Care, 2019, 27 (6), pp.669-677
Oscar Cherta Ballester, Maxime Llari, Sanae Afquir, Jean-Louis Martin, Nicolas Bourdet, et al.
Analysis of trunk impact conditions in motorcycle road accidents based on epidemiological, accidentological data and multibody simulations. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2019, 127, pp.223-230
Sudyoddee, M. Behr, Maxime Llari, S. Koetniyom, J. Carmai. Investigation of motorcyclist and pillion passenger injuries using numerical simulations. 9th Thai-Society-of-Mechanical-Engineers International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (TSME-ICoME), Dec 2018, Phuket, Thailand. pp.012009
Nicolas Bailly, Maxime Llari, Thierry Donnadieu, Catherine Masson, Pierre-Jean Arnoux
Numerical Reconstruction of Traumatic Brain Injury in Skiing and Snowboarding. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 2018, 50 (11), pp.2322-2329
Wei Wei, Morgane Evin, Nicolas Bailly, Maxime Llari, Jean‐dominique Laporte, et al.
Spinal injury analysis for typical snowboarding backward falls. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 2018
Wei Wei, Morgane Evin, Nicolas Bailly, Maxime Llari, Jean‐dominique Laporte, et al.
Spinal injury analysis for typical snowboarding backward falls. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 2018, pp.sms.13342
Hathaiporn Sudyoddee, Michel Behr, Maxime Llari, Saiprasit Koetniyom, Julaluk Carmai
Investigation of motorcyclist and pillion passenger injuries using numerical simulations. TSME-ICOME 2018, 9th Thai Society of Mechanical Engineers, International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Dec 2018, Phuket, France. 8p
Yves Jammes, Michel Behr, Maxime Llari, Sarah Bonicel, Jean-Paul Weber, et al.
Emergency braking is affected by the use of cruise control. Traffic Injury Prevention, 2017, 18 (6), pp.636-641
Donatien Campion, Nawfal Dakhil, Maxime Llari, Morgane Evin, Fuhao Mo, et al.
Finite element model of a below-knee amputation: a feasibility study. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2017, 20 (S1), pp35-36
Thierry Serre, Christophe Perrin, Bastien Canu, Catherine Masson, Maxime Llari, et al.
Etude «EFFIGAM» - Rapport final - Gilets Airbags Pour Motocyclistes: Quelle Efficacité Réelle Pour Quelle Vitesse?. [Rapport de recherche] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2017, 31p
Damien Montoya, Lionel Thollon, Maxime Llari, Christophe Perrin, Michel Behr
Head injury criteria in child pedestrian accidents. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 2017, 10p
Nicolas Bailly, Maxime Llari, Thierry Donnadieu, Catherine Masson, Pierre-Jean Arnoux
Head impact in a snowboarding accident. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 2016
Salah Boussen, Harold Ibouanga-Kipoutou, Nathalie Fournier, Yves Godio-Raboutet, Maxime Llari, et al.
Using an inertial navigation algorithm and accelerometer to monitor chest compression depth during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Medical Engineering & Physics, 2016, 38 (9), p. 1028-1034
Nathalie Fournier, Yves Godio-Raboutet, Maxime Llari, Harold N
Ibouanga-Kipoutou, Pierre-Jean Arnoux, et al.. Motion analysis of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2015, 33, pp. 1350-1353
Michel Behr, Maxime Llari
SIMBIO-M 2014, SIMulation technologies in the fields of BIO-Sciences and Multiphysics: BioMechanics, BioMaterials and BioMedicine, Marseille, France, june 2014. INSTITUT FRANCAIS DES SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIES DES TRANSPORTS, DE L'AMENAGEMENT ET DES RESEAUX - IFSTTAR, 38p, 2014
Hedi Hamdane, Robert Anderson, Catherine Masson, Maxime Llari, Thierry Serre
Assessment methodology of Active Pedestrian Safety Systems: an estimation of safety impact . SIMBIO-M 2014, SIMulation technologies in the fields of BIO-Sciences and Multiphysics: BioMechanics, BioMaterials and BioMedicine, Jun 2014, Marseille, France. pp.1P
Anissa Hamel, Maxime Llari, Md Piercecchi-Martie, P Adalian, G
Leonetti, et al.. Effect of fall conditions and biological variability on the mechanism of skull fractures caused by falls. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 2013, 127, pp111-118
François Coulongeat, Robert Anderson, Maxime Llari, Thierry Serre
Relations de dépendance entre la configuration d'un accident VL-piéton et le déroulement du choc. 4ème Colloque International Francophone du GERI COPIE, Nov 2013, Canada. 12p
Thierry Serre, Catherine Masson, Yves Godio, Maxime Llari
Efficacité des équipements de protection 'légers' pour les usagers de 2RM en cas de glissade. Journées scientifiques 'Deux-roues motorisés', Oct 2013, Bron, France. pp. 79-93
Barbut, Erick Ogam, M. Montava, M. Llari, M. Lucciano, et al.. Propagation et modélisation numérique de la conduction acoustique par voie osseuse. 120 ème Congres de la SFORL, Oct 2013, Paris, France. pp.A75 - A76
Nicolas Bourdet, Caroline Deck, Thierry Serre, Christophe Perrin, Maxime Llari, et al.
In-depth real-world bicycle accident reconstructions. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 2013, 11p
Hamel, M. Llari, Marie-Dominique Piercecchi-Marti, Pascal Adalian, Georges Léonetti, et al.. Effects of fall conditions and biological variability on the mechanism of skull fractures caused by falls.. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 2013, 127 (1), pp.111-118
Lionel Thollon, Maxime Llari, Lucile Andre, Pascal Adalian, Georges Leonetti, et al.
Biomechanical analysis of skull fractures after uncontrolled hanging. Forensic Science International, 2013, 233, pp.220-229
Thierry Serre, Catherine Masson, Christophe Perrin, Jean-Louis Martin, Aurélie Moskal, et al.
The motorcyclist impact against a light vehicle: Epidemiological, accidentological and biomechanic analysis. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2012, 49, pp.223-228
Nicolas Bourdet, Caroline Deck, Thierry Serre, Christophe Perrin, Maxime Llari, et al.
Methodology for a global bicycle real world accidents reconstruction. ICrash 2012 - International Crashworthiness Conference, Jul 2012, Italy. 10p
Michel Behr, Jérémie Peres, Maxime Llari, Yves Godio, Yves Jammes, et al.
A three-Dimensional Human Trunk Model for the Analysis of Respiratory Mechanics. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 2010, Vol132,n1, 4p
Arnoux, M. Behr, Maxime Llari, L. Thollon, C. Brunet. Injury criteria implementation and evaluation in FE models applications to lower limb segments. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 2008, 13 (6), pp.653-665
Serre, C. Masson, C. Perrin, S. Chalandon, M. Llari, et al.. Real accidents involving vulnerable road users: in-depth investigation, numerical simulation and experimental reconstitution with PMHS. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 2006, vol12;n3, p227-234