Mariana Netto
Tenured Researcher, PhD, HdR
CFR / COSYS - Département Composants et Systèmes
PICS-L - Laboratoire sur la Perception, les Interactions, les Comportements et la Simulation des usagers de la route
Bâtiment: Building: Allee des Marroniers
25 allée des Marronniers$F-78000 Versailles
Bureau: Office: 2e étage, bureau 47
Mariana Netto
Tenured Researcher, PhD, HdR
CFR / COSYS - Département Composants et Systèmes
PICS-L - Laboratoire sur la Perception, les Interactions, les Comportements et la Simulation des usagers de la route
Mariana Netto is a Tenured Researcher in the Université Gustave Eiffel, France. She obtained her French Senior diploma Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches in 2013 and her Ph.D degree in automatic control, in collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, from the Laboratory of Signals and Systems (L2S) – CentraleSupélec & University of South-Paris, France, in 2001, on the topic “Adaptive Control of Nonlinearly Parameterized Systems”. She has also been assistant professor within the University of South-Paris for one year before integrating the Univ. Eiffel. Before her PhD, she obtained her Bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, option control theory, in 1995, and her Master’s degree from the Research Program (COPPE) of the same university, in 1997, on the control of robots with flexible joints. During her Master’s, she worked within the Group in Simulation and Control on Automation and Robotics (GSCAR laboratory).
Among her international research activities, Mariana Netto has led her institution (IFSTTAR) in the European Network of Excellence HYCON2; she is serving as chair of the IFAC Technical Committee 9.2 'Social Impact of Automation', for 2020-2026, after having served as vice-chair of this committee from 2014 to 2020. She has also been member of the iMobility Forum Expert Community working to give advice to the European Commission on the Transportation research priority areas, in 2012-2013. Mariana Netto has led research and industry partners as co-coordinator of a team on driving assistance systems technical evaluation, within the European PReVENT Project, subproject PReVAL (6th European Research Framework). In this role, she has worked in close collaboration with the Human Factors team of the same project for the construction of a reference guide on the technical evaluation of advanced driving assistance systems. Mariana Netto has also been co-founder and co-leader of the national research forum on Intelligent Electric Systems and Networks from the CNRS Research Forum GDR MACS (2010-2020).
She has also contributed to the international scientific community through the IFAC IEEE CPHS event. She has served as IPC co-Chair to the IEEE CSS IFAC Workshop Human Cyber Physical System Interaction: Control for Human Welfare (H-CPS-I 2014 - 1st edition of CPHS), in Paris. And then as General Chair to the IFAC IEEE CPHS 2016 (Cyber-Physical and Human Systems), also co-sponsored by IEEE CSS, in Florianopolis, Brazil. After this, the second IFAC CPHS 2018 has been held in Miami, US, led by the MIT and NSF, when she has served as member of the Advisory Board and she serves since 2019 as member of the CPHS Steering Committee.
Mariana Netto belongs to the roll of honor of the laureates of IFAC France, as recipient of the IFAC Service French Award in 2018 for this work.
Her research interests are on linear and nonlinear control, including the development of new methods for the adaptive control of nonlinearly parameterized systems, in collaboration with MIT. She has been working in wheel slip control by applying these new control methods and on intelligent transportation systems. More recently, she has been working in the control of micro-grids and in drones control for traffic monitoring. She believes in the increasing need for interdisciplinary collaboration following the recent enormous technological advances and the new multiple possibilities and that’s why she worked for the IFAC CPHS Conference. She believes that prior the control synthesis, philosophy principles should be studied guiding the design towards an ethical introduction in the cities of these automated systems. Mariana Netto counts more than 100 publications including journals, conference papers and research reports.
2013 Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR), University of Paris-South
2001 PhD, University of Paris-South, Laboratory on signals & Systems (L2S)
1997 Master in Sciences degree in Electrical Engineering (option control), GSCAR Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, COPPE, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
1995 Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering (option control), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
2018 in the Roll of honor of the laureates of IFAC France, as recipient of the IFAC Service French Award.
2006 Best young researcher presentation award in the joint CTS-HYCON Workshop on Nonlinear and Hybrid Control, 10-12 July 2006, Paris.
Teaching (some examples)
Master of Research 2 (in Intelligent Transport Systems), Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, ADAS design, 2004-2007. (ADAS = Advanced Driving Assistance Systems)
Formation Continue (courses for professionals already working in industry), ESTACA, ADAS Design, 2007 – 2016.
School of Engineering, ENSIIE, Discrete and continuous control, 2013-2023.
International Master of Research in Powertrain, Institute of Petroleum and New Energies (IFPEN School), Cyber-Physical & Human Systems in the context of ADAS, 2016-2023.
Thesis advising, post-docs
Stefano Scalzi, Commande d'un véhicule soumis à de fortes sollicitations pneumatique-chaussée, en 2009.
PhD Students
Hoang Trong-Bien, Switched observers and input-delay compensation for anti-lock brake systems (with WilliamPasillas Lépine and Alexandre De-Bernardinis), 2014.
André Benine-Neto, Contrôle de trajectoire en virage, vers le ESP Perceptif (with Said Mammar), 2011.
Nicoleta Minoiu-Enache, Assistance préventive à la sortie de voie (with Said Mammar), 2008.
International scientific coordination
IPC Co-chair of the Workshop H-CPS-I 2014. (Human-Cyber-Physical-System Interaction: Control for Human Welfare)
General Chair of the 1st CPHS 2016 IFAC Conference (Cyber-Physical & Human Systems) -
Advisory board member of the 2nd CPHS 2018 IFAC Conference, coordinated by the MIT and NSF.
Member of the Steering Committee, coordinated by the MIT, for the next IFAC CPHS Editions
Organisation of sessions, panels & thematic days
of a Common Session ASHM-RSEI-INCAS-IMS2-MOSAR, National workshop on control from the GDR MACS (JAMACS 2018), LS2N, Nantes, 15-16 November 2018.
Panel "CPHS in Transportation: discussion on needs, challenges, advances & prospective - 3 countries cases: Brazil, France, China". Invited participants: Jean-Patrick Lebacque, Habib Haj-Salem & Jean-Marie Burkhardt, IFSTTAR, France, Werner Kraus, UFSC, Brazil, Haihao SUN, Tong Ji University, China. Chair: Gérard Roucairol, TERATEC (and President of the French Academy of Technologies in 2009). In CPHS 2016, December 2016, Florianopolis, Brazil.
Panel "CPHS: Evolution, Potential Impacts and Prospective - from an interdisciplinary view" Invited participants: A. V. Efremov, Moscow Aviation Institute, Russia, T. Schauer, TU Berlim, Germany, G. Roucairol, Teratec, France, F. Vanderhaegen, University of Valenciennes, France. Chair: S. Engell, TU Dortmund, Germany. In CPHS 2016, December 2016, Florianopolis, Brazil.
One-day workshop « The Electric vehicle and its urbain insertion », in the Ecole des Mines de Paris, 2012
Invited talks in national or international events
Mariana Netto. Opening invited talk to the scientific afternoon on cyber physical and human systems in the scientific council of the INS2I Institute of CNRS, 27 February 2017, CNRS, Paris. Slides here.
Mariana Netto, Opening plenary talk, as General Chair, of the inaugural conference IFAC CPHS - 1st IFAC Conference on Cyber-Physical & Human-Systems - CPHS 2016, 7-9 December, Florianopolis, Brazil.
Mariana Netto, Invited Speaker at KIT - Karlsruhe Institute for Technology, Institute for Sciences of Computing of KIT, Germany: Cyber – Physical & Human - Systems across applications: key questions, impacts and challenges, 28 July 2017.
Mariana Netto, Semi-plenary speaker (on behalf of Jean-Marc Blosseville). Presentation of PReVAL, ITS World Congress, 2017, Beijing, Chine.
Research projects & proposals
European projects
European Network of Excellence HyCON2, 2010-2014
Member of the Executive Committee,
Member of the Governing Board,
Co-responsible for the Application Domain AD1 on Ground and Vehicle Transportation,
Scientific Coordinator in IFSTTAR for HyCON2.
Integrated European Project PReVENT, 2004-2008.
(FP6, 60 partners, EU contribution 30M€).
Preventive and active safety applications contribute to the road safety goals on European roads.
Scientific co-coordinator of the work package Technical Evaluation in PReVAL (PReVENT sub-project).
Scientific co-coordinator of the work package Actuator System, in Safelane (PReVENT sub-project)
National projects
DIM-LSC REGENEO Project, 2010-2014
Stabilité des véhicules actionnés par des moteurs roues électriques: gestion des défaillances et impact du freinage régénératif.
ANR PARTAGE project, 2009-2012
Contrôle partagé entre conducteur et assistance à la conduite automobile pour une trajectoire sécurisée.
IFSTTAR coordinator in the period 2009-2010.
PREDIT ARCOS Project, -2004.
Action de recherche pour une conduite securisée.
Scientific Proposals to IEEE CSS Outreach
Awarded Proposal to IEEE CSS Outreach Fund, 2015-2016
for the co-sponsoring of the conference CPHS 2016
Awarded Proposal to IEEE CSS Outreach Fund, 2013-2014
for the co-sponsoring of the workshop H-CPS-I 2014
Research visits
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), invited by Prof. Ramon Romankevicius Costa, July 2022.
KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, invited by Prof. Dr. Veit Hagenmeyer, June 2017.
University of Rome Tor Vergata, invited by Prof. Riccardo Marino, February 2009.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, invited by Prof. Anuradha Annaswamy, 2 stays: Nov/Dec 1999 & Nov/Dec 2000
Presentations in the European Commission, Seminars and Institutional Representations
(some examples)
PReVAL Final Review. Presentation of the PReVAL WP on Technical Evaluation, European Commission, 2008.
HyCON2 Final Review. Co-presentation of WP 8 of HYCON2, European Commission, 2014.
Triple-institutional meeting held at University of Tsinghua, Beijing, China, with IFSTTAR (ex-INRETS), the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and the University of Tokyo, 2007.Presentation of the LIVIC Laboratory, 2007.
Seminar “Convexification: a tool for the control of nonlinearly parameterized systems”, seminar presented to the group of Prof. Stankovich, Northeastern University, US, December 1999.
Technical and professional activities
Reviewer (rapporteur) & member of thesis committees
M. Francisco Navas, PSL Research University and MINES-ParisTech. Advisors: Profs. Fawzi Nashashibi and Prof. Vicente Milanés, Nov. 2018 (Reviewer and committee member).
Mrs. Alia Chebly, Technical University of Compiègne, advisors: Profs. A. Charara and R. Talj., Dec. 2017 (Reviewer and committee member).
Mr. Stefano Scalzi, University of Rome Tor Vergata, advisor: Prof. Riccardo Marino, February 2009 (committee member).
Mr. Louay Saleh, L2SN, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, advisors: Profs. P. Chrevrel et J-C. Lafay (committee member and member of the comité de suivi for the thesis), 2012.
Mr. Yishen Zhao, L2SN, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, advisors: Profs. P. Chevrel, F. Mars and F. Claveau. PhD started in October 2017 (Member of the comité de suivi for the thesis).
Co-founder and co-responsible of the working group on Intelligent Electrical Systems and Networks, from the CNRS national forum GDR MACS (2010 - 2020).
Reviewer for prizes
Reviewer for the Paul Caseau prize of best PhD Thesis (given by the EDF and the French Academy of Technologies) - invited in 2013 by the presidency bureau of EDF.
IFAC Resposibilities
Chair of the IFAC TC9.2 ( 2020-2023)
Vice-Chair of the IFAC TC9.2 (2014-2017, and selected for 2018-2020)
Membership of international Program committees for conferences
MIM 2019 9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modeling, Management and Control, 28-30 August 2019, Berlin.
TECIS 2018 IFAC International Conference on International Stability, Technology and Culture, 13-15 September 2018, Baku, Azerbaijan.
IFAC World Congress 2017 (as technical associate editor), 9-14 July 2017, Toulouse, France.
TECIS 2016 IFAC International Conference on International Stability, Technology and Culture26-28 October 2016 Durrës, Albania.
Norbert Wiener 21st 2nd IEEE Conference on Norbert Wiener in the 21st Century "Thinking machines in the physical world"13-15 July2016 Melbourne, Australia.
Membership of European Working groups
i-Mobility Forum, Brussels. Member of the working group Automation on Road Transport (2012-2013).
Reviewer (and Editor) for journals and conferences (non-exhaustive list)
Co-Edition (Mariana Netto & Sarah Spurgeon) of the Special Section on Cyber-Physical & Human Systems (composed of 8 papers) in the journal Annual Reviews in Control (ARC), a 5-years impact factor: 3.768.
Reviewer for journals : Annual Reviews in Control, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Control Engineering Practice, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.
Editor for conferences: IFAC World Congress 2017
Reviewer for conferences (some examples): TECIS 2018, CPHS 2018, CPHS 2016, Norbert Wiener 21st 2016, TECIS 2016, ACC 2016, ECC 2014, ECC 2013, ALCOSP 2013.
Team leaders responsibilities
Responsible for the Control Group in the LIVIC laboratory for three years (2006 – 2009)
Mes dernières références
My latest references
[OS] Book Chapters
Chapter 7 Ethics, Fairness, and Regulatory Issues (authors: A. M. Annaswamy, M. Dahleh, M. Jafarian, F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, M. Netto)
In Control for Societal-scale Challenges: Road Map 2030, Eds. A. M. Annaswamy, K. H. Johansson, and G. J. Pappas, IEEE Control Systems Society Publication, 2023,
M. Netto, J.-M. Burkhardt, A. Martinesco & D. Gruyer. Les degrés croissants de la robotisation de la voiture, de la conduite manuelle au tout automatisé : points de vue croisés des sciences technologiques, des sciences cognitives et des facteurs humains, et du droit, pp. 171-206. Dans Droit et robots: Droit science-fictionnel et fictions du droit, Frédérique Berrod, Philippe Clermont & Damien Trentesaux (ed), Presses universitaires de Valenciennes, paru le 7 septembre 2020, ISBN
M. Netto, A. Annaswamy, S. Mammar, N. Minoiu, S. A new adaptive controller for systems with multilinear parameterization: n-parameters case. In the ISTE book "Taming Heterogeneity and Complexity of Embedded Control" Eds, F.Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, A. Loria, E. Panteley and S. Laghrouche, 2006/published on-line in 2013. DOI:
[ACL] Papers in refereed journals
L. Stapleton, F.-Y. Wang, M. Netto, Q.-S. Jia, A. Visioli, P. Kopacek. Shaping the future of advanced automation and control systems for society - strategic directions and multidisciplinary collaborations of IFAC's social systems coordinating committee, Annual Reviews in Control, Volume 58, 2024, 100967, ISSN 1367-5788,
R. da Silva Tchilian, U.F. Moreno & M. Netto. Human–Swarm Interaction Simulation Platform to Assess Sense of Agency. J Control Autom Electr Syst 35, 235–251 (2024).
L. F. Normandia Lourenço, A. Louni, G. Damm, M. Netto, M. Drissi-Habti, S. Grillo, A. J. Sguarezi Filho, L. Meegahapola. A Review on Multi-Terminal High Voltage Direct Current Networks for Wind Power Integration, Energies 2022, 15(23), 9016.
S. B. Siad, A. Iovine, G. Damm, L. Galai-Dol, M. Netto. Nonlinear Hierarchical Easy-to-Implement Control for DC MicroGrids. Energies 2022, 15(3), 969.
M.Netto and S. Spurgeon (eds). Special section on Cyber-Physical & Human Systems, in Annual Reviews in Control, Vol 44, Elsevier, 2017. DOI:
R. Bajcsy and M. Netto. Section 4.5. Cyber-Physical & Human Systems. In F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, A. Annaswamy S. Engell, A. J. Isaksson, P. Khargonekar, R. Murray, Nijmeijer, T. Samad, D. Tilbury Paul van den Hof. Systems & Control for the future of humanity, research agenda: Current and future roles, impact and grand challenges, in Annual Reviews in Control, Volume 43, 2017, Pages 1-64.
T. B. Hoàng, W. Pasillas-Lépine, A. De Bernardinis, and M. Netto. Extended Braking Stiffness Estimation Based on a Switched Observer, With an Application to Wheel-Acceleration Control. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 22, No. 6, November 2014.
André Benine-Neto, Stefano Scalzi, Saïd Mammar, Mariana Netto and Benoit Lusetti. Model reference-based vehicle lateral control for lane departure avoidance. Int. J. Vehicle Autonomous Systems, Vol. 12, No. 3, 2014. DOI: 10.1504/IJVAS.2014.063044
R. Marino, S. Scalzi and M. Netto. Integrated Driver and Active Steering Control for Vision-Based Lane Keeping, European Journal of Control, Vol 18, no. 5, 2012. DOI:
R. Marino, S. Scalzi, M. Netto. Nested PID steering control for lane keeping in autonomous vehicles, Control Engineering Practice, Volume 19, Issue 12, December 2011, Pages 1459-1467. DOI:
A. Amditis, M. Bimpas, G. Thomaidis, M. Tsogas, M. Netto, S. Mammar, A. Beutner, N. Möhler, T. Wirthgen, S.Zipser, A. Etemad, M. De Lio, R. Cicilloni. A Situation Adaptive Lane Keeping Support System: Overview of the Safelane Approach, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, July 2010, Vol 11, Issue 3, Pages 617-629, ISSN 1424-9050. DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2010.2051667
J. Scholliers, S. Joshi, M. Gemou, F. Hendriks, M. Ljung Aust, J. Luoma, M. Netto, J. Engström, S. Leanderson, R.Kutzner, F.Tango, A. Amditis, J.-M. Blosseville and E. Bekiaris. Development and Application of an Integrated Evaluation Framework for Preventive Safety Applications, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Mars 2011, Vol. 12, Issue 1, Pages 211-220, ISSN : 1524-9050. DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2010.2080357
N. Minoiu-Enache, S. Mammar, M. Netto, B. Lusetti. Driver steering assistance for lane departure avoidance based on hybrid automata and on composite Lyapunov function, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 11, no.1, pp. 28-39, 2010. DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2009.2026451
N. Minoiu-Enache, M. Netto, S. Mammar and B. Lusetti. Driver steering assistance for lane departure avoidance, Control Engineering Practice, vol. 17, pp. 642-651, 2009. DOI:
S.Mammar, S. Glaser, M. Netto, Time to Line Crossing for Lane Departure Avoidance: Theoretical Study and an Experimental Setting, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2006. DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2006.874707.
Moya, P., Ortega, R., Netto, M., Praly, L. and Pico, J. Application of Nonlinear Time-Scaling for Robust Controller Design of Reaction Systems. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. Vol. 12, No. 1, pp.57-69, 2002. DOI:
Astolfi, A., Hsu, L., M. Netto, and Ortega, R. Two Solutions to the Visual Servoing Problem, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 387-392, 2002, Vol 12, Issue 1, Pages 211-220, ISSN : 1524-9050. DOI: 10.1109/TRA.2002.1019475
Chang, G.W., Hespanha, J.P., Morse, A.S., Netto, M. and Ortega, R. Supervisory Field-Oriented Control of Induction Motors with Uncertain Rotor Resistance. Special Issue of the International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing entitled Switching and Logic in Adaptive Control. Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 353-375, 2001. DOI:
M. Netto, Annaswamy, A., Ortega, R. and Moya, P. Adaptive Control of a Class of Nonlinearly Parameterized Systems using Convexication. International Journal of Control. Vol. 73, No. 14, pp. 1312-1321, 2000. DOI:
N. Minoiu-Enache, B. Lusetti, M. Netto, S. Mammar. Preventive active lane departure avoidance system for curvy roads. Journal Européen des systèmes automatisés, v. 43, no. 6, pp. 615-646, 2009. DOI: 10.3166/jesa.43.615-646
J.M. Hoc, F. Mars, I. Mileville-Pennel, E. Jolly, M. Netto, J.M. Blosseville, Evaluation of human-machine cooperation modes in car driving for safe lateral control in bends: function delegation and mutual control modes, Le travail humain, Volume 69, pp. 153-182, 2006/2. DOI: 10.3917/th.692.0153
[ACLN] French journals
Mammar S., Glaser S., Netto M. Automatique et Assistance à la Conduite Automobile, Revue Logiciel - Le Magazine de l'ingénierie du logiciel et des systèmes, No.75, pp. 26-34, 2005.
[HDR] Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches
Mariana Netto. Contributions to road safety: from abstractions and control theory to real solutions, discussion and evaluation, University of Paris-South, 2013.
[PhD Thesis]
Mariana S. Netto. Adaptive Control of Nonlinearly Parameterized Systems, University of Paris-South, 2001.
[Master Thesis]
Mariana S. Netto. Control of flexible joint robots by sliding modes and passivity, COPPE-Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, 1997.
[ACTI] Published international conference papers
M. Netto, C. Emmanouilidis, P. P. Khargonekar. Systems and Control for Societal Impact: IFAC TC 9.2 Visions and UN SDGs, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 58, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 165-170, ISSN 2405-8963,
Mariana Netto. Systems and Control for Societal Impact: TC9.2. Developments and Vision - Contribution to the CC9 Milestone Session 2023. IFAC-PapersOnLine. Volume 56, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 326-331, ISSN 2405-8963,
L. Stapleton, F.-Y. Wang, M. Netto, Q.-S. Jia, A. Visioli, P. Kopacek. Control Challenges for Social Systems Milestone Survey: Current Status and Future Vision, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 56, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 320-325, ISSN 2405-8963,
V. Cuong Nguyen, M. Netto, G. Damm. Control of a DFIG based wind turbine using modified Conditional Servo-compensator. IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 56, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 7668-7673, ISSN 2405-8963,
R. da Silva Tchilian, U. Franco Moreno, M. Netto. Assisted Teleoperation for a Human-Swarm Interaction System. IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 53, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 602-607, ISSN 2405-8963,
M. Netto. « Are Hard Sciences Enough for Teaching Applied Control Design? Driving Assistance and Auton-omy in Vehicles as a Case Study ». IFAC Advances in Control Education (ACE) Symposium, Philadelphia, PA, USA, July 7-9, 2019. IFAC PapersOnLine 52-9 (2019) 190–195. . Indexé par Scopus, Web of Science et IN-SPEC.
Martinesco, A., Netto, M., Miranda, A. and Etgens, V. A Note on Accidents Involving Autonomous Vehicles: Interdependence of Event Data Recorder, Human-Vehicle Cooperation and Legal Aspects. 2nd IFAC Conference on Cyber-Physical and Human Systems (CPHS 2018), Miami, 14-15 December 2018.
Carrizosa, G Damm, A Benchaib, P Alou, M Netto, Bilinear and nonlinear control algorithms for a DC/DC converter for multi-terminal HVDC networks, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 47 (3), 523-528, 2014.DOI:
Y Chen, G Damm, A Benchaib, M Netto, F Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, Control induced explicit time-scale separation to attain DC voltage stability for a VSC-HVDC terminal, IFAC Proceedings Volumes 47 (3), 540-545, 2014. DOI:
Hoang, T.-B., Pasillas-Lépine, W. and Netto, M. Closed-loop wheel acceleration control based on an extended braking stiffness observer, American Control Conference - ACC, Portland, OR, 2013. DOI: 10.1109/ACC.2013.6580151
M. Netto. In-Vehicle Embedded Control Systems for Safety : a Survey, in the proceedings of the IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation (IFAC CTS), Sophia, Bulgarian, 10-12 September 2012. DOI:
M. Netto et A. M. Annaswamy, Adaptive control of a class of multi-linearly parameterized systems by using noncertainty equivalence control, in the proceedings of the 51th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control - CDC, Maui, 10-13 December 2012. DOI: 10.1109/CDC.2012.6426165
M. Netto, S. Scalzi and J.M. Blosseville. Vehicle Low Cost and High Performance Active Safety: Concepts and Control, in Transport Research Arena Europe 2010, Brussels, 2010.
A. Benine-Neto, S. Scalzi, S. Mammar, M. Netto, Dynamic controller for lane keeping and obstacle avoidance assistance system, 13th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, September 2010, pg. 1363-1368. DOI: 10.1109/ITSC.2010.5625021.
S. Scalzi, A. Benine-Neto, M. Netto, W. Pasillas-Lépine, S. Mammar, Active Steering Control Based on Piecewise Linear Regions, American Control Conference - ACC2010, Baltimore, Maryland, US, 2010. DOI: 10.1109/ACC.2010.5530763.
A. Benine-Neto, S. Scalzi, M. Netto, S. Mammar, W. Pasillas-Lépine, Vehicle Yaw Rate Control Based on Piecewise affine Regions, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium - IV 2010, La Jolla, CA, USA. DOI: 10.1109/IVS.2010.5548062
S. Mammar, N. Minoiu Enache, B. Lusetti, M. Netto, Y. Sebsadji, Invariant set based vehicle longitudinal control assistance, IAVSD, 2009.
R. Marino, S. Scalzi, M. Netto, A Nested PID Steering Control for Lane Keeping in Vision Based Autonomous Vehicles, American Control Conference - ACC2009, Saint Louis, Missouri, USA, and June 10-12, 2009. DOI: 10.1109/ACC.2009.5160343.
N. Minoiu, M. Netto, S. Mammar, B. Lusetti, Driver steering assistance to avoid unintended lane departure by lane keeping and steering suggestions, 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, South Korea, July 2008. DOI:
J. Scholliers, F. Hendriks, M. Ljung Aust, J. Luoma, M. Netto, J. Engström, S. Leanderson, R. Kutzner and F. Tango. An Integrated Evaluation framework for preventive safety applications, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, IV, Eindhoven, Pays-Bas, 2008. DOI: 10.1109/IVS.2008.4621171.
M. Netto, J.-M. Blosseville, F. Hendriks, J. Scholliers, J. Chen, K. Heinig, M. Ljung Aust, New framework for evaluating preventive safety functions: focusing on technical evaluation. ITS World Congress, New York, 2008.
J.M. Blosseville, M. Netto, S. Glaser, Evaluating Safety Benefits of Collision Mitigation Systems (CMS): A Challenge, ITS World Congress, New York, 2008.
N. Minoiu-Enache, S. Mammar, B. Lusetti, M. Netto. Driver steering assistance: lane departure prevention for curvy roads using feedforward correction and BMI optimization. AVEC, Kobe, Oct. 2008.
Y. Sebsadji, S. Glaser, S. Mammar, M. Netto. Vehicle roll and road bank angles estimation IFAC Proceedings. Volumes 41 (2), 7091-7097, 2008.
N. Minoiu, M. Netto, S. Mammar, B. Lusetti, A switched optimized approach for road-departure avoidance: implementation results, 2007. IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium - IV, Istanbul, 2007. DOI: 10.1109/IVS.2007.4290212
J.Scholliers, F. Hendriks, M. Ljung, A. Virpi, M. Netto, J. Engström, K. Heinig, A. Amditis. Evaluation framework for preventive safety applications, ITS World Congress, Beijing, 2007.
N. Minoiu, M. Netto, S. Mammar, Assistance control based on a composite Lyapunov function for lane departure avoidance, IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Athens, 2007.
Netto, M., Annaswamy, A., Mammar, S., Glaser, S. A new adaptive control algorithm for systems with multilinear parameterization, American Control Conference - ACC, Minneapolis, Etas-Unis, 2006.
Netto, M., Blosseville, J.-M., Lusetti, B., Mammar, S. A new robust control system with optimized use of the lane detection data for vehicle full lateral control under strong curvatures, IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Toronto, Canada, 2006.
Minoiu N., Netto M. et Mammar S., A switched optimized approach for road departure avoidance, IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Toronto, Canada, Sept. 2006.
Salim Mammar, Said Mammar, Mariana Netto. Coordinated ramp metering via second order sliding mode control. IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Toronto, Canada, sept. 2006.
Mammar S., Glaser S, Netto M., Vehicle lateral dynamics estimation using Unknown Input Proportional-Integral Observers, American Control Conference, Minnesota, 2006.
Minoiu N., Netto M., Mammar S. and Glaser S., A new strategy for lane departure avoidance, IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, Munich, 2006.
Chaïbet A., Mammar S., Nouvelière L, Netto M., Backstepping Control Synthesis for Automated Low Speed Vehicle, American Control Conference, US, 2005.
Chaibet A., Nouveliere L., Mammar S., Netto M., Labayrade R., Backstepping control synthesis for both longitudinal and lateral automated vehicle, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 2005.
Glaser S., Mammar S., Netto M., Lusetti B., Experimental time to line crossing validation, IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems - ITSC, 2005.
M. Netto, S. Chaib and S. Mammar. Lateral adaptive control for vehicle lane keeping. American Control Conference-ACC, Boston, US, 2004.
S. Chaib, M. Netto and S. Mammar. H-infinity, adaptive, PID and fuzzy control: a comparison of controllers for vehicle lane keeping. IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Parma, Italy, 2004.
S. Mammar, M. Netto. Integrated longitudinal and lateral control for vehicle low speed automation, IEEE Conference on Control Applications - CCA, Taipei, Taiwan, 2004.
Mammar S., Glaser S., Netto M., Blosseville J.M., Time to line crossing and vehicle dynamics for lane departure avoidance , 7th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems - ITSC, Washington, D.C., États-Unis,2004.
M. Netto, R. Labayrade, S.-S. Ieng, B. Lusetti, J.M. Blosseville and S. Mammar. Different Modes on Shared Lateral Control, 10th ITS World Congress, Madrid, Spain, 2003.
Astolfi, A., Hsu, L., Netto, M. and Ortega, R. A Solution to the Adaptive Visual Servoing Problem., IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation, 21-26 may 2001, Seoul, Korea
Moya, P., Netto, M., Ortega, R. and Picó, J. Nonlinear Time-Scaling for Analysis and Controller Design of Reaction Systems in proc. The Eighth IEEE International Conference on Control Application (CCA), 22-26 august 1999, Hawaii.
Netto, M., Moya, P., Ortega, R. et Annaswamy, A. Adaptive Control of a Class of First-Order Nonlinear Systems Using Convex Reparameterizations in proc. CDC - Conference on Decision and Control, 7-10 déc.1999, Phoenix, USA.
Chang, G., Hespanha, J.P., Morse, A.S., Netto, M. and Ortega, R. Supervisory Field-Oriented Control of Induction Motors with Uncertain Rotor Resistance. IFAC Symposium ACASP'98 : Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing, pp. 485 - 490, 26-28 august 1998, Glasgow, UK.
[ACTN] Published national conference papers
M. Netto, A. Martinesco. Technologie & facteurs humains en analyse croisée comme lumières pour la question «véhicule à conduite déléguée SAE3, à qui la responsabilité?» Congrès ATEC 2019 ITS France – Les rencontres de la mobilité intelligente, 23-24 January 2019, Montrouge, France.
A. Benine-Neto, S. Scalzi, M. Netto, W. Pasillas-Lépine et S. Mammar, La conduite en conditions limite: contrôle d'un modèle non linéaire du véhicule par une approche affine par morceaux via le suivi d'une référence en vitesse de lacet. CIFA, Nancy, France, 2010, en session invité.
M. Netto, S. Leanderson, J.M. Blosseville, J. Scholiers, S. Mammar, L.Nouveliere, PReVAL-PReVENT : Assistances à la conduite, évaluation des systèmes et trajectoires, Séminaire Trajectoires et sécurité routière, LCPC, Nantes, Mars 2008 (séminaire en interne du LCPC, avec préparation d'un article).
N. Minoiu-Enache, B. Lusetti, S. Mammar, M. Netto, Assistance préventive à la sortie de voie: Cas de la conduite en virage, Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique - CIFA, sept. 2008.
Mammar S., Glaser S., Netto M., Le temps à sortie de voie: une mesure et un critère pour l'assistance au contrôle latéral, Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique-CIFA, Bordeaux, 2006, en session invitée.
S. Mammar, A. Chaïbet, L. Nouvelière, M. Netto. Suivi de véhicule par modes glissants pour l'automatisation basse vitesse des véhicules, Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique - CIFA, Douz, Tunisie, 2004.
Netto, M., Moya, P., Ortega, R. et Annaswamy, A. Commande Adaptative d'une Classe des Systèmes du Première Ordre avec Paramétrisation Non-linéaire in proc. Journées Doctorales d'Automatique - JDA, pp. 205-208, 21-23 September 1999, Nancy, France.
Netto, M. et Santos, A. R. Eradicating the Malaria or Exterminating life ? (Erradicação da Malária ou Extermínio da Vida ?). XIV Congresso Nacional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional ( XIV CNMAC ) - sept. 1991, Nova Friburgo, Brésil. Publié dans la revue de l'institut de mathématiques Iniciação Científica em Revista, No. 1, pp. 29 - 36, I.M./UFRJ (1991).
[RAPP] Research Reports
For IEEE Control Systems Society.
Mariana Netto. Scientific Report for the IEEE Control Systems Society, for the support to the conference CPHS 2016, September 2017.
Mariana Netto. Scientific Report for the IEEE Control Systems Society, for the support to the workshop H-CPS-I 2014, September 2017.
For IFAC - International Federation on Automatic Control.
[RAPP3] Mariana Netto & Ubirajara Moreno. Scientific Report to IFAC for the support to the conference CPHS 2016, April 2017.
[RAPP4] Mariana Netto & Françoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue. Scientific Report to IFAC for the support to the workshop H-CPS-I 2014, May 2015.
European Network of Excellence HYCON2.
[RAPP5] Deliverable D5.5.1. Document of Guidelines for the Development of Benchmarks, February 2012. (C. de Prada, A. Rodríguez, R. Mazaeda, A. Merino, L. F. Acebes, D. Sarabia, M. Netto).
[RAPP6] Deliverable D4.1.1: Decision-making in self-organizing systems based on a hierarchical or on distributed information structure, July 2012. Chapter for D4.1.1 (M. Netto. The road transportation network as a self-organizing system: a survey on the reduction of accidents problem addressed by the control of each agent)
[RAPP7] Deliverable: Mid-Term Report on Joint Workshops and New Challenges, July 2012. Contributor.
[RAPP8] Annual HYCON2 Report (Second Periodic Project Report - PPR2), July 2012. Contributor.
[RAPP9] Annual HYCON2 Report (Third Periodic Project Report - PPR3), July 2013. Contributor.
[RAPP10] HYCON2 Final report, Nov. 2014. Contributor.
[RAPP11] Deliverable D8.1.3 Final version of the HYCON2 technical results dissemination, 2014. Contributor.
[RAPP12] M. Netto. Deliverable D9.5.1 - Making a bridge between the roadmapping work in transportation within the i-mobility forum steered by the European Commission and the European Network of Excellence HYCON2, July 2012.
[RAPP13] A. De-Bernardinis, W. Pasillas-Lépine, G. Damm, F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue. Deliverable 4.6.1. Self-organizing systems in vehicle infrastructure systems, November 2014.
The following reports in co-author with W. Pasillas-Lépine and Alexandre De-Bernardinis:
[RAPP14] First Year Activity Report, 2011
[RAPP15] Second Year Activity Reports, 2012.
[RAPP16] Third Year Activity Report, 2013.
[RAPP17] Final Activity Report, 2014 (report coordinator)
Co-author of the following deliverables:
[RAPP18] Report Task 2, T2-1a Cibles Technologiques, juin 2010 (responsible for the deliverable).
[RAPP19] Report Task 6, T6-6-1a La conduite en conditions limite : contrôle d'un modèle non linéaire du véhicule par une approche affine par morceaux via le suivi d'une référence en vitesse de lacet, 2011.
[RAPP20] Report Task 6, T6-6-1a Les systèmes actifs d'aide au conducteur à haute performance: les concepts, l'analyse fonctionnelle, le contrôle-commande et la conception avec réduction du coût. 2012 (responsible for the deliverable).
[RAPP21] Report Task 6 T6-6-1b Système d'assistance par contrôleur dynamique pour le suivi de voie et l'évitement d'obstacles , 2011.
[RAPP22] Report Task 6 T6-6-1b Contrôle latéral PID du véhicule par vision: comment associer peu de mesures avec une forte robustesse à de scénarios de conduite difficile? 2012 (responsible for the deliverable).
Projet Européen PReVENT : sous-projet SAFELANE
Co-author of the following deliverables:
[RAPP23] D31.10.2 Final Report, February 2007.
[RAPP24] D31.31 Specification Catalogue, July 2004.
[RAPP25] D31.32 System concept, August 2004.
[RAPP26] D31.42 Actuator system, February 2006 (responsible for the deliverable).
[RAPP27] D31.32 System concept, July 2006.
[RAPP28] D31.51 Demonstration Vehicles, September 2006.
[RAPP29] D31.51 Demonstration Vehicles, December 2006
Projet Européen PReVENT : sous-projet PReVAL
Co-author of the following deliverables:
[RAPP30] D16.4 Project PReVAL report and recommendations for future assessments, January 2008, and Annex E to D16.4 Framework for the assessment of preventive and active safety functions.
[RAPP31] D16.3 Proposal of procedures for assessment of preventive and active safety functions, December 2007.
[RAPP32] D16.2 Analysis and results of validation procedures for preventive and active safety functions, August 2007.
[RAPP33] D16.1 Review of validation procedures for preventive and active safety functions, June 2007.
[OT] Others
[OV1] Mariana Netto and Ubirajara Franco Moreno. Report for the IFAC Newsletters, with a description of CPHS 2016, October 2017. IFAC Newsletters (pp 5-6).
[Forewrd1] (Mariana Netto & Sarah Spurgeon) IFAC Foreword: Introductory note for the IFAC Proceedings de CPHS 2016, in 'Contents', IFAC Papers-on-line, Volume 49, Issue 32.