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Julien Waeytens



Bâtiment: Building: Bienvenüe

14-20 Boulevard Newton$Champs-sur-Marne$77447 Marne-la-Vallée Cedex 2

Bureau: Office: B134

+33 (0)1 81 66 84 53

Julien Waeytens


I study inverse modelling techniques coupling sensor outputs and physical models based on partial differential equations to describe urban phenomena. I'm also interested in computer aided optimal sensor placement using the adjoint state. My research is applied to various problems encountered in the City and the Territories such that : - THERMAL BUILDING PROBLEM : standard and goal-oriented model updating techniques taking into account measurement and model errors - AIR QUALITY : air flow simulation (CFD) and validation, optimal placement of gas sensors to localize source emissions - STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING : Damage detections using model updating strategies and sensors like optic fibers - WATER QUALITY : reconstruction of flow and water quality in water networks using sensor outputs and physical models, optimal placement of chlorine sensors in drinking water networks To validate my works, I conduct experiments at a district scale in the Equipment "Sense-City" located at Marne-la-Vallée.

Je m'intéresse à l'étude et au développement de méthodes inverses robustes s'appuyant sur des mesures et sur la modélisation physique des phénomènes urbains à l'aide d'équations aux dérivées partielles. Je travaille également sur des stratégiques numériques pour le positionnement optimal de capteurs à l'aide de l'état adjoint.

Mes activités de recherche sont appliquées aux problématiques de la Ville et des Territoires, comme notamment:
- THERMIQUE DU BATIMENT : recalage des paramètres des modèles thermiques d'un bâtiment. Ces travaux permettent d'obtenir des simulations numériques plus représentatives de la réalité et d'évaluer l'isolation des parois de bâtiments

- QUALITE DE L'AIR INTERIEUR : simulation numérique de l'écoulement d'air dans l'habitat, positionnement optimal des capteurs afin d'identifier une source de polluant

- QUALITE DE L'EAU POTABLE : reconstruction de l'écoulement et de la concentration en chlore dans un réseau d'eau potable, positionnement optimal des capteurs de chlore afin d'identifier la constante de cinétique de réaction

- SURVEILLANCE DE L'INTEGRITE DES STRUCTURES : recalage des caractéristiques mécaniques et géométriques d'un ouvrage (réduction de la section des armatures,diminution du module d'Young du béton à cause d'un endommagement, perte de précontrainte dans les câbles, ...). Ces informations permettent de donner une indication sur la santé de l'ouvrage

Afin de valider les méthodes numériques proposées, je mets en œuvre des expérimentations à l'échelle d'un petit quartier dans l'Equipement d'Excellence Sense-City. Sense-City est un vaste hall climatique mobile de 400 m² sous ambiance contrôlée unique en Europe accueillant les principales composantes de la ville, telles que bâtiments, infrastructures, réseaux de distribution.

Inverse problems ; adjoint problem ; physical model ; numerical simulation ; sensor ; Sense-City

Mes dernières références

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Liste des publications et communications


BOURDEAU, Mathieu, BASSET, Philippe, BOUZIDI, Amine, WAEYTENS, Julien, NEFZAOUI, Elyes, 2022, Calibration de simulations énergétiques de bâtiments résidentiels existants à l'aide de données de terrain provenant d'un réseau de capteurs : étude des écarts de performances énergétiques, CIFQ 2022, XVème Colloque International Franco-Québécois Ville et transition, Paris, France, 2022-06-15, 6p (1).pdf

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BOURDEAU, Mathieu, NEFZAOUI, Elyes, BASSET, Philippe, WAEYTENS, Julien, BOUZIDI, Amine, 2022, Measurement and characterization of energy related behaviors and IEQ in residential buildings for physics-based building energy modeling using a wireless sensor network, IEEE MetroLivEnv 2022, IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Living Environment, Cosenza, ITALIE, 2022-05-25, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - IEEE, 4p

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HA, Thanh-Tung, FEUILLET, Vincent, WAEYTENS, Julien, ZIBOUCHE, Kamel, THEBAULT, Simon, BOUCHIE, Rémi, LE SANT, Véronique, IBOS, Laurent, 2020, Benchmark of identification methods for the estimation of building wall thermal resistance using active method: Numerical study for IWI and single-wall structures, Energy and Buildings, 224, Elsevier, 21p, DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2020.110130

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STREICHENBERGER, Benjamin, CHAKIR, Rachida, JOUY, Bastien, WAEYTENS, Julien, 2021, Simulation and Validation of CFD turbulent air flow at pedestrian level using 3D ultrasonic anemometer in the controlled urban area "Sense-City", Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 219, Elsevier, 23p, DOI: 10.1016/j.jweia.2021.104801

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STREICHENBERGER , Benjamin, CHAKIR, Rachida, WAEYTENS, Julien, 2021, CFD Simulation and validation of turbulent air flow in the controlled urban area sense-city, WCCM-ECCOMAS'20, 14th World Congress of Computational Mechanics and 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, PARIS, FRANCE, 2021-01-11, 1p

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DJATOUTI, Zohra, WAEYTENS, Julien, CHAMOIN, Ludovic, CHATELLIER, Patrice, 2021, Goal-oriented sensor placement and model updating strategies applied to a real building in the Sense-City equipment under controlled winter and heat wave scenarios, Energy and Buildings, 231, Elsevier, 14p, DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2020.110486

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WAEYTENS, Julien, 2020, Méthodes numériques adjointes et inverses couplant mesures et modèles physiques au service des enjeux de la ville et des territoires, HDR, Université Gustave Eiffel, Université Gustave Eiffel, 155p

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DJATOUTI, Zohra, WAEYTENS, Julien, CHAMOIN, Ludovic, CHATELLIER, Patrice, 2020, Thermal behavior of a two-story concrete building under controlled winter and heat wave scenarios in the sense-city equipment through temperature, flux and energy consumption dataset, Data in Brief, 33, Elsevier, 11p, DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.106458

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WAEYTENS, Julien, DJATOUTI, Zohra, CHATELLIER, Patrice, CHAMOIN, Ludovic, 2020, Recalage de modèle vis-à-vis d'une quantité d'intérêt en thermique du bâtiment - Applications dans l'équipement Sense-City, IBPSA 2020 - Conférence Francophone de l'International Building Performance Simulation Association, Reims, FRANCE, 2020-11-12

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DJATOUTI, Zohra, WAEYTENS, Julien, CHAMOIN, Ludovic, CHATELLIER, Patrice, 2020, Coupling a goal-oriented inverse method and Proper Generalized Decomposition for fast and robust prediction of quantities of interest in building thermal problems, Building Simulation, SPRINGER, DOI: 10.1007/s12273-020-0603-8

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DJATOUTI, Zohra, WAEYTENS, Julien, CHAMOIN, Ludovic, CHATELLIER, Patrice, 2019, Méthode inverse pour l'identification de paramètres de modèles en vue de la prédiction robuste de quantités d'intérêt en thermique du bâtiment, SFT'19, 27ème Congrès Français de Thermique, Nantes, France, 2019-06-03, 1p

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WAEYTENS, Julien, DURAND, Sophie, SADR, Sara, 2019, Experimental validation of a CFD-based air quality sensor placement strategy to localize indoor source emissions, Building Simulation'19, 16th IBPSA International Conference and Exhibition, Building Simulation, Rome, Italie, 2019-09-02, 6p

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WAEYTENS, Julien, ZIBOUCHE, Kamel, THEBAULT, Simon, BOUCHIE, Rémi, LE SANT, Véronique, HA, Thanh-Tung, FEUILLET, Vincent, IBOS, Laurent, 2019, Numerical benchmarks for the comparison of inverse modeling techniques to identify building wall thermal resistance, ADMOS'19, International Conference on ADaptive MOdeling and Simulation, Alicante, ESPAGNE, 2019-05-27, 1p

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RIGAUT, Tristan, CARPENTIER, Pierre, CHANCELIER, Jean Philippe, COHEN DE LARA, Michel, WAEYTENS, Julien, 2019, Stochastic Optimization of Braking Energy Storage and Ventilation in a Subway Station, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 34, 2, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, pp. 1256-1263, DOI: 10.1109/TPWRS.2018.2873919

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DJATOUTI, Zohra, WAEYTENS, Julien, CHAMOIN, Ludovic, CHATELLIER, Patrice, 2018, Robust prediction of a quantity of interest in building thermal problems using a goal-oriented inverse method, ECCM 6 / ECFD 7, 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics / 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Glasgow, ROYAUME-UNI, 2018-06-11, 1p

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DJATOUTI, Zohra, WAEYTENS, Julien, CHAMOIN, Ludovic, CHATELLIER, Patrice, 2018, Robust prediction of a quantity of interest in building thermal problems using a goal-oriented inverse method, ECCM'18, 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics, Glasgow, ROYAUME-UNI, 2018-06-11, np

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WAEYTENS, Julien, 2018, Inverse problems for smart-city applications, WCCM 2018, 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, New-York, ETATS-UNIS, 2018-07-22, 1p

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WAEYTENS, Julien, SADR, Sara, 2018, Computer-aided placement of air quality sensors using adjoint framework and sensor features to localize indoor source emission, Building and Environment, 144, Elsevier, pp 184-193, DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2018.08.012

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DJATOUTI, Zohra, WAEYTENS, Julien, CHAMOIN, Ludovic, CHATELLIER, Patrice, 2018, Prédiction avancée de quantités d'intérêt en thermique du bâtiment par couplage mesures/modèle, SFT'18, 26ème congrès de la Société Française de Thermique, Pau, France, 2018-05-29, 7p

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KHADOUR, Aghiad, WAEYTENS, Julien, 2017, Monitoring of concrete structures with optical fiber sensors, In: Eco-efficient Repair and Rehabilitation of Concrete Infrastructures, Chapitre 5, Woodhead Publishing Series in Civil and Structural Engineering, Elsevier Science, pp 97-121

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WAEYTENS, Julien, CHAKIR, Rachida, CHAMOIN, Ludovic, 2017, A posteriori modeling error estimation for thermal building applications, ADMOS 2017 - International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation, Verbania, ITALIE, 2017-06-26, 1p

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DJATOUTI, Zohra, WAEYTENS, Julien, CHATELLIER, Patrice, CHAMOIN, Ludovic, 2017, Parameters Identification for Thermal Building Models by a Goal-oriented Inverse Method, ADMOS 2017 - International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation, Verbania, ITALIE, 2017-06-26, 1p

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DJATOUTI, Zohra, WAEYTENS, Julien, CHAMOIN, Ludovic, CHATELLIER, Patrice, 2017, Goal-oriented Updating Technique Applied to Building Thermal Model, Building Simulation 2017, San Francisco, ETATS-UNIS, 2017-08-07, 7p.

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WAEYTENS, Julien, MAHFOUDHI, Imed, CHABCHOUB, Mohamed-Amine, CHATELLIER, Patrice, 2017, Adjoint-based numerical method using standard engineering software for the optimal placement of chlorine sensors in drinking water networks, Environmental Modelling and Software, 92, Elsevier, pp 229-238, DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2017.02.015

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WAEYTENS, Julien, CHATELLIER, Patrice, BOURQUIN, Frédéric, 2017, Impacts of discretization error, flow modeling error and measurement noise on inverse transport-diffusion-reaction in a T-junction, Journal of fluids engineering, 139, 5, American Society of Mechanical Engineers - ASME, 32 p., DOI: 10.1115/1.4035806

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WAEYTENS, Julien, MERLIOT, Erick, NASSIOPOULOS, Alexandre, 2016, Recalage de modèle pour le diagnostic de performance énergétique suite à la rénovation d'un bâtiment existant : application aux chalets Sense-City, 34èmes Rencontres de l'AUGC, Liège, Belgique, 2016-05-24, 7p

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WAEYTENS, Julien, MERLIOT, Erick, CHAKIR, Rachida, JOSEPH, Damien, TRIPATHI, Amita, 2016, Comparison of numerical turbulent flows and measurement from 3D anemometer in a chalet in view of indoor air quality applications, European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2016), Crete Island, GRECE, 2016-06-05, 1p

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LIMONGELLI, Maria Pina, SIEGERT, Dominique, MERLIOT, Erick, WAEYTENS, Julien, BOURQUIN, Frédéric, VIDAL, R., LE CORVEC, V., GUEGUEN, Yves, COTTINEAU, Louis Marie, 2016, Damage detection in a post tensioned concrete beam ? Experimental investigation, Engineering Structures, 128, Elsevier, pp.15-25, DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2016.09.017

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WAEYTENS, Julien, ROSIC, Bojana, CHARBONNEL, Pierre Etienne, MERLIOT, Erick, SIEGERT, Dominique, CHAPELEAU, Xavier, VIDAL, Roland, LE CORVEC, Véronique, COTTINEAU, Louis Marie, 2016, Model updating techniques for damage detection in concrete beam using optical fiber strain measurement device, Engineering Structures, 129, Elsevier, pp 2-10, DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2016.08.004

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LIMONGELLI, Maria Pina, SIEGERT, Dominique, MERLIOT, Eric, VIDAL, Roland, WAEYTENS, Julien, BOURQUIN, Frédéric, LE CORVEC, Véronique, GUEGUEN, Ivan, COTTINEAU, Louis Marie, 2015, Static and dynamic testing of a damaged post tensioned concrete beam, MATEC Web of Conferences, EVACES'15, 6th International Conference on Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures, Dübendorf, SUISSE, 2015-10-19, 24, 8p, DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/20152405004

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WAEYTENS, Julien, ROSIC, Bojana, 2015, Comparison of deterministic and probabilistic approaches to identify the dynamic moving load and damages of a reinforced concrete beam, Applied Mathematics and Computation, ESCO 2014 - The Fourth European Seminar on Computing, 267, ELSEVIER, p 3-16, DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2015.07.121

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WAEYTENS, Julien, LIMONGELLI, Maria Pina, MERLIOT, Erick, SIEGERT, Dominique, CHAPELEAU, Xavier, VIDAL, Roland, LE CORVEC, Véronique, COTTINEAU, Louis Marie, 2015, Détection d'endommagement dans une poutre en béton précontraint par recalage de modèles et mesures par fibres optiques, RUGC'15 - Rencontres de l'AUGC, Anglet, FRANCE, 2015-05-27, 8 p

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WAEYTENS, Julien, CHATELLIER, Patrice, BOURQUIN, Frédéric, 2015, Inverse Computational Fluid Dynamics: Influence of Discretization and Model Errors on Flows in Water Network Including Junctions, ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, 137, 9, AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS - ASME, 17p., DOI: 10.1115/1.4030358

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CHAMOIN, Ludovic, LADEVEZE, Pierre, WAEYTENS, Julien, 2014, Goal-oriented strategy for the updating of mechanical models, WCCM XI - 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, BARCELONE, ESPAGNE, 2014-07-20, 2 p.

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CHAMOIN, Ludovic, LADEVEZE, Pierre, WAEYTENS, Julien, 2014, Goal-oriented updating of mechanical models, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, NCMIP2014 - 4th International Workshop on New Computational Methods for Inverse Problems, CACHAN, FRANCE, 2014-05-23, 542, IOP PUB, 7 p, DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/542/1/012004

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PARZANI, Céline, WAEYTENS, Julien, LECLERCQ, Ludovic, CHAKIR, Rachida, JOUSSE, Gaëlle, 2014, Investigating inverse methods for determining the dynamic demand, ISTS 2014 - 4th International Symposium of Transport Simulation, AJACCIO, FRANCE, 2014-06-01, 8p

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CHAMOIN, Ludovic, LADEVEZE, Pierre, WAEYTENS, Julien, 2014, Goal-oriented updating of mechanical models using the adjoint framework, Computational Mechanics, 54, 6, SPRINGER, pp 1415-1430, DOI: 10.1007/s00466-014-1066-5

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SMAIL, Mostafa Kamel ; WAEYTENS, Julien ; BOURQUIN, Frédéric , 2014 , The health monitoring of a prestressed concrete beam using inverse modeling technique and measured dynamic response , European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring , NANTES , FRANCE , 07/07/2014 , 6p

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WAEYTENS, Julien, LE CORVEC, Véronique, LEVEQUE, Philippe, SIEGERT, Dominique, BOURQUIN, Frédéric, 2014, Elastodynamics model updating for the monitoring of reinforced concrete beam: methodology and numerical implementation, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 513, TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS, pp. 3401-3406, DOI: 10.4028/

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WAEYTENS, Julien ; LE CORVEC, Véronique ; LEVEQUE, Philippe ; SIEGERT, Dominique ; BOURQUIN, Frederic , 2013 , Modèle inverse pour le monitoring des poutres en béton avec des armatures passives d’acier , CFM 2013 - 21ème Congrès Français de Mécanique , BORDEAUX , FRANCE , 26/08/2013 , 6p

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WAEYTENS, Julien ; CHATELLIER, Patrice ; BOURQUIN, Frédéric , 2013 , Sensitivity of inverse advection-diffusion-reaction to sensor and control: a low computational cost tool , Computers and Mathematics with Applications , 66 , 6 , ELSEVIER , pp1082–1103 , DOI: 10.1016/j.camwa.2013.07.009

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WAEYTENS, Julien ; MERLIOT, Erick ; CHATELLIER, Patrice , 2013 , Fast inverse modeling technique to reconstruct a laminar flow: Application to a part of Versailles water network , YIC2013 - 2nd ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference , BORDEAUX , FRANCE , 02/09/2013 , 4p

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WAEYTENS, Julien ; LE CORVEC, Véronique ; LEVEQUE, Philippe ; SIEGERT, Dominique ; BOURQUIN, Frédéric , 2013 , Identification of reinforced concrete beam parameters using inverse modeling technique and measured dynamics responses for structure health monitoring , COMPDYN 2013, 4th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering , KOS , GRECE , 12/05/2013 , 8p

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WAEYTENS, Julien ; CHATELLIER, Patrice ; BOURQUIN, Frédéric , 2012 , Influence of discretization and model errors on inverse computational fluid: Application to a water pipe junction , ECCOMAS 2012 - European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering , VIENNE , AUTRICHE , 10/09/2012 , 11p

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