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Chercheure, HDR - sécurité ferroviaire

CFR / COSYS - Département Composants et Systèmes

ESTAS - Évaluation des Systèmes de Transports Automatisés et de leur Sécurité

Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex

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Chercheure, HDR - sécurité ferroviaire

CFR / COSYS - Département Composants et Systèmes

ESTAS - Évaluation des Systèmes de Transports Automatisés et de leur Sécurité

Julie Beugin est chercheure au sein de l'équipe COSYS / ESTAS / `Approche Système de la Sécurité’ de l'Université Gustave Eiffel. Elle a obtenu en 2002 le diplôme d'ingénieur de l'INSA Hauts-de-France (ex-ENSIAME) puis, respectivement en 2002 et 2006, le master et le doctorat AISIH (Automatique et Informatique des Systèmes Industriels et Humains) de l’UPHF.
Ses travaux de recherche sont axés sur l'évaluation de sûreté de fonctionnement de systèmes complexes de transports guidés. Elle mène en particulier des activités sur les problématiques d’analyse de sécurité fonctionnelle et dysfonctionnelle de systèmes de navigation par satellites et de communication impliqués dans les fonctions critiques de systèmes de contrôle-commande des trains.
Elle est intervenue notamment dans les projets européens GaLoROI, ERSAT-GGC, STARS, PERFORMINGRAIL et dans les projets nationaux Systuf, SIL, TC-Rail et Train Autonome-Service Voyageurs. Elle est reconnue depuis 2017 en qualité d’ ‘Évaluateur Certifer’ sur les processus de sûreté de fonctionnement et les techniques de localisation satellitaire dans le domaine ferroviaire, ainsi que sur la règlementation relative à l’évaluation et l’appréciation des risques ferroviaires.

Mission d’évaluateur indépendant de sécurité : système `automatismes de conduite et commandes centralisées’ du projet de métro Grand Paris Express

Julie Beugin received the engineering degree from INSA Hauts-de-France (National Institute of Applied Sciences) in 2002, the master’s degree in automation engineering from Polytechnic University of Hauts-de-France in 2002, and the PhD degree in automation and computing sciences in 2006. Since 2007, she has been with Gustave Eiffel University as a researcher. Her research interest in the ESTAS laboratory (Evaluation of Automated Transport Systems and their Safety) deals with dependability and safety evaluation of complex guided transportation systems. Part of her activities addresses RAMS demonstration issues of GNSS-based solutions embedded in train control applications. She participated to the GaLoROI, ERSAT-GGC, STARS, PERFORMINGRAIL European projects. She has secondment agreements with Railenium to participate to projects in her research fields and with Certifer to realize ISA missions.

Mes dernières références

My latest references



Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture

  1. CHELOUATI M., BOUSSIF A., BEUGIN J., EL-KOURSI E.-M. (2024). A Risk-Based Decision-Making Process for Autonomous Trains Using POMDP: Case of the Anti-Collision Function. IEEE Access, vol. 12: pp 5630-5647, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3347500.
  2. HIMRANE O., BEUGIN J., GHAZEL M. (2023). Implementation of a model-oriented approach for supporting safe integration of GNSS-based virtual balises in ERTMS/ETCS level 3. IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, DOI: 10.1109/OJITS.2023.3267142.
  3. CHELOUATI M., BOUSSIF A., BEUGIN J., EL-KOURSI E.-M. (2022). A Graphical safety assurance case using Goal Structuring Notation (GSN) - challenges, opportunities and a framework for autonomous trains. Journal of Reliability Engineering & System Safety (RESS), DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2022.108933.
  4. BEUGIN J., LEGRAND C., MARAIS J., BERBINEAU M., EL-KOURSI E.-M. (2018). Safety Appraisal of Localization Systems Based on GNSS Used in Train Spacing Control. IEEE-Access, vol. 6(1): pp 9898 - 9916, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2807127.
  5. NGUYEN T.P.K., BEUGIN J., BERBINEAU M., MARAIS J. (2019). Application of fuzzy theory for identifying the required availability of an autonomous localisation unit in European Train Control System. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations, vol. 23 (3): pp 265-281, DOI: 10.1080/15472450.2018.1525533.
  6. OUEDRAOGO K.-A., BEUGIN J., EL-KOURSI E.-M., CLARHAUT J., RENAUX D., LISIECKI F. (2018). Toward an application guide for Safety Integrity Level allocation in railway systems. Risk Analysis journal, vol. 38(8): pp 1634-1655, DOI: 10.1111/risa.12972.
  7. MARAIS J., BEUGIN J., BERBINEAU M. (2017). A survey of GNSS-based Research and Developments for the European railway signaling. IEEE-Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 18 (10): pp 2602-2618, DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2017.2658179.
  8. NGUYEN T.P.K., BEUGIN J., BERBINEAU M., KASSAB M. (2016) A new analytical approach to evaluate the critical-event probability due to wireless communication errors in Train Control Systems. IEEE-Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 18 (6): pp 1380-1392, DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2016.2604043.
  9. LEGRAND C., BEUGIN J., CONRARD B., MARAIS J., BERBINEAU M., EL-KOURSI E.-M. (2016). From extended integrity monitoring to the safety evaluation of satellite-based localisation. Journal of Reliability Engineering & System Safety (RESS), vol. 155, pp. 105-114, DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2016.04.011.
  10. NGUYEN T.P.K., BEUGIN J., MARAIS J. (2015). Method for evaluating an extended Fault Tree to analyse the dependability of complex systems: application to a satellite-based railway system. Journal of Reliability Engineering & System Safety (RESS), vol. 133, pp. 300-313, DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2014.09.019.
  11. BEUGIN J., MARAIS J. (2012). Simulation-based evaluation of dependability and safety properties of satellite technologies for railway localization. Journal of Transportation Research, part C (Emerging Technologies) vol. 22: pp 42-57, DOI: 10.1016/j.trc.2011.12.002.
  12. BEUGIN J., FILIP A., MARAIS J., BERBINEAU M. (2010). Galileo for railway operations: question about the positioning performances analogy with the RAMS requirements allocated to safety applications. European Transport Research Review (ETRR), vol.2 (issue 2): pp 93-102, DOI: 10.1007/s12544-010-0032-3.
  13. BEUGIN J., RENAUX D., CAUFFRIEZ L. (2007). A SIL Quantification Approach based on an Operating Situation Model for Safety Evaluation in Complex Guided Transportation Systems. Journal of Reliability Engineering & System Safety (RESS), vol. 92 (issue 12): pp 1686-1700, DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2006.09.022.

Articles dans des conférences internationales

  1. SADDEM-YAGOUBI R., BEUGIN J., GHAZEL M. (2022). Methodology Framework for Modelling ETCS-L3 Moving Block System. TRA 2022 - 9th Transport Research Arena, 14-17 Nov, Lisbon, Portugal.
  2. TONK A., CHELOUATI M., BOUSSIF A., BEUGIN J., EL-KOURSI E.-M. (2022). A Safety Assurance Methodology for Autonomous Trains. TRA 2022 - 9th Transport Research Arena, 14-17 Nov, Lisbon, Portugal.
  3. SADDEM-YAGOUBI R., SANWAL M.-U., LIBUTTI S., BENERECETTI M., BEUGIN J., FLAMMINI F., GHAZEL M., JANSSEN B., MARRONE S., MOGAVERO F., NARDONE R., PERON A., SECELEANU C., VITTORINI V. (2022). Toward Usable Formal Models for Safety and Performance Evaluation of ERTMS/ETCS Level 3: The PERFORMINGRAIL Project. ESREL 2022 - 32nd European Safety and Reliability Conference, 28 August-1st September, Dublin, Ireland.
  4. CHELOUATI M., BOUSSIF A., BEUGIN J., EL-KOURSI E.M. (2022) A framework for risk-awareness and dynamic risk assessment for autonomous trains. ESREL 2022 - 32nd European Safety and Reliability Conference, 28 August-1st September, Dublin, Ireland.
  5. SADDEM-YAGOUBI R., BEUGIN J., GHAZEL M. (2022). A Formal Modelling Framework for Moving Block Systems in the PERFORMINGRAIL project. RAILWAYS 2022 - 5th International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance, 22-25 August, Montpellier, France.
  6. SADDEM-YAGOUBI R., BEUGIN J., GHAZEL M. (2022). Verification Framework for Moving Block System Safety: application on the Loss of Train Integrity Use Case. 11th TRISTAN conference, Triennal Symposium on Transportation Analysis, 19-25 June, Mauritius Island.
  7. TONK A., BOUSSIF A., BEUGIN J., COLLART-DUTILLEUL S. (2021). Towards a Specified Operational Design Domain for a Safe Remote Driving of Trains. ESREL 2021 - 31st European Safety and Reliability Conference, September 19-23, Angers, France.
  8. HIMRANE O., BEUGIN J., GHAZEL M. (2021). Toward Formal Safety and Performance Evaluation of GNSS-based Railway Localisation Function. CTS 2021, 16th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems, June 8-10, Lille, France.
  9. DE ALMEIDA PEREIRA D. I., HIMRANE O., BON P., BEUGIN J. (2020). From French National Signalling Systems to ERTMS: Considering the Evolution of Trackside Systems. ICCSIT 2020 - 13th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, virtual conference, October 14-16, The Netherlands.
  10. HIMRANE O., BEUGIN J., GHAZEL M. (2020). Towards a Model-Based Safety Assessment of Railway Operation Using GNSS Localization. ESREL 2020 & PSAM 15 - 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference, November 1-5, virtual attendance, Venice, Italy.
  11. SASSI I., BEUGIN J., SALLAK M., AIT TMAZIRTE N. (2020). Allocating imprecise safety targets in satellite-based localization systems used in railway signaling operations. ESREL 2020 & PSAM 15 - 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference, November 1-5, virtual attendance, Venice, Italy.
  12. MARAIS J., BEUGIN J., POUMAILLOUX J., GANDARA M. (2018). EGNOS service evaluation in railway environment for safety-critical operations. 7th Transport Research Arena (TRA), April 16-19, Vienna, Austria.
  13. OUEDRAOGO K.-A., BEUGIN J., EL-KOURSI E.-M., CLARHAUT J., RENAUX D., LISIECKI F. (2016). Safety Integrity Level Allocation shared or Divergent Practices in the Railway Domain. IRSC - International Railway Safety Council, October 2-7, Paris, France.
  14. OUEDRAOGO K.-A., BEUGIN J., EL-KOURSI E.-M., CLARHAUT J., RENAUX D., LISIECKI F. (2015). Harmonized methodology for Safety Integrity Level allocation in a generic TCMS application. ESREL 2015 - European Safety and Reliability Conference, in Podofillini et al. Eds, Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02879-1, pp 3579-3587, September 7-10, Zürich, Switzerland.
  15. LEGRAND C., BEUGIN J., CONRARD B., MARAIS J., BERBINEAU M., EL-KOURSI E.-M. (2015). Approach for evaluating the safety of a satellite-based train localisation system using the extended integrity concept. ESREL 2015 - European safety and reliability conference, in Podofillini et al. Eds, Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02879-1, pp 1297-1305, September 7-10, Zürich, Switzerland.
  16. NGUYEN T.P.K., BEUGIN J., KASSAB M., BERBINEAU M. (2015). Analytical approach for evaluating communication errors of the LTE network in train control application. IEEE ICC-DVC, International Conference on Communications- 1st workshop on Dependable Vehicular Communications, June 8-12, London, UK.
  17. MANZ H., SCHNIEDER E., STEIN D, SPINDLER M., LAUER M., SEEDORFF C., BAUDIS A., BECKER U., BEUGIN J., NGUYEN T.P.K., MARAIS J. (2015). GaLoROI: Satellite based localization in railways. IC-ARE'15, International Congress on Advanced Railway Engineering, March 2-4, Istanbul, Turkey.
  18. NGUYEN T.P.K., BEUGIN J., KASSAB M., BERBINEAU M. (2014). Modelling Communication Based Train Control system for dependability analysis of the LTE Communication network in train control application. IEEE EMS - 8th European Modelling Symposium on Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation, October 21-23, Pisa, Italy.
  19. OUEDRAOGO K.-A., BEUGIN J., EL-KOURSI E.-M., CLARHAUT J., RENAUX D., LISIECKI F. (2014). Allocation rules of Safety Integrity Levels in a generic TCMS application. 10th FORMS-FORMAT symposium (Formal Methods for Automation and Safety in Railway and Automotive Systems), September 30-October 2, Braunschweig, Germany.
  20. NGUYEN T.P.K., BEUGIN J., MARAIS J. (2014). RAMS analysis of GNSS based localisation system for the train control application. IEEE ComManTel 2014, the 2nd International Conference on Computing, Management and Telecommunications, April 27-29, Da Nang, Vietnam.
  21. LEGRAND C., BEUGIN J., CONRARD B., MARAIS J., BERBINEAU M., EL-KOURSI E.-M. (2014). Causal analysis methodology of multisensor systems based on GNSS. Railways 2014, the 2nd International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance, April 8-11, Ajaccio, Corsica, France.
  22. LEGRAND C., BEUGIN J., CONRARD B., MARAIS J., BERBINEAU M., EL-KOURSI E.-M. (2013). Sensitivity Assessment to Analyse Dependability of a Multisensor Localisation System based on GNSS. IEEE ITS-T, Intelligent Transportation Systems-Telecommunications conference, November 5-7, Tampere, Finland.
  23. NGUYEN T.P.K., BEUGIN J., MARAIS J. (2013). Dependability evaluation of a GNSS and ECS based localisation unit for railway vehicles. IEEE ITS-T, Intelligent Transportation Systems-Telecommunications conference, November 5-7, Tampere, Finland.
  24. HOINARU O., BEUGIN J., MARAIS J. (2013). Contribution to a terminology related to dependability for the qualification of an on-board satellite-based system. In proceedings of the 2nd ICTIS conference (International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety), June 28-July 1st, Wuhan, China.
  25. MARAIS J., BEUGIN J. (2012). Evaluation method of GNSS-based positioning functions for safety applications in operational conditions. Transport Research Arena - TRA conference, April 23-26, Athens, Greece.
  26. MARAIS J., BEUGIN J. (2010). Integrity in safe railway GNSS-based applications. ITST 2010 - 10th International Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems Telecommunications, November 9-11, Kyoto, Japan.
  27. BEUGIN J., FILIP A., MARAIS J. (2009). Simulation approaches to evaluate dependability of satellite-based positioning services in railway transportation applications. ESREL 2009 - European Safety and Reliability Conference, in Briš, Guedes & Martorell Eds,Taylor & Francis Group, ISBN 978-0-415-55509-8, pp 2331-2337, September 7-10, Prague, Czech Republic.
  28. BEUGIN J., MARAIS J., LOZAC’H J.-P. (2008). A dependability analysis for integrating a satellite positioning system in a rail freight application. ENC-GNSS 2008 - European Navigation Conference, 22-25 avril, Toulouse, France.
  29. BEUGIN J., MARAIS J. (2008). An Approach to Quantify the Satellite-Based Train Location Service Using a Petri-Nets Model. The 8th World Congress on Railways Research, 18-22 mai, Séoul, Corée du Sud.
  30. FILIP A., BEUGIN J., MARAIS J., MOCEK H. (2008). Safety Concept of Railway Signalling Based on Galileo Safety of Life Service. COMPRAIL-11th international conference on Computer System Design and Operations in the Railway and Other Transit Systems, 15-17 septembre, Toledo, Espagne.
  31. BEUGIN J., CAUFFRIEZ L., RENAUX D. (2007). Prise en compte du contexte opérationnel dans l’évaluation de la sécurité d’un système de transport guidé. PENTOM 2007 - Performances et Nouvelles Technologies en Maintenance, juillet, Mons, Belgique.
  32. BEUGIN J., RENAUX D., CAUFFRIEZ L. (2005). A SIL quantification approach to complex systems for guided transportation. ESREL 2005 - European safety and reliability conference, in Kolowrocki Eds, Taylor & Francis Group, pp 197-204, juin, Gdansk, Pologne.
  33. RENAUX D., BEUGIN J., CAUFFRIEZ L. (2005). Allocation et évaluation de la sécurité globale d’un système de transports guidés. PENTOM 2005 - Performances et Nouvelles Technologies en Maintenance, pp. 289-303, avril, Marrakech, Maroc.
  34. BEUGIN J., RENAUX D., CAUFFRIEZ L. (2005). A Safety assessment method for guided transportation systems: a dynamic approach using Monte Carlo and discrete event simulations. IMACS - 17th congress on Scientific Computation, Applied Mathematics and Simulation, in Borne, Benrejeb, Dangoumau & Lorimier Eds, ISBN 2-915913-02-1, juillet, Paris.
  35. RENAUX D., BEUGIN J., CAUFFRIEZ L. (2003). Proposal for a neural network approach and ordering heuristic for the fault tree evaluation. ESREL 2003 - European Safety and Reliability Conference, in Bedford & van Gelder Eds, ISBN 90-5809-551-7, pp 1301-1306, juin, Maastricht, Pays-Bas.

Articles in international journals

  1. CHELOUATI M., BOUSSIF A., BEUGIN J., EL-KOURSI E.-M. (2024). A Risk-Based Decision-Making Process for Autonomous Trains Using POMDP: Case of the Anti-Collision Function. IEEE Access, vol. 12: pp 5630-5647, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3347500.
  2. HIMRANE O., BEUGIN J., GHAZEL M. (2023). Implementation of a model-oriented approach for supporting safe integration of GNSS-based virtual balises in ERTMS/ETCS level 3. IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, DOI: 10.1109/OJITS.2023.3267142.
  3. CHELOUATI M., BOUSSIF A., BEUGIN J., EL-KOURSI E.-M. (2022). A Graphical safety assurance case using Goal Structuring Notation (GSN) - challenges, opportunities and a framework for autonomous trains. Journal of Reliability Engineering & System Safety (RESS), DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2022.108933.
  4. BEUGIN J., LEGRAND C., MARAIS J., BERBINEAU M., EL-KOURSI E.-M. (2018). Safety Appraisal of Localization Systems Based on GNSS Used in Train Spacing Control. IEEE-Access, vol. 6(1): pp 9898 - 9916, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2807127.
  5. NGUYEN T.P.K., BEUGIN J., BERBINEAU M., MARAIS J. (2019). Application of fuzzy theory for identifying the required availability of an autonomous localisation unit in European Train Control System. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations, vol. 23 (3): pp 265-281, DOI: 10.1080/15472450.2018.1525533.
  6. OUEDRAOGO K.-A., BEUGIN J., EL-KOURSI E.-M., CLARHAUT J., RENAUX D., LISIECKI F. (2018). Toward an application guide for Safety Integrity Level allocation in railway systems. Risk Analysis journal, vol. 38(8): pp 1634-1655, DOI: 10.1111/risa.12972.
  7. MARAIS J., BEUGIN J., BERBINEAU M. (2017). A survey of GNSS-based Research and Developments for the European railway signaling. IEEE-Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 18 (10): pp 2602-2618, DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2017.2658179.
  8. NGUYEN T.P.K., BEUGIN J., BERBINEAU M., KASSAB M. (2016) A new analytical approach to evaluate the critical-event probability due to wireless communication errors in Train Control Systems. IEEE-Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 18 (6): pp 1380-1392, DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2016.2604043.
  9. LEGRAND C., BEUGIN J., CONRARD B., MARAIS J., BERBINEAU M., EL-KOURSI E.-M. (2016). From extended integrity monitoring to the safety evaluation of satellite-based localisation. Journal of Reliability Engineering & System Safety (RESS), vol. 155, pp. 105-114, DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2016.04.011.
  10. NGUYEN T.P.K., BEUGIN J., MARAIS J. (2015). Method for evaluating an extended Fault Tree to analyse the dependability of complex systems: application to a satellite-based railway system. Journal of Reliability Engineering & System Safety (RESS), vol. 133, pp. 300-313, DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2014.09.019.
  11. BEUGIN J., MARAIS J. (2012). Simulation-based evaluation of dependability and safety properties of satellite technologies for railway localization. Journal of Transportation Research, part C (Emerging Technologies) vol. 22: pp 42-57, DOI: 10.1016/j.trc.2011.12.002.
  12. BEUGIN J., FILIP A., MARAIS J., BERBINEAU M. (2010). Galileo for railway operations: question about the positioning performances analogy with the RAMS requirements allocated to safety applications. European Transport Research Review (ETRR), vol.2 (issue 2): pp 93-102, DOI: 10.1007/s12544-010-0032-3.
  13. BEUGIN J., RENAUX D., CAUFFRIEZ L. (2007). A SIL Quantification Approach based on an Operating Situation Model for Safety Evaluation in Complex Guided Transportation Systems. Journal of Reliability Engineering & System Safety (RESS), vol. 92 (issue 12): pp 1686-1700, DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2006.09.022.

Articles  in international conferences

  1. SADDEM-YAGOUBI R., BEUGIN J., GHAZEL M. (2022). Methodology Framework for Modelling ETCS-L3 Moving Block System. TRA 2022 - 9th Transport Research Arena, 14-17 Nov, Lisbon, Portugal.
  2. TONK A., CHELOUATI M., BOUSSIF A., BEUGIN J., EL-KOURSI E.-M. (2022). A Safety Assurance Methodology for Autonomous Trains. TRA 2022 - 9th Transport Research Arena, 14-17 Nov, Lisbon, Portugal.
  3. SADDEM-YAGOUBI R., SANWAL M.-U., LIBUTTI S., BENERECETTI M., BEUGIN J., FLAMMINI F., GHAZEL M., JANSSEN B., MARRONE S., MOGAVERO F., NARDONE R., PERON A., SECELEANU C., VITTORINI V. (2022). Toward Usable Formal Models for Safety and Performance Evaluation of ERTMS/ETCS Level 3: The PERFORMINGRAIL Project. ESREL 2022 - 32nd European Safety and Reliability Conference, 28 August-1st September, Dublin, Ireland.
  4. CHELOUATI M., BOUSSIF A., BEUGIN J., EL-KOURSI E.M. (2022) A framework for risk-awareness and dynamic risk assessment for autonomous trains. ESREL 2022 - 32nd European Safety and Reliability Conference, 28 August-1st September, Dublin, Ireland.
  5. SADDEM-YAGOUBI R., BEUGIN J., GHAZEL M. (2022). A Formal Modelling Framework for Moving Block Systems in the PERFORMINGRAIL project. RAILWAYS 2022 - 5th International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance, 22-25 August, Montpellier, France.
  6. SADDEM-YAGOUBI R., BEUGIN J., GHAZEL M. (2022). Verification Framework for Moving Block System Safety: application on the Loss of Train Integrity Use Case. 11th TRISTAN conference, Triennal Symposium on Transportation Analysis, 19-25 June, Mauritius Island.
  7. TONK A., BOUSSIF A., BEUGIN J., COLLART-DUTILLEUL S. (2021). Towards a Specified Operational Design Domain for a Safe Remote Driving of Trains. ESREL 2021 - 31st European Safety and Reliability Conference, September 19-23, Angers, France.
  8. HIMRANE O., BEUGIN J., GHAZEL M. (2021). Toward Formal Safety and Performance Evaluation of GNSS-based Railway Localisation Function. CTS 2021, 16th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems, June 8-10, Lille, France.
  9. DE ALMEIDA PEREIRA D. I., HIMRANE O., BON P., BEUGIN J. (2020). From French National Signalling Systems to ERTMS: Considering the Evolution of Trackside Systems. ICCSIT 2020 - 13th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, virtual conference, October 14-16, The Netherlands.
  10. HIMRANE O., BEUGIN J., GHAZEL M. (2020). Towards a Model-Based Safety Assessment of Railway Operation Using GNSS Localization. ESREL 2020 & PSAM 15 - 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference, November 1-5, virtual attendance, Venice, Italy.
  11. SASSI I., BEUGIN J., SALLAK M., AIT TMAZIRTE N. (2020). Allocating imprecise safety targets in satellite-based localization systems used in railway signaling operations. ESREL 2020 & PSAM 15 - 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference, November 1-5, virtual attendance, Venice, Italy.
  12. MARAIS J., BEUGIN J., POUMAILLOUX J., GANDARA M. (2018). EGNOS service evaluation in railway environment for safety-critical operations. 7th Transport Research Arena (TRA), April 16-19, Vienna, Austria.
  13. OUEDRAOGO K.-A., BEUGIN J., EL-KOURSI E.-M., CLARHAUT J., RENAUX D., LISIECKI F. (2016). Safety Integrity Level Allocation shared or Divergent Practices in the Railway Domain. IRSC - International Railway Safety Council, October 2-7, Paris, France.
  14. OUEDRAOGO K.-A., BEUGIN J., EL-KOURSI E.-M., CLARHAUT J., RENAUX D., LISIECKI F. (2015). Harmonized methodology for Safety Integrity Level allocation in a generic TCMS application. ESREL 2015 - European Safety and Reliability Conference, in Podofillini et al. Eds, Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02879-1, pp 3579-3587, September 7-10, Zürich, Switzerland.
  15. LEGRAND C., BEUGIN J., CONRARD B., MARAIS J., BERBINEAU M., EL-KOURSI E.-M. (2015). Approach for evaluating the safety of a satellite-based train localisation system using the extended integrity concept. ESREL 2015 - European safety and reliability conference, in Podofillini et al. Eds, Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02879-1, pp 1297-1305, September 7-10, Zürich, Switzerland.
  16. NGUYEN T.P.K., BEUGIN J., KASSAB M., BERBINEAU M. (2015). Analytical approach for evaluating communication errors of the LTE network in train control application. IEEE ICC-DVC, International Conference on Communications- 1st workshop on Dependable Vehicular Communications, June 8-12, London, UK.
  17. MANZ H., SCHNIEDER E., STEIN D, SPINDLER M., LAUER M., SEEDORFF C., BAUDIS A., BECKER U., BEUGIN J., NGUYEN T.P.K., MARAIS J. (2015). GaLoROI: Satellite based localization in railways. IC-ARE'15, International Congress on Advanced Railway Engineering, March 2-4, Istanbul, Turkey.
  18. NGUYEN T.P.K., BEUGIN J., KASSAB M., BERBINEAU M. (2014). Modelling Communication Based Train Control system for dependability analysis of the LTE Communication network in train control application. IEEE EMS - 8th European Modelling Symposium on Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation, October 21-23, Pisa, Italy.
  19. OUEDRAOGO K.-A., BEUGIN J., EL-KOURSI E.-M., CLARHAUT J., RENAUX D., LISIECKI F. (2014). Allocation rules of Safety Integrity Levels in a generic TCMS application. 10th FORMS-FORMAT symposium (Formal Methods for Automation and Safety in Railway and Automotive Systems), September 30-October 2, Braunschweig, Germany.
  20. NGUYEN T.P.K., BEUGIN J., MARAIS J. (2014). RAMS analysis of GNSS based localisation system for the train control application. IEEE ComManTel 2014, the 2nd International Conference on Computing, Management and Telecommunications, April 27-29, Da Nang, Vietnam.
  21. LEGRAND C., BEUGIN J., CONRARD B., MARAIS J., BERBINEAU M., EL-KOURSI E.-M. (2014). Causal analysis methodology of multisensor systems based on GNSS. Railways 2014, the 2nd International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance, April 8-11, Ajaccio, Corsica, France.
  22. LEGRAND C., BEUGIN J., CONRARD B., MARAIS J., BERBINEAU M., EL-KOURSI E.-M. (2013). Sensitivity Assessment to Analyse Dependability of a Multisensor Localisation System based on GNSS. IEEE ITS-T, Intelligent Transportation Systems-Telecommunications conference, November 5-7, Tampere, Finland.
  23. NGUYEN T.P.K., BEUGIN J., MARAIS J. (2013). Dependability evaluation of a GNSS and ECS based localisation unit for railway vehicles. IEEE ITS-T, Intelligent Transportation Systems-Telecommunications conference, November 5-7, Tampere, Finland.
  24. HOINARU O., BEUGIN J., MARAIS J. (2013). Contribution to a terminology related to dependability for the qualification of an on-board satellite-based system. In proceedings of the 2nd ICTIS conference (International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety), June 28-July 1st, Wuhan, China.
  25. MARAIS J., BEUGIN J. (2012). Evaluation method of GNSS-based positioning functions for safety applications in operational conditions. Transport Research Arena - TRA conference, April 23-26, Athens, Greece.
  26. MARAIS J., BEUGIN J. (2010). Integrity in safe railway GNSS-based applications. ITST 2010 - 10th International Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems Telecommunications, November 9-11, Kyoto, Japan.
  27. BEUGIN J., FILIP A., MARAIS J. (2009). Simulation approaches to evaluate dependability of satellite-based positioning services in railway transportation applications. ESREL 2009 - European Safety and Reliability Conference, in Briš, Guedes & Martorell Eds,Taylor & Francis Group, ISBN 978-0-415-55509-8, pp 2331-2337, September 7-10, Prague, Czech Republic.
  28. BEUGIN J., MARAIS J., LOZAC’H J.-P. (2008). A dependability analysis for integrating a satellite positioning system in a rail freight application. ENC-GNSS 2008 - European Navigation Conference, 22-25 avril, Toulouse, France.
  29. BEUGIN J., MARAIS J. (2008). An Approach to Quantify the Satellite-Based Train Location Service Using a Petri-Nets Model. The 8th World Congress on Railways Research, 18-22 mai, Séoul, Corée du Sud.
  30. FILIP A., BEUGIN J., MARAIS J., MOCEK H. (2008). Safety Concept of Railway Signalling Based on Galileo Safety of Life Service. COMPRAIL-11th international conference on Computer System Design and Operations in the Railway and Other Transit Systems, 15-17 septembre, Toledo, Espagne.
  31. BEUGIN J., CAUFFRIEZ L., RENAUX D. (2007). Prise en compte du contexte opérationnel dans l’évaluation de la sécurité d’un système de transport guidé. PENTOM 2007 - Performances et Nouvelles Technologies en Maintenance, juillet, Mons, Belgique.
  32. BEUGIN J., RENAUX D., CAUFFRIEZ L. (2005). A SIL quantification approach to complex systems for guided transportation. ESREL 2005 - European safety and reliability conference, in Kolowrocki Eds, Taylor & Francis Group, pp 197-204, juin, Gdansk, Pologne.
  33. RENAUX D., BEUGIN J., CAUFFRIEZ L. (2005). Allocation et évaluation de la sécurité globale d’un système de transports guidés. PENTOM 2005 - Performances et Nouvelles Technologies en Maintenance, pp. 289-303, avril, Marrakech, Maroc.
  34. BEUGIN J., RENAUX D., CAUFFRIEZ L. (2005). A Safety assessment method for guided transportation systems: a dynamic approach using Monte Carlo and discrete event simulations. IMACS - 17th congress on Scientific Computation, Applied Mathematics and Simulation, in Borne, Benrejeb, Dangoumau & Lorimier Eds, ISBN 2-915913-02-1, juillet, Paris.
  35. RENAUX D., BEUGIN J., CAUFFRIEZ L. (2003). Proposal for a neural network approach and ordering heuristic for the fault tree evaluation. ESREL 2003 - European Safety and Reliability Conference, in Bedford & van Gelder Eds, ISBN 90-5809-551-7, pp 1301-1306, juin, Maastricht, Pays-Bas.

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