Jean-François Bercher
Enseignant-chercheur ESIEE, ancien responsable des filières "Télécommunication et traitement du signal", de la filière "Datascience et IA", doyen honoraire du corps professoral ; actuellement directeur de la recherche d'ESIEE Paris.
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Jean-François Bercher
Enseignant-chercheur ESIEE, ancien responsable des filières "Télécommunication et traitement du signal", de la filière "Datascience et IA", doyen honoraire du corps professoral ; actuellement directeur de la recherche d'ESIEE Paris.
Professor at ESIEE Paris since 1996, where I teach (statistical) signal processing, communication systems, machine learning, programming, … I have been the head of the specialization in Telecommunication and signal processing and I have also been the founder and head of the engineer specialization in DataScience and Artificial Intelligence.
I was the Dean of the ESIEE Faculty between 2016 and mid-2023, namely in charge of representing, advocating the interests of the Faculty, advising, organizing,... I am now the Dean for Research at ESIEE Paris.
As for Research, I work for a long time around information mesures, divergences and generalized entropies. I have also worked on some functional inequalities. I like to develop new algorithms or data analysis tailored to applications, namely for communication systems, biological processes, …
Mes dernières références
My latest references
Learning Representations on the Unit Sphere: Investigating Angular Gaussian and von Mises-Fisher Distributions for Online Continual Learning. The 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Feb 2024, Vancouver, Canada
Domain-Aware Augmentations for Unsupervised Online General Continual Learning. The 34th British Machine Vision Conference, Nov 2023, Aberdeen, United Kingdom
Analyse et prédiction de séries temporelles multivariées pour la surveillance de la santé d'ouvrages d'art. GRETSI 2023, XXIXème Colloque Francophone de Traitement du Signal et des Images, Aug 2023, Grenoble, France
Approche basée sur l'apprentissage automatique pour la détection d'anomalies lors de la surveillance d'ouvrages. 8ème congrès international francophone Diagnobéton 2023, Université Gustave Eiffel; Institut de recherche en Génie civil et Mécanique - GEM; Confédération Française pour les Essais Non Destructifs - COFREND, Oct 2023, Nantes, France. pp.169-177
Learning Representations on the Unit Sphere: Application to Online Continual Learning. 2023
New metrics for analyzing continual learners. MIRU2023 — Symposium on Image Recognition and Understanding, Jul 2023, Hamamatsu, France
Bercher. SHM analysis for damage detection using time series analysis methods. IALCCE 2023, Eighth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, Fabio Biondini, Dan M. Frangopol, Jul 2023, Milan, Italy. pp.2227-2234
Low Complexity Approaches for End-to-End Latency Prediction. 2022 13th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), Oct 2022, Kharagpur, France. pp.1-6
Contrastive Learning for Online Semi-Supervised General Continual Learning. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Oct 2022, Bordeaux, France. pp.1896-1900
Low Complexity Adaptive ML Approaches for End-to-End Latency Prediction. 5th International Conference on Machine Learning for Networking (MLN'2022), Nov 2022, Paris, France. pp.72-87
An automated machine learning-based approach for structural novelty detection based on SHM. Eurostruct 2021, Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the European Association on Quality Control of Bridges and Structures, Aug 2021, Padoue, Italy. pp 1180-1189
ϕ-Informational Measures: Some Results and Interrelations. Entropy, 2021, 23 (7), pp.911
Machine learning methods for anomaly detection in IoT networks, with illustrations. Boumerdassi S., Renault É., Mühlethaler P. (eds), Machine Learning for Networking, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12081. Springer, pp.287-295, 2020
On φ-entropies derived from inverse MaxEnt problems. Mini Workshop Identity in science and philosophy, Jul 2019, Paris, France
Replication dynamics of individual loci in single living cells reveal changes in the degree of replication stochasticity through S phase. Nucleic Acids Research, 2019, 47 (10), pp.5155-5169
Properties and Inequalities for φ-entropies Derived from Inverse MaxEnt Problems. Entropy 2018: From Physics to Information Sciences and Geometry, May 2018, Barcelone, Spain
Entropies and entropic criteria. Jean-François Giovannelli; Jérôme Idier. Inversion methods applied to signal and image processing, Wiley, pp.26, 2015
Dynamic of DNA replication in single living cells. 11e Colloque 3R, May 2015, Presqu’île de Giens, France
Sur la recherche de φ-entropie à maximisante donnée. GRETSI 2015 - XXVème Colloque francophone de traitement du signal et des images, Sep 2015, Lyon, France. pp.n/c
Replication synchrony of allelic loci in single living cells from early to late S-phase. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meeting : Eukaryotic DNA Replication & Genome Maintenance, Sep 2015, New York, United States
Dynamique et synchronisme de réplication de l'ADN dans des cellules vivantes -- Analyse de marqueurs fluorescents. XXVe colloque GRETSI, Sep 2015, Lyon, France
On generalized Cramér-Rao inequalities, and an extension of the Shannon-Fisher-Gauss setting. Valérie Girardin, Christos H. Skiadas, James R. Bozeman. New Perspectives on Stochastic Modeling and Data Analysis, ISAST, pp.19-35, 2014, 6188069874
Goodness-of-fit tests based on (h, ϕ)-divergences and entropy differences. 34th International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering, A. Djafari and F. Barbaresco, Sep 2014, Amboise, France
Some results on a χ-divergence, an extended Fisher information and generalized Cramér-Rao inequalities. F. Nielsen and F. Barbaresco. Geometric Science of Information, Springer, pp.487-494, 2013, First International Conference, GSI 2013, Paris, France, August 28-30, 2013. Proceedings, 978-3-642-40019-3
On multidimensional generalized Cramér-Rao inequalities, uncertainty relations and characterizations of generalized $q$-Gaussian distributions. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2013, 46 (9), pp.095303.1-095303.18
On some interrelations of generalized q-entropies and a generalized Fisher information, including a Cramér-Rao inequality. Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis, Jun 2013, Mataro (Barcelona), Spain. pp.yet_unknown
Some properties of generalized Fisher information in the context of nonextensive thermostatistics. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2013, 392 (15), pp.3140-3154
À propos d’extensions de l’information de Fisher et de l’inégalité de Cramér-Rao. 24e colloque Gretsi, Sep 2013, Brest, France. pp.4
Entropies et critères entropiques. Jean-François GIOVANNELLI, Jérome IDIER. Méthodes d'inversion appliquées au traitement du signal et de l'image, HERMÈS / LAVOISIER, 2013, Méthodes d'inversion appliquées au traitement du signal et de l'image, 2746245485
On generalized Cramér-Rao inequalities, generalized Fisher informations and characterizations of generalized q-Gaussian distributions. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2012, 45, pp.255303
A simple probabilistic construction yielding generalized entropies and divergences, escort distributions and q-Gaussians. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2012, 391 (19), pp.4460-4469
On a (β,q)-generalized Fisher information and inequalities involving q-Gaussian distributions. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2012, 53, pp.063303
Broadband digitization for cable tuners front-end. Microwave Conference (EuMC), 2011 41st European, Oct 2011, Manchester, United Kingdom. pp.705 - 708
Quelques inégalités caractérisant les gaussiennes généralisées. 30th Conference Gretsi, Sep 2011, Bordeaux, France
Comment: Source coding with Tsallis entropy. Electronics Letters, 2011, 47 (10), pp.597
Design, optimization and calibration of an HFB-based ADC. New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS), 2011 IEEE 9th International, Jun 2011, Bordeaux, France. pp.317 - 320
Design, optimization and realization of an HFB-based ADC. Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD), 2011 20th European Conference on, Aug 2011, Linkoping, Sweden. pp.138 - 141
Escort entropies and divergences and related canonical distribution. Physics Letters A, 2011, 375 (33), pp.2969-2973
Adaptive Gain and Delay Mismatch Cancellation for LINC Transmitter. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 2010, 65 (1), pp.151-156
Gain and Delay Mismatches Cancellation in LINC and Polar Transmitters. International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS'10), 2010, Paris, France. pp.1017-1020
Link between copula and tomography. Pattern Recognition Letters, 2010, 31 (14), pp.2258-2264
Etude d'architectures de numérisation très large bande. Majestic 2010, Oct 2010, Bordeaux, France. pp.8
On escort distributions, q-gaussians and Fisher information. 30th International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering, Jul 2010, Chamonix, France. pp.208-215
Bayesian Inference and maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering. American Institute of Physics, pp.499, 2010
Utilisation de la notion de copule en tomographie. XXIIe colloque GRETSI, Sep 2009, France.
On minimum Fisher information distributions with restricted support and fixed variance. Information Sciences, 2009, 179 (1), pp.3832-3842
Entropies et Radiotechnique. Traitement du signal et de l'image [eess.SP]. Université Paris-Est, 2009
Copula and Tomography. International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP'09), Feb 2009, France. 10pp
Source Coding with Escort Distributions and Rényi Entropy Bounds. Physics Letters A, 2009, 373 (36), pp.3235-3238
Faisabilité de référence haute fréquence pour les architectures RF. 16èmes Journées Nationales Microondes,JNM 2009, May 2009, Grenoble, France. 2 p
Geometric aspects of the non-extensive statistical theory. Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods (MaxEnt'09), Jul 2009, France. 10pp
Low-noise high-resolution BAW-based high-frequency oscillator. Electronics Letters, 2009, 45 (17), pp.914-916
Berland, Jean-François Bercher, O. Venard. Digital Signal Processing techniques to compensate for RF imperfections in Advanced Transmitter Architectures. European Wireless Technology Conference (EuWit'08), 2008, France. 10pp
Tsallis distribution as a standard maximum entropy solution with 'tail' constraint. Physics Letters A, 2008, 372 (35), pp.5657-5659
Maximum entropy with fluctuating constraints: The example of K-distributions. Physics Letters A, 2008, 372 (24), pp.4361-4363
A 2GHz 65nm CMOS digitally-tuned BAW oscillator. 15th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS 2008), Aug 2008, St. Julian's, Malta. pp.722-725
Some Possible rationales for Rényi-Tsallis entropy maximization. International Workshop on Applied Probabilities (IWAP'08), 2008, Compiègne, France. 10pp
On some entropy functionals derived from Rényi information divergence. Information Sciences, 2008, 178 (12), pp.2489-2506
A new look at q-exponential distributions via excess statistics. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2008, 387 (22), pp.5422-5432
An Entropic View of Pickands' Theorem. International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2008), Jul 2008, Toronto, Canada. pp.2625-2628
Envelope and phase delays correction in an EER radio architecture. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 2008, 55 (1), pp.21-35
Duriez, Philippe Duquesnoy, Estelle Escudier, A.M. Bridoux, Denise Escalier, et al.. A common variant in combination with a nonsense mutation in a member of the thioredoxin family causes primary ciliary dyskinesia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2007, 104 (9), pp.3336-3341
Berland. Adaptive time mismatches identification and correction in polar transmitter architecture. European Conference on Wireless Technologies, 2007, France. pp.78-81
Berland, I. Hibon, Jean-François Bercher, M. Villegas, D. Belot, et al.. New transmitter architecture for nonconstant envelope modulation. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, 2006, 53 (1), pp.13-17
An amended MaxEnt formulation for deriving Tsallis factors, and associated issues. 2006
Berland. Envelope/phase delays correction in an EER radio architecture. 13th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems, (ICECS'06), 2006, France. pp.443-446
Joubert, Jean-François Bercher, G. Baudoin, T. Divel, S. Ramet, et al.. Contributions to the analysis and design of an ADPLL. 13th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS'06), 2006, France. pp.322-325
Joubert, J.F. Bercher, G. Baudoin, T. Divel, S. Ramet, et al.. Time behavioral model for phase-domain ADPLL based frequency synthesizer. 2006 IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, Oct 2006, San Diego, United States
Jardin, B. Duriez. Bayesian classification and entropy for promoter prediction in human DNA sequences. 26th International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering (MaxEnt'06), 2006, France. pp.235-242
An amended MaxEnt formulation for deriving Tsallis factors, and associated issues. 26th International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering, 2006, France. pp.441-448
Bercher, A. Diet, C. Berland, G. Baudoin, M. Villegas. Monte-Carlo estimation of time mismatch effect in an OFDM EER architecture. 2004 IEEE Radio and Wireless Conference, Sep 2004, Atlanta, United States
On Fisher Information Inequalities and Score Functions in non-invertible Linear Systems. JIPAM, 2003, 4 (4), 10pp
Analysis of signals in the Fisher-Shannon information plane. Physics Letters A, 2003, 312 (1), pp.27-33
Matrix Fisher inequalities for non-invertible linear systems. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory ISIT 2002, Lausanne, Page(s): 237 -237, 2002, France. 10pp
Radiocommunications Numériques - Principe, Modélisation et Simulation. Tome 1. Dunod, 2002, Radiocommunications Numériques, ISBN: 978-2-10-059513-6
A Renyi entropy convolution inequality with application. EUSIPCO 2002, Toulouse, 2002, France. 10pp
Estimating the entropy of a signal with applications. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2000, 48 (6), pp.1687-1694