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Hocine IMINE

Directeur de recherche

Hocine IMINE

Directeur de recherche

Dr Hocine Imine, received his PhD in Robotics and Automation from the Versailles University, France, in 2003 and the Accreditation to Supervise Research (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches - HDR) on March 2012 from Valenciennes University. In 2005, he joined IFSTTAR (French institute of science and technology for transport, development and networks), and Gustave Eiffel University in 2021, where he is currently a Research Director. He is Member of IFAC Technical Committee on Transportation systems (TC 7.4) and editorial board member for the Automotive Innovation and Hindawi Journals. He is Cohead of NEXTRIM Associated International Laboratory, created in 2021 with University of Bologna, Italy. His research interests include Intelligent Transportation Systems, Simulators and Vehicles modeling and stability, non linear observation, nonlinear control. He published 2 books and several papers.


Mes dernières références

My latest references


Pedal towards Safety: The Development and Evaluation of a Risk Index for Cyclists

AYAD, Lama ; IMINE, Hocine ; LANTIERI, Claudio ; De CRESCENZIO, Francesca   /   (2024)

infrastructures, 14, 9, pp.1-23, doi: 10.3390/ infrastructures9010014

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Evaluation of Railway Station Infrastructure to Facilitate Bike-Train Intermodality

PAZZINI, Margherita ; LANTIERI, Claudio ; ZOLI, Annalisa ; SIMONE, Andrea ; IMINE, Hocine   /   (2023)

Sustainability, 15, 4, 18p, doi: 10.3390/su15043525

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Assessing the Accessibility of Cycling Infrastructure for Wheelchair Users: Insights from an On-Road Experiment and Online Questionnaire Study

SHOMAN, Murad ; IMINE, Hocine   /   (2023)

Vehicles, 5, 1, p 321-331, doi: 10.3390/vehicles5010018

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Measuring Cyclist's Inputs, the Kinematic and Dynamic Properties of a City Bicycle, and Estimating the Road Profile via Sensor Fusion

SHOMAN, Murad ; IMINE, Hocine ; JOHANSSON, Kenth ; WALLQVIST, Viveca   /   (2023)

Highlights of Vehicles, 1, 1, 16p, doi: 10.54175/hveh1010001

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Evaluation of cycling safety and comfort in bad weather and surface conditions using an instrumented bicycle

SHOMAN, Murad M ; IMINE, Hocine ; ACERRA, Ennia Mariapaola ; LANTIERI, Claudio   /   (2023)

IEEE access, 11, pp 15096-15108, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3242583

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Bicycle Simulator Improvement and Validation

SHOMAN, Murad M ; IMINE, Hocine   /   (2021)

IEEE Access, 9, pp 55063-55076, doi: 10.1109/access.2021.3071214

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Subjective validity of bicycle simulator

SHOMAN, Murad ; IMINE, Hocine   /   (2020)

VEHICULAR 2020, Ninth International Conference on Advances in Vehicular Systems, Technologies and Applications, PORTUGAL, pp 72-77

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Driver Response to Gear Shift-ing System in Motion Cueing Driving Simulator

GHASEMI, Navid ; IMINE, Hocine ; LANTIERI, Claudio ; SIMONE, Andrea ; VIGNALI, Valeria ; BREMOND, Roland   /   (2020)

VEHICULAR 2020, Ninth International Conference on Advances in Vehicular Systems, Technologies and Applications, PORTUGAL, 6p

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Road Safety Review update by using innovative technologies to investigate driver behaviour

GHASEMI, Navid ; ACERRA, Ennia ; VIGNALI, Valeria ; LANTIERI, Claudio ; SIMONE, Andrea ; IMINE, Hocine   /   (2019)

Transportation Research Procedia, 8p

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Longitudinal Motion Cueing Effects on Driver Behaviour: A Driving Simulator Study

GHASEMI, Navid ; IMINE, Hocine ; SIMONE, Andrea ; LANTIERI, Claudio ; VIGNALI, Valeria ; FINAMORE, Kevin   /   (2019)

Advances in Transportation Studies, 49, pp 91-102

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Tires-road forces estimation: Using sliding mode and triangular observer

HAMADI, Nacer ; IMINE, Hocine ; AMEDDAH, Djamel-Eddine ; CHARI, Abdelhamid   /   (2019)

IFAC Journal of Systems and Control, 7, 10p, doi: 10.1016/j.ifacsc.2019.100032

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Rollover risk prediction of heavy vehicles by reliability index and empirical modelling

SELLAMI, Yamine ; IMINE, Hocine ; BOUBEZOUL, Abderrahmane ; CADIOU, Jean Charles   /   (2018)

Vehicle System Dynamics, 56, 3,  pp 385-405, doi: 10.1080/00423114.2017.1381980

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Stability control of heavy vehicles. In: Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences

IMINE, Hocine ; FRIDMAN, Leonid   /   (2017)

Springer Verlag, 34p

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Development and validation of a powertrain model for low-cost driving simulators

SIMONE, Andrea ; CARPINONE, Michele ; LANTIERI, Claudio ; IMINE, Hocine   /   (2017)

Advances in Transportation Studies, 41, pp 85-100, doi: 10.4399/97888255001487

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Light vehicle model for dynamic car simulator

IMINE, Hocine ; PIERONI, A ; LANTIERI, Claudio ; SIMONE, Andrea   /   (2016)

Transport, 31, 2, pp 242-249, doi: 10.3846/16484142.2016.1193051

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Switched control for reducing impact of vertical forces on road and heavy vehicle rollover avoidance

IMINE, Hocine ; DJEMAI, Mohamed   /   (2016)

IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 65, 6, pp 4044-4052, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2015.2470090

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Robust Observer Design of Tire Forces in Heavy Duty Vehicles

IMINE, Hocine ; KHEMOUDJ, Omar ; DJEMAI, Mohamed ; BUSAWON, Krishna   /   (2015)

IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 16, 6, pp 3304-3312, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2015.2443180

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Heavy vehicle suspension parameters identification and estimation of vertical forces: experimental results

IMINE, Hocine ; MADANI, Tarek   /   (2015)

International journal of control, 88, 2, pp 324-334, doi: 10.1080/00207179.2014.951882

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Identification of vehicle parameters and estimation of vertical forces

IMINE, Hocine ; FRIDMAN, Leonid ; MADANI, Tarek   /   (2015)

International Journal of Systems Science, 46, 16, pp 2996-3009, doi: 10.1080/00207721.2014.886741

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Comportement dynamique d'un véhicule articulé par la dynamique de Lagrange

HAMADI, Nacer ; AMEDDAH, Djamel-Eddine ; IMINE, Hocine   /   (2014)

ICIEM'14 - Conférence internationale sur l'ingénierie industrielle et productique, ALGERIE, 8p

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Investigation of the Adherence Influence on the Dynamic Behavior of the Vehicle

HAMADI, Nacer ; AMEDDAH, Djamel-Eddine ; IMINE, Hocine   /   (2014)

International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology, 7, 5, pp 85-102, doi: 10.14257/ijhit.2014.7.5.08

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Rollover risk prediction of heavy vehicle using high order sliding mode observer: experimental results

IMINE, Hocine ; BENALLEGUE, A ; MADANI, T ; SRAIRI, S   /   (2014)

IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 63, 6, pp 2533-2543, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2013.2292998

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Outils principaux pour le développement d'un modèle de véhicule articulé tout terrain

HAMADI, Nacer ; IMINE, Hocine ; AMEDDAH, Djamel-Eddine   /   (2013)

ICSIP'13, International Conference On Systems and Processing Information , ALGERIE, 6p.

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Sliding mode Control in Heavy Vehicle Safety. In: Advances in Sliding Mode Control

IMINE, Hocine ; FRIDMAN, Leonid   /   (2013)

Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, 440, pp 313-340, doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-36986-5_16

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Sliding-mode control for automated lane guidance of heavy vehicle

IMINE, Hocine ; MADANI, Tarek   /   (2013)

International journal of robust and nonlinear control, 23, 1, pp 67-76, doi: 10.1002/rnc.1818

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Heavy duty vehicle tyre forces estimation using variable gain sliding mode observer

KHEMOUDJ, Omar ; IMINE, Hocine ; DJEMAI, Mohamed   /   (2013)

International Journal of Vehicle Design, 62, 2-3-4, pp 274-288, doi: 10.1504/IJVD.2013.052710

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Special Issue on Variable Structure Systems in Automotive Application

IMINE, Hocine ; FRIDMAN, Leonid   /   (2013)

International Journal of Vehicle Design, 62, 2/3/4, 1p

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Contribution au développement de systèmes d'aide à la conduite : cas des poids lourds et des deux-roues motorisés

IMINE, Hocine   /   (2012)


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Experiment for tyre vertical forces estimation on the accelerated loading facility equipement

IMINE, Hocine ; DJEMAI, Mohamed ; KHEMOUDJ, Omar ; GERMANCHEV, Anthony   /   (2012)

HVTT 12th International Symposium on Heavy Vehicle Transportation Technology, SUEDE, 13p.

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Steering Control for Rollover Avoidance of Heavy Vehicles

IMINE, Hocine ; FRIDMAN, L ; MADANI, Tarek   /   (2012)

IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 61, 8, pp. 3499-3509, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2012.2206837

Plus d'infos

Identification of heavy vehicle parameters and impact forces estimation: experimental results

IMINE, Hocine ; FRIDMAN, L ; SHRAIM, H   /   (2012)

VSS 12 - 12th IEEE Workshop on Variable Structure Systems, INDE, 7p.

Plus d'infos

Two-wheeled motorcycle automation : System approach

KHETTAT, Amine ; BOUAZIZ, Samir ; IMINE, Hocine ; ESPIE, Stéphane   /   (2011)

WoSSPA’11, 7th International Workshop on Systems, Signal Processing and their Applications, ALGERIE, pp 47-50

Plus d'infos

Dynamic Parameters Identification and Estimation of the Vertical Forces of Heavy Vehicle

IMINE, Hocine ; KHEMOUDJ, Omar   /   (2011)

SAE technical paper, 8p, doi: 10.4271/2011-01-0979

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Identification of heavy vehicle parameters and steering control for rollover avoidance

IMINE, Hocine   /   (2011)

IAVSD 2011 : International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks, ROYAUME-UNI, 8p.

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Sliding-mode controller for heavy vehicle lane departure avoidance

IMINE, Hocine ; MADANI, Tarek ; FRIDMAN, L   /   (2011)


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Sliding Mode Based Analysis and Identification of Vehicle Dynamics

IMINE, Hocine ; FRIDMAN, Leonid ; SHRAIM, Hassan ; DJEMAI, Mohamed   /   (2011)

Lecture notes in Control and Information Sciences, 414, 104p, bibliogr., appendix., doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-22224-5

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Propositions d'alertes pour AlertinfraPL, Sujet 1 : Synthèse du groupe de travail

CEREZO, Véronique ; DUPRE, Guy ; BOUTELDJA, Mohamed ; CONCHE, Florence ; DURAND, Jean François ; SUBIRATS, Peggy ; IMINE, Hocine   /   (2010)

41p, schémas, cartes, tabl., graphiques, glossaire, bibliogr.

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Opération de Recherche PLINFRA : Contribution au sujet 1 : Calcul de la vitesse max et alerte au renversement

IMINE, Hocine   /   (2010)

17 p

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Dynamic parameters identification and estimation of the vertical forces of heavy vehicle

IMINE, Hocine ; KHEMOUDJ, Omar   /   (2010)

SAE World congress on automotive, ETATS-UNIS, sp

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Robust observation of tractor-trailer vertical forces using inverse model and exact differentiator

KHEMOUDJ, Omar ; IMINE, Hocine ; DJEMAÏ, Mohamed   /   (2010)

International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing, 3, 1, pp 278-289, doi: 10.4271/2010-01-0637

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Rollover avoidance of Heavy Vehicles Using Sliding Mode Observer-Controller

IMINE, Hocine ; MADANI, Tarek   /   (2010)


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Rider Steer Torque Estimation for Motorcycle Riding Simulator

NEHAOUA, Lamri ; KHETTAT, Amine ; ARIOUI, Hichem ; IMINE, Hocine ; ESPIÉ, Stéphane   /   (2010)

IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems, ETATS-UNIS, sp

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Variable gain sliding mode observer for heavy duty vehicle tyre forces estimation

KHEMOUDJ, Omar ; IMINE, Hocine ; DJEMAI, Mohamed   /   (2010)


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Nouvelle approche pour l'estimation des forces d'impact de poids lourds

KHEMOUDJ, Omar ; IMINE, Hocine ; DJEMAI, Mohamed   /   (2010)

PRAC, Conférence sécurité routière, Prévention des Risques et Aides à la Conduite , FRANCE, sp

Plus d'infos

Robust observation of tractor-trailer vertical forces using inverse model and exact differentiator

KHEMOUDJ, Omar ; IMINE, Hocine ; DJEMAI, Mohamed   /   (2010)

SAE World Automotive, ETATS-UNIS, sp

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Estimation of unknown inputs of heavy vehicle : Experimental validation

IMINE, Hocine   /   (2010)


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Control theory approach for on-board estimation and monitoring of heavy duty vehicle dynamical tyre forces

KHEMOUDJ, Omar ; IMINE, Hocine ; DJEMAI, Mohamed ; JACOB, Bernard   /   (2010)

HVTT11, International Heavy Vehicle Symposium, AUSTRALIE, 12p

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Estimation des forces d'impact des véhicules poids lourds par différentiateurs exacts et modèle inverse

KHEMOUDJ, Omar ; IMINE, Hocine ; DJEMAI, Mohamed   /   (2010)

CIFA, Conférence internationale francophone d'automatique, FRANCE, sp

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Observation d'états d'un véhicule et estimation du profil de la route : Dynamique véhicule et estimation du profil de la route

IMINE, Hocine   /   (2010)


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Heavy Route : Intelligent Route Guidance for Heavy Vehicles : Project 031461 : D6.4 Final summary report

LINDBERG, Gunnar ; IMINE, Hocine ; SJOGREN, Leif ; RALBOVSKY, Marian ; KARLSSON, Rune ; DEIX, Stefan ; CEREZO, Véronique   /   (2009)

66 p

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Intelligent Route Guidance for Heavy Vehicles : Project 031461 : D2.5 Models to estimate HGV impact on infrastructure to be used in route planning

IMINE, Hocine   /   (2009)

91 p

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Rollover risk prediction of an instrumented heavy vehicle using high order sliding mode observer

IMINE, Hocine ; BENALLEGUE, A ; MADANI, T ; SRAIRI, S   /   (2009)


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Experimental Validation of Unknown Inputs Estimation Via High Order Sliding Mode Observer

IMINE, Hocine ; BENALLEGUE, A ; FRIDMAN, L   /   (2009)


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Unknown input observation via sliding modes : application to vehicle contact forces

KHEMOUDJ, Omar ; IMINE, Hocine ; DJEMAI, M   /   (2009)


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Validation Expérimentale de l'Identification de la Hauteur du Centre de Gravité du Poids Lourd et de l'Estimation du Risque de Renversement

DAKHLALLAH, J ; IMINE, H ; SELLAMI, Y ; GLASER, S ; -, - ; -, - ; -, - ; -, - ; -, - ; -, -   /   (2008)

CIFA 2008, Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique, septembre 2008, Bucarest, Roumanie, 6p

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Projet VIF : Tâche 4: Intégration des composants du système VIF : Résultat des tests avant intégration

IMINE, Hocine   /   (2008)

22 p

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Projet VIF : Tests fonctionnels,plan d'expérimentation, résultats

IMINE, Hocine   /   (2008)

36 p

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High order Sliding mode observers to estimate vertical forces : experimental results

IMINE, Hocine ; MADANI, T ; SRAIRI, Salim   /   (2008)

ITSC'08, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society, CHINE, sp

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Probabilistic detection of rollover risk of heavy vehicles

SELLAMI, Yamine ; IMINE, Hocine ; CADIOU, Jean Charles ; EL HADRI, A   /   (2008)

World Automotive Congress, SAE'08, ETATS-UNIS, sp

Plus d'infos

Probabilistic approach to rollover risk analysis of heavy vehicles

SELLAMI, Yamine ; IMINE, Hocine ; BERNARDIN, Frédéric ; CADIOU, Jean Charles   /   (2008)

TRA'08, Transport Research Arena, SLOVÉNIE, sp

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Evaluation du risque de renversement de poids lourds par indice de fiabilité

SELLAMI, Yamine ; IMINE, Hocine ; CADIOU, Jean Charles ; ELHADRI, Abdelhafid   /   (2008)

CIFA'08, Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique, Roumanie, sp

Plus d'infos

Validation Expérimentale de l'Identification de la Hauteur du Centre de Gravité du Poids Lourd et de l'Estimation du Risque de Renversement

DAKHLALLAH, Jamil ; IMINE, Hocine ; SELLAMI, Yamine ; GLASER, Sébastien   /   (2008)

CIFA'08, Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique, ROUMANIE, sp

Plus d'infos

Rollover risk prevention of heavy vehicles by reliability-based analysis

SELLAMI, Yamine ; IMINE, Hocine ; BERNARDIN, Frédéric ; CADIOU, Jean Charles ; JACOB, Bernard   /   (2008)

10th International Symposium on Heavy Vehicle Transport Technology, HVParis 2008, France, 16p

Plus d'infos

Sliding Mode observers to heavy vehicle vertical forces estimation

IMINE, Hocine ; DOLCEMASCOLO, Vittorio   /   (2008)

IJVSMT International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing, 15, 1, pp 53-64

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Observateurs à modes glissants pour l'étude de renversement d'un poids lourd : résultats expérimentaux

IMINE, Hocine ; SRAIRI, Salim ; MADANI, Tareck   /   (2008)


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Experimental validation of rollover risk evaluation of heavy vehicle

IMINE, Hocine ; SRAIRI, Salim ; MADANI, Tareck   /   (2008)

Transport Research Arena Europe 2008, SLOVÉNIE, sp

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Road profile estimation in heavy vehicle dynamics simulation

IMINE, Hocine ; FRIDMAN, L   /   (2008)

International Journal of Vehicle Design, 47, 1-2-3-4, pp 234-249, doi: 10.1504/IJVD.2008.020889;jsessionid=3t4u806is38t0.alice

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Weigh in motion system to manage the access to infrastructure

IMINE, Hocine ; SRAIRI, Salim ; GIL, D ; RECEVEUR, J   /   (2008)

IEEE 802.11, 2008, FRANCE, sp

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VIF : Spécifications détaillées des sous ensembles et leurs interfaces : Plan d'expérimentations des sous-ensembles Délivrable D3.1, Délivrable D3.2, élivrable D3.3

IMINE, Hocine   /   (2007)

111 p

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VIF : Spécifications détaillées des sous ensembles et leurs interfaces : Plan d'expérimentations des sous ensembles : Délivrable D3.1, Délivrable D3.2

IMINE, Hocine   /   (2007)

47 p

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Estimation of the unknown inputs and vertical forces of the heavy vehicle via higher order sliding mode observer

IMINE, Hocine ; FRIDMAN, L   /   (2007)

2007 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, TURQUIE, pp 949-954

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Heavy vehicle modeling, evaluation and prevention of rollover risk

IMINE, Hocine   /   (2007)

FERSI FEHRL ECTRI, Young researchers seminar, TCHECOSLOVAQUIE, 14p

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Heavy vehicle state estimation and rollover risk evaluation using Kalman Filter and Sliding Mode Observer

DAKHLALLAH, Jamil ; IMINE, Hocine ; SELLAMI, Yamine ; BELLOT, D   /   (2007)

ECC'07, IEEE European Control Conference, GRECE, 6p

Plus d'infos

Rollover risk prediction of heavy vehicle in interaction with infrastructure

IMINE, Hocine ; DOLCEMASCOLO, Vittorio   /   (2007)

International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems, 14, 3, pp 294-307, doi: 10.1504/IJHVS.2007.015605

Plus d'infos

Vertical tyre forces estimation to calculate the Rollover risk of heavy Vehicles

IMINE, Hocine ; DOLCEMASCOLO, Vittorio ; FRIDMAN, Leonid   /   (2006)

FISITA'06, World Automotive Congress, JAPON, sp

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Wheel and heavy vehicle load estimation using road profile

IMINE, Hocine ; DOLCEMASCOLO, Vittorio ; JACOB, Bernard   /   (2006)

9th International Symposium On Heavy Vehicle Weights And Dimensions, ISHVWD'09, ETATS-UNIS, sp

Plus d'infos

Systèmes intelligents d'aide à la conduite des poids lourds : Renversement et mise en portefeuille


Journées des Sciences de l'Ingénieur, FRANCE, pp 386-391

Plus d'infos

Estimation des forces verticales d'un poids lourd utilisant les observateurs à modes glissants d'ordre 2

IMINE, H ; DOLCEMASCOLO, V   /   (2006)

Journées des Sciences de l'Ingénieur 2006, Marne la Vallée, France, 5-6 décembre 2006, pp 368-373

Plus d'infos

Road profile inputs for evaluation of loads on the wheels

IMINE, Hocine ; DELANNE, Yves ; M'SIRDI, Nacer   /   (2005)

Vehicle System Dynamics, 43, S1, pp. 359-369, doi: 10.1080/00423110500108945

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Triangular observers for road profiles inputs estimation and vehicle dynamics analysis

IMINE, Hocine ; DELANNE, Yves   /   (2005)


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Sliding-mode observers for systems with unknown inputs: application to estimating the road profile

IMINE, Hocine ; M'SIRDI, NK ; DELANNE, Yves   /   (2005)

Proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers, Part D : Journal of automobile engineering, 219, 8, pp 989-997, doi: 10.1243/095440705X34658

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Influence de l'infrastructure sur l'insécurité routière des poids lourds


Revue générale des routes, n° 842, septembre 2005, pp 28-32

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Friction Force Estimation and Adaptive Control for Tire Road Contact

MERZOUKI, Rochdi ; BOUTELDJA, Mohamed ; IMINE, Hocine ; CADIOU, Jean   /   (2004)

IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots ans Systems, IROS’04, JAPON, pp. 2434-2439

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Road Profiles Inputs to evaluate loads on the wheels

IMINE, Hocine ; DELANNE, Yves ; M'SIRDI, Nacer   /   (2004)

Tyre Models for Vehicle Dynamics Analysis, TMVDA’04, AUTRICHE, 1 p

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Estimation et quantification des entrées de profil à l'aide d'observateurs triangulaires à modes glissants

IMINE, H ; M'SIRDI, NK ; DELANNE, Y   /   (2004)

CIFA 2004, Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique, Douz, Tunisie, 22-24 novembre 2004, 6p

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Adaptive Observers and Estimation of the Road Profile

IMINE, Hocine ; M'SIRDI, NK ; DELANNE, Yves   /   (2003)

Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems, 112, 6, pp 1312-1317

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Sliding Mode Observers with unknown inputs to estimate the Road Profile

IMINE, Hocine ; LAVAL, Laurent ; DELANNE, Yves ; M'SIRDI, Nacer   /   (2002)

IASTED 2002, International Conference on Control and Applications, MEXIQUE, 6 p

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Observateurs à entrées inconnues par mode glissant appliqués à l'estimation du profil de route

IMINE, Hocine ; DELANNE, Yves ; M'SIRDI, Nacer ; LAVAL, Laurent   /   (2002)

IEEE Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique, CIFA’02, FRANCE, 6 p

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Observers with unknown inputs for Estimation of the Road Profile

IMINE, Hocine ; DELANNE, Yves ; M'SIRDI, Nacer ; LAVAL, Laurent   /   (2001)

IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics, ICAR’01, HONGRIE, pp. 591-597

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