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Francois COMBES

Co-directeur du département Aménagement Mobilité Environnement

CFR / AME - Département Aménagement, Mobilités, Environnement

SPLOTT - Systèmes Productifs, Logistique, Organisation des Transports et Travail

Francois COMBES

Co-directeur du département Aménagement Mobilité Environnement

CFR / AME - Département Aménagement, Mobilités, Environnement

SPLOTT - Systèmes Productifs, Logistique, Organisation des Transports et Travail

Ingénieur en Chef des Ponts et Eaux et Forêts, HDR.

My research activity is focused on freight transport economics. I'm interested in the relationship between, on the one hand, the objectives and constraints of supply chains, and on the other hand, the cost structure of freight transport services. My work consists in particular in identifying why certain types of transport operations are more often preferred to others by shippers, depending on the characteristics of supply chains. This is relevant to understanding mode choice, as well as vehicle type choice, among other things. My more recent research work is twofold. First, I've examined several partially or fully automated or connected transport systems (autonomous trucking, autonomous urban logistics, platooning, etc.); second, I've worked on decarbonation and energy transition in freight transportation (from urban logistics to highway transport). I also have an expertise activity in the field of cost-benefit assessment, as a member of the Standing Committee of civil investment appraisal.

Mes dernières références

My latest references


Camille Horvath, Martin Koning, Gwenaëlle Raton, François Combes
Short food supply chains: The influence of outlet and accessibility on farmer and consumer preferences. Two discrete choice experiments. Food Policy, 2024, 129, pp.102763
El Mehdi Aboulkacem, François Combes
A micro-economic model of the market uptake of truck platooning. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2023, 178, pp.103269
Anne Aguilera-Belanger, Eléonore Pigalle, Leslie Belton Chevallier, El-Mehdi Aboulkacem, Ismaïl Saadi, et al.
La résilience du territoire francilien en sortie de crise sanitaire. Université Gustave Eiffel. 2023
Fabien Perdu, Pierre Chaniot, Marc Raynal, François Combes
The electric road system: technical, economic and environmental study carried out in France 2. Economic and environmental aspects. Transportation Research Procedia, 2023, 72, pp.3785-3792
Antoine Robichet, Patrick Nierat, Francois Combes
Delivering Paris by Cargo Bikes: Ecological Commitment or Economically Feasible? The Case of a Parcel Service Company. Transport Research Board, Jan 2022, Washinghton DC, United States. 16p
Antoine Robichet, Patrick Nierat, Francois Combes
Comparison of the social cost of cargo bikes, electric and thermal commercial trucks for urban deliveries. Transport Research Arena, Nov 2022, Lisbonne, Portugal. 8p
Raphael Piendl, Martin Koning, François Combes, Gernot Liedtke
Building latent segments of goods to improve shipment size modeling: Confirmatory evidence from France. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 2022, 22 (2), pp 22-52
Antoine Robichet, Patrick Nierat, Francois Combes
First and Last Miles by Cargo Bikes: Ecological Commitment or Economically Feasible? The Case of a Parcel Service Company in Paris. Transportation Research Record, 2022, 2676 (9), pp.269-278
Pierre Hornych, Odile Arbeit de Chalendar, Franziska Schmidt, François Combes, Nour-Eddin El Faouzi, et al.
Fret connecté : les leçons du projet Ensemble. Revue Générale des Routes et de l'Aménagement, 2022, 995, pp.58-62
El-Mehdi Aboulkacem, François Combes
May autonomous vehicles transform freight and logistics. TRB'20, 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Jan 2020, Washington, United States. 23p
Fabien Leurent, François P
A. Combes, Rob van Nes. From Strategic Modelling of Urban Transit Systems to Golden Rules for their Design and Management. 2020
François Combes, Patrick Nierat
Report modal en transport de marchandises en France : une offre suffisante ?. Transports, Infrastructures & Mobilité, 2020, 522, pp 36-38
Yann Briand, Johannes Svensson, Martin Koning, François Combes, Gwennaël Lamy, et al.
Scenarios of deep decarbonization of freight transport for France by 2050. 7th International Workshop on Sustainable Road Freight, Oct 2020, On line, France. 2p
François Combes
Equilibrium and Optimal Location of Warehouses in Urban Areas: A Theoretical Analysis with Implications for Urban Logistics. TRB : Transportation research record, 2019, 2673 (5), p 262-271
Simon Tamayo, François Combes, Arthur Gaudron
Unsupervised machine learning to analyse city logistics through Twitter. 11th International Conference on City Logistics, Jun 2019, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Simon Tamayo, François Combes, Arthur Gaudron
Unsupervised machine learning to analyze City Logistics through Twitter. 11th International Conference on City Logistics, Jun 2019, DUBROVNIK, France. pp 220-228
Yann Briand, Johannes Svensson, Martin Koning, François Combes, Gwenaelle Lamy, et al.
Trajectoires de décarbonation profonde du transport de marchandises en France. [Rapport de recherche] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2019, 48 p
El Mehdi Aboulkacem, François Combes
Le véhicule autonome va-t-il transformer en profondeur le transport de marchandises ?. [Rapport de recherche] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2019, 91p
Laetitia Dablanc, Josselin Rouhier, Nicolas Lazarevic, Jens Klauenberg, Zeting Liu, et al.
CITYLAB Deliverable 2.1, Observatory of Strategic Developments Impacting Urban Logistics (2018 version). [Research Report] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2018, 241p
Martin Koning, François Combes, Raphael Piendl, Gernot Liedtke
Transferability of models for logistics behaviors: A cross-country comparison between France and Germany for shipment size choice. RTS. Recherche, transports, sécurité, 2018, Logistics practices and freight transport challenges: a French-German comparison, 2018, 14p
Martin Koning, François Combes, Nicolas Coulombel
External marginal costs and optimal taxation of passenger and freight transport in large urban areas: the case of Paris, France. ITEA Annual Conference, Jun 2017, BARCELONE, Spain. 2p
Laetitia Dablanc, Zeting Liu, Martin Koning, Jens Klauenberg, Leise Kelli de Oliveira, et al.
Observatory of Strategic Developments Impacting Urban Logistics (2017 version). [Research Report] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2017, 221p
de Palma, François P. A. Combes. The Impact of Information Availability on Destination Choice. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 2016, pp.Early View
Florence Comes, François Combes
Les enquêtes chargeurs en transport de marchandise. [Rapport de recherche] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2016, 32p
François Combes
Projet H2020 SCOOP, livrable analyse des impacts socio-économiques du système SCOOP. [Rapport de recherche] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2016, 15p
Laetitia Dablanc, Corinne Blanquart, Adeline Heitz, Jens Klausberg, Zeting Liu, et al.
Observatory of Strategic Developments Impacting Urban Logistics (2016 version). [Research Report] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2016, pp.136P
François Combes, Julien Harache, Martin Koning, Eric Morau
Empirical Analysis of Freight Transport Prices Using the French Shipper Survey ECHO. 2nd Interdisciplinary Conference on Production Logistics and Traffic, Jul 2015, DORTMUND, Germany. 15p
Duy-Hung Ha, François Combes
Building a Model of Freight Generation with a Commodity Flow Survey. 2nd Interdiciplinary Conference on Production Logistics and Traffic, Jul 2015, DORTMUND, Germany. 17p
François Combes
Inventory theory and freight transport modelling. In: Modelling Freight Transport, chapitre 5. Inventory theory and freight transport modelling. In: Modelling Freight Transport, chapitre 5, Elsevier, pp 89-115, 2014
Vincent Aguiléra, Sylvain Allio, Vincent Benezech, François Combes, Chloé Milion
Using cell phone data to measure quality of service and passenger flows of Paris transit system. Transportation research. Part C, Emerging technologies, 2014, 43, pp.198-211
Vincent Benezech, François P
A. Combes, Fabien Leurent. Analysis of the variability of travel conditions along a transit line. Transportation Research Board (TRB) 92nd Annual Meeting, Jan 2013, Washington DC, United States
François P
A. Combes, K Ruijgrok, L Tavasszy. Endogenous shipment size in freight mode choice models: Theory and empirical testing. M. Ben-Akiva, H. Meersman & E. Van de Voorde. Freight transport modelling. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. (in press.), 2013
François P
A. Combes, Fabien Leurent. Improving roadside surveys for a better knowledge of road freight transport. European Transport Research Review, 2013, 5 (1), pp.41-51
Roger Lloret-Batlle, François Combes
Estimation of an Inventory Theoretical Model of Mode Choice in Freight Transport. Transportation Research Record, 2013, 2378, pp.13-21
François P
A. Combes. On Shipment Size and Freight Tariffs Technical Constraints and Equilibrium Prices. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 2013, 47 (2), pp.229-243
Fabien Leurent, François P
A. Combes. Rapport d'activité 2012 et Projet d'activité 2013 de la Chaire Enpc-Stif Socio-Economie et modélisation des transports collectifs de voyageurs en milieu urbain. Document ENPC. 2013
François P
A. Combes, Fabien Leurent. Economie urbaine et transport de voyageurs : massifier les flux, concevoir les lignes. In Peuportier B. Eco-conception des ensembles bâtis et des infrastructures, Presse des MINES, Chapitre 5, pp. 81-106, 2013, Collection Développement Durable, 978-2-35671-065-9
François Combes, Rob van Nes
Optimisation of a multimodal public transport network. Troisième Conférence Anniversaire de la Chaire socio-économie et modélisation des transports collectifs de voyageurs en milieu urbain, Apr 2013, CHAMPS-SUR-MARNE, France. 29p
François P
A. Combes, Nicolas Coulombel, Jean Laterrasse, Fabien Leurent. L'évolution de l'expertise et de ses usages : le cas des modèles en transport. Colloque International Futurs urbains : Enjeux interdisciplinaires émergents pour comprendre, projeter et fabriquer la ville de demain, Jan 2013, Champs-sur-Marne, France
François P
A. Combes. Conception d'un réseau multimodal de transport en commun, application à l'Île-de-France. 3ème Conférence Anniversaire de la Chaire Socio-économie et modélisation des transports collectifs de voyageurs en milieu urbain : Conception et Évaluation des Réseaux de Transport en Commun, Apr 2013, Champs-sur-Marne, France
Thomas Anselme, François Combes
Complex model structures versus fine disaggregation of travel demand: the specification of an urban mode choice model for the French urban area of Rouen. European Transport Conference 2012, Oct 2012, Glasgow, France. 16p
R Lloret-Batlle, François P
A. Combes. Estimation of an inventory-theoretic model of mode choice in freight transport. European Transport Conference, Oct 2012, Glasgow, United Kingdom
François P
A. Combes. An empirical evaluation of the EOQ model of choice of shipment size in freight transport. Transportation Research Board (TRB) 91st Annual Meeting, Jan 2012, Washington DC, United States
François P
A. Combes, R van Nes. Diagnostic économique d'un réseau de transports en commun complexe sur une grande agglomération : le cas de l'agglomération francilienne. Hegron, G. Modélisation urbaine : de la représentation au projet. Collection Références (Direction de la recherche et de l'innovation-DRI), Commissariat Général au Développement Durable (CGDD), Paris, septembre, pp.216, 2012
Fabien Leurent, Vincent Benezech, François P
A. Combes. Passenger Generalized Time Along a Transit Line: A Stochastic Model. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference: Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication (RelStat'12), Oct 2012, Riga, Latvia. pp.399-410
Fabien Leurent, Vincent Benezech, François P
A. Combes. A Stochastic Model of Passenger Generalized Time Along a Transit Line. Proceedings of EWGT2012 - 15th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation, Sep 2012, Paris, France. pp.785-797
François P
A. Combes. An empirical evaluation of the EOQ model of choice of shipment size in freight transport. Transportation Research Record, 2012, 2269, pp.92-98
François P
A. Combes, Nicolas Coulombel, Jean Laterrasse, Fabien Leurent. L'évolution de l'expertise et de ses usages dans le cas des modèles en transport. DE CONINCK F, DEROUBAIX F. Transformations des horizons urbains. Savoirs, imaginaires, usages et conflits, Paris : éditions L'œil d'Or, pp.85-94, 2012
T Anselme, François P
A. Combes. Complex model structures versus fine disaggregation of travel demand: the specification of an urban mode choice model for the French urban area of Rouen. European Transport Conference, Oct 2012, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Fabien Leurent, Vincent Benezech, François Combes
A relativity theory of traffic along a transit line. RelStat12, 12th Annual International Conference on Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communications, Oct 2012, Riga, France. 14p
François P
A. Combes, R van Nes. A simple representation of a complex urban transport system based on the analysis of transport demand: the case of Region Ile-de-France. Proceedings of Transport Research Arena 2012, Apr 2012, Athens, Greece. pp.3030-3039
Fabien Leurent, Vincent Benezech, François P
A. Combes. A stochastic model of passenger generalized time along a transit line. 2012
Vincent Aguilera, Sylvain Allio, Vincent Benezech, François Combes, Chloé Milion
Estimating the quality of service of underground transit systems with cellular network data. TRA 2012, Transport Research Arena Europe 2012, Apr 2012, Athènes, France. pp. 2262-2271
Vincent Aguiléra, S Allio, Vincent Benezech, François P
A. Combes, C Million. Estimating the Quality of Service of Underground Transit Systems with Cellular Network Data. Proceedings of Transport Research Arena 2012, Apr 2012, Athens, Greece. pp.2262-2271
Lorant Tavasszy, François Combes
Endogenous value of time in freight transport models, In: Applied transport economics - A management and policy perspective. Endogenous value of time in freight transport models, In: Applied transport economics - A management and policy perspective, Editions De Boeck, 30p, 2011
François P
A. Combes, Lorant A. Tavasszy. Endogenous value of time in freight transport models. EDDY VAN DE VOORDE AND THIERRY VANELSLANDER. Applied transport economics - A management and policy perspective, De boeck, p. 573-589 / chapter 24, 2011, 978 90 455 3219 6
François Combes, Fabien Leurent
Improving roadside surveys for a better knowledge of road freight transport. 90th Annual Meeting Transportation Research Board, Jan 2011, WASHINGTON, United States. 16p
François P
A. Combes. Diagnostic d'un réseau de transport en commun complexe sur une grande agglomération, le cas de l'agglomération francilienne. Colloque du GIS modélisation urbaine "La modélisation de la ville : du modèle au projet urbain", Feb 2011, Champs sur marne, France.
François P
A. Combes, Fabien Leurent. improving roadside surveys for a better knowledge of road freight transport. Transportation Research Board (TRB) 90th Annual Meeting, Jan 2011, washington, United States.
Fabien Leurent, François P
A. Combes. Présentation des effets de capacité dans les résaux TC, revue des modèles TC avec contraintes de capacité. 1ère Conférence anniversaire de la Chaire Socio-économie et modélisation des transports collectifs de voyageurs en milieu urbain : Contraintes de capacité et congestion dans les réseaux de transport en commun, Jan 2011, Champs-sur-Marne, France
François P
A. Combes. Inventory theory and mode choice in freight transport: the case of the simultaneous use of two transport modes on one shipper-receiver relationship. European Transport Conference, Oct 2011, Glasgow, United Kingdom
François P
A. Combes, Jean Laterrasse, Fabien Leurent. Le cas des 'modèles' en transport. Premières journées du Pôle Ville de l'Université Paris-Est : Villes, Transport et Territoire : Quoi de neuf ?, Jan 2010, Champs-sur-Marne, France
François Combes
Logistic imperatives and mode choice. ETC 2010: European Transport Conference, Oct 2010, Glasgow, France. 16p
François P
A. Combes. Logistic imperatives and mode choice. European Transport Conference, Oct 2010, Glasgow, United Kingdom
François P
A. Combes. Special session: introducing logistic principles in freight modelling: state of the art and challenges. General Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Transport Research Society, Jul 2010, Lisbon, Portugal
François P
A. Combes, Fabien Leurent. On shipment size and freight tariffs : technical constraints and equilibrium price schedules. Transportation Research Board (TRB) 89th Annual Meeting, Jan 2010, Washington DC, United States
François P
A. Combes. Estimation of the Economic Order Quantity model using the ECHO shipment database. European Transport Conference, Oct 2010, Glasgow, United Kingdom
François P
A. Combes, André de Palma. The influence of information availability on the choice of destination. 2010
François P
A. Combes, A de Palma. The influence of information availability on travel demand. Transportation Research Board (TRB) 88th Annual Meeting, Jan 2009, Washington DC, United States
François P
A. Combes, A de Palma. The influence of information availability on travel demand. Kuhmo-Nectar Conference, Jun 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark
François P
A. Combes, Fabien Leurent. Representation of the freight transport system. European Transport Conference, Oct 2009, Leeuwenhorst, Netherlands
François Combes
The choice of shipment size in freight transport. Architecture, space management. Université Paris-Est, 2009. English
François Combes
The choice of shipment size in freight transport. Agriculture, economy and politics. Université Paris-Est, 2009. English
Fabien Leurent, K Liu, Y Askoura, François P
A. Combes. Capacité et congestion en TC. 3ème Conférence de la Chaire éco-conception des ensembles bâtis et des infrastructures : Transport et territoire, Nov 2009, Rueil, France
François P
A. Combes. Améliorer les enquêtes bord de route PL pour une meilleure connaissance du transport routier de marchandises. 14ème Journée doctorale en transport - Journées Eric Tabourin. AFITL, Sep 2009, Champs-sur-Marne, France
François P
A. Combes, Fabien Leurent. Revue critique des modèles de demande de transport de fret. Séminaire INRETS Modèles de trafic, Mar 2008, Arcueil, France
François P
A. Combes. Modélisation du transport de fret : considérations systémiques et métrologiques. 13ème Journée doctorale en transport - Journées Eric Tabourin. AFITL, Sep 2008, Champs-sur-Marne, France
François P
A. Combes, Fabien Leurent. Advances in freight transport demand modelling: an assessment with research perspectives. European Transport Conference, Oct 2007, Leeuwenhorst, Netherlands.