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Chercheur postodoctoral


Bâtiment: Building: E

14-20 Boulevard Newton$Champs-sur-Marne$77447 Marne-la-Vallée Cedex 2


Chercheur postodoctoral

In Navier laboratory, I am developping a new methodology for X-ray computed tomography. Using a semiconductor (CdTe) imager, we aim at enhancing contrast in the study of heterogeneous rocks. My work is experimental and necessitates to use variate code languages (JavaScript, Python3, linux) as well as different image post-treatment techniques (image calibration, managing tags, Volume Correlation).

This year, meet me at Photomecanics - iDICS 2024 from October 29-31 in Clermont-Ferrand, France.

Hello, I am Franck and my work in research is mostly dedicated to methodology assessment and developement.

Current - Postdoctoral position:

Here in Navier laboratory (ENPC / Université Gustave Eiffel / CNRS) I am developping an enhanced contrast methodology via hyperspectral imaging for X-ray computed tomography. The methodology is applied to limestones.

PhD thesis:

In ICB laboratory (UB / UTBM / CNRS) I have established and assessed the pototential of electromagnetic spectrometries for residual stress field estimation. The first one was Raman micro-spectrometry and the second one a new Near-Field micro-wave spectrometry. Targeted materials were industrial (thermally sprayed) ceramic coatings.


I am also someone dedicating time to collective efforts and teaching. I like organizing events and adressing topics such as ethics and integrity in science, inclusivity and sustainability. When teaching, this is the increase of students knowledge and skills which makes me happy :).