Ferhat Hammoum
Directeur de recherche 1er classe HDR - Université de Nantes Docteur ENPC
Bâtiment: Building: Duriez
Bureau: Office: C015
Ferhat Hammoum
Directeur de recherche 1er classe HDR - Université de Nantes Docteur ENPC
Ferhat Hammoum est docteur de l’Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées à Paris en 1993. Il a rejoint le Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées en 1996 pour réaliser les travaux de recherche dans le domaine des matériaux pour les infrastructures routières. Ferhat Hammoum a obtenu son diplôme d'habilitation (HDR) en 2010 à l'Université de Nantes. Ses activités de recherches portent essentiellement sur la mécanique des matériaux de chaussée. Il a publié plus de 80 articles dont 50 papiers dans des journaux à comité de lecture et plus d'une centaine communications dans des conférences nationales et internationales. En tant qu’évaluateur scientifique/ consultant, Il est sollicité par de nombreux grands organismes publics (ANR, ANRT, ADEME, CIRR, etc.).
Entre 2010 et 2020, Ferhat Hammoum a occupé le poste de directeur du laboratoire MIT «Matériaux pour les Infrastructures de Transport» de l’IFSTTAR. Le laboratoire MIT qui compte 20 permanents (dont 8 chercheurs et ingénieurs) et 6 Doctorants dispose d’une plate-forme importante de moyens d’essais permettant d’étudier les matériaux traités aux liants hydrauliques et bitumineux.
Dr Ferhat Hammoum received his PhD in sciences from “Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées”. Since he joined the technical staff of Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées in 1996. Dr Hammoum received his habilitation diploma (HDR) “Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches” defended in March 2010 at the University of Nantes.
From 2010 to 2020, he takes a responsibility in managing a laboratory “Advanced Materials for Transportation Infrastructures” with a technical staff composed of 5 researchers, 3 engineers and 12 technicians.
He published more than 70 papers including more than 30 papers in indexed journals and more than 40 conference proceedings papers.
He has served as the principal investigator of more than 20 projects sponsored by various national and international agencies and industry and has managed more than 75 projects sponsored by French Ministry. Dr Hammoum has consulted for numerous major public agencies in France and abroad (Belgium, Qatar, Senegal, Morocco, and Algeria) including private companies.
Dr HAMMOUM teaching, research, and consulting interests and expertise focus primarily on civil engineering and pavement materials, highway and airfield pavement mechanics, and advanced modeling including mechanical response to tire loading, pavement fracture, tire-pavement interaction; performance of wearing courses, including the traffic loading and the effect of variability of climate conditions; infrastructure asset management systems including pavement sustainability and recycling optimization and pavement condition assessment.
His research has concentrated on performance of wearing courses, including the traffic loading and the variability of climate conditions. He has developed several methods and experimental devices to evaluate the mechanical performance of bituminous mixes.