Fabien HAREL
Ingénieur de recherche et développement - Systèmes à pile à combustible - FCLAB BELFORT - Conseiller scientifique et technique chez H2SYS
CFR / LICIT-ECO7 - Laboratoire d’ingénierie circulation transport et Eco-gestion des systèmes énergétiques pour les transports
Bâtiment: Building: F
Bureau: Office: B005
Fabien HAREL
Ingénieur de recherche et développement - Systèmes à pile à combustible - FCLAB BELFORT - Conseiller scientifique et technique chez H2SYS
CFR / LICIT-ECO7 - Laboratoire d’ingénierie circulation transport et Eco-gestion des systèmes énergétiques pour les transports
Mes dernières références
My latest references
Étude d'écoulements alternés liquides pour une application de chauffage rapide de pile à combustible. Congrès National de la Recherche des IUT, Université de Haute-Alsace (UHA) Mulhouse - Colmar [Université de Haute-Alsace (UHA)], Mar 2024, Mulhouse, France
Energetic modeling, simulation and experimental of hydrogen desorption in a hydride tank. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44 (2), pp.1034-1046
Modélisation de batterie utilisant des données d'usage réel à travers l'algorithme d'optimisation Big-Bang Big-Crunch. GdR Hydrogène, Systèmes et Piles à Combustible 3652, May 2018, Grenoble, France
Battery Modeling Using Real Driving Cycle and Big-Bang Big-Crunch Algorithm. Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo, Jun 2018, Long Beach, CA, United States
Modélisation de batterie à partir de données d'usage réel et de l'exploitation de l'algorithme d'optimisation Big-Bang Big-Crunch. Symposium de Génie Electrique, Université de Lorraine [UL], Jul 2018, Nancy, France
Battery aging study using field use data. VPPC, Dec 2017, Belfort, France
Voltage Singularity-Based Diagnostic for H2&CO2/O2 PEM Fuel Cell Stack designed for Operation in µCHP Units. FDFC 2017, 7th International Conference on Fundamentals & Development of Fuel Cells,, Jan 2017, STUTTGART, Germany
A framework for the probabilistic analysis of PEMFC performance based on multi-physical modelling, stochastic method, and design of numerical experiments. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42 (1), pp.459-477
Model-based strategy oriented to PEMFC system prognostic for Bus transportation applications based on EMR formalism.. FDFC 2017, 7th International Conference on Fundamentals & Development of Fuel Cells,, Jan 2017, STUTTGART, Germany
The dynamic multifractality in PEMFC stack voltage signal as a tool for the aging monitoring. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42 (2), pp.1466-1471
Multifractal analysis of stack voltage based on wavelet leaders: A new tool for PEMFC diagnosis. Fuel Cells, 2017, 17 (2), pp.217-224
Data-driven multi-fault approach for H2/O2 PEM Fuel Cell diagnosis. Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, Dec 2017, Belfort, France
Accelerated stress tests oriented load profile for PEM Fuel Cells durability in automotive applications. Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, Dec 2017, Belfort, France
On the issue of the pemfc operating fault identification: generic analysis tool based on voltage pointwise singularity strengths. ICEREGA'17, 5th International Conference on emerging and renewable energy : generation and automation, Jul 2017, BELFORT, France
Accelerated stress tests oriented load profile for PEM Fuel Cells durabilityin automotive applications. IEEE VPPC'2017 Conference. Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, Dec 2017, BELFORT, France
Voltage Singularity-Based Diagnostic for PEM Fuel Cell Stack designed for Operation in μCHP Units. FDFC 2017, 7th International Conference on Fundamentals & Development of Fuel Cells,, Jan 2017, STUTTGART, Germany. 1 p
On the issue of the PEMFC operating fault identification: Generic analysis tool based on voltage pointwise singularity strengths. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 43 (25), pp 11606-11613
On the issue of the PEMFC operating fault identification: generic analysis tool based on voltage pointwise singularity strengths. ICEREGA 2017 -International Conference on Emerging and Renewable Energy: Generation and Automation, Jul 2017, Belfort, France. 21p
Data-driven multi-fault approach for H2/O2 PEM FuelCell diagnosis. IEEE VPPC'2017 Conference. Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, Dec 2017, BELFORT, France
Dynamic modeling of hydrogen desorption from a metal hydride tank using the electrical fluidic analogy. WHEC 2016, Jun 2016, Saragosse, Spain. 1 p
Influence of the key parameters on the dynamic behavior of the hydrogen absorption by LaNi5. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 42 (2), pp.1412-1419
A new method for the characterization of hydrides hydrogen tanks dedicated to automotive applications. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41 (27), pp.11682-11691
Influence of the key parameters on the dynamic behavior of the hydrogen absorption by LaNi5. International Conference on Renewable Energy (ICREGA16), Feb 2016, Belfort, France
Fuel cell diagnosis based on stack voltage multifractal analysis. The question of the method portability. Battery Tech 2016, Dec 2016, Dubaï, France. p.39
The dynamic multifractality in PEMFC stack voltage signal as a tool for the aging monitoring. ICREGA 2016 - 4th International Conference On Renewable Energy: Generation And Applications, Feb 2016, Belfort, France. 15p
OenVHy, to study hydride storage and Fuel cell system coupling. FDFC 2015 - 6th International Conference on Fundamentals and Development Fuel Cell, Feb 2015, TOULOUSE, France. 6 p
A PEMFC multi-physical model to evaluate the consequences of parameter uncertainty on the fuel cell performance. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2015, 40 (10), pp. 3968-3980
Study of water management in a 500 We PEMFC stack by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy and according to design of experiment methodology. FDFC 2015 - 6th International Conference on Fundamentals and Development of Fuel Cells, Feb 2015, TOULOUSE, France. 8 p
Multifractal analysis of stack voltage based on wavelet leaders: a new tool for the on-line diagnosis of PEMFC. FDFC 2015 - 6th International Conference on Fundamentals and Development Fuel Cell, Feb 2015, TOULOUSE, France. 8 p
k-Nearest Neighbours Fault Diagnosis of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell. Conference Internationale Discussion on Hydrogen Energy and Applications, May 2014, Nantes, France
Fault Diagnosis and Identification of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuell Cell System Using Electrochmical Impedance Spectroscopy Classification. International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Electric Machines, Converters and Systems, May 2014, Valencia, Spain
Un nouvel outil de diagnostic non intrusif d'une pile à combustible basé sur la mesure des singularités de la tension. Symposium de Génie Électrique 2014, Jul 2014, Cachan, France
Energy management of fuel cell electric vehicle with hydrid tanks. IECON2014 - 40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Oct 2014, DALLAS, United States. pp. 3962-3967
Fuel cell diagnosis method based on multifractal analysis of stack voltage signal. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39 (5), pp 2236-2245
Hydride Material for optimal hydrogen storage system of fuel cell electrical vehicles. 14 th International Symposium on Metal-Hydrogen Systems, Jul 2014, MANCHESTER, France. 1 p
Fault Diagnosis and Identification of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell System Using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Classification. Electrimacs 2014, May 2014, Spain. pp 646-651
Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Operation and Degradation in Short-Circuit. Fuel Cells, 2014, 14 (6), pp.894 - 905
Un outil de simulation pour l'étude de la fiabilité d'une pile à combustible de type PEM. Symposium de Génie Électrique 2014, Jul 2014, Cachan, France
PEMFC stack voltage singularity measurement and fault classification. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39 (36), pp. 21631-21637
k-Nearest Neighbours Fault Diagnosis of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell. IDHEA, May 2014, France. 9p
Singularity Analysis of Voltage Signals for PEM Fuel Cell Diagnosis. 5th International Conference on Fundamentals and Development of Fuel Cells (FDFC 2013), Apr 2013, Germany. 7p
Silva, F. Harel, S. Jemei, Rafael Gouriveau, Daniel Hissel, et al.. Proton exchange membrane fuel cell operation and degradation in short-circuit.. 5th International Conference on Fundamentals & Development of Fuel Cells (FDFC 2013)., Jan 2013, Germany. pp.1-6
Voltage singularity classification for fuel cell diagnosis. EFCF 2013 - European Fuel Cell Conference, Dec 2013, Italy. 2 p
Experimental validation of a type-2 fuzzy logic controller for energy management in hybrid electrical vehicles. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2013, 26 (7), pp.1772-1779
Part 2- Mobypost vehicle’s powertrain design and experimental validation. International Conference on Fundamentals and Development of Fuel Cells (FDFC 2013), Apr 2013, Germany. 8p
A simulation tool for the reliability analysis of PEM fuel cells. Conference on Fundamentals and Development of Fuel Cells (FDFC 2013), Apr 2013, Germany. 8p
Part 1: Mobypost vehicle’s powertrain modeling, simulation and sizing. Conference on Fundamentals and Development of Fuel Cells (FDFC 2013), Apr 2013, Germany. 9p
Proton exchange membrane fuel cell operation and degradation in short-circuit. International Conference on Fundamentals and Development of Fuel Cells (FDFC 2013), Apr 2013, Germany. 6p
Electrochemical characterisation of fuel cell stack during cold start. European Physical Journal: Applied Physics, 2011, 54 (2), pp.23402
Fuel cells static and dynamic characterizations as tools for the estimation of their ageing time. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2011, 36 (2), pp. 1730-1739
Development of new test instruments and protocols for the diagnostic of fuel cell stacks. Journal of Power Sources, 2011, 196 (12), pp. 5325-5333
Harel, S. Bégot, S. Wasterlain, D. Candusso. Electrochemical characterisation of fuel cell stack during cold start. European Physical Journal: Applied Physics, 2011, 54 (2)
Frappé, A. de Bernardinis, O. Bethoux, D. Candusso, F. Harel, et al.. PEM fuel cell fault detection and identification using differential method: simulation and experimental validation. European Physical Journal: Applied Physics, 2011, 54 (2)
Fuel cell climatic tests designed for new configured aircraft application. Energy Conversion and Management, 2010, 51 (7), pp.1522-1535
de Bernardinis, Denis Candusso, Fabien Harel, Gérard Coquery, X. Francois. Experiments of a twenty cell PEFC operating under fault conditions with diode by-pass circuit for uninterrupted power delivery. Energy Conversion and Management, 2010, vol.51 (n.5), pp1044-54
Study of temperature, air dew point temperature and reactant flow effects on PEMFC performances using electrochemical spectroscopy and voltammetry techniques. Journal of Power Sources, 2010, 195 (4), pp. 984-993
A New High Voltage Impedance Spectrometer for the Diagnostic of Fuel Cell Stacks. Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, 2010, 8 (2), 6 p
Durability Test Results of a PEMFC Operated at Over-Nominal Temperature with Low Humidified Reactants. Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, 2010, 7 (2), pp.024502
Design of experiment techniques for fuel cell characterisation and development. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2009, 34 (2), pp. 967-980
Méthodologies expérimentales pour identifier les cellules défaillantes dans les stacks PEM - Cas des fuites de réactifs. Journées CNRS Système PAC, Thème diagnostic, Jan 2009, Ivry-Sur-Seine, France. pp.1-6
Tian, Sébastien Wasterlain, Denis Candusso, Fabien Harel, Daniel Hissel, et al.. Identification of failed cells inside PEMFC stacks in two cases: anode / cathode crossover and anode / cooling compartment leak. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2009, pp.1-10
Harel, P. Bergman, et al.. Study of temperature, air dew point temperature and reactant flow effects on PEMFC performances using electrochemical spectroscopy and voltammetry techniques. Journal of Power Sources, 2009, pp.1-10
Fuel cell-based hybrid systems. Electromotion Conference, 2009, Lille, France. pp.1-11
L'INRETS expérimente et évalue des systèmes piles à combustible. TEC Mobilité intelligente [Revue TEC : Transport Environnement Circulation], 2009, 204, pp. 34-39
Development of a High Voltage Impedance Spectrometer for the Characterization and Diagnosis of Large PEFC Stacks. European Fuel Cell Forum 2009, 2009, Switzerland. pp.1-6
Steiner, Sébastien Wasterlain, Daniel Hissel, Denis Candusso, F. Harel, et al.. Elaboration of a non intrusive diagnosis tool for the detection of water management defaults and CO poisoning in PEMFC stacks. Workshop " Diagnostics Tools for Fuel Cell Technologies ", Jun 2009, Trondheim, Norway. pp.1-6
First results obtained with an impedancemeter developed for the diagnosis of large PEFC stacks. Electromotion, EPE Chapter "Electric Drives", Jul 2009, France. pp.1-6
Harel, Denis Candusso, Daniel Hissel, Xavier François, et al.. Experimental methods for the diagnosis of PEMFC stacks, Workshop. Diagnostics Tools for Fuel Cell Technologies, Jun 2009, inconnue, Norway. pp.1-6
Experimental Studies on the Influence of Operational Parameters on the Cold Start of a 2 kWFuel Cell. Fuel Cells, 2008, 8 (2), pp.138-150
Analysis of a PEMFC durability test under low humidity conditions and stack behaviour modelling using experimental design techniques. Journal of Power Sources, 2008, 182 (2), pp.429-440
François, J.C. Grandidier, F. Harel, M. Hilairet, M. Hinaje, et al.. A review on existing modelling methodologies for PEM Fuel Cell Systems. FDFC 2008: Fundamentals and Developments of Fuel Cell Conference, Nancy, France, 2008, Nancy, France
Bergman, et al.. An experimental study of the temperature, relative humidity and flow rate effects on the performances of a single PEMFC. FDFC, Dec 2008, France. pp.1-12
Freeze-thaw ageing effects on PEM fuel cells. Fundamentals and Developments of Fuel Cells Conference, 2008, Nancy, France. pp.ISBN 978-2-7466-0413-1
Analysis of a fuel cell durability test based on design of experiment approach. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 2008, 23 (4), pp.1093-1104
Girardot, Daniel Hissel, Fabien Harel, Xavier François, et al.. Impact of power converter current ripple on the durability of a fuel cell stack. International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Jun 2008, France. pp.1495-1500
Design and Validation of a 2 kW-Fuel Cell Test Bench for Subfreezing Studies. Fuel Cells, 2008, 8 (1), pp.23-32
Tian, Sébastien Wasterlain, I. Endichi, Denis Candusso, Fabien Harel, et al.. Diagnosis methods dedicated to the localisation of failed cells within PEMFC stacks. Journal of Power Sources, 2008, 182 (2), pp.449-461
Mechanical behaviour of a fuel cell stack under vibrating conditions linked to aircraft applications part I: experimental. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2008, 33 (22), pp.6755-6765
de Bernardinis, Marie-Cécile Péra, Fabien Harel, Xavier François, et al.. Fuel cell operation under degraded working modes and study of a diode by-pass circuit dedicated to multi-stack association. Energy Conversion and Management, 2008, 4, pp.880-895
PEMFC durability test under specific dynamical current solicitation linked to vehicle road cycle. Fuel cell - from fundamentals to systems, 2007, 7 (2), pp.142-152
Comparison between two PEM fuel cell durability tests performed at constant current and under solicitations linked to transport mission profile. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2007, 32 (17), pp.4523-4536
de Bernardinis, Marie-Cécile Pera, Daniel Hissel, et al.. Characterization and modelling of a 5 kW PEMFC for transportation applications. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2006, 31 (8), pp.1019-1030
Analysis of fuel cell durability test using the response surface methodology. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Jul 2006, Montréal, Canada. pp.2007-2012
Dual response surface approach for the analysis of a fuel cell durability test. IEEE Industrial Electronic Conference, Nov 2006, Paris, France. pp.4337-4342
PEM Fuel Cell Modelization including Durability considerations. International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE'05 IEEE, Jun 2005, Dubrovnik, Croatia. pp. 833-838
New design of a PEM fuel cell air automatic climate control unit. Journal of Power Sources, 2005, 150, pp. 78-85
Véhicules hybrides. La Revue de l'électricité et de l'électronique, 2001, 3, pp. 23-28
Stockages électrochimiques de puissance adaptés aux transports en commun. Colloque Gaston Planté 2000, Oct 2000, PARIS, France. 7 p
Optimisation globale de la commande d'un moteur synchrone à rotor bobiné. Effets sur la consommation simulée de Îhicules électriques et hybrides. GEVIQ 2000, Colloque National Génie Electrique Vie et Qualité, Mar 2000, MARSEILLE, France. 6 p
BEGOT, Sylvie, HAREL, Fabien, LEPILLER, Valérie, HAFSA SAIDOUNI, Wafa, 2023, A new cooling circuit and its control strategies for the thermal management of PEMFC in rapid startup application, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Elsevier, 18p, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.12.166
TOGNI, Elie, HAREL, Fabien, GUSTIN, Frédéric, HISSEL, Daniel, 2022, Design and Control of a Synchronous Interleaved Boost Converter based on GaN FETs for PEM Fuel Cell Applications, ELECTRIMACS 2022, Nancy, FRANCE, 2022-05-16, 6p
Plus d'infosYEETSORN, Rungsima, PETRONE, Raffaele, HISSEL, Daniel, HAREL, Fabien, BREAZ, Elena, GAO, Fei, PERA, Marie-Cécile, 2022, Influence of Cycle Repetition on Stack Voltage Degradation during Fuel Cell Stress Tests, Fuel Cells, 22, 3, WILEY, pp85-101, DOI: 10.1002/fuce.202200027
BENOUIOUA, Djedjiga, CANDUSSO, Denis, HAREL, Fabien, PICARD, Pierre, 2022, Diagnosis of fuel cells using instantaneous frequencies and envelopes extracted from stack voltage signal, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 47, 16, Elsevier, pp 9706-9718, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.01.046
VICHARD, Loïc, PETRONE, Raffaele, HAREL, Fabien, RAVEY, Alexandre, VENET, Pascal, HISSEL, Daniel, 2022, Long term durability test of open-cathode fuel cell system under actual operating conditions, Energy Conversion and Management, 212, Elsevier, DOI: 10.1016/j.enconman.2020.112813
VICHARD, Loïc, HAREL, Fabien, RAVEY, Alexandre, VENET, Pascal, HISSEL, Daniel, 2022, Degradation prediction of PEM fuel cell based on artificial intelligence, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 45, 29, Elsevier, 14953-14963, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2020.03.209
BENOUIOUA, Djedjiga, HAREL, Fabien, CANDUSSO, Denis, 2021, Diagnostic of fuel cell air supply subsystems based on pressure signal records and statistical pattern recognition approach, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46, 78, Elsevier, pp. 38809-38826, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2021.09.147
CHABANE, Djafar, IQBAL, Mehroze, HAREL, Fabien, DJERDIR, Abdesslem, CANDUSSO, Denis, ELKEDIM, Omar, FENINECHE, Nour-Eddin, 2021, Coupling a metal hydride tank with a PEMFC for vehicular applications: A simulations framework, International Journal of Energy Research, 45, 11, WILEY, pp 16511-16523, DOI: 10.1002/er.6898
VICHARD, Loïc, RAVEY, Alexandre, VENET, Pascal, HAREL, Fabien, PELISSIER, Serge, HISSEL, Daniel, 2021, A method to estimate battery SOH indicators based on vehicle operating data only, Energy, 225, Elsevier, 12 p, DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2021.120235
BENOUIOUA, Djedjiga, CANDUSSO, Denis, HAREL, Fabien, FRANCOIS, Xavier, PICARD, Pierre, 2020, Characterization of low and high frequency phenomena in a PEM fuel cell using singularity analysis of stack voltage, Journal of Energy Storage, 28, Elsevier, 32p, DOI: 10.1016/j.est.2020.101298
MARX, Neigel, HISSEL, Daniel, HAREL, Fabien, COURTEILLE, Benoit, 2019, Experimental Testing of a Hydrogen Genset Used in a Refrigerated Semi-Trailer Truck Application, 2019 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), Hanoi, VIET NAM, 2019-10-14, IEEE, 5 p., DOI: 10.1109/VPPC46532.2019.8952231
Plus d'infosCHABANE, Djafar, IBRAHIM, Mona, HAREL, Fabien, DJERDIR, Abdesslem, CANDUSSO, Denis, ELKEDIM, Omar, 2019, Energy management of a thermally coupled fuel cell system and metal hydride tank, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44, 50, Elsevier, pp. 27553-27563, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.08.247
CHABANE, Djafar, HAREL, Fabien, DJERDIR, Abdesslem, CANDUSSO, Denis, ELKEDIM, Omar, FENINECHE, Nouredine, 2019, Energetic modeling, simulation and experimental of hydrogen desorption in a hydride tank, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44, 2, Elsevier, pp 1034-1046, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2018.11.024
VICHARD, Loïc, MORANDO, Simon, RAVEY, Alexandre, HAREL, Fabien, VENET, Pascal, PELISSIER, Serge, HISSEL, Daniel, 2018, Battery Modeling Using Real Driving Cycle and Big-Bang Big-Crunch Algorithm , Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo, LONG BEACH, ETATS-UNIS, 2018-06-13, IEEE, 6 p, DOI: 10.1109/ITEC.2018.8449951
VICHARD, Loïc, RAVEY, Alexandre, VENET, Pascal, HAREL, Fabien, PELISSIER, Serge, HISSEL, Daniel, 2018, Modélisation de batterie utilisant des données d'usage réel à travers l'algorithme d'optimisation Big-Bang Big-Crunch, GdR Hydrogène, Systèmes et Piles à Combustible 3652, Grenoble, France, 2018-05-23
MARX, Neigel, HISSEL, Daniel, PAHON, Elodie, HAREL, Fabien, COURTEILLE, Benoît, CHAILLOU, Frédéric, 2018, On The Design of a Hybrid Fuel Cell ? Battery Genset for a Refrigerated Semi-Trailer Truck, Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, Chicago, ETATS-UNIS, 2018-08-27, np, DOI: 10.1109/VPPC.2018.8605015
BENOUIOUA, Djedjiga, CANDUSSO, Denis, HAREL, Fabien, PICARD, Pierre, FRANCOIS, Xavier, 2018, On the issue of the PEMFC operating fault identification: Generic analysis tool based on voltage pointwise singularity strengths, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, ICEREGA 2017, Belfort, FRANCE, 2017-07-04, 43, 25, Elsevier, pp 11606-11613, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2017.09.177
PETRONE, Raphaëlle, PAHON, Elodie, HAREL, Fabien, JEMEI, Samir, CHAMAGNE, Didier, PERA, Marie-Cécile, 2017, Data-driven multi-fault approach for H2/O2 PEM FuelCell diagnosis, IEEE VPPC'2017 Conference. Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, BELFORT, FRANCE, 2017-12-11, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - IEEE
Plus d'infosPETRONE, Raphaële, YEETSORN, Rungsima, HAREL, Fabien, HISSEL, Daniel, PERA, Marie-Cécile, BREAZ, Elena, GIURGEA, Stefan, 2017, Accelerated stress tests oriented load profile for PEM Fuel Cells durabilityin automotive applications, IEEE VPPC'2017 Conference. Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, BELFORT, FRANCE, 2017-12-11
Plus d'infosVICHARD, Loïc, RAVEY, Alexandre, MORANDO, Simon, HAREL, Fabien, VENET, Pascal, PELISSIER, Serge, HISSEL, Daniel, 2017, Battery aging study using field use data, IEEE VPPC'2017 Conference. Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, BELFORT, FRANCE, 2017-12-11, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - IEEE
Plus d'infosBENOUIOUA, Djedjiga, CANDUSSO, Denis, HAREL, Fabien, PICARD, Pierre, 2017, Voltage Singularity-Based Diagnostic for PEM Fuel Cell Stack designed for Operation in ¼CHP Units, CDFC 2017, 7th International Conference on Fundamentals & Development of Fuel Cells, , STUTTGART, ALLEMAGNE, 2017-01-31, 1 p
Télécharger le documentPETRONE, Raffaele, YOUSFI STEINER, Nadia, JEMEI, Samir, HAREL, Fabien, HISSEL, Daniel, PERA, Marie-Cécile, 2017, Model-based strategy oriented to PEMFC system prognostic for Bus transportation applications based on EMR formalism., FDFC 2017, 7th International Conference on Fundamentals & Development of Fuel Cells,, STUTTGART, ALLEMAGNE, 2017-01-31
Télécharger le documentPETRONE, Raffaele, YEETSORN, Rungsima, HAREL, Fabien, HISSEL, Daniel, PERA, Marie-Cécile, GAO, Fei, BREAZ, Elena, GIURGEA, Stefan, 2017, Voltage Singularity-Based Diagnostic for H2&CO2/O2 PEM Fuel Cell Stack designed for Operation in µCHP Units, FDFC 2017, 7th International Conference on Fundamentals & Development of Fuel Cells,, STUTTGART, ALLEMAGNE, 2017-01-31
Télécharger le documentBENOUIOUA, Djedjiga, CANDUSSO, Denis, HAREL, Fabien, OUKHELLOU, Latifa, 2017, Multifractal Analysis of Stack Voltage Based on Wavelet Leaders: A New Tool for PEMFC Diagnosis, Fuel Cells, 17, 2, John Wiley & Sons, pp. 217-224, DOI: 10.1002/fuce.201600029
BENOUIOUA, Djedjiga, CANDUSSO, Denis, HAREL, Fabien, OUKHELLOU, Latifa, 2017, The dynamic multifractality in PEMFC stack voltage signal as a tool for the aging monitoring, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42, 2, Elsevier, pp 1466-1471, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2016.04.033
BENOUIOUA, Djedjiga, CANDUSSO, Denis, HAREL, Fabien, PICARD, Pierre, 2016, The question of fuel cell durability "dynamic multifractality in stack voltage signal as an indicator of PEMFC SOH", Battery Tech 2016, International Conference on Battery ad Fuel Cell Technology, DUBAI, EMIRATS ARABES UNIS, 2016-12-08
Télécharger le documentBENOUIOUA, Djedjiga, CANDUSSO, Denis, HAREL, Fabien, 2016, Fuel cell diagnosis based on stack voltage multifractal analysis. The question of the method portability, J Fundam Renewable Energy App, Battery Tech 2016, Dubaï, EMIRATS ARABES UNIS, 2016-12-08, 6, 7, p.39, DOI: 10.4172/2090-4541.C1.023
NOGUER, Nicolas, CANDUSSO, Denis, KOUTA, Raed, HAREL, Fabien, CHARON, Willy, COQUERY, Gerard, 2016, A framework for the probabilistic analysis of PEMFC performance based on multi-physical modelling, stochastic method, and design of numerical experiments, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 1, 42, Elsevier, pp. 459-477, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2016.11.074
CHABANE, Djafar, HAREL, Fabien, DJERDIR, Abdesslem, CANDUSSO, Denis, ELKEDIM, Omar, FENINECHE, Nouredine, 2016, Dynamic modeling of hydrogen desorption from a metal hydride tank using the electrical fluidic analogy, WHEC 2016, World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Saragosse, ESPAGNE, 2016-06-13, 1 p
Télécharger le documentCHABANE, Djafar, HAREL, Fabien, DJERDIR, Abdesslem, IBRAHIM, Mona, CANDUSSO, Denis, ELKEDIM, Omar, FENINECHE, Nouredine, 2016, Influence of the key parameters on the dynamic behavior of the hydrogen absorption by LaNi5, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42, 2, Elsevier, pp. 1412-1419, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2016.06.110
CHABANE, Djafar, HAREL, Fabien, DJERDIR, Abdesslem, CANDUSSO, Denis, ELKEDIM, Omar, FENINECHE, Nouredine, 2016, A new method for the characterization of hydrides hydrogen tanks dedicated to automotive applications, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41, 27, Elsevier, pp. 11682-11691, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2015.12.048
CHABANE, Djafar, HAREL, Fabien, DJERDIR, Abdesslem, CANDUSSO, Denis, ELKEDIM, Omar, FENINECHE, Nouredine, 2016, Influence of the key parameters on the dynamic behavior of the hydrogen absorption by LaNi5, ICREGA 16, International Conference on Renewable Energy, Belfort, FRANCE, 2016-02-08, 8 p
Télécharger le documentNOGUER, Nicolas, CANDUSSO, Denis, KOUTA, Raed, HAREL, Fabien, CHARON, Willy, COQUERY, Gérard, 2015, A PEMFC multi-physical model to evaluate the consequences of parameter uncertainty on the fuel cell performance, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40, 10, ELSEVIER, pp. 3968-3980, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2015.01.050
MOCOTEGUY, Philippe, SEILER, Hélène, WASTERLAIN, Sébastien, CANDUSSO, Denis, HAREL, Fabien, HISSEL, Daniel, 2015, Study of water management in a 500 We PEMFC stack by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy and according to design of experiment methodology, FDFC 2015 - 6th International Conference on Fundamentals and Development of Fuel Cells, TOULOUSE, FRANCE, 2015-02-03, 8 p
Plus d'infosBENOUIOUA, Djedjiga, CANDUSSO, Denis, HAREL, Fabien, OUKHELLOU, Latifa, 2015, Multifractal analysis of stack voltage based on wavelet leaders: a new tool for the on-line diagnosis of PEMFC, FDFC 2015 - 6th International Conference on Fundamentals and Development Fuel Cell, TOULOUSE, FRANCE, 2015-02-03, 8 p
CHABANE, Djafar, HAREL, Fabien, DJERDIR, Abdesslem, CANDUSSO, Denis, ELKEDIM, Omar, FENINECHE, Nouredine, 2015, OenVHy, to study hydride storage and Fuel cell system coupling, FDFC 2015 - 6th International Conference on Fundamentals and Development Fuel Cell, TOULOUSE, FRANCE, 2015-02-03, 6 p
Plus d'infosNOGUER, Nicolas, CANDUSSO, Denis, KOUTA, Raed, HAREL, Fabien, CHARON, Willy, COQUERY, GERARD, 2014, Un outil de simulation pour l'étude de la fiabilité d'une pile à combustible de type PEM, Symposium de Génie Électrique 2014, Cachan, FRANCE, 2014-07-08, 11 p
RAVEY, Alexandre, FAIVRE, Sébastien, HIGEL, Charles, HAREL, Fabien, DJERDIR, Abdesslem, 2014, Energy management of fuel cell electric vehicle with hydrid tanks, IECON2014 - 40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, DALLAS, ETATS-UNIS, 2014-10-29, pp. 3962-3967
Plus d'infosSILVA, Rosa Elvira, HAREL, Fabien, JEMEI, Samir, GOURIVEAU, Raphaël, HISSEL, Daniel, BOULON, Loïc, AGBOSSOU, Kodjo, 2014, Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Operation and Degradation in Short-Circuit, Fuel Cells - From Fundamentals To Systems, 14, 6, WILEY, pp. 894-905, DOI: 10.1002/fuce.201300216
BENOUIOUA, Djedjiga, CANDUSSO, Denis, HAREL, Fabien, OUKHELLOU, Latifa, 2014, PEMFC stack voltage singularity measurement and fault classification, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 39, 36, ELSEVIER, pp. 21631-21637, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2014.09.117
PAHON, Elodie, JEMEI, Samir, HAREL, Fabien, SILVA, Rosa Elvira, OUKHELLOU, Latifa, HISSEL, Daniel, 2014, k-Nearest Neighbours Fault Diagnosis of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell, International Discussion On Hydrogen Energy And Applications, NANTES, FRANCE, 2014-05-12, 9p
Plus d'infosPAHON, Elodie ; OUKHELLOU, Latifa ; HAREL, Fabien ; JEMEI, S ; HISSEL, D , 2014 , Fault Diagnosis and Identification of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell System Using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Classification , Electrimacs 2014 , VALENCE , ESPAGNE , 19/05/2014 , pp 646-651
Plus d'infosBENOUIOUA, Djedjiga, CANDUSSO, Denis, HAREL, Fabien, OUKHELLOU, Latifa, 2014, Fuel cell diagnosis method based on multifractal analysis of stack voltage signal, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 39, 5, ELSEVIER, pp 2236-2245, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2013.11.066
HIGEL, Charles, HAREL, Fabien, CANDUSSO, Denis, FAIVRE, Sébastien, RAVEY, Alexandre, GUILBERT, Damien, N'DIAYE, Abdoul, GAILLARD, Arnaud, BOUQUAIN, David, DJERDIR, Abdesslem, 2013, Part 1: Mobypost vehicle's powertrain modeling, simulation and sizing, FDFC 2013, 5th Conference on Fundamentals and Development of Fuel Cells, KARLSRUHE, ALLEMAGNE, 2013-02-06
BENOUIOUA, Djedjiga ; CANDUSSO, Denis ; HAREL, Fabien ; OUKHELLOU, Latifa , 2013 , Voltage singularity classification for fuel cell diagnosis , EFCF 2013 - European Fuel Cell Conference , ROME , ITALIE , 11/12/2013 , 2 p
Plus d'infosNOGUER, Nicolas ; CANDUSSO, Denis ; KOUTA, Raed ; HAREL, Fabien ; CHARON, Willy ; COQUERY, Gérard , 2013 , A simulation tool for the reliability analysis of PEM fuel cells , FDFC 2013 - 5th international Conference on Fundamentals and Development of Fuel Cells , KARLSRUHE , ALLEMAGNE , 16/04/2013 , 8p
Plus d'infosHIGEL, Charles, HAREL, Fabien, CANDUSSO, Denis, FAIVRE, Sébastien, RAVEY, Alexandre, GUILBERT, Damien, NDIAYE, Abdoul, BOUQUAIN, David, DJERDIR, Abdesslem, GAILLARD, A, 2013, Part 1: Mobypost vehicle's powertrain modeling, simulation and sizing, FDFC 2013 - 5th international Conference on Fundamentals and Development of Fuel Cells, KARLSRUHE, ALLEMAGNE, 2013-04-16, 9p
Plus d'infosFAIVRE, Sébastien ; RAVEY, Alexandre ; GUILBERT, Damien ; NDIAYE, Abdoul ; GAILLARD, Arnaud ; BOUQUAIN, David ; DJERDIR, Abdesslem ; HIGEL, Charles ; HAREL, Fabien ; CANDUSSO, Denis , 2013 , Part 2- Mobypost vehicle’s powertrain design and experimental validation , FDFC 2013 - 5th international Conference on Fundamentals and Development of Fuel Cells , KARLSRUHE , ALLEMAGNE , 16/04/2013 , 8p
Plus d'infosSILVA, Rosa Elvira ; HAREL, Fabien ; JEMEI, Samir ; GOURIVEAU, Raphaël ; HISSEL, Daniel ; BOULON, Loïc ; AGBOSSOU, K , 2013 , Proton exchange membrane fuel cell operation and degradation in short-circuit , FDFC 2013 - 5th international Conference on Fundamentals and Development of Fuel Cells , KARLSRUHE , ALLEMAGNE , 16/04/2013 , 6p
Télécharger le documentSOLANO MARTINEZ, Javier ; MULOT, Jérôme ; HAREL, Fabien ; HISSEL, Daniel ; PERA, Marie-Cécile ; JOHN, Robert I ; AMIET, Michel , 2013 , Experimental validation of a type-2 fuzzy logic controller for energy management in hybrid electrical vehicles , Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence , 26 , 7 , ELSEVIER , pp. 1772–1779 , DOI: 10.1016/j.engappai.2012.12.008
BENOUIOUA, Djedjiga ; CANDUSSO, Denis ; HAREL, Fabien ; OUKHELLOU, Latifa , 2013 , Singularity Analysis of Voltage Signals for PEM Fuel Cell Diagnosis , FDFC 2013 - 5th International Conference on Fundamentals and Development of Fuel Cells , KARLSRUHE , ALLEMAGNE , 16/04/2013 , 7p.
Télécharger le documentDE BERNARDINIS, Alexandre ; CANDUSSO, Denis ; DIAW, Ibrahima ; HAREL, Fabien , 2012 , DC-DC power Converter Topology for PEM Fuel Cell Large Stack Operating in Potential Cycling Mode for Embedded Applications , PCIM 2012 - Power Conversion Intelligent Motion , NUREMBERG , ALLEMAGNE , 08/05/2012 , 7p
Télécharger le documentFRAPPE,E ; DE-BERNARDINIS,A ; CANDUSSO,D ; HAREL,F ; COQUERY,G ; BETHOUX,O ; MARCHAND,C , 2011 , Fault detection by localized voltage measurement on a pemfc stack , FDFC 2011, Fundamentals and Developments of Fuel Cells, January 19-21th, 2011, Grenoble, France , 8p
Télécharger le documentONANENA, Raissa ; OUKHELLOU, Latifa ; CANDUSSO, Denis ; HAREL, Fabien ; HISSEL, Daniel ; AKNIN, Patrice, 2011, Fuel cells static and dynamic characterizations as tools for the estimation of their ageing time, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36, 2, ELSEVIER, pp. 1730-1739, DOI:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2010.10.064
WASTERLAIN, Sébastien ; CANDUSSO, Denis ; HAREL, Fabien ; HISSEL, Daniel ; FRANCOIS, Xavier, 2011, Development of new test instruments and protocols for the diagnostic of fuel cell stacks, Journal of Power Sources, 196, 12, pp. 5325-5333, DOI:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2010.08.029
DE BERNARDINIS, Alexandre, CANDUSSO, Denis, HAREL, Fabien, FRANCOIS, Xavier, COQUERY, Gérard, 2010, Experiments of a twenty cell PEFC operating under fault conditions with diode by-pass circuit for uninterrupted power delivery, Energy Conversion and Management, 51, 5, ELSEVIER, pp. 1044-1054, DOI: 10.1016/j.enconman.2009.12.008
WASTERLAIN,S ; CANDUSSO,D ; HAREL,F ; FRANCOIS,O ; HISSEL,D , 2010 , Diagnosis of a Fuel Cell Stack Using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy , VPPC 2010, Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 1-3 septembre 2010, Lille, France , IEEE , 6p
Plus d'infosWASTERLAIN, Sébastien ; HAREL, Fabien ; CANDUSSO, Denis ; HISSEL, Daniel ; FRANCOIS, Xavier, 2010, A New High Voltage Impedance Spectrometer for the Diagnostic of Fuel Cell Stacks, Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, 8, 2, ASME, 6 p, DOI:10.1115/1.4002401
Plus d'infosWASTERLAIN, Sébastien, CANDUSSO, Denis, HAREL, Fabien, FRANCOIS, Xavier, PERA, Marie-Cécile, HISSEL, Daniel, 2010, Durability Test Results of a PEMFC Operated at Over-Nominal Temperature with Low Humidified Reactants, Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, 7, 2, ASME, 8 p, DOI: 10.1115/1.3182736
BEGOT, Sylvie, HAREL, Fabien, CANDUSSO, Denis, FRANCOIS, Xavier, PERA, Marie-Cécile, YDE-ANDERSEN, Steen, 2010, Fuel cell climatic tests designed for new configured aircraft application, Energy Conversion and Management, 51, 7, ELSEVIER, pp. 1522-1535, DOI: 10.1016/j.enconman.2010.02.011
TIAN, Guangyu ; WASTERLAIN, Sébastien ; CANDUSSO, Denis ; HAREL, Fabien ; HISSEL, Daniel ; FRANCOIS, Xavier, 2010, Identification of failed cells inside PEMFC stacks in two cases: anode / cathode crossover and anode / cooling compartment leak, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 35, 7, ELSEVIER, pp. 2772-2776, DOI:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2009.05.015
WASTERLAIN, Sébastien ; CANDUSSO, Denis ; HISSEL, Daniel ; HAREL, Fabien ; BERGMAN, Peter ; MENARD, Peter ; ANWAR, Mehdi, 2010, Study of temperature, air dew point temperature and reactant flow effects on PEMFC performances using electrochemical spectroscopy and voltammetry techniques, Journal of Power Sources, 195, 4, ELSEVIER, pp. 984-993, DOI:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2009.08.084
DE-BERNARDINIS,A ; HAREL,F ; CANDUSSO,D ; COQUERY,G ; GIRARDOT,L ; HISSEL,D ; FRANCOIS,X ; BESSE,S , 2009 , Experimental Dynamic Performance of a 30kW 90Cell PEFC Stack under Transportation Load Cycle Constraints , EFCF 2009, EUROPEAN FUEL CELL FORUM, 29 June - 2 July 2009, Lucerne, Suisse , 16p
Télécharger le documentDE-BERNARDINIS,A ; CANDUSSO,D ; HAREL,F ; COQUERY,G , 2009 , Power Electronics Interface for an Hybrid PEMFC Generating System with Fault Management Strategies for Transportation , EPE 2009 Barcelone, CD-ROM , 10p
Télécharger le documentWASTERLAIN,S ; HAREL,F ; CANDUSSO,D ; HISSEL,D , 2009 , Development of a High Voltage Impedance Spectrometer for the Characterization and Diagnosis of Large PEFC Stacks , European Fuel Cell Forum 2009, 29 juin-2 juillet, Lucerne, Suisse , 19p
Télécharger le documentWASTERLAIN,S ; HAREL,F ; CANDUSSO,D ; HISSEL,D ; FRANCOIS,O , 2009 , First results obtained with an impedancemeter developed for the diagnosis of large PEFC stacks , Electromotion, EPE Chapter Electric Drives, Joint Symposium, 1-3 juillet 2009, Lille, France , 6p
Télécharger le documentDAVAT,B ; ASTIER,S ; BETHOUX,O ; CANDUSSO,D ; COQUERY,G ; DE-BERNARDINIS,A ; DRUART,F ; FRANCOIS,M ; GARCIA ARREGUI,F ; HAREL,F, 2009, Fuel cell based hybrid systems, Electromotion, EPE Chapter Electric Drives, Joint Symposium, LILLE, FRANCE, 01/07/2009, 11p,
Télécharger le documentWAHDAME, Bouchra ; CANDUSSO, Denis ; FRANCOIS, Xavier ; HAREL, Fabien ; KAUFFMANN, Jean-Marie ; COQUERY, Gérard, 2009, Design of experiment techniques for fuel cell characterisation and development, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34, 2, pp. 967-980, DOI:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2008.10.066
BEGOT, Sylvie ; HAREL, Fabien ; KAUFFMANN, Jean Marie , 2008 , Design and validation of a 2kW-fuel cell test bench for subfreezing studies , Fuel Cells - From Fundamentals To Systems , 8 , 1 , WILEY , pp 23-32 , DOI: 10.1002/fuce.200700039
BEGOT, Sylvie ; HAREL, Fabien ; KAUFFMANN, Jean Marie , 2008 , Experimental Studies on the Influence of Operational Parameters on the Cold Start of a 2 kW Fuel Cell , Fuel Cells - From Fundamentals To Systems , 8 , 2 , WILEY , pp 138-150 , DOI: 10.1002/fuce.200700067
HAREL,F ; DE-BERNARDINIS,A ; GIRARDOT,L ; FRANCOIS,X ; CANDUSSO,D ; HISSEL,D ; COQUERY,G , 2008 , Experiments of a 30kW 90 cell PEMFC under transportation load cycle constraints , FDFC 2008, 10 - 12 décembre 2008, Nancy, France , 10p
WAHDAME,B ; GIRARDOT,L ; HISSEL,D ; HAREL,F ; FRANCOIS,X ; CANDUSSO,D ; PERA,MC ; DUMERCY,L , 2008 , Impact of power converter current ripple on the durability of a fuel cell stack , ISIE 2008, IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Cambridge, Royaume-Uni , IEEE , p1495-1500 , DOI: 10.1109/ISIE.2008.4677206
Plus d'infosCANDUSSO,D ; DE-BERNARDINIS,A ; PERA,MC ; HAREL,F ; FRANCOIS,X ; HISSEL,D ; COQUERY,G ; KAUFFMANN,JM , 2008 , Fuel cell operation under degraded working modes and study of a diode by-pass circuit dedicated to multi-stack association , Energy Conversion and Management , Vol49, n4 , Elsevier , p880-895 , DOI: 10.1016/j.enconman.2007.10.007
TIAN,G ; WASTERLAIN,S ; CANDUSSO,D ; ENDICHI,I ; HAREL,F ; FRANCOIS,X ; PERA,MC ; HISSEL,D ; KAUFFMANN,JM , 2008 , Diagnosis methods dedicated to the localisation of failed cells within PEMFC stacks , Journal of Power Sources , Vol182, n2 , Elsevier , p449-461 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2007.12.038
ROUSS,V ; LESAGE,P ; BEGOT,S ; CANDUSSO,D ; CHARON,W ; HAREL,F ; FRANCOIS,X ; SELINGER,V ; SCHILO,C ; YDE-ANDERSEN,S , 2008 , Mechanical behaviour of a fuel cell stack under vibrating solicitations linked to aircraft applications. Part I: Experimental , International Journal of Hydrogen Energy , Vol33, n22 , Elsevier , p6755-6765 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2008.08.032
GUILLET, N ; DIDIERJEAN, S ; CHENU, A ; BONNET, C ; CARRE, P ; WAHDAME, B ; DUMERCY, L ; FRANCOIS, X ; GIRARDOT, L ; HAREL, F ; HISSEL, D ; BESSE, S ; BOBLET, S ; CHAUDRON, V ; DE-BERNARDINIS, A ; COQUERY, G ; ESCRIBANO, S ; BARDI, N , 2007 , Scientific and Technological Progress Toward the Development of an 80kWe PEM Fuel Cell System for Transport Applications , EVS23 , 23rd International Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exposition , ANAHEIM , ETATS-UNIS , 02/12/2007 , ELECTRIC DRIVE TRANSPORTATION ASSOCIATION , 9p
Télécharger le documentWAHDAME,B ; CANDUSSO,D ; FRANCOIS,X ; HAREL,F ; PERA,MC ; HISSEL,D ; KAUFFMANN,JM , 2007 , Comparison between two PEM fuel cell durability tests performed at constant current and under solicitations linked to transport mission profile , International Journal of Hydrogen Energy , Vol32, n17 , Elsevier , p4523-4536 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2007.03.013
GLISES, Raynal ; HISSEL, Daniel ; HAREL, Fabien ; PERA, Marie-Cécile , 2005 , New design of a PEM fuel cell air automatic climate control unit , Journal of Power Sources , 150 , ELSEVIER , pp. 78-85 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2005.02.019
CANDUSSO,D ; HAREL,F ; FRANCOIS,X ; DE-BERNARDINIS,A ; PERA,MC ; HISSEL,D , 2004 , Experimental study of a 5kW PEM fuel cell for transportation applications , Vol2 , Conférence « 2nd France - Deutschland Fuel Cell Conference 2004, FDFC2004 - Fuel Cells : Materials, Engineering, Systems, and Applications », Belfort, du 29 novembre au 2 décembre 2004 , p355-360
Plus d'infosHAREL,F ; ISSEL,D ; PERA,MC ; DE BERNARDINIS,A ; LALLEMAND,R ; COQUERY,G ; RAEL,S ; DAVAT,B , 2003 , First experimental results on a 5kw PEMFC testing bench linked to constraints of the transportation systems , 2nd European PEFC forum, 30 juin-4 juillet 2003, Lucerne, Suisse , 10p
Plus d'infosTRIGUI, R, BADIN, F, JEANNERET, B, HAREL, F, COQUERY, G, LALLEMAND, R, OUSTEN, R, CASTAGNE, JP, DEBEST, M, GITTARD, E, VAGRAEFSHEPE, F, MOREL, V, BAGHLI, L, REZZOUG, A, LABBE, J, BISCAGLIA, S, 2003, Hybrid light duty vehicles evaluation program, International Journal of Automotive Technology, Vol4, n2, KSAE, p65-75
BADIN, François, JEANNERET, Bruno, HAREL, Fabien, TRIGUI, Rochdi, 2001, Véhicules hybrides, Revue de l'Electricité et de l'Electronique REE, 3, pp. 23-28
Plus d'infosBADIN, F, JEANNERET, B, TRIGUI, R, HAREL, F, 2001, Hybrid vehicles, should we plug them to the grid or not?, EVS-18 18th International Electric Vehicle Symposium, BERLIN, ALLEMAGNE, 2001-10-20, EVS, 18th international electric vehicle symposium, October 21 - 24 2001, Berlin Germany, 14p
Télécharger le documentTRIGUI,R ; HAREL,F ; SCORDIA,J ; BASTIANI,PH ; RETIF,JM ; LIN-SHI,X ; CHABOT,F ; GIMET,E ; BERETTA,J , 2001 , Implementation and comparison of three approaches for energy-optimized strategies of a synchronous machine and its inverter , 9th European conference on power electronics and applications 27 to 29 august 2001, Graz, Austria , 11p
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