Elyes Nefzaoui
Noisy le grand
Bâtiment: Building: ESIEE
Bureau: Office: 6353
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Georges Hamaoui
Elyes Nefzaoui
Enseignant-chercheur en énergétique à ESIEE Paris, chercheur au laboratoire ESYCOM (UMR 9007, Univ Gustave Eiffel, CNRS, CNAM) sur les méta-matériaux pour l'énergie, la récupération d'énergie, les capteurs et les réseaux de capteurs pour l'énergie et l'environnement.
Associate Professor in Energy engineering, in charge of the Energy Graduate Program at ESIEE Paris School of Engineering of University Gustave Eiffel, researcher at ESYCOM Laboratory (UMR 9007, Univ Gustave Eiffel, CNRS, CNAM).
Research fields : Meta-materials for energy, Heat transfer in electronic devices, Thermal energy harvesting, Sensors and sensor networks for environmental and energy monitoring, Energy demand metering analysis and modeling.
Mes dernières références
My latest references
Liste de publications
Publications list
Infrared Spectral Emissivity Dynamics of Surfaces Under Water Condensation. Advanced Functional Materials, 2024
Silicon Materials Mid-Infrared Direct Spectral Emissivity Measurement at Intermediate Temperatures. TPV15, Oct 2024, Madrid, Spain
Nefzaoui, Armande Hervé, Georges Hamaoui, Tarik Bourouina. Spectral Emissivity Evolution of Radiative Cooling Materials during Water Condensation. Nano Micro Scale Heat Transfer Conference VIII, 2024
Nefzaoui, Tarik Bourouina, Philippe Basset, Elodie Richalot, Georges Hamaoui, et al.. Randomly Micro-structured Silicon for Thermal Light Engineering: Radiative Properties and Applications. 2023 PhotonIcs and Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2023), Jul 2023, Prague, Czech Republic
Black Silicon Revisited as an Ultrabroadband Perfect Infrared Absorber over 20 μm Wavelength Range. Advanced Photonics Research, 2023, 4 (2), pp.2200223
Nefzaoui. Characterization of an experimental bench for lowcarbon hydrogen production, storage, and conversion. International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME 2023), Jul 2023, Tenerife, Spain
Nefzaoui. Passive Nighttime Radiative Cooling using Black Silicon. The 10th International Symposium on Radiative Transfer, RAD-23, The International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer (ICHMT), Jun 2023, Thessaloniki, Greece. pp.339-344
Nefzaoui. Meta-foam Numerical Optimization for Surface Enhanced Solar Steam Generation. The 17th International Heat Transfer Conference, Aug 2023, Cape Town, South Africa
A Wireless Sensor Network for Residential Building Energy and Indoor Environmental Quality Monitoring: Design, Instrumentation, Data Analysis and Feedback. Sensors, 2023, 23 (12), pp.5580
Nefzaoui, Latifa Oukhellou. Dynamic Modeling of Energy Demand in Educational Institutions Affected by COVID-19 and Energy Crisis. 2023
Ultrahigh Passive Cooling Power in Hydrogel with Rationally Designed Optofluidic Properties. Nano Letters, 2023, 24 (2), pp.623-631
Sarkar, E. Nefzaoui, G. Hamaoui, F. Marty, P. Basset, et al.. Radiative Properties of Surface Doped Black Silicon. Nanoscale and Microscale Heat Transfer VII, Eurotherm seminar No 114, May 2022, Palerme, Italy
Sarkar, E. Nefzaoui, G. Hamaoui, F. Marty, P. Basset, et al.. Wideband mid infrared absorber using surface doped black silicon. Applied Physics Letters, 2022, 121 (23), pp.231703
Métamatériaux pour la Génération de Vapeur par Energie Solaire. Colloque International Franco-Québécois (CIFQ) en Energie 2022, Jun 2022, Paris, France
Experimental three-dimensional thermal mapping of a GaN on RF-SOI chip. 2022 28th International Workshop on Thermal Investigations of ICs and Systems (THERMINIC), Sep 2022, Dublin, France. pp.1-5
Nefzaoui. Calibration de simulations énergétiques de bâtiments résidentiels existants à l'aide de données de terrain provenant d'un réseau de capteurs : étude des écarts de performances énergétiques. XVème Colloque International Franco-Québécois Ville et transition 2022, Jun 2022, Paris, France
Two-dimensional metamaterials as meta-foams for optimized surface-enhanced solar steam generation. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2022, 243, pp.111793
Wide Band High Level Thermal Radiation Emission of Highly Doped Black Silicon. 13th Conference on Thermophotovoltaic Generation of Electricity (TPV-13), Apr 2022, Miyazaki, Japan
Measurement and characterization of energy related behaviors and IEQ in residential buildings for physics-based building energy modeling using a wireless sensor network. 2022 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Living Environment (IEEE MetroLivEnv 2022), May 2022, Cosenza, Italy
Generation of aggregated plug load profiles in office buildings. Energy and Buildings, 2021, 252, pp.111398
Nefzaoui. A Sensor Network for Existing Residential Buildings Indoor Environment Quality and Energy Consumption Assessment and Monitoring: Lessons Learnt from a Field Experiment. 9th International Conference on Sensor Networks, Feb 2020, Valletta, France. pp.105-112
Nefzaoui, Martin Hendel. Consommations électriques et îlots de chaleur urbains : application à la ville de Paris. Congrès Annuel de la Société Française de Thermique 2020, Jun 2020, Belfort, France
Nefzaoui, Martin Hendel. Consommations électriques et ilots de chaleur urbains : application à la ville de Paris. Congrès Annuel de la Société Française de Thermique 2020, Jun 2020, Belfort, France
Enhanced Wide-band Infrared Absorptivity of Black Silicon. Congrès Annuel de la Société Française de Thermique 2020, Jun 2020, Belfort, France
Massoud, Ali Alkurdi, Christophe Lucchesi, Valeria Lacatena, et al.. Scanning Thermal Microscopy: Probing temperature and heat dissipation down to the few-nanometers scale. MRS Spring Meeting Symposium "Nanoscale Heat Transport: Fundamentals", Apr 2019, Phoenix, United States
Effects of Doping on the Morphology and Infrared Radiative Properties of Black Silicon. 2019 25th International Workshop on Thermal Investigations of ICs and Systems (THERMINIC), Sep 2019, Lecco, Italy. pp.1-4
Nefzaoui, Jérémie Drevillon, Philippe Basset, et al.. NIR and MIR Absorption of Ultra-Black Silicon(UBS) Application To High Emissivity, All-Silicon, Light Source. 2019 IEEE 32nd International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Jan 2019, Seoul, South Korea
Thermal aspects of a micro thermal conductivity detector for micro gas chromatography. 2019 Symposium on Design, Test, Integration & Packaging of MEMS and MOEMS (DTIP), May 2019, Paris, France. pp.1-6
Nefzaoui, Frederic Marty, Tarik Bourouina, et al.. ZnO nanowires-on-quartz for efficient water purification: The issue of Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) degradation using solar energy. The 9th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Optofluidics (IMCO2019), Jun 2019, Hong Kong, China
Nefzaoui, Margot Pellegrino. Coévolutions des systèmes techniques et des comportements : le cas de la rénovation énergétique. Coévolutions des usages et des systèmes sociotechniques de l'énergie (séminaire Labex Futurs Urbains), Apr 2019, Champs-sur-Marne, France
Nefzaoui, Martine Gnambodoe-Capochichi, Yamin Leprince-Wang, Tarik Bourouina. Enhanced steam generation based on a bilayer water and light absorber: Modelling and optimization of capillary imbibition and water evaporation. 9th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Optofluidics (IMCO2019), Jun 2019, Hong Kong, China
Quasi-ballistic thermal transport and temperature jumps in nanostructures. E-MRS Fall Meeting Symposium "Nanomaterials thermal transport properties and nanothermodynamics, Sep 2019, Varsovie, Poland
Nefzaoui. Sensor networks for existing residential buildings performance evaluation. Smart and Sustainable Citie :Workshop international en technologies de l'information et de la communication au service d'une ville intelligente, Jul 2019, Lille, France
Nefzaoui, Frédéric Marty, Mazen Erfan, Bruno Mercier, et al.. Ateliers et Travaux Pratiques sur le thème des Capteurs pour l’Eau. 15ème Journée pédagogique du CNFM 2018, Nov 2018, St Malo, France
Nefzaoui. Buildings energy consumption generation gap: a post-occupancy assessment in a case study of three higher education buildings. Energy and Buildings, 2018, 159, pp.600-611
Sensitivity optimization of micro-machined thermo-resistive flow-rate sensors on silicon substrates. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2018, 28 (7)
Nefzaoui, Frédéric Marty, William César, Tarik Bourouina. Micro-fabricated thermal flow-rate sensors: the substrate material impact on the device performance and power consumption. Microsystem Technologies, 2018
Nefzaoui, P-O. Chapuis. Ballistic effects on thermal conductivity in 1D and 2D configurations from single and multiple localized sub mean free path heat sources: a numerical investigation. 2017 MRS Spring Meeting, Apr 2017, Phoenix, United States
Nefzaoui, Pierre-Olivier Chapuis. 2D ballistic phonon heat conduction from single metallic line investigated with electrical means. MRS Spring meeting, Symposium NM2 on “Nanoscale Heat Transfer – From fundamentals to devices”, Apr 2017, Phoenix, United States
Nefzaoui, Hugo Regina, William Cesar, Frederic Marty, et al.. On the co-integration of a thermo-resistive flow-rate sensor in a multi-parameter sensing chip for water network monitoring . 19th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS 2017), Jun 2017, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. pp.1069-1072
Nefzaoui, Younes Ezzahri, Jérémie Drevillon, Karl Joulain. On optimal optical properties for near-eld radiative heat transfer maximization between two semi-innite planes at room tempertature. 7th International Symposium on Radiative Transfer (RAD-13), Jun 2017, Kusadasi, Turkey. pp.311-325
Evaluation of Tenax thin films as adsorbent material in a micro-preconcentrator and its operation as a valve-less multiple injection system in micro-gas chromatography. 2017 19th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS), Jun 2017, Kaohsiung, France
Nefzaoui, Andrea Kindinis. Energy and comfort assessment in educational building: Case study in a French university campus. Energy and Buildings, 2017, 143, pp.202-219
Nefzaoui, Pierre-Olivier Chapuis. Ballistic effects on thermal conductivity in 1D and 2D configurations from single and multiple localized sub-mean free path heat sources: a numerical investigation. MRS Spring meeting, Symposium NM2 on “Nanoscale Heat Transfer – From fundamentals to devices”, Apr 2017, Phoenix, United States
Nefzaoui, Tarik Bourouina, et al.. Design of micro-fabricated thermal flow-rate sensor for water network monitoring. 19th Symposium on Design, Test, Integration & Packaging of MEMS and MOEM (DTIP 2017), May 2017, Bordeaux, France
Nefzaoui, P.-O. Chapuis. Ballistic effects on in-plane and cross-plane thermal conductivity in 1D and 2D configurations: a numerical investigation. Eurotherm 108: Nanoscale and Microscale Heat Transfer V, Sep 2016, Santorini, Greece
Nefzaoui, A. Kindinis. Energy and comfort assessment in educational building: case study in a French university campus. Energy and Buildings.. Energy and Buildings, 2016
Nefzaoui, A. Kindinis. L'efficacité énergétique des bâtiments existants: le cas d'étude d'un campus universitaire français . International Building Performance Simulation Association, May 2016, Champs-sur-Marne, France
Nghiem, C. Abs Da Cruz, E. Nefzaoui. Thermal transport phenomena beyond the diffusive regime. 23rd International Conference on Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems – MIXDES, Jun 2016, Lodz, Poland
Jaber, C. Chevalier, C. Abs Da Cruz, E. Nefzaoui, P.-O. Chapuis. Thermal conductances of silicon sub-mean free path heat sources measured with a four-probe electrical setup. MRS Spring meeting, Symposium M on “Nanoscale Heat Transfer – From fundamentals to devices, Apr 2015, San Francisco, United States
Nefzaoui, C. Abs Da Cruz, B. Wong, P.-O. Chapuis. Phonon confinement analyzed with the Boltzmann transport equation solved by the discrete ordinates method in 1D and 2D configurations. Phonons 2015 (15th International Conference on Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter), Jul 2015, Nottingham, United Kingdom
Nefzaoui, Pierre-Olivier Chapuis. Equation de transport de Boltzmann pour le transfert des phonons dans les couches minces. Workshop Lyonnais sur les Nanosciences et les Nanotechnologies (NanoNano), Jun 2015, Villeurbanne, France. 2015
Nefzaoui, Younes Ezzahri, Karl Joulain, Jérémie Drevillon. Tunable Radiative Thermal Rectifiers : Toward Thermal Logical Circuits. The 15th International Heat Transfer Conference (IHTC-15), Aug 2015, Kyoto, Japan
Jaber, C. Chevalier, E. Nefzaoui, C. Abs Da Cruz, P.-O. Chapuis. Phonon heat conduction from silicon sub-mean free path sources measured with electrical means. Phonons 2015 (15th International Conference on Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter), Jul 2015, Nottingham, United Kingdom
Nefzaoui, Karl Joulain, Jérémie Drevillon, Younes Ezzahri. Radiative thermal rectification using superconducting materials. Applied Physics Letters, 2014, 104 (10), pp.103905
Nefzaoui, Jérémie Drevillon, Y Ezzahri, Karl Joulain. Simple far-field radiative thermal rectifier using Fabry–Perot cavities based infrared selective emitters. Applied optics, 2014, 53 (16), pp.3479-3485
Nefzaoui. A comparative study of different numerical approaches to the Boltzmann Transport Equation for phonons. Eurotherm 103: Nanoscale and Microscale Heat Transfer IV, Oct 2014, Lyon, France. Proceedings of Eurotherm 103: Nanoscale and Microscale Heat Transfer IV
Nefzaoui, Younes Ezzahri, Jérémie Drevillon, Karl Joulain. On maximal near-field radiative transfer between two plates. Nanoenergy 2013, Jul 2013, Pérouse, Italy
Nefzaoui. Conception et optimisation de sources thermiques cohérentes pour applications thermo-photovoltaïques. Thermique [physics.class-ph]. Université de Poitiers, 2013. Français
Nefzaoui, Younes Ezzahri, Jérémie Drevillon, Karl Joulain. Maximal near-field radiative heat transfer between two plates. European Physical Journal: Applied Physics, 2013, 63, pp.30902 - 30902
Nefzaoui, O Skurtys. Impact of a liquid drop on a granular medium: Inertia, viscosity and surface tension effects on the drop deformation. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2012, 41, pp.43 - 50
Nefzaoui, Jérémie Drevillon, Karl Joulain. Selective emitters design and optimization for thermophotovoltaic applications. Journal of Applied Physics, 2012, 111, pp.84316 - 84316
Nefzaoui. Far Field coherent thermal emission from a bilayer structure. Journal of Applied Physics, 2011, 109 (3), pp.034315
Nefzaoui, Jérémie Drevillon, Karl Joulain. Nanostructures thermal emission optimization using genetic algorithms and particle swarms. International Conference on Evolutionary Computation 2010 (ICEC 2010), Oct 2010, Valence, Spain. pp.219-224