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Alain Drouet
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Mes dernières références
My latest references
Communications dans un congrès L. Thorel
article Thorel
Assessing repeatability, scale effects, and consistency in geotechnical physical modelling: a collaborative benchmark exercise on horizontally loaded piles in dry sand. 5th European Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics - ECPMG 2024, Deltares; TU Delft, Oct 2024, Delft, Netherlands
Experimental study of the kinematic interaction between a cohesive soil and a group of rigid inclusions through dynamic centrifuge tests. 8th International Conference of Earthquake and Geotechnical Engineering, Motoki Kazama; Junichi Koseki; Mitsu Okamura; Ryosuke Uzuoka; Ikuo Towhata, May 2024, Osaka, Japan. pp.936-941
Numerical modelling of rigid inclusion reinforced road platform, under surface loading and mobile loading. XVIII European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering - ECSMGE24, Aug 2024, Lisbonne, Portugal. pp.326-329
Centrifuge modelling of the loading capacity of suction anchors in soft clay: towards multidirectional load. 5th European Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (ECPMG) Delft - The Netherlands, 09-11 October 2024 (Session 3), Deltares; TU Delft, Oct 2024, Delft, Netherlands. 6p.
Mechanical features of stabilized soils with low cement content. ECSMGE 2024 - XVIII European conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Portuguese Geotechnical Society, Aug 2024, Lisbonne, Portugal. pp.375-379
Determination of c-φ Properties of Lightly Stabilized Soils from Conventional Tensile and Compressive Testing. 5th International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics (ICTG) 2024, Nov 2024, Sydney, Australia. pp.77 - 85
Photogrammétrie mobile pour la reconstruction 3D des expériences en centrifugeuse géotechnique. 12èmes Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et Géologie de l'Ingénieur, Comité Français de Mécanique des Sols et de Géotechnique (CFMS); Comité Français de Mécanique des Roches (CFMR); Comité Français de Géologie de l’Ingénieur et de l’Environnement (CFGI); Laboratoire IC2MP (Institut de Chimie des Milieux et des Matériaux de Poitiers, UMR CNRS 7285, Jun 2024, Poitiers, France
Bearing capacity of monotonically installed tapered piles in medium-dense Fontainebleau sand. 5th European Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics - ECPMG 2024, Deltares; TU Delft, Oct 2024, Delft, Netherlands. 6p
Centrifuge eccentric loading of square foundation over rigid inclusions with the 4 Degree Of Freedom robot. 5th European Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics - ECPMG 2024, Deltares; TU Delft, Oct 2024, Delft, Netherlands. 5p.
Square shallow foundation on four rigid inclusions subjected to uncentered vertical load: Centrifuge modelling. XVIII European Conference On soil Mechanic and Geotechnical Engineering - ECSMGE24, SPG, Aug 2024, Lisbonne, Portugal. pp.2681-2684
Compilation des propriétés physiques et mécaniques du sable de Fontainebleau NE34. Revue française de Géotechnique, 2024, 179, pp.6
Kabeta, Luc Thorel, Matthieu Blanc, Thierry Dubreucq. Centrifuge modelling of tapered wall jacked into dense sand. XVIII European Conference On soil Mechanic and Geotechnical Engineering - ECSMGE24, SPG, Aug 2024, Lisbonne, Portugal. pp.330-333
Thorel, P. M. Morice, H. Paysant, R. Florent, G. Babin, et al.. Comparative analysis of response to treatments and molecular features of tumor-derived organoids versus cell lines and PDX derived from the same ovarian clear cell carcinoma.. Journal of experimental & clinical cancer research, 2023, Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research, 42, pp.260
Monopile lateral loading in dense sand - Comparison between monopile hammered in centrifuge versus PISA model. 9th Int. SUT OSIG Conf. “Innovative Geotechnologies for Energy Transition”, SUT, Sep 2023, London (UK), United Kingdom. pp.1031-1036
New method to determine P-y curves from monopile lateral loading test performed in centrifuge. 9th Int. SUT OSIG Conf. “Innovative Geotechnologies for Energy Transition”, SUT, Sep 2023, London (UK), United Kingdom. pp.1031-1036
Centrifuge and numerical modeling of the behavior of homogeneous embankment on liquefiable soil subjected to dynamic excitation. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2023, 172, pp.107999
Tensile properties of cement stabilized soils: experimental data. 2023
Application of cement modified soils in retaining walls. Journées techniques routes, Jan 2023, Nantes, France
Centrifuge data of a homogeneous embankment model resting on liquefiable soil subjected to a strong dynamic excitation - Experimental Database. 2023
Le projet ANR E-PILOT : études expérimentales et numériques en statique et en dynamique des interactions tunnelier-fondations profondes Research project E-PILOT : Tunnel-Piles Interactions. Static and dynamic experimental and numerical studies. AFTES 2023, AFTES, Oct 2023, Paris, France
Discrete numerical analysis of drained cyclic loading on a model sand. Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering 2023, Jun 2023, London, United Kingdom
Dubreucq, L. Thorel, S. Lerat, A. Jagu, A. Neel. 2D behavior of a granular platform above a soft soil reinforced by rigid inclusions and geogrid subjected to a rolling load traffic. Geosynthetics: Leading the Way to a Resilient Planet, Biondi et al (eds), Sep 2023, Roma, Italia, France. pp.1047-1052
Data-Driven Prediction of Cement-Stabilized Soils Tensile Properties. Infrastructures, 2023, 8 (10), pp.146
Evaluation and prediction of tensile properties of cement stabilized soils. Transportation Research Procedia, 2023, 72, pp.1597-1604
Effet en 2D d'une charge statique ou roulante sur une plateforme granulaire reposant sur sol renforcé par inclusions rigides. 11èmes journées nationales de géotechnique et de géologie de l’ingénieur, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon [INSA Lyon], CFMS, CFMR, CFGI, Jun 2022, Lyon, France
2D effect of static or rolling load on a granular platform above a soft soil reinforced by rigid inclusions. ICPMG 2022, 10th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Sep 2022, Daejeon, South Korea. pp.402-405
GEOLAB: integrating and advancing Europe's physical modelling facilities. ICPMG 2022, 10th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Korean Geotechnical Society, Sep 2022, Daejeon, South Korea. pp.140-144
GEOLAB Material Properties Database. 2022
Etude des effets de bord dans les essais centrifuges sous chargement sismique par modélisation numérique. 11èmes journées nationales de géotechnique et de géologie de l’ingénieur, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon [INSA Lyon], CFMS, CFMR, CFGI, Jun 2022, Lyon, France
GEOLAB: integrating and advancing Europe's physical modelling facilities. ICPMG 2022, 10th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Sep 2022, Daejeon, France. pp.140-144
Keynote : Physical Modelling Facilities: from Galileo to 3D Printing. Congrès international ICPMG 2022, organisé à Daejon en Corée, Korean Geotechnical Society, pp.64-72, 2022, 978-89-952197-7-5
Impact de l'installation par battage du monopieu sur la réponse horizontale en centrifugeuse. 11èmes journées nationales de géotechnique et de géologie de l’ingénieur, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon [INSA Lyon], CFMS, CFMR, CFGI, Jun 2022, Lyon, France
Remote sensing, geophysics and imaging technology for monitoring and characterization of geostructures and geo-materials. ngi. 2022, pp.60
New materials, new sensing and new manufacturing methodsanufacturing methods. D09.03, université gustave eiffel. 2022, https://kp.project-geolab.eu/joint-research-activities/
Evaluation and prediction of tensile properties of cement stabilized soils. 9th Transport Research Arena TRA, Nov 2022, Lisboa, Portugal. pp.1597-1604
Impact of monopile hammering installation on the horizontal response in centrifuge. ICPMG 2022, 10th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Sep 2022, Daejeon, South Korea. pp.508-511
Lecoq, et al.. Retrofit of the centrifuge engine line of the Uni-Eiffel GeoCentrifuge. ICPMG 2022, 10th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Sep 2022, Daejeon, South Korea. pp.181-183
Centrifuge study of monopile embedded on its horizontal response in sand. ICPMG 2022, 10th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Sep 2022, Daejeon, South Korea. pp.460-463
Dataset for centrifuge modelling of laterally monotonic loaded monopiles in saturated dense sand. Data in Brief, 2022, 42, pp.108312
Mechanical characterization of cement stabilized soils: mechanical tests, statistical analysis and prevision models. 5th International Seminar on Earthworks in Europe, Apr 2022, Prague, Czech Republic
Effect of embedding depth on the monotonic lateral response of monopiles in sand: centrifuge and numerical modelling. Geotechnique, 2022, 55 (8), pp.1-16
Report on Calibrated material properties database. D10.5, european union. 2022, pp.24
Piles installed in sand subjected to axial loading: centrifuge tests in dry and saturated very dense Fontainebleau sand. 2021
Effects of embedding depth and load eccentricity on lateral response of offshore monopiles in dense sand: A centrifuge study. Geotechnique, 2021, 37 p
Le, et al.. Inventory of facilities, technical specifications and experiment portfolio. CEDEX. 2021, 135p
Briançon, Luc Thorel, B. Simon. ASIRI+: French National Research Program on Soil Reinforcement with Rigid Inclusions. 4th International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics (ICTG), May 2021, Chicago (IL), United States. pp.659-665
Editorial. Modélisation physique en géotechnique, 1re partie. Revue française de Géotechnique, 166, 2 p, 2021
Piles installed in sand subjected to axial loading: centrifuge tests in dry and saturated medium dense Fontainebleau sand. 2021
Similitudes et effets d’échelle dans les modèles physiques. Apports de Pierre Habib. Revue française de Géotechnique, 2021, 169, 7p
Impact driving of monopiles in centrifuge: effect on the lateral response in sand. International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 2021, 14 p
Editorial. Modélisation physique en géotechnique, 2ème partie. Revue française de Géotechnique, 168, 2 p, 2021
Pile test database on centrifuged models: tension loading for floating wind turbine anchor. 4th European conference on physical modelling in geotechnics, Mar 2020, Lulea, Sweden. pp.275-278
Development of a Hammer to drive monopiles of offshore wind turbines in Centrifuge. 4th European Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Sep 2020, Lulea, France. 5 p
Cyclic loading of helical pile as anchor for floating windturbines : centrifuge tests. ISFOG2020, Aug 2020, AUSTIN, United States. pp. 313-320
Schiavon, Cristina de Hollanda Cavalcanti Tsuha, Luc Thorel. Study on the installation effect of helical piles in very dense sand. 4th European Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnic, Mar 2020, LULEA, Sweden. pp. 151-156
Base de données d'essais de pieux réalisés sur modèles réduits centrifugés : traction pour ancrage d'éolienne flottante. JNGG 2020 Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l’Ingénieur –Lyon, Nov 2020, LYON, France. 6 p
Développement d'un batteur pour installer des monopieux d'éoliennes en mer en centrifugeuse. JNGG 2020, Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l'Ingénieur, Nov 2020, LYON, France. 7p
Holding capacity of suction anchors with trench - centrifuge test results and interpretation. ISFOG2020, Aug 2020, AUSTIN, United States. pp. 352-361
Using FBGS to estimate the horizontal response of a monopile in a geotechnical centrifuge. International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 2020, 20 (3), pp.164-174
Physical modelling of piles under lateral loading in unsaturated soils. E-Unsat2020, Oct 2020, Lisbonne, Portugal. 6 p
Using Fibre bragg grating sensors to estimate the horizontal monopile behaviour in centrifuge. 4th European Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Mar 2020, LULEA, Sweden. pp. 293-294
Le projet ASIRI+ : Amélioration et Renforcement des Sols par Inclusions RIgides. JNGG2020 (Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l’Ingénieur), Nov 2020, LYON, France. 8 p
Rotisciani, Francesca Casini. Model preparation for unsaturated soil testing in a centrifuge environment. 4th European Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Mar 2020, LULEA, France. pp. 49-55
Amélioration des sols par inclusions rigides : le rôle des géosynthétiques dans la plateforme de transfert de charge. Revue française de Géotechnique, 2020, 162, pp.1
Centrifuge modelling of the impact of the installation method on the lateral response of the pile.. ECSMGE 2019, 17th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Sep 2019, Reykjavik, Iceland. 8 p
Fan, Jonathan Black, S Bayton, et al.. Centrifuge benchmark testing of laterally loaded monopiles in sand. 16th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, ARC 2019, Oct 2019, Taipei, Taiwan. 2 p
Geosynthetic-reinforced pile-embankments: numerical, analytical and centrifuge modelling. Geosynthetics International, 2019, 27 (3), pp. 301-314
Centrifuge test on instrumented FBGs monopile foundation in sand. ECSMGE 2019, 17th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Sep 2019, Reykjavik, Iceland. 8 p
Schiavon, Cristina Tsuha, Luc Thorel. Behavior of a Single-Helix Anchor in Sand Subjected to Cyclic Loading: Centrifuge Modeling. 6th Panamerican conference on soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering Geotechnical Engineering in the XXI Century: Lessons learned and future challenges, Nov 2019, Cancun, Mexico. pp. 493-500
Schiavon, Luc Thorel. Evaluation of the Breakout Factor for Helical Anchors in Sand by Centrifuge Testing. XVI Pan-American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (XVI PCSMGE) Geotechnical Engineering in the XXI Century: Lessons learned and future challenges, Nov 2019, Cancun, Mexico. pp. 905-912
Editorial. International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 19 (2), pp. 56-57, 2019
Lalicata, G. Rotisciani, A. Desideri, F. Casini, L. Thorel. Numerical Study of Laterally Loaded Pile in Unsaturated Soils. Geotechnical Research for Land Protection and Development. CNRIG 2019, Jul 2019, Lecco, Italy. pp.713-722
Impact of pile roughness on shaft resistance in sand. Proceedings of the ICE - Geotechnical Engineering, 2019, 11p
Schiavon, Cristina Tsuha. Stress variation during installation of mono-helix helical pile. ISSPEA 2019, 1st International Symposium on Screw Piles for Energy Applications, May 2019, Dundee, France. pp. 77-78
Centrifuge modelling of the behaviour of Iron Concentrate ore subjected to rolling movement. ECSMGE-2019, 17th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Sep 2019, Reykjavik, Iceland. pp. 1-8
Schiavon, Cristina Tsuha de Hollanda Cavalcanti, Luc Thorel. Monotonic, cyclic and post-cyclic performance of a single-helix anchor in residual soil of sandstone. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2019
Effect of Seabed Trenching on the Holding Capacity of Suction Anchors in Soft Deepwater Gulf of Guinea Clays. Offshore Technology Conference 2018, Apr 2018, Houston, United States. 15p
Load transfer mechanism of piled embankments : centrifuge tests versus analytical models. 9th ICPMG Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jul 2018, LONDRES, France. pp.1043-1048
Rolling test in geotechnical centrifuge for ore liquefaction analysis. ICPMG 2018, 9th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jul 2018, Londres, France. pp. 465-468
Effet de la méthode d'installation sur le chargement latéral d'un pieu - essais en centrifugeuse. JNGG 2018, 9èmes Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l'Ingénieur, Jun 2018, Marne la Vallée, France. 8p
Experimental observation on a laterally loaded pile in unsaturated silty soil. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2018, 35p
Physical modelling of atmospheric conditions during drying. ICPMG 2018, 9th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jul 2018, Londres, France. pp. 413-417
General study on the axial capacity of piles of offshore wind turbines jacked in sand. ICPMG 2018, 9th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jul 2018, Londres, France. pp. 701-706
Bayton, Stuart Haigh, Gopal Madabhushi, et al.. A review of modelling effects in centrifuge monopole testing in sand. ICPMG 2018, 9th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jul 2018, Londres, France. pp.719-724
Schiavon, Cristina de Hollanda Cavalcanti Tsuha, Alain Neel, Luc Thorel. Centrifuge modelling of a helical anchor under different cyclic loading conditions in sand. International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 2018, 17p
Load transfer mechanism of reinforced piled embankments. 9th ICPMG Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jul 2018, LONDRES, France
Capacité axiale de pieux fonces dans du sable. Essais en centrifugeuse. JNGG 2018, 9èmes Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l'Ingénieur, Jun 2018, Marne La Vallée, France. 8p
Essai de simulation de roulis en centrifugeuse pour étudier la liquéfaction de minerai lors du transport maritime. JNGG 2018, 9èmes Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l'Ingénieur, Jun 2018, Marne la Vallée, France. 8p
A new climatic chamber for studying soil-atmosphere interaction in physical models. International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 2018, 19p
Effect of the installation methods of piles in cohesionless soil on their axial capacity. ICPMG 2018, 9th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jul 2018, Londres, France. pp.1341-1346
Effect of the soil undrained cohesion profile on the response of a sliding subsea foundation : centrifuge tests. SEG 2018, International Symposium on Energy Geotechnics, Sep 2018, Lausanne, Switzerland. 2p
Schiavon, Cristina Tsuha, Luc Thorel. Centrifuge investigation of the cyclic loading effect on the post-cyclic monotonic performance of a single-helix anchor in sand. ICPMG 2018, 9th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jul 2018, LONDRES, France. pp.1315-1320
Laterally loaded pile in unsaturated soils: a numerical study. 7th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils 2018, Aug 2018, HONG-KONG, China. 6p
Geosynthetic reinforcement of pile-supported embankments. Geosynthetics International, 2018, 25 (1), pp.37-49
Bearing capacity of circular footings resting on unsaturated dessicated soils. International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 2018, 13p
Schiavon, Cristina de Hollanda Cavalcanti Tsuha, Daniel Dias, Luc Thorel. Numerical and experimental study on influence of installation effects on the behaviour of helical anchors in very dense sand. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2017, 55 (8), pp.1067-1080
Schiavon, Cristina de Hollanda Cavalcanti Tsuha, Luc Thorel. Cyclic and post-cyclic monotonic response of a single-helix anchor in sand.. Géotechnique Letters, 2017, 7 (1), pp.11-17
Centrifuge rolling test for ore liquefaction analysis. Marine 2017, 7th International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering, May 2017, NANTES, France. pp. 290-295
L'effet de la méthode d'installation sur la capacité des pieux en traction. RUGC 2017, 35èmes Rencontres de l'AUGC, May 2017, NANTES, France. pp. 795-801
Axial behaviour of jacket piles for offshore wind turbines. International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 2017, 17 (4), pp.229-245
Load transfer mechanism and deformation of reinforced piled embankments. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 2017, 45 (2), pp.1-10
Impact of pile installation method on the axial capacity in sand. Géotechnique Letters, 2017, 7 (3), pp. 1-6
Centrifuge tests on a sliding foundation: impact of the undrained cohesion profile. OSIG 2017, 8th International conference on Smarter Solutions for Future Offshore Developments, Sep 2017, LONDRES, France. 7p
Effects of cyclic axial loading sequences on piles in sand : centrifuge modelling. OSIG 2017, 8th International conference on Smarter Solutions for Future Offshore Developments, Sep 2017, LONDRES, France. 6p
Effects of cyclic axial loading sequences on piles in sand. Géotechnique Letters, 2016, 6 (2), pp.163-167
A new climatic chamber adapted to the mini-centrifuge for simulating soil drying. EUROFUGE 2016, 3rd European conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jun 2016, NANTES, France. pp.111-115
Effect of soil profile on the response of a sliding subsea foundation. EUROFUGE 2016 3rd European conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jun 2016, NANTES, France. pp.295-300
Schiavon, Luc Thorel, Cristina de Hollanda Cavalcanti Tsuha. Scale effect in centrifuge tests of helical anchors in sand. International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 2016, 12p
Load distribution along a pile - case of cyclic axial loading. EUROFUGE 2016, 3rd European conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jun 2016, NANTES, France. pp.257-262
Physical modelling of cyclic loading on a single-helix anchor in sand. EUROFUGE 2016 3rd European conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jun 2016, NANTES, France. pp.275-279
Eurofuge 2016, 3rd European Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics. EUROFUGE 2016, 3rd European conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux - IFSTTAR, 419p, 2016, 978-2-85782-716-0
Improved climatic chamber for desiccation simulation. E-Unsat 2016, 3rd European Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Sep 2016, PARIS, France. 6p
Métamatériaux sismiques et essais en centrifugeuses. AFPS 2015 - 9ème Colloque National, Nov 2015, CHAMPS-SUR-MARNE, France. 5p
Compaction interpreted in the framework of unsaturated soil mechanics. PanAm conference on soil Mechanics & geotechnical engineering, Nov 2015, BUENOS AIRES, Argentina. 8p
Behaviour of piled embankments without reinforcement. Proceedings of the ICE - Geotechnical Engineering, 2015, 168 (6), pp.514-525
Centrifuge modelling of dessication cracks in soils. SEC 2015 - Symposium International Retrait et gonflement des sols - Climat et construction, Jun 2015, Marne La Vallée, France. 10p
Projet CHARGEOL : Etude expérimentale et numérique des pieux de fondation des éoliennes offshore. 12e Colloque national en calcul des structures, CSMA, May 2015, Giens, France
Centrifuge investigation of the axial cyclic behaviour of a single pile used for the foundation of a jacket type offshore wind turbine. 3rd International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG2015), Jun 2015, Oslo, Norway. pp.521-526
Effects of cracks and desiccation on the bearing capacity of soil deposits. Géotechnique Letters, 2015, 5 (3), pp.112-117
Mosquera, Cristina de H. C. Tsuha, José A. Schiavon, Luc Thorel. Discussion of "Field investigation of the axial resistance of helical piles in dense sand". Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2015, 52 (8), pp.1190-1194
Schiavon, João M.S.M. dos Santos Filho, Cristina de H. C. Tsuha, Luc Thorel. The occurrence of residual stresses in helical piles. 15th Pan-American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, XV PCSMGE, Nov 2015, BUENOS AIRES, Argentina. 8p
Mathematical and physical modeling of rainfall in centrifuge. International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 2015, 3 (15), pp.150-164
Influence of desiccation cracks on soil resistance. PanAm conference on soil Mechanics & geotechnical engineering, Nov 2015, BUENOS AIRES, Argentina. 8p
A Design Framework for Sliding Foundations: Centrifuge Testing and Numerical Modelling. Offshore Technology Conference, OTC, May 2015, HOUSTON, United States. 15p
Étude numérique des pieux d'éolienne offshore soumis à la traction en milieu sableux. 33es Rencontres Universitaires de Génie Civil, May 2015, Bayonne, France
Centrifuge modelling of unsaturated soils. Journal of Geo-engineering Sciences, 2014, 2 (2), pp.83-103
C. Tsuha, Nelson Aoki, Gérard Rault, Luc Thorel, Jacques Garnier. Centrifuge modelling of installation effects on helical anchor performance in sand. 8th ICPMG Int. Conf. on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jan 2014, Australia. pp.785-791
Improvement of the IFSTTAR robot control system. 8th ICPMG Int. Conf. on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jan 2014, Australia. pp.221-226
On the influence of pretension and number of geosynthetic layers on piled embankment performance. 10th conference of the International Geosynthetics Society, Sep 2014, BERLIN, Germany. 8p
Principles of Physical Modelling of Unsaturated Soils. 8th Int. Conf. on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jan 2014, Australia. pp.77-98
Modèles physiques et numériques du renforcement des sols par inclusions rigides et géosynthétique. JNGG 2014 - Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l'Ingénieur, Jul 2014, BEAUVAIS, France. 10p
Numerical analysis of a geosynthetic-reinforced piled load transfer platform - Validation on centrifuge test. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 2014, 42 (5), pp.525-539
Experimental and analytical framework for modelling soil compaction. Engineering Geology, 2014, 175, pp.22-34
Piled embankment on soft soil reinforced with geosynthetic. 8th ICPMG Int. Conf. on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jan 2014, Australia. pp.864-869
Geosynthetic reinforcement of a granular load transfer platform above rigid inclusions: comparison between centrifuge testing and analytical modelling. Geosynthetics International, 2014, 1 (21), pp.37-52
Raft above rigid inclusions - Centrifuge investigation of complex loading. 8th ICPMG Int. Conf. on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jan 2014, Australia. pp.591-596
Dynamic actuator for Soil-Structure Interaction physical modelling in centrifuge. 8th ICPMG Int. Conf. on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jan 2014, Australia. pp.215-220
Pieu sous charge latérale : Développement de lois de dégradation pour prendre en compte l’effet des cycles. 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Sep 2013, France. pp.2395-2398
C. Tsuha, T.C. Santos, Gérard Rault, Luc Thorel, Jacques Garnier. Influence of multiple helix configuration on the uplift capacity of helical anchors. 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Sep 2013, France. pp.2893-2896
Etude des effets d’échelle sur le phénomène de suffusion par érodimètre centrifugé. Digues Maritimes et Fluviales de Protection contre les Submersions, Jun 2013, France. pp.383-390
Apport des géosynthétiques dans le renforcement par inclusions rigides des sols compressibles. 9èmes rencontres géosynthétiques, Apr 2013, France. pp.457-466
Centrifuge investigation of load transfer mechanisms in a granular mattress above a rigid inclusions network. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 2013, 36, p92-105
Proposition d’une loi t-z cyclique au moyen d’expérimentations en centrifugeuse. 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Sep 2013, France. pp.2335-2338
Geosynthetics impact on the reinforcement of compressible soil by rigid piles. Int. Symp. On design and practice of geosynthetic-reinforced soil structures, Oct 2013, Italy. pp.426-435
C. Tsuha, Luc Thorel, Gérard Rault, Jacques Garnier. Evaluation of the Effect of Installation on the Helical Pile Performance in Sand by Centrifuge Tests. 1st International Geotechnical Symposium on Helical Foundations, Aug 2013, France. pp.311-322
Centrifuge Modelling of foundations subjected to cyclic loading. Centrifuge Modelling of foundations subjected to cyclic loading, CRC PRESS, pp.45-76, 2013
Benzaria, Luc Thorel, Jacques Garnier, P. Foray, et al.. Diagrammes de stabilité cyclique de pieux dans les sables. 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Sep 2013, France. pp.2379-2382
Simulation de tremblement de terre sur modèles réduits centrifugés. Essais et Simulations, 2013, 113, pp. 41-43
Elastic response of unsaturated soils. 1st Panamerican Conference on Unsaturated soils “Advances in Unsaturated soils", Feb 2013, France. pp.321-327
Centrifuge modelling of wetting-induced collapse in embankment base. 1st Panamerican Conference on Unsaturated soils “Advances in Unsaturated soils", Feb 2013, France. pp.177-183
Centrifuge investigation of the load transfer mechanism above rigid inclusions. 2nd Eurofuge conference, Apr 2012, France. 10p
Study of scale effect in an internal erosion mechanism: centrifuge model and energy analysis. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2012, 16 (1), pp.1-19
Climatic chamber with centrifuge to simulate different weather conditions. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 2012, 35 (1), 13p
Stability of cast in place piles in sand under axial cyclic loading. 7th International Conference Offshore Site investigation and Geotechnics, Sep 2012, France. pp 329-334
Inclusions rigides en centrifugeuse : mécanisme de transfert de charges. Journées Nationales de Géotechique et de Géologie de l'Ingnénieur, Jul 2012, France. p 51-58
Dynamic Actuator for Centrifuge Modeling of Soil-Structure Interaction. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 2012, 35 (4), 9p
Evaluation of the efficiencies of helical anchor plates in sand by centrifuge model tests. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2012, 49, pp 1102-1114
Elastic parameters of intermediate soils based on bender-extender elements pulse tests. Soils and Foundations, 2011, 51 (4), pp. 637-649
Caicedo, Im Khokhar. Physical modelling of wetting-induced collapse in embankment base. Geotechnique, 2011, 61 (5), pp 409-420
Isolation des vibrations induites par le passage des trains avec des barrières en polystyrène : modélisation en centrifugeuse. Symposium International GEORAIL 2011 International Symposium, May 2011, France. pp 731-740
Batali, H. Popa, Luc Thorel. Retaining walls in urban areas, numerical modelling, characteristic interaction parameters. Scientific Journal of the technical university of civil engineering Bucharest, 2010, 6 (1), pp 32-39
Chenaf, Josselin Garnier, G. Rault, L. Thorel, et al.. Laterally static and cyclic pile behavior in clay. 7th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 2010, Zurich, Switzerland
Mobile tray for simulation of 3D load transfer in pile-supported earth platforms. 7th international Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jun 2010, France. pp 261-266
Inclusions rigides en centrifugeuse : développement d'un dispositif expérimental à plateau mobile. Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l'Ingénieur JNGG2010, Jul 2010, France. pp 721-728
de Hollanda Cavalcanti Tsuha, N. Aoki, Gérard Rault, Luc Thorel, Jacques Garnier. Modélisation physique de pieux hélicoïdaux mis en place dans du sable. Revue française de Géotechnique, 2010, 130, pp 15-23
Thorel, Jean Claude Dupla, Gérard Rault, Jean Canou, Gaëlle Baudoin, et al.. Pile-supported earth platforms: Two approaches with physical models. Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 2010, Zurich, Switzerland. pp.1363-1369
de Hollanda Cavalcanti Tsuha, N. Aoki, Gérard Rault, Luc Thorel, Jacques Garnier. Physical modelling of helical screw piles in sand. 7th international Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jun 2010, France. pp 841-846
Caicedo, J. Tristancho, Luc Thorel. Centrifuge modeling of soil atmosphere interaction. 5th international Conference on Unsaturated soils, Sep 2010, France. pp 627-632
Modélisation en centrifugeuse de pieux dans l'argile sous charge latérale statique et cyclique. Journées nationales de géotechnique et de géologie de l'ingénieur JNGG 2010, Jul 2010, France. pp 673-680
Caicedo, J. Tristancho, Luc Thorel. Centrifuge modeling of soil atmosphere interaction using climatic chamber. 7th international Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jun 2010, France. pp 299-305
Centrifuge modelling of an internal erosion mechanism. 5th International Conference on Scour and Erosion (ISCE-5), Nov 2010, San Francisco, United States
Caicedo, J. Tristancho, Luc Thorel. Physical modelling on unsaturated soils using centrifuge. 5th international Conference on Unsaturated soils, Sep 2010, France. pp 633-638
Gaudin. Influence factors study of cone loading test in the centrifuge. CPT10: 2nd International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing, May 2010, France
Baudouin, et al.. Pile-supported earth platforms : two approaches with physical models. 7th international Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jun 2010, France. pp 1363-1369
Caicedo, J. Tristancho, Luc Thorel. Potentialities and challenges of centrifuge modelling on unsaturated soils. 7th international Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jun 2010, France. pp 105-110
Installation process of suction anchors in Gulf of Guinea clay : Centrifuge modelling. 7th international Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jun 2010, France. pp 1057-1062
Rosquoet, Luc Thorel, Jacques Garnier, Meriam Khemakhem. P-y curves on model piles : Uncertainty identification. 7th international Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jun 2010, France. pp 997-1002
Renforcement de sol compressible par inclusions rigides sous dallage : modélisation en centrifugeuse. Journées nationales de géotechnique et de géologie de l'ingénieur JNGG 2010, Jul 2010, France. pp 547-554
3D load transfer in pile-supported earth platforms over soft soils : centrifuge modeling. 7th international Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jun 2010, France. pp 1303-1308
Static and cyclic lateral pile behavior in clay. 7th international Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jun 2010, ZURICH, Switzerland. pp 953-958
Murillo, Luc Thorel, B. Caicedo. Centrifuge modelling of ground vibration isolation with geofoam barriers. 7th international Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jun 2010, France. pp 1273-1278
Design of an instrumented model pile for axial cyclic loading. 7th international Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jun 2010, France. pp 991-996
Comportement d'un pieu isolé soumis à un chargement cyclique horizontal. XVIIth ICSMGE, Oct 2009, France. pp 1217-1220
A miniature falling weight device for non destructive characterization of soils in the centrifuge. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 2009, 32 (5), pp 465-474
Spectral analysis of surface waves method to assess shear wave velocity within centrifuge models. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2009, 68 (2), pp 135-145
Expérimentations en vraie grandeur et sur modèles réduits du renforcement des sols par inclusions rigides. 17e Congrès International de mécanique des sols et d'ingénierie géotechnique, Oct 2009, Alexandrie, Égypte. pp. 2032-2039
Rosquoet, Luc Thorel, Jacques Garnier. Pieu sous charge latérale cyclique : Incertitudes sur les mesures. Revue française de Géotechnique, 2009, 129, pp 3-10
Caicedo. Ground vibration isolation with geofoam barriers : Centrifuge modeling. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 2009, 27 (6), pp 423-434
Caicedo, C. Murillo, Luc Thorel. Modélisation en centrifugeuse de barrières anti-vibration en polystryrène. XVIIth ICSMGE, Oct 2009, France. pp 440-443
Dispositif d'étude du transfert de charge dans un système de sol compressible renforcé par inclusions rigides sur modèle réduit centrifugé. Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica, 2008, 30 (1-2), pp 257-268
Modélisation physique de pieux hélicoïdaux dans du sable. Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l'Ingénieur, Jun 2008, France. pp 271-278
Réduction des vibrations en centrifugeuse à l'aide de barrières en polystyrène expansé. Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l'Ingénieur, Jun 2008, Nantes, France. pp.727-734
Insertion des grands ouvrages dans leur environnement. LCPC, pp.428, 2008
Miniature pile drivers for centrifuge testing. 8th International Conference on the Application of Stress Wave theory to Piles, Sep 2008, France. pp 359-364
Modélisation physique de pieux hélicoïdaux dans du sable. Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l'Ingénieur, Jun 2008, Nantes, France. pp.271-278
Original technologies for proven performances for the new LCPC earthquake simulator. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2008, 6 (4), pp 723-728
Méthodologie opérationnelle pour la modélisation en centrifugeuse d'un mécanisme d'érosion interne. GEODIM'08 - Variations dimensionnelles des géomatériaux, Apr 2008, France. 8p
Insertion des grands ouvrages dans leur environnement. Journées nationales de géotechnique et de géologie de l'ingénieur (JNGG 2008), LABORATOIRE CENTRAL DES PONTS ET CHAUSSEES (LCPC), 2008
Mesures en macrogravité sur modèles réduits d'ouvrages géotechniques. Bulletin des Laboratoires des Ponts et Chaussées, 2008, 273, pp 93-131
Centrifuge modelling of 3D load transfer in reinforced soft soils. Second BGA International Conference on Foundations, ICOF2008, Jun 2008, France. pp 1303-1313
Pieu sous charge latérale cyclique : prise en compte des incertitudes sur les mesures. Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l'Ingénieur, Jun 2008, France. pp 751-758
Chargement cyclique horizontal non alterné d'un pieu. JNGG' 08, Jun 2008, Nantes, France. pp.743-750
Réduction des vibrations en centrifugeuse à l'aide de barrières en polystyrène expansé. Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l'Ingénieur, Jun 2008, France. pp 727-734
Un aperçu de l'utilisation du T-Bar miniature en centrifugeuse. Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l'Ingénieur, Jun 2008, France. pp 515-522
Caractérisation mécanique d'un mélange de sables d'Hostun. Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l'Ingénieur, Jun 2008, France. pp 491-498
Chargement cyclique horizontal non alterné d'un pieu. JNGG' 08, Jun 2008, France. pp 743-750
Cyclic horizontal loading of single piles. Proceedings of the Second BGA International Conference on Foundations (ICOF 2008), Jun 2008, France. pp 1259-1270
Renforcement de sols compressibles par inclusions rigides : dispositif pour la modélisation en centrifugeuse d'une maille élémentaire. XXVèmes rencontres universitaires de Génie Civil, Conception et vie des ouvrages, May 2007, France
Modélisation physique de la suffusion dans les ouvrages hydrauliques. 32es journées scientifiques du GFHN, 2007, Nantes, France
Modélisation en centrifugeuse du renforcement de sols compressibles par inclusions rigides : dispositifs du transfert de charge par cisaillement. CFM 2007 - 18ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Aug 2007, Grenoble, France
Popa, Luc Thorel, L. Batali. Parois de soutènement en zones urbaines : Modélisation numérique, paramètres caractéristiques d'interaction. 14th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Sep 2007, France. pp 629-634
Gaudin, Sm Springman, Pj Culligan, D. Goodings, et al.. Catalogue of scaling laws and similitude questions in geotechnical centrifuge modelling. International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 2007, 7 (3), 22p
Aoki, Gérard Rault, Luc Thorel, Jacques Garnier. Physical modelling of helical pile anchors. International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 2007, 7 (4), pp 1-12
Lateral cyclic loading of sand-installed piles. Soils and Foundations, 2007, 47 (5), pp 821-832
Murillo, B. Caicedo, Luc Thorel, Jacques Garnier. Characterization of a layered soil model in centrifuge using spectral techniques. 13th Panamerican Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Jul 2007, France. 6p
Modélisation physique de la suffusion dans les ouvrages hydrauliques. Bulletin du groupe francais d'humidimétrie neutromique, 2007, 53, pp.29-35
Beddiar, G. Rault, Yves Berthaud, L. Thorel, A. Dupas. Accélération de la consolidation des argiles par électro-osmose : essais en centrifugeuse. Revue française de Géotechnique, 2006, 114, pp.43-52
Rault, Y. Berthaud, L. Thorel, A. Dupas. Accélération de la consolidation des argiles par électro-osmose : essais en centrifugeuse. Revue française de Géotechnique, 2006, 114, pp.43-52
Simulation de séismes sous macrogravité en centrifugeuse : Des équipements embarqués, conçus pour des conditions de service éprouvantes. Essais industriels, 2006, 39, pp 2-11
Interprétation des essais au pressiomètre miniature en centrifugeuse. International Symposium ISP5 - Pressio 2005, 2005, Marne-la-Vallée, France
Bearing capacity of strip footings subjected to complex loading. International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG 2005), Sep 2005, Perth, Australia
Cortas, Luc Thorel, Abdul-Hamid Soubra, Josselin Garnier, P. Chambon, et al.. Effet d'un chargement complexe sur la portance d'une fondation superficielle établie à proximité d'une pente : Etude théorique et expérimentale. Congrès International de Géotechnique, 2004, Beyrouth, Liban
Chambon, E. El Hachem, et al.. Portance des fondations superficielles établies à proximité d'une pente : Etude théorique et expérimentale. Congrès International de Géotechnique, 2004, Beyrouth, Liban
Thorel, Josselin Garnier. Effet de l'inclinaison de la charge sur la portance des foundations superficielles: Etude théorique et expérimentale. Symposium International sur les Fondations Superficielles, 2003, Paris, France
Effet de l'excentrement de la charge sur la portance des foundations superficielles: Etude théorique et expérimentale. Symposium International sur les Fondations Superficielles (FONDSUP), Nov 2003, Paris, France
Pile test database on centrifuged models: tension loading for floating wind turbine anchor. 4th European Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Mar 2000, LULEA, Sweden. pp. 275-278
Articles Luc Thorel
Test 1 L. Thorel (IDHAL)
Centrifuge modelling of the loading capacity of suction anchors in soft clay: towards multidirectional load. 5th European Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (ECPMG) Delft - The Netherlands, 09-11 October 2024 (Session 3), Deltares; TU Delft, Oct 2024, Delft, Netherlands. 6p.
Mechanical features of stabilized soils with low cement content. ECSMGE 2024 - XVIII European conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Portuguese Geotechnical Society, Aug 2024, Lisbonne, Portugal. pp.375-379
Determination of c-φ Properties of Lightly Stabilized Soils from Conventional Tensile and Compressive Testing. 5th International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics (ICTG) 2024, Nov 2024, Sydney, Australia. pp.77 - 85
Photogrammétrie mobile pour la reconstruction 3D des expériences en centrifugeuse géotechnique. 12èmes Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et Géologie de l'Ingénieur, Comité Français de Mécanique des Sols et de Géotechnique (CFMS); Comité Français de Mécanique des Roches (CFMR); Comité Français de Géologie de l’Ingénieur et de l’Environnement (CFGI); Laboratoire IC2MP (Institut de Chimie des Milieux et des Matériaux de Poitiers, UMR CNRS 7285, Jun 2024, Poitiers, France
Bearing capacity of monotonically installed tapered piles in medium-dense Fontainebleau sand. 5th European Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics - ECPMG 2024, Deltares; TU Delft, Oct 2024, Delft, Netherlands. 6p
Centrifuge eccentric loading of square foundation over rigid inclusions with the 4 Degree Of Freedom robot. 5th European Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics - ECPMG 2024, Deltares; TU Delft, Oct 2024, Delft, Netherlands. 5p.
Square shallow foundation on four rigid inclusions subjected to uncentered vertical load: Centrifuge modelling. XVIII European Conference On soil Mechanic and Geotechnical Engineering - ECSMGE24, SPG, Aug 2024, Lisbonne, Portugal. pp.2681-2684
Compilation des propriétés physiques et mécaniques du sable de Fontainebleau NE34. Revue française de Géotechnique, 2024, 179, pp.6
Kabeta, Luc Thorel, Matthieu Blanc, Thierry Dubreucq. Centrifuge modelling of tapered wall jacked into dense sand. XVIII European Conference On soil Mechanic and Geotechnical Engineering - ECSMGE24, SPG, Aug 2024, Lisbonne, Portugal. pp.330-333
Numerical modelling of rigid inclusion reinforced road platform, under surface loading and mobile loading. XVIII European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering - ECSMGE24, Aug 2024, Lisbonne, Portugal. pp.326-329
Experimental study of the kinematic interaction between a cohesive soil and a group of rigid inclusions through dynamic centrifuge tests. 8th International Conference of Earthquake and Geotechnical Engineering, Motoki Kazama; Junichi Koseki; Mitsu Okamura; Ryosuke Uzuoka; Ikuo Towhata, May 2024, Osaka, Japan. pp.936-941
Assessing repeatability, scale effects, and consistency in geotechnical physical modelling: a collaborative benchmark exercise on horizontally loaded piles in dry sand. 5th European Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics - ECPMG 2024, Deltares; TU Delft, Oct 2024, Delft, Netherlands
Monopile lateral loading in dense sand - Comparison between monopile hammered in centrifuge versus PISA model. 9th Int. SUT OSIG Conf. “Innovative Geotechnologies for Energy Transition”, SUT, Sep 2023, London (UK), United Kingdom. pp.1031-1036
New method to determine P-y curves from monopile lateral loading test performed in centrifuge. 9th Int. SUT OSIG Conf. “Innovative Geotechnologies for Energy Transition”, SUT, Sep 2023, London (UK), United Kingdom. pp.1031-1036
Tensile properties of cement stabilized soils: experimental data. 2023
Centrifuge and numerical modeling of the behavior of homogeneous embankment on liquefiable soil subjected to dynamic excitation. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2023, 172, pp.107999
Application of cement modified soils in retaining walls. Journées techniques routes, Jan 2023, Nantes, France
Centrifuge data of a homogeneous embankment model resting on liquefiable soil subjected to a strong dynamic excitation - Experimental Database. 2023
Le projet ANR E-PILOT : études expérimentales et numériques en statique et en dynamique des interactions tunnelier-fondations profondes Research project E-PILOT : Tunnel-Piles Interactions. Static and dynamic experimental and numerical studies. AFTES 2023, AFTES, Oct 2023, Paris, France
Discrete numerical analysis of drained cyclic loading on a model sand. Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering 2023, Jun 2023, London, United Kingdom
Data-Driven Prediction of Cement-Stabilized Soils Tensile Properties. Infrastructures, 2023, 8 (10), pp.146
Dubreucq, L. Thorel, S. Lerat, A. Jagu, A. Neel. 2D behavior of a granular platform above a soft soil reinforced by rigid inclusions and geogrid subjected to a rolling load traffic. Geosynthetics: Leading the Way to a Resilient Planet, Biondi et al (eds), Sep 2023, Roma, Italia, France. pp.1047-1052
Evaluation and prediction of tensile properties of cement stabilized soils. Transportation Research Procedia, 2023, 72, pp.1597-1604
Thorel, P. M. Morice, H. Paysant, R. Florent, G. Babin, et al.. Comparative analysis of response to treatments and molecular features of tumor-derived organoids versus cell lines and PDX derived from the same ovarian clear cell carcinoma.. Journal of experimental & clinical cancer research, 2023, Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research, 42, pp.260
GEOLAB: integrating and advancing Europe's physical modelling facilities. ICPMG 2022, 10th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Sep 2022, Daejeon, France. pp.140-144
Keynote : Physical Modelling Facilities: from Galileo to 3D Printing. Congrès international ICPMG 2022, organisé à Daejon en Corée, Korean Geotechnical Society, pp.64-72, 2022, 978-89-952197-7-5
Impact de l'installation par battage du monopieu sur la réponse horizontale en centrifugeuse. 11èmes journées nationales de géotechnique et de géologie de l’ingénieur, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon [INSA Lyon], CFMS, CFMR, CFGI, Jun 2022, Lyon, France
Remote sensing, geophysics and imaging technology for monitoring and characterization of geostructures and geo-materials. ngi. 2022, pp.60
New materials, new sensing and new manufacturing methodsanufacturing methods. D09.03, université gustave eiffel. 2022, https://kp.project-geolab.eu/joint-research-activities/
Evaluation and prediction of tensile properties of cement stabilized soils. 9th Transport Research Arena TRA, Nov 2022, Lisboa, Portugal. pp.1597-1604
Impact of monopile hammering installation on the horizontal response in centrifuge. ICPMG 2022, 10th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Sep 2022, Daejeon, South Korea. pp.508-511
Lecoq, et al.. Retrofit of the centrifuge engine line of the Uni-Eiffel GeoCentrifuge. ICPMG 2022, 10th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Sep 2022, Daejeon, South Korea. pp.181-183
Centrifuge study of monopile embedded on its horizontal response in sand. ICPMG 2022, 10th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Sep 2022, Daejeon, South Korea. pp.460-463
Dataset for centrifuge modelling of laterally monotonic loaded monopiles in saturated dense sand. Data in Brief, 2022, 42, pp.108312
Mechanical characterization of cement stabilized soils: mechanical tests, statistical analysis and prevision models. 5th International Seminar on Earthworks in Europe, Apr 2022, Prague, Czech Republic
Effect of embedding depth on the monotonic lateral response of monopiles in sand: centrifuge and numerical modelling. Geotechnique, 2022, 55 (8), pp.1-16
Report on Calibrated material properties database. D10.5, european union. 2022, pp.24
2D effect of static or rolling load on a granular platform above a soft soil reinforced by rigid inclusions. ICPMG 2022, 10th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Sep 2022, Daejeon, South Korea. pp.402-405
GEOLAB: integrating and advancing Europe's physical modelling facilities. ICPMG 2022, 10th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Korean Geotechnical Society, Sep 2022, Daejeon, South Korea. pp.140-144
Etude des effets de bord dans les essais centrifuges sous chargement sismique par modélisation numérique. 11èmes journées nationales de géotechnique et de géologie de l’ingénieur, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon [INSA Lyon], CFMS, CFMR, CFGI, Jun 2022, Lyon, France
Effet en 2D d'une charge statique ou roulante sur une plateforme granulaire reposant sur sol renforcé par inclusions rigides. 11èmes journées nationales de géotechnique et de géologie de l’ingénieur, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon [INSA Lyon], CFMS, CFMR, CFGI, Jun 2022, Lyon, France
GEOLAB Material Properties Database. 2022
Le, et al.. Inventory of facilities, technical specifications and experiment portfolio. CEDEX. 2021, 135p
Briançon, Luc Thorel, B. Simon. ASIRI+: French National Research Program on Soil Reinforcement with Rigid Inclusions. 4th International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics (ICTG), May 2021, Chicago (IL), United States. pp.659-665
Editorial. Modélisation physique en géotechnique, 1re partie. Revue française de Géotechnique, 166, 2 p, 2021
Piles installed in sand subjected to axial loading: centrifuge tests in dry and saturated medium dense Fontainebleau sand. 2021
Similitudes et effets d’échelle dans les modèles physiques. Apports de Pierre Habib. Revue française de Géotechnique, 2021, 169, 7p
Impact driving of monopiles in centrifuge: effect on the lateral response in sand. International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 2021, 14 p
Editorial. Modélisation physique en géotechnique, 2ème partie. Revue française de Géotechnique, 168, 2 p, 2021
Piles installed in sand subjected to axial loading: centrifuge tests in dry and saturated very dense Fontainebleau sand. 2021
Effects of embedding depth and load eccentricity on lateral response of offshore monopiles in dense sand: A centrifuge study. Geotechnique, 2021, 37 p
Pile test database on centrifuged models: tension loading for floating wind turbine anchor. 4th European conference on physical modelling in geotechnics, Mar 2020, Lulea, Sweden. pp.275-278
Development of a Hammer to drive monopiles of offshore wind turbines in Centrifuge. 4th European Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Sep 2020, Lulea, France. 5 p
Cyclic loading of helical pile as anchor for floating windturbines : centrifuge tests. ISFOG2020, Aug 2020, AUSTIN, United States. pp. 313-320
Schiavon, Cristina de Hollanda Cavalcanti Tsuha, Luc Thorel. Study on the installation effect of helical piles in very dense sand. 4th European Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnic, Mar 2020, LULEA, Sweden. pp. 151-156
Base de données d'essais de pieux réalisés sur modèles réduits centrifugés : traction pour ancrage d'éolienne flottante. JNGG 2020 Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l’Ingénieur –Lyon, Nov 2020, LYON, France. 6 p
Développement d'un batteur pour installer des monopieux d'éoliennes en mer en centrifugeuse. JNGG 2020, Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l'Ingénieur, Nov 2020, LYON, France. 7p
Holding capacity of suction anchors with trench - centrifuge test results and interpretation. ISFOG2020, Aug 2020, AUSTIN, United States. pp. 352-361
Using FBGS to estimate the horizontal response of a monopile in a geotechnical centrifuge. International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 2020, 20 (3), pp.164-174
Physical modelling of piles under lateral loading in unsaturated soils. E-Unsat2020, Oct 2020, Lisbonne, Portugal. 6 p
Using Fibre bragg grating sensors to estimate the horizontal monopile behaviour in centrifuge. 4th European Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Mar 2020, LULEA, Sweden. pp. 293-294
Amélioration des sols par inclusions rigides : le rôle des géosynthétiques dans la plateforme de transfert de charge. Revue française de Géotechnique, 2020, 162, pp.1
Rotisciani, Francesca Casini. Model preparation for unsaturated soil testing in a centrifuge environment. 4th European Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Mar 2020, LULEA, France. pp. 49-55
Le projet ASIRI+ : Amélioration et Renforcement des Sols par Inclusions RIgides. JNGG2020 (Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l’Ingénieur), Nov 2020, LYON, France. 8 p
Geosynthetic-reinforced pile-embankments: numerical, analytical and centrifuge modelling. Geosynthetics International, 2019, 27 (3), pp. 301-314
Centrifuge test on instrumented FBGs monopile foundation in sand. ECSMGE 2019, 17th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Sep 2019, Reykjavik, Iceland. 8 p
Schiavon, Cristina Tsuha, Luc Thorel. Behavior of a Single-Helix Anchor in Sand Subjected to Cyclic Loading: Centrifuge Modeling. 6th Panamerican conference on soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering Geotechnical Engineering in the XXI Century: Lessons learned and future challenges, Nov 2019, Cancun, Mexico. pp. 493-500
Schiavon, Luc Thorel. Evaluation of the Breakout Factor for Helical Anchors in Sand by Centrifuge Testing. XVI Pan-American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (XVI PCSMGE) Geotechnical Engineering in the XXI Century: Lessons learned and future challenges, Nov 2019, Cancun, Mexico. pp. 905-912
Editorial. International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 19 (2), pp. 56-57, 2019
Lalicata, G. Rotisciani, A. Desideri, F. Casini, L. Thorel. Numerical Study of Laterally Loaded Pile in Unsaturated Soils. Geotechnical Research for Land Protection and Development. CNRIG 2019, Jul 2019, Lecco, Italy. pp.713-722
Impact of pile roughness on shaft resistance in sand. Proceedings of the ICE - Geotechnical Engineering, 2019, 11p
Schiavon, Cristina Tsuha. Stress variation during installation of mono-helix helical pile. ISSPEA 2019, 1st International Symposium on Screw Piles for Energy Applications, May 2019, Dundee, France. pp. 77-78
Centrifuge modelling of the behaviour of Iron Concentrate ore subjected to rolling movement. ECSMGE-2019, 17th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Sep 2019, Reykjavik, Iceland. pp. 1-8
Schiavon, Cristina Tsuha de Hollanda Cavalcanti, Luc Thorel. Monotonic, cyclic and post-cyclic performance of a single-helix anchor in residual soil of sandstone. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2019
Centrifuge modelling of the impact of the installation method on the lateral response of the pile.. ECSMGE 2019, 17th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Sep 2019, Reykjavik, Iceland. 8 p
Fan, Jonathan Black, S Bayton, et al.. Centrifuge benchmark testing of laterally loaded monopiles in sand. 16th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, ARC 2019, Oct 2019, Taipei, Taiwan. 2 p
Effet de la méthode d'installation sur le chargement latéral d'un pieu - essais en centrifugeuse. JNGG 2018, 9èmes Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l'Ingénieur, Jun 2018, Marne la Vallée, France. 8p
Experimental observation on a laterally loaded pile in unsaturated silty soil. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2018, 35p
Physical modelling of atmospheric conditions during drying. ICPMG 2018, 9th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jul 2018, Londres, France. pp. 413-417
General study on the axial capacity of piles of offshore wind turbines jacked in sand. ICPMG 2018, 9th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jul 2018, Londres, France. pp. 701-706
Bayton, Stuart Haigh, Gopal Madabhushi, et al.. A review of modelling effects in centrifuge monopole testing in sand. ICPMG 2018, 9th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jul 2018, Londres, France. pp.719-724
Schiavon, Cristina de Hollanda Cavalcanti Tsuha, Alain Neel, Luc Thorel. Centrifuge modelling of a helical anchor under different cyclic loading conditions in sand. International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 2018, 17p
Load transfer mechanism of reinforced piled embankments. 9th ICPMG Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jul 2018, LONDRES, France
Capacité axiale de pieux fonces dans du sable. Essais en centrifugeuse. JNGG 2018, 9èmes Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l'Ingénieur, Jun 2018, Marne La Vallée, France. 8p
A new climatic chamber for studying soil-atmosphere interaction in physical models. International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 2018, 19p
Essai de simulation de roulis en centrifugeuse pour étudier la liquéfaction de minerai lors du transport maritime. JNGG 2018, 9èmes Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l'Ingénieur, Jun 2018, Marne la Vallée, France. 8p
Effect of the installation methods of piles in cohesionless soil on their axial capacity. ICPMG 2018, 9th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jul 2018, Londres, France. pp.1341-1346
Effect of the soil undrained cohesion profile on the response of a sliding subsea foundation : centrifuge tests. SEG 2018, International Symposium on Energy Geotechnics, Sep 2018, Lausanne, Switzerland. 2p
Bearing capacity of circular footings resting on unsaturated dessicated soils. International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 2018, 13p
Schiavon, Cristina Tsuha, Luc Thorel. Centrifuge investigation of the cyclic loading effect on the post-cyclic monotonic performance of a single-helix anchor in sand. ICPMG 2018, 9th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jul 2018, LONDRES, France. pp.1315-1320
Laterally loaded pile in unsaturated soils: a numerical study. 7th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils 2018, Aug 2018, HONG-KONG, China. 6p
Geosynthetic reinforcement of pile-supported embankments. Geosynthetics International, 2018, 25 (1), pp.37-49
Effect of Seabed Trenching on the Holding Capacity of Suction Anchors in Soft Deepwater Gulf of Guinea Clays. Offshore Technology Conference 2018, Apr 2018, Houston, United States. 15p
Load transfer mechanism of piled embankments : centrifuge tests versus analytical models. 9th ICPMG Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jul 2018, LONDRES, France. pp.1043-1048
Rolling test in geotechnical centrifuge for ore liquefaction analysis. ICPMG 2018, 9th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jul 2018, Londres, France. pp. 465-468
Centrifuge rolling test for ore liquefaction analysis. Marine 2017, 7th International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering, May 2017, NANTES, France. pp. 290-295
L'effet de la méthode d'installation sur la capacité des pieux en traction. RUGC 2017, 35èmes Rencontres de l'AUGC, May 2017, NANTES, France. pp. 795-801
Axial behaviour of jacket piles for offshore wind turbines. International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 2017, 17 (4), pp.229-245
Load transfer mechanism and deformation of reinforced piled embankments. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 2017, 45 (2), pp.1-10
Impact of pile installation method on the axial capacity in sand. Géotechnique Letters, 2017, 7 (3), pp. 1-6
Centrifuge tests on a sliding foundation: impact of the undrained cohesion profile. OSIG 2017, 8th International conference on Smarter Solutions for Future Offshore Developments, Sep 2017, LONDRES, France. 7p
Effects of cyclic axial loading sequences on piles in sand : centrifuge modelling. OSIG 2017, 8th International conference on Smarter Solutions for Future Offshore Developments, Sep 2017, LONDRES, France. 6p
Schiavon, Cristina de Hollanda Cavalcanti Tsuha, Luc Thorel. Cyclic and post-cyclic monotonic response of a single-helix anchor in sand.. Géotechnique Letters, 2017, 7 (1), pp.11-17
Schiavon, Cristina de Hollanda Cavalcanti Tsuha, Daniel Dias, Luc Thorel. Numerical and experimental study on influence of installation effects on the behaviour of helical anchors in very dense sand. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2017, 55 (8), pp.1067-1080
Effects of cyclic axial loading sequences on piles in sand. Géotechnique Letters, 2016, 6 (2), pp.163-167
A new climatic chamber adapted to the mini-centrifuge for simulating soil drying. EUROFUGE 2016, 3rd European conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jun 2016, NANTES, France. pp.111-115
Effect of soil profile on the response of a sliding subsea foundation. EUROFUGE 2016 3rd European conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jun 2016, NANTES, France. pp.295-300
Schiavon, Luc Thorel, Cristina de Hollanda Cavalcanti Tsuha. Scale effect in centrifuge tests of helical anchors in sand. International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 2016, 12p
Load distribution along a pile - case of cyclic axial loading. EUROFUGE 2016, 3rd European conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jun 2016, NANTES, France. pp.257-262
Physical modelling of cyclic loading on a single-helix anchor in sand. EUROFUGE 2016 3rd European conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jun 2016, NANTES, France. pp.275-279
Eurofuge 2016, 3rd European Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics. EUROFUGE 2016, 3rd European conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux - IFSTTAR, 419p, 2016, 978-2-85782-716-0
Improved climatic chamber for desiccation simulation. E-Unsat 2016, 3rd European Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Sep 2016, PARIS, France. 6p
Compaction interpreted in the framework of unsaturated soil mechanics. PanAm conference on soil Mechanics & geotechnical engineering, Nov 2015, BUENOS AIRES, Argentina. 8p
Behaviour of piled embankments without reinforcement. Proceedings of the ICE - Geotechnical Engineering, 2015, 168 (6), pp.514-525
Projet CHARGEOL : Etude expérimentale et numérique des pieux de fondation des éoliennes offshore. 12e Colloque national en calcul des structures, CSMA, May 2015, Giens, France
Centrifuge investigation of the axial cyclic behaviour of a single pile used for the foundation of a jacket type offshore wind turbine. 3rd International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG2015), Jun 2015, Oslo, Norway. pp.521-526
Centrifuge modelling of dessication cracks in soils. SEC 2015 - Symposium International Retrait et gonflement des sols - Climat et construction, Jun 2015, Marne La Vallée, France. 10p
Effects of cracks and desiccation on the bearing capacity of soil deposits. Géotechnique Letters, 2015, 5 (3), pp.112-117
Schiavon, João M.S.M. dos Santos Filho, Cristina de H. C. Tsuha, Luc Thorel. The occurrence of residual stresses in helical piles. 15th Pan-American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, XV PCSMGE, Nov 2015, BUENOS AIRES, Argentina. 8p
Mosquera, Cristina de H. C. Tsuha, José A. Schiavon, Luc Thorel. Discussion of "Field investigation of the axial resistance of helical piles in dense sand". Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2015, 52 (8), pp.1190-1194
Mathematical and physical modeling of rainfall in centrifuge. International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 2015, 3 (15), pp.150-164
Influence of desiccation cracks on soil resistance. PanAm conference on soil Mechanics & geotechnical engineering, Nov 2015, BUENOS AIRES, Argentina. 8p
A Design Framework for Sliding Foundations: Centrifuge Testing and Numerical Modelling. Offshore Technology Conference, OTC, May 2015, HOUSTON, United States. 15p
Étude numérique des pieux d'éolienne offshore soumis à la traction en milieu sableux. 33es Rencontres Universitaires de Génie Civil, May 2015, Bayonne, France
Métamatériaux sismiques et essais en centrifugeuses. AFPS 2015 - 9ème Colloque National, Nov 2015, CHAMPS-SUR-MARNE, France. 5p
Improvement of the IFSTTAR robot control system. 8th ICPMG Int. Conf. on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jan 2014, Australia. pp.221-226
On the influence of pretension and number of geosynthetic layers on piled embankment performance. 10th conference of the International Geosynthetics Society, Sep 2014, BERLIN, Germany. 8p
Principles of Physical Modelling of Unsaturated Soils. 8th Int. Conf. on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jan 2014, Australia. pp.77-98
Modèles physiques et numériques du renforcement des sols par inclusions rigides et géosynthétique. JNGG 2014 - Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l'Ingénieur, Jul 2014, BEAUVAIS, France. 10p
Numerical analysis of a geosynthetic-reinforced piled load transfer platform - Validation on centrifuge test. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 2014, 42 (5), pp.525-539
Experimental and analytical framework for modelling soil compaction. Engineering Geology, 2014, 175, pp.22-34
Piled embankment on soft soil reinforced with geosynthetic. 8th ICPMG Int. Conf. on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jan 2014, Australia. pp.864-869
Geosynthetic reinforcement of a granular load transfer platform above rigid inclusions: comparison between centrifuge testing and analytical modelling. Geosynthetics International, 2014, 1 (21), pp.37-52
Dynamic actuator for Soil-Structure Interaction physical modelling in centrifuge. 8th ICPMG Int. Conf. on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jan 2014, Australia. pp.215-220
Raft above rigid inclusions - Centrifuge investigation of complex loading. 8th ICPMG Int. Conf. on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jan 2014, Australia. pp.591-596
C. Tsuha, Nelson Aoki, Gérard Rault, Luc Thorel, Jacques Garnier. Centrifuge modelling of installation effects on helical anchor performance in sand. 8th ICPMG Int. Conf. on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jan 2014, Australia. pp.785-791
Centrifuge modelling of unsaturated soils. Journal of Geo-engineering Sciences, 2014, 2 (2), pp.83-103
Etude des effets d’échelle sur le phénomène de suffusion par érodimètre centrifugé. Digues Maritimes et Fluviales de Protection contre les Submersions, Jun 2013, France. pp.383-390
Apport des géosynthétiques dans le renforcement par inclusions rigides des sols compressibles. 9èmes rencontres géosynthétiques, Apr 2013, France. pp.457-466
Centrifuge investigation of load transfer mechanisms in a granular mattress above a rigid inclusions network. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 2013, 36, p92-105
Proposition d’une loi t-z cyclique au moyen d’expérimentations en centrifugeuse. 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Sep 2013, France. pp.2335-2338
Geosynthetics impact on the reinforcement of compressible soil by rigid piles. Int. Symp. On design and practice of geosynthetic-reinforced soil structures, Oct 2013, Italy. pp.426-435
C. Tsuha, Luc Thorel, Gérard Rault, Jacques Garnier. Evaluation of the Effect of Installation on the Helical Pile Performance in Sand by Centrifuge Tests. 1st International Geotechnical Symposium on Helical Foundations, Aug 2013, France. pp.311-322
Centrifuge Modelling of foundations subjected to cyclic loading. Centrifuge Modelling of foundations subjected to cyclic loading, CRC PRESS, pp.45-76, 2013
Benzaria, Luc Thorel, Jacques Garnier, P. Foray, et al.. Diagrammes de stabilité cyclique de pieux dans les sables. 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Sep 2013, France. pp.2379-2382
Simulation de tremblement de terre sur modèles réduits centrifugés. Essais et Simulations, 2013, 113, pp. 41-43
Elastic response of unsaturated soils. 1st Panamerican Conference on Unsaturated soils “Advances in Unsaturated soils", Feb 2013, France. pp.321-327
Centrifuge modelling of wetting-induced collapse in embankment base. 1st Panamerican Conference on Unsaturated soils “Advances in Unsaturated soils", Feb 2013, France. pp.177-183
C. Tsuha, T.C. Santos, Gérard Rault, Luc Thorel, Jacques Garnier. Influence of multiple helix configuration on the uplift capacity of helical anchors. 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Sep 2013, France. pp.2893-2896
Pieu sous charge latérale : Développement de lois de dégradation pour prendre en compte l’effet des cycles. 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Sep 2013, France. pp.2395-2398
Climatic chamber with centrifuge to simulate different weather conditions. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 2012, 35 (1), 13p
Stability of cast in place piles in sand under axial cyclic loading. 7th International Conference Offshore Site investigation and Geotechnics, Sep 2012, France. pp 329-334
Inclusions rigides en centrifugeuse : mécanisme de transfert de charges. Journées Nationales de Géotechique et de Géologie de l'Ingnénieur, Jul 2012, France. p 51-58
Dynamic Actuator for Centrifuge Modeling of Soil-Structure Interaction. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 2012, 35 (4), 9p
Evaluation of the efficiencies of helical anchor plates in sand by centrifuge model tests. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2012, 49, pp 1102-1114
Study of scale effect in an internal erosion mechanism: centrifuge model and energy analysis. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2012, 16 (1), pp.1-19
Centrifuge investigation of the load transfer mechanism above rigid inclusions. 2nd Eurofuge conference, Apr 2012, France. 10p
Caicedo, Im Khokhar. Physical modelling of wetting-induced collapse in embankment base. Geotechnique, 2011, 61 (5), pp 409-420
Isolation des vibrations induites par le passage des trains avec des barrières en polystyrène : modélisation en centrifugeuse. Symposium International GEORAIL 2011 International Symposium, May 2011, France. pp 731-740
Elastic parameters of intermediate soils based on bender-extender elements pulse tests. Soils and Foundations, 2011, 51 (4), pp. 637-649
Inclusions rigides en centrifugeuse : développement d'un dispositif expérimental à plateau mobile. Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l'Ingénieur JNGG2010, Jul 2010, France. pp 721-728
de Hollanda Cavalcanti Tsuha, N. Aoki, Gérard Rault, Luc Thorel, Jacques Garnier. Modélisation physique de pieux hélicoïdaux mis en place dans du sable. Revue française de Géotechnique, 2010, 130, pp 15-23
Thorel, Jean Claude Dupla, Gérard Rault, Jean Canou, Gaëlle Baudoin, et al.. Pile-supported earth platforms: Two approaches with physical models. Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 2010, Zurich, Switzerland. pp.1363-1369
de Hollanda Cavalcanti Tsuha, N. Aoki, Gérard Rault, Luc Thorel, Jacques Garnier. Physical modelling of helical screw piles in sand. 7th international Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jun 2010, France. pp 841-846
Caicedo, J. Tristancho, Luc Thorel. Centrifuge modeling of soil atmosphere interaction. 5th international Conference on Unsaturated soils, Sep 2010, France. pp 627-632
Caicedo, J. Tristancho, Luc Thorel. Centrifuge modeling of soil atmosphere interaction using climatic chamber. 7th international Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jun 2010, France. pp 299-305
Modélisation en centrifugeuse de pieux dans l'argile sous charge latérale statique et cyclique. Journées nationales de géotechnique et de géologie de l'ingénieur JNGG 2010, Jul 2010, France. pp 673-680
Centrifuge modelling of an internal erosion mechanism. 5th International Conference on Scour and Erosion (ISCE-5), Nov 2010, San Francisco, United States
Caicedo, J. Tristancho, Luc Thorel. Physical modelling on unsaturated soils using centrifuge. 5th international Conference on Unsaturated soils, Sep 2010, France. pp 633-638
Gaudin. Influence factors study of cone loading test in the centrifuge. CPT10: 2nd International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing, May 2010, France
Caicedo, J. Tristancho, Luc Thorel. Potentialities and challenges of centrifuge modelling on unsaturated soils. 7th international Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jun 2010, France. pp 105-110
Installation process of suction anchors in Gulf of Guinea clay : Centrifuge modelling. 7th international Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jun 2010, France. pp 1057-1062
Baudouin, et al.. Pile-supported earth platforms : two approaches with physical models. 7th international Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jun 2010, France. pp 1363-1369
Rosquoet, Luc Thorel, Jacques Garnier, Meriam Khemakhem. P-y curves on model piles : Uncertainty identification. 7th international Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jun 2010, France. pp 997-1002
Renforcement de sol compressible par inclusions rigides sous dallage : modélisation en centrifugeuse. Journées nationales de géotechnique et de géologie de l'ingénieur JNGG 2010, Jul 2010, France. pp 547-554
3D load transfer in pile-supported earth platforms over soft soils : centrifuge modeling. 7th international Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jun 2010, France. pp 1303-1308
Design of an instrumented model pile for axial cyclic loading. 7th international Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jun 2010, France. pp 991-996
Murillo, Luc Thorel, B. Caicedo. Centrifuge modelling of ground vibration isolation with geofoam barriers. 7th international Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jun 2010, France. pp 1273-1278
Static and cyclic lateral pile behavior in clay. 7th international Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jun 2010, ZURICH, Switzerland. pp 953-958
Batali, H. Popa, Luc Thorel. Retaining walls in urban areas, numerical modelling, characteristic interaction parameters. Scientific Journal of the technical university of civil engineering Bucharest, 2010, 6 (1), pp 32-39
Chenaf, Josselin Garnier, G. Rault, L. Thorel, et al.. Laterally static and cyclic pile behavior in clay. 7th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 2010, Zurich, Switzerland
Mobile tray for simulation of 3D load transfer in pile-supported earth platforms. 7th international Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Jun 2010, France. pp 261-266
Comportement d'un pieu isolé soumis à un chargement cyclique horizontal. XVIIth ICSMGE, Oct 2009, France. pp 1217-1220
A miniature falling weight device for non destructive characterization of soils in the centrifuge. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 2009, 32 (5), pp 465-474
Spectral analysis of surface waves method to assess shear wave velocity within centrifuge models. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2009, 68 (2), pp 135-145
Expérimentations en vraie grandeur et sur modèles réduits du renforcement des sols par inclusions rigides. 17e Congrès International de mécanique des sols et d'ingénierie géotechnique, Oct 2009, Alexandrie, Égypte. pp. 2032-2039
Rosquoet, Luc Thorel, Jacques Garnier. Pieu sous charge latérale cyclique : Incertitudes sur les mesures. Revue française de Géotechnique, 2009, 129, pp 3-10
Caicedo. Ground vibration isolation with geofoam barriers : Centrifuge modeling. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 2009, 27 (6), pp 423-434
Caicedo, C. Murillo, Luc Thorel. Modélisation en centrifugeuse de barrières anti-vibration en polystryrène. XVIIth ICSMGE, Oct 2009, France. pp 440-443
Insertion des grands ouvrages dans leur environnement. LCPC, pp.428, 2008
Miniature pile drivers for centrifuge testing. 8th International Conference on the Application of Stress Wave theory to Piles, Sep 2008, France. pp 359-364
Modélisation physique de pieux hélicoïdaux dans du sable. Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l'Ingénieur, Jun 2008, Nantes, France. pp.271-278
Original technologies for proven performances for the new LCPC earthquake simulator. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2008, 6 (4), pp 723-728
Méthodologie opérationnelle pour la modélisation en centrifugeuse d'un mécanisme d'érosion interne. GEODIM'08 - Variations dimensionnelles des géomatériaux, Apr 2008, France. 8p
Insertion des grands ouvrages dans leur environnement. Journées nationales de géotechnique et de géologie de l'ingénieur (JNGG 2008), LABORATOIRE CENTRAL DES PONTS ET CHAUSSEES (LCPC), 2008
Mesures en macrogravité sur modèles réduits d'ouvrages géotechniques. Bulletin des Laboratoires des Ponts et Chaussées, 2008, 273, pp 93-131
Centrifuge modelling of 3D load transfer in reinforced soft soils. Second BGA International Conference on Foundations, ICOF2008, Jun 2008, France. pp 1303-1313
Pieu sous charge latérale cyclique : prise en compte des incertitudes sur les mesures. Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l'Ingénieur, Jun 2008, France. pp 751-758
Chargement cyclique horizontal non alterné d'un pieu. JNGG' 08, Jun 2008, Nantes, France. pp.743-750
Réduction des vibrations en centrifugeuse à l'aide de barrières en polystyrène expansé. Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l'Ingénieur, Jun 2008, France. pp 727-734
Un aperçu de l'utilisation du T-Bar miniature en centrifugeuse. Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l'Ingénieur, Jun 2008, France. pp 515-522
Chargement cyclique horizontal non alterné d'un pieu. JNGG' 08, Jun 2008, France. pp 743-750
Cyclic horizontal loading of single piles. Proceedings of the Second BGA International Conference on Foundations (ICOF 2008), Jun 2008, France. pp 1259-1270
Caractérisation mécanique d'un mélange de sables d'Hostun. Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l'Ingénieur, Jun 2008, France. pp 491-498
Modélisation physique de pieux hélicoïdaux dans du sable. Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l'Ingénieur, Jun 2008, France. pp 271-278
Dispositif d'étude du transfert de charge dans un système de sol compressible renforcé par inclusions rigides sur modèle réduit centrifugé. Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica, 2008, 30 (1-2), pp 257-268
Réduction des vibrations en centrifugeuse à l'aide de barrières en polystyrène expansé. Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l'Ingénieur, Jun 2008, Nantes, France. pp.727-734
Modélisation physique de la suffusion dans les ouvrages hydrauliques. 32es journées scientifiques du GFHN, 2007, Nantes, France
Modélisation en centrifugeuse du renforcement de sols compressibles par inclusions rigides : dispositifs du transfert de charge par cisaillement. CFM 2007 - 18ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Aug 2007, Grenoble, France
Gaudin, Sm Springman, Pj Culligan, D. Goodings, et al.. Catalogue of scaling laws and similitude questions in geotechnical centrifuge modelling. International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 2007, 7 (3), 22p
Popa, Luc Thorel, L. Batali. Parois de soutènement en zones urbaines : Modélisation numérique, paramètres caractéristiques d'interaction. 14th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Sep 2007, France. pp 629-634
Aoki, Gérard Rault, Luc Thorel, Jacques Garnier. Physical modelling of helical pile anchors. International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 2007, 7 (4), pp 1-12
Lateral cyclic loading of sand-installed piles. Soils and Foundations, 2007, 47 (5), pp 821-832
Modélisation physique de la suffusion dans les ouvrages hydrauliques. Bulletin du groupe francais d'humidimétrie neutromique, 2007, 53, pp.29-35
Murillo, B. Caicedo, Luc Thorel, Jacques Garnier. Characterization of a layered soil model in centrifuge using spectral techniques. 13th Panamerican Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Jul 2007, France. 6p
Renforcement de sols compressibles par inclusions rigides : dispositif pour la modélisation en centrifugeuse d'une maille élémentaire. XXVèmes rencontres universitaires de Génie Civil, Conception et vie des ouvrages, May 2007, France
Rault, Y. Berthaud, L. Thorel, A. Dupas. Accélération de la consolidation des argiles par électro-osmose : essais en centrifugeuse. Revue française de Géotechnique, 2006, 114, pp.43-52
Simulation de séismes sous macrogravité en centrifugeuse : Des équipements embarqués, conçus pour des conditions de service éprouvantes. Essais industriels, 2006, 39, pp 2-11
Beddiar, G. Rault, Yves Berthaud, L. Thorel, A. Dupas. Accélération de la consolidation des argiles par électro-osmose : essais en centrifugeuse. Revue française de Géotechnique, 2006, 114, pp.43-52
Interprétation des essais au pressiomètre miniature en centrifugeuse. International Symposium ISP5 - Pressio 2005, 2005, Marne-la-Vallée, France
Bearing capacity of strip footings subjected to complex loading. International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG 2005), Sep 2005, Perth, Australia
Cortas, Luc Thorel, Abdul-Hamid Soubra, Josselin Garnier, P. Chambon, et al.. Effet d'un chargement complexe sur la portance d'une fondation superficielle établie à proximité d'une pente : Etude théorique et expérimentale. Congrès International de Géotechnique, 2004, Beyrouth, Liban
Chambon, E. El Hachem, et al.. Portance des fondations superficielles établies à proximité d'une pente : Etude théorique et expérimentale. Congrès International de Géotechnique, 2004, Beyrouth, Liban
Effet de l'excentrement de la charge sur la portance des foundations superficielles: Etude théorique et expérimentale. Symposium International sur les Fondations Superficielles (FONDSUP), Nov 2003, Paris, France
Thorel, Josselin Garnier. Effet de l'inclinaison de la charge sur la portance des foundations superficielles: Etude théorique et expérimentale. Symposium International sur les Fondations Superficielles, 2003, Paris, France
Pile test database on centrifuged models: tension loading for floating wind turbine anchor. 4th European Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Mar 2000, LULEA, Sweden. pp. 275-278