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Since 2020, I am Deputy vice-president International at Université Gustave Eiffel and I am highly involved in the design and the implementation of the university’s international development strategy, from a research but also an education point of view. I am involved in the follow up of the design process of the new European program Horizon Europe and I have supervised for the university the development of the new PPP Partnership among them the CCAM partnership on automated mobility.

From 2016 to 2020, I acted as a deputy director of the European and International Division at Ifsttar (National research institute of transport and infrastructure) and I was highly involved in the design and the implementation of Ifsttar’s international collaboration strategy. More precisely, I developed international collaborations with three universities in Australia (Monash University, New South Wales University and Queensland University of Technology) on different topics (including the human factors issues of automated mobility), two universities in Canada (Sherbrooke University and Université du Québec à Montréal) as well as with Virginia Tech in the USA. At European level, I was in charge of the relation with the services of the commission linked with the research programme Horizon 2020.

From 1995 to 2015, I developed research activities in human factor issues for assistive technology systems, for drivers or public transport users, with an interest in the older people and people with disabilities.
I have been involved (mostly as project leader) in national funded projects related to the design of autonomous and secured boarding system for wheelchair users in rail transportation, the wayfinding of blind travellers as well as projects dealing with the driving assessment of older driver suffering from early stage of Alzheimer disease and brain injured drivers’ cognitive assessment and training. From 2010 to 2015, I coordinated the Safe Move project, focusing on the human factor issue related to the needs and design of ADAS for older drivers; this project was twinned with a Swedish team from VTI and involved also a car manufacturer, an ADAS provider and a driving simulator designer.

I have been involved in more than 10 European projects; I have been a member of the ISO group TC22 SC13 WG8 Man Machine Interface in vehicles and of the OECD working group on Human Factors Technology for Elderly Users.
Since 2000, I have been actively involved with TRB activities and attended the annual meeting each year, made several oral presentations in podium sessions, and served as an active member of the "Accessible Transport and Mobility" Committee (from 2005 to 2015). From 2016 to now, I am friend of the international cooperation council as well as the Transportation asset management and Human factors of vehicles committees.

Articles in peer reviewed journals
•    Bellet, T., Paris, J.C., Marin-Lamellet, C. The difficulties of elderly drivers when driving and their expectations concerning driving aids; Transportation Research Part F Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 2018, 52, pp 138-163.
•    Etienne, V., Marin-Lamellet, C., & Laurent, B. Evolution du contrôle exécutif au cours du vieillissement normal. Revue Neurologique, 2008; N°164, pp 1010-1017.
•    Etienne V, Marin-Lamellet C, Laurent B. Mental flexibility impairment in drivers with early Alzheimer’s disease: A simulator-based study. IATSS Research. 2013; 37(1):16-20.
•    Grange-Faivre, C., Marin-Lamellet C., Alauzet A. Maximum acceptable gap size between urban-guided transport vehicles and platforms for persons with disabilities: contribution of an experimental study to help policy decision. Transportation Planning and Technology, 2017, VOL. 40, NO. 2, 167–181.
•    Jaussein, M., Lévêque, L., Deniel, J., Bellet, T., Tattegrain, H., Marin-Lamellet, C. How Do Non-Driving-Related Tasks Affect Engagement Under Highly Automated Driving Situations? A Literature Review; in revision at Frontiers in Future Transportation
•     Jaussein, M., Bellet, T., Tattegrain, H., Marin-Lamellet, C. Non-driving-related-task during autonomous driving: a pilot study to explore variables of engagement; submitted to Transportation Research Part F
•    Kamp, J.F, Marin-Lamellet, C., Forzy, J.F. and Causeur, D. HMI aspects of the usability of internet services with an in-car terminal on a driving simulator; IATSS Research, 2001; vol25, N°2, pp29-39.
•    Lafont, S., Marin-Lamellet, C., Paire-Ficout, L., Thomas-Anterion, C., Laurent, B., & Fabrigoule, C. The Wechsler Digit Symbol Substitution Test as the best indicator of the risk of impaired driving in Alzheimer disease and normal aging. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord, 2010; 29:154-163.
•    Marin-Lamellet, C. Réflexions sur l'interface conducteurs âgés systèmes d'aide au guidage routier ; Bulletin de Psychologie, Psychologie du travail-Ergonomie dans les transports. 1994; n°418, tome XLVIII, pp 99-104.
•    Marin-Lamellet, C., Bruyas, M.P., Guyot, L. L'utilisabilité d'internet comme source d'information pour les voyageurs handicapés ; RTS (Recherche Transport et Sécurité), 2000; n°68, pp 3-14.
•    Marin-Lamellet, C., Pachiaudi, G., Le Breton-Gadegbeku, B., Mathelin, V., Martins, R. Besoins en information et problèmes d'utilisation des transports ferroviaires par les personnes déficientes visuelles ; RTS (Recherche Transport et Sécurité), 2001; n°70, pp3-15.
•    Marin-Lamellet, C., Paire-Ficout, L., Lafont, S., Amieva, H., Laurent, B., Thomas-Antérion., C., Dirson, S. et Fabrigoule, C. Mise en place d’un outil d’évaluation des déficits d’attention en lien avec les capacités de conduite et le risque d’accident dans le vieillissement normal et pathologique : l’approche pluridisciplinaire de SÉROVIE ; Numéro spécial Vieillissement et sécurité routière de RTS (Recherche Transport et Sécurité), 2003; N°80 , pp 177-189.
•    Marin-Lamellet, C., & Aymond, P. Combining verbal information and a tactile guidance surface: the most efficient way to guide people with visual impairments in transport stations? British Journal of visual impairment, 2008; vol26(1), pp63-81.
•    Marin-Lamellet, C., Pachiaudi, G., Le Breton-Gadegbeku, B. Information and Orientation Needs in Public Transport for Persons Who are Blind or Partially Sighted: the BIOVAM Project. Transportation Research Record, 2001; n°1779, pp 203-208.
•    Marin-Lamellet, C., Minguy, J.L. Ships Safety Issues Concerning Elderly or Disabled Passengers; Transportation Research Record, 2002; n°1782, pp100-106.
•    Marin-Lamellet, C., Haustein, S. Managing the safe mobility of older road users: How to cope with their diversity? Journal of transport and health; Vol 2, Issue 1, March 2015, pp22–31
•    Paire-Ficout, L , Marin-Lamellet, C ,  Lafont, S., Thomas-Antérion,C.,   Laurent, B. The role of the direction instructions at left turn intersections in ageing and in early Alzheimer’s disease. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2016, 96, pp249–254.
•    Paris J-C, Bellet T, Marin-Lamellet C, Deleurence P, Cour M,  Boverie S, Claverie B. Assistance aux conducteurs âgés : Analyse de l’activité pour la conception de futures fonctions de monitorage de la conduite automobile ; RTS (Recherche Transport et Sécurité), 2014; 30, pp227-243.
•    Pigeon, C., Marin-Lamellet, C. Evaluation of the attentional capacities and working memory of early and late blind persons. Acta Psychologica, 2015; 155, pp1-7.
•    Pigeon, C., Marin-Lamellet, C. Ageing effects on the attentional capacities and working memory of people who are blind ; Disability and Rehabilitation. 2017, 39, pp2492-2498.
•    Pigeon, C., Li, T., Moreau, F., Pradel, G., Marin-Lamellet, C. Cognitive load of walking in people who are blind: Subjective and objective measures of assessment; Gate and Posture, 2019, 67:43-49
•    Ranchet, M., Paire-Ficout, L.; Marin-Lamellet, C.; Laurent, B., Broussolle, E. Impaired updating ability in drivers with Parkinson’s disease. ,J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2011; 82:218-223.