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Christelle ABADIE

Chargée de Recherche de Classe Normale

CFR / GERS - Département Géotechnique, environnement, risques naturels et sciences de la Terre

CG - Centrifugeuses Géotechniques


Bâtiment: Building: Bouguer

Allée des Ponts et Chaussées$Route de Bouaye$CS 5004$44344 Bouguenais Cedex

+33 (0)2 40 84 56 81

Christelle ABADIE

Chargée de Recherche de Classe Normale

CFR / GERS - Département Géotechnique, environnement, risques naturels et sciences de la Terre

CG - Centrifugeuses Géotechniques

Mes dernières références

My latest references



Christelle Nadine Abadie, Gianluigi Della Ragione, Yuanguo Kuang, Talia da Silva Burke, Sivasakthy Selvakumaran, et al.
Système de détection d‘effondrement de fontis. Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l’Ingénieur, Jun 2024, Poitiers, France. 8p
Christelle Nadine Abadie, Talia Simone da Silva Burke, Sivasakthy Selvakumaran, Gianluigi Della Ragione, Yuanguo Kuang, et al.
Fibre Optic Sensing and Satellite Imaging for Early Warning of Catastrophic Ground Subsidence. 2024
Christelle Nadine Abadie, Byron Byrne, Guy Houlsby, Harvey Burd, Ross Mcadam, et al.
Modélisation des performances de durée de vie des monopieux éolien offshore. Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l’Ingénieur, Jun 2024, Poitiers, France. 8p
Carlos Español-Espinel, Stuart Haigh, Gopal S.P
Madabhushi, Christelle Nadine Abadie, James Go, et al.. Evolution of excess pore water pressures around monopiles subjected to moderate seismic loading. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2024, 176, pp.108316
Della Ragione, Christelle Nadine Abadie, X. Xu, T. da Silva Burke, T. Möller, et al.. Fibre optic sensing for strain-field measurement in geotechnical laboratory experiments. Géotechnique Letters, 2023, 13 (4), pp.196-203
Chisom U Ifeobu, C N Abadie, Stuart Haigh
Cyclic response of shallow onshore wind turbine foundations in dense sand. 5th International Conference on Geotechnics for Sustainable Infrastructure Development, Dec 2023, Hanoi (Vietnam), Vietnam
Diarmid M Xu, Gopal Madabhushi, C N Abadie, John M Harris, Richard J S Whitehouse
Effect of rock density on the response of scour protection to earthquake-induced liquefaction for offshore wind applications. 9th International SUT OSIG Conference on Innovative Geotechnologies for Energy Transition, Sep 2023, London, United Kingdom
Gianluigi Della Ragione, Emilio Bilotta, Xiaomin Xu, Talia da Silva Burke, Tobias Möller, et al.
Numerical investigation of fibre-optic sensing for sinkhole detection. Geotechnique, 2023, pp.1-14
Carlos Español-Espinel, Gopal Madabhushi, Stuart Haigh, C N Abadie, Diarmid M Xu, et al.
Seismic Response of Large Diameter Monopiles for Offshore Wind Turbines in Liquefiable Soils. 9th International SUT OSIG Conference on Innovative Geotechnologies for Energy Transition, Sep 2023, Londres, United Kingdom
Christopher Hamilton, Christelle Nadine Abadie
Seismic excitation of offshore wind turbines and transition piece response. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 2023, 52 (7), pp.2091-2114
Tobias Möller, Talia S
Da Silva Burke, Xiaomin Xu, Gianluigi Della Ragione, Emilio Bilotta, et al.. Distributed fibre optic sensing for sinkhole early warning: experimental study. Geotechnique, 2023, 73 (8), pp.701-715
G Della Ragione, T Möller, C N Abadie, X Xu, T S da Silva Burke, et al.
Fiber Optic Sensing for Sinkhole Detection in Cohesionless Soil. 8th Italian National Conference of Researchers in Geotechnical Engineering, Jul 2023, Palermo, Italy. pp.186 - 193
Christelle Nadine Abadie, William Beuckelaers, Byron Byrne, Guy Houlsby, Harvey Burd, et al.
Modeling Lifetime Performance of Monopile Foundations for Offshore Wind Applications. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 2023, 149 (8)
Christelle Nadine Abadie, Byron Byrne, Guy Houlsby, Harvey Burd, Ross Mcadam, et al.
Modelling of offshore wind monopile lifetime performance. 4th International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG), Aug 2022, Austin (Texas, USA), United States
Diarmid M Xu, C N Abadie, Gopal Madabhushi, John M Harris, Richard J S Whitehouse
Response of armour rock-scour protection to earthquake-induced liquefaction for offshore wind applications. 10th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (ICPMG), Sep 2022, Daejon, South Korea
Xiaomin Xu, C N Abadie, Tobias Möller, Gianluigi Della Ragione, Talia da Silva Burke
On the use of high-resolution distributed fibre optic sensing for small-scale geotechnical experiments at 1g. 10th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (ICPMG), Sep 2022, Daejon, South Korea
Juntae Seong, Christelle Nadine Abadie, Stuart Haigh, Gopal S.P
Madabhushi. Seismic response of offshore wind monopiles in cohesionless soils. 4th International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG), Aug 2022, Austin (Texas, USA), United States
Juntae Seong, Christelle Nadine Abadie, Gopal S.P
Madabhushi, Stuart Haigh. Dynamic and monotonic response of Monopile Foundations for Offshore wind turbines using centrifuge testing. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2022, 21 (2), pp.1303-1323
Charlie Aaron Spicer, C N Abadie, Gopal Madabhushi
Anchor Pile Design for Floating Offshore Wind Turbines. 3rd International Conference on Natural Hazards and Infrastructure (ICONHIC), Jul 2022, Athens, Greece
Harvey Burd, Christelle Nadine Abadie, Byron Byrne, Guy Houlsby, Christopher Martin, et al.
Application of the PISA design model to monopiles embedded in layered soils. Geotechnique, 2020, 70 (11), pp.1067-1082
Harvey Burd, David Taborda, Lidija Zdravković, Christelle Nadine Abadie, Byron Byrne, et al.
PISA design model for monopiles for offshore wind turbines: application to a marine sand. Geotechnique, 2020, 70 (11), pp.1048-1066
Christelle Nadine Abadie, Byron Byrne, Guy Houlsby
Rigid pile response to cyclic lateral loading: laboratory tests. Geotechnique, 2019, 69 (10), pp.863-876
Christelle Nadine Abadie, Guy Tinmouth Houlsby, Byron Walter Byrne
A method for calibration of the Hyperplastic Accelerated Ratcheting Model (HARM). Computers and Geotechnics, 2019, 112, pp.370-385
Byron Byrne, Harvey Burd, Lidija Zdravkovic, Christelle Nadine Abadie, Guy Houlsby, et al.
PISA Design Methods for Offshore Wind Turbine Monopiles. Offshore Technology Conference, May 2019, Houston, France
C N Abadie, Byron Byrne, Guy Houlsby
Modelling of monopile response to cyclic lateral loading in sand. 8th International Conference, Smarter Solutions for Future Oshore Developments (SUT OSIG), Sep 2017, Londres, United Kingdom
Guy Tinmouth Houlsby, Christelle Nadine Abadie, William J
A. P. Beuckelaers, Byron Walter Byrne. A model for nonlinear hysteretic and ratcheting behaviour. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2017, 120, pp.67-80
Christelle Nadine Abadie
Cyclic Lateral Loading of Monopile Foundations in Cohesionless Soils. Géotechnique. University of Oxford [Oxford], 2016. English
C N Abadie, Byron Byrne, Sarah Levy-Paing
Model pile response to multi-amplitude cyclic lateral loading in cohesionless soils. 3rd International Symposium on Frontiers in Oshore Geotechnics (ISFOG), Jun 2015, Oslo, Norway
C N Abadie, Byron Byrne
Cyclic loading response of monopile foundations in cohesionless soils. 8th International Conference of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (ICPMG), Jan 2014, Perth, Australia