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Research Engineer at ECO7 (Univ. G Eiffel/AME). Trade-off between fuel consumption and pollutant emissions for hybrid vehicles
Thématiques de recherche
Optimisation multi critères des chaînes de traction hybrides. Recherche de compromis consommation/émissions de polluants des véhicules hybrides.
Développement d'applications temps réel sur composants et sur véhicules.
Responsable du banc d'essai moteur du laboratoire ECO7
Research topics
Multi-criteria management of energy flows in vehicles. Trade-off between fuel consumption and pollutant emissions for hybrid vehicles.
Protocol design, testing and diagnosis of hardware in the loop experiments.
Engine test bench manager (setup, administration and troubleshooting).
Mes dernières références
My latest references
Mes références
JEANNERET, Bruno, GUILLE DES BUTTES, Alice, KEROMNES, Alan, PELISSIER, Serge, LE MOYNE, Luis, 2022, Optimal Control for Cleaner Hybrid Vehicles: A Backward Approach, Applied Sciences, 12, 2, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute - MDPI, 22 p., DOI: 10.3390/app12020578
JEANNERET, Bruno, GUILLE DES BUTTES, Alice, PELLUET, Jérémy, KEROMNES, Alan, PELISSIER, Serge, LE MOYNE, Luis, 2021, Optimal Control of a Spark Ignition Engine Including Cold Start Operations for Consumption/Emissions Compromises, Applied Sciences, 11, 3, MDPI, 30 p, DOI: 10.3390/app11030971
GUILLE DES BUTTES, Alice, JEANNERET, Bruno, KEROMMES, Alan, LE MOYNE, Luis, PELISSIER, Serge, 2020, Energy management strategy to reduce pollutant emissions during the catalyst light-off of parallel hybrid vehicles, Applied Energy, 266, Elsevier, DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2020.114866
Télécharger le documentPHILIPPINE, Jef, GUILLE DES BUTTES, Alice, JEANNERET, Bruno, TRIGUI, Rochdi, DENEVE, Florian, PEREYRON, Florian, 2019, Engine Cooling System Optimization for Fuel Consumption Reduction , VPPC'19, IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, Hanoi, VIET NAM, 2019-10-14, IEEE, 6p, DOI: 10.1109/VPPC46532.2019.8952496
GUILLE DES BUTTES, alice, JEANNERET, Bruno, KEROMNES, alan, PELISSIER, Serge, lE MOYNE, luis, 2018, Optimizing Fuel Consumption and Pollutant Emissions of a Spark Ignition Engine for Eco-driving Applications, VPPC 2018, Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, Chicago, ETATS-UNIS, 2018-08-27
Télécharger le documentJEANNERET, Bruno, NDIAYE, Daniel, GILLET, Sylvain, TRIGUI, Rochdi, 2017, H&HIL: A novel tool to test control strategy with Human and Hardware In the Loop, VPPC 2017 (Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference), BELFORT, FRANCE, 2017-12-11
Télécharger le documentJEANNERET, Bruno, NDIAYE, Daniel, GILLET, Sylvain, TRIGUI, Rochdi, 2017, H&HIL: A novel tool to test control strategy with Human and Hardware In the Loop, Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, BELFORT, FRANCE, 2017-12-11
Plus d'infosPANDEY, Varun, JEANNERET, Bruno, GILLET, Sylvain, KEROMNES, Alan, LE MOYNE, Luis, 2016, A simplified thermal model for the three way catalytic converter, TAP 2016, 21st International Transport and Air Pollution Conference, LYON, FRANCE, 2016-05-24, 6 p
TRIGUI, Rochdi, JEANNERET, Bruno, VINOT, Emmanuel, REDONDO-IGLESIAS, Eduardo, 2015, Eco-driving Rules Extraction from a Model Based Optimization for a New Generation EV, IEEE VPPC 2015 - Vehicular Power and Propulsion Conference, MONTREAL, CANADA, 2015-10-19, 6p, DOI: 10.1109/VPPC.2015.7352933
MENSING, Felicitas, BIDEAUX, Eric, TRIGUI, Rochdi, JEANNERET, Bruno, 2014, Trajectory optimisation for eco-driving - an experimentally verified optimisation method, International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing, 8, 4, Inderscience, pp.295-315, DOI: 10.1504/IJVSMT.2013.057524
DA FONSECA, Ramon Naiff, BIDEAUX, Eric, GERARD, Mathias, JEANNERET, Bruno, DESBOIS-RENAUDIN, Matthieu, SARI, Ali, 2014, Control of PEMFC system air group using differential flatness approach: Validation by a dynamic fuel cell system model, Applied Energy, 113, ELSEVIER, pp. 219-229, DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2013.07.043
MENSING, Felicitas, BIDEAUX, Eric, TRIGUI, Rochdi, RIBET, Julien, JEANNERET, Bruno, 2014, Eco-driving: An economic or ecologic driving style?, Transportation research - Part C : Emerging technologies, 38, ELSEVIER, pp. 110-121, DOI: 10.1016/j.trc.2013.10.013
VINOT, Emmanuel, JEANNERET, Bruno, 2014, Fuel consumption vs pollutant emission trade-off for Hybrid Electric Vehicle. An application of the Pontryagin's minimum principle., IEEE VPPC 2014 - Vehicular power and propulsion conference, COIMBRA, PORTUGAL, 2014-10-27, 6 p
Plus d'infosKRECZANIK, Paul, JEANNERET, Bruno, PELISSIER, Serge, 2014, Construction of database on real world uses of electric vehicles - a French case, IEEE VPPC 2014 - Vehicular power and propulsion conference, COIMBRA, PORTUGAL, 2014-10-27, 5 p
Plus d'infosVIEIRA DA ROCHA, Thamara ; CAN, Arnaud ; PARZANI, Céline ; JEANNERET, Bruno ; TRIGUI, Rochdi ; LECLERCQ, Ludovic , 2013 , Are vehicle trajectories simulated by dynamic traffic models relevant for estimating fuel consumption? , Transportation Research : Part D, Transport and Environment , 24 , ELSEVIER , pp. 17-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.trd.2013.03.012
TRIGUI, Rochdi, VINOT, Emmanuel, JEANNERET, Bruno, 2012, Backward Modeling and Energy Management Optimization of a Two Clutches Series-Parallel HEV for Efficiency Assessment, IFAC 8th PPPSC - Power Plant and Power System Control, TOULOUSE, FRANCE, 2012-09-02, 6 p
VIEIRA DA ROCHA, Thamara ; JEANNERET, Bruno ; TRIGUI, Rochdi ; LECLERCQ, Ludovic , 2012 , How simplifying urban driving cycles influence fuel consumption estimation ? , Procedia : social and behavioral sciences , TRA 2012 - Transport Research Arena , ATHENES , GRECE , 23/04/2012 , 48 , ELSEVIER , pp. 1000-1009 , DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.06.1077
KERMANI, Saida ; DELPRAT, Sebastien ; GUERRA, Thierry-Marie ; TRIGUI, Rochdi ; JEANNERET, Bruno , 2012 , Predictive energy management for hybrid vehicle , Control Engineering Practice , 20 , 4 , ELSEVIER , pp. 408–420 , DOI: 10.1016/j.conengprac.2011.12.001
DA FONSECA, Ramon Naiff, BIDEAUX, Eric, JEANNERET, Bruno, GERARD, Mathias, DESBOIS-RENAUDIN, Matthieu, SARI, Ali, 2012, Energy management strategy for hybrid fuel cell vehicle , Proceeding of the 12th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, 12th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems - ICCAS, Jeju, COREE, REPUBLIQUE DE, 2012-10-17, INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS - IEEE, pp. 485-490
Plus d'infosDA FONSECA, Ramon Naiff, BIDEAUX, Eric, GERARD, Mathias, DESBOIS-RENAUDIN, Matthieu, JEANNERET, Bruno, 2012, Hybrid electric system for an Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle and its energy management, SAE Technical Paper, SAE 2012 World Congress & Exhibition, DETROIT, ETATS-UNIS, 2012-04-24, 2012-01-1226, SOCIETY OF AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERS - SAE, 13 p, DOI: 10.4271/2012-01-1226
DELPRAT, Sebastien, KERMANI, Saida, GUERRA, Thierry-Marie, TRIGUI, Rochdi, JEANNERET, Bruno, 2011, Hybrid vehicle energy management using the optimal control problem, Mediterranean Journal of Measurement and Control, SoftMotor Ltd, 9 p
Plus d'infosKERMANI, Saida ; TRIGUI, Rochdi ; DELPRAT, Sebastien ; JEANNERET, Bruno ; GUERRA, Thierry-Marie, 2011, PHIL Implementation of Energy Management Optimization for a Parallel HEV on a Predefined Route, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 60, 3, IEEE, pp. 782-792, DOI:10.1109/TVT.2011.2107534
LHOMME, Walter ; TRIGUI, Rochdi ; BOUSCAYROL, Alain ; DELARUE, Philippe ; JEANNERET, Bruno ; BADIN, François, 2011, Inversion-based control of a vehicle with clutch using a switched causual modelling, International Journal of Systems Science, 42, 2, Taylor&Francis, pp. 319-334, DOI:10.1080/00207720903072373
VINOT, Emmanuel, TRIGUI, Rochdi, JEANNERET, Bruno, 2010, Optimal management of electric vehicles with a hybrid storage system, Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, septembre 2010, Lille, France, IEEE, p1-6, DOI: 10.1109/VPPC.2010.5729126
Plus d'infosTRIGUI, Rochdi ; JEANNERET, Bruno ; MALAQUIN, Bertrand ; PLASSE, C, 2009, Performance comparison of three storage systems for mild HEVs using PHIL simulation, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 58, 8, IEEE, pp. 3959-3969, DOI:10.1109/TVT.2009.2028146
SCORDIA, Julien ; TRIGUI, Rochdi ; DESBOIS-RENAUDIN, Matthieu ; JEANNERET, Bruno ; BADIN, François, 2009, Global approach for hybrid vehicle optimal control, Journal of Asian Electric Vehicles, 7, 1, Asian Electric Vehicle Society, pp. 1221-1230, DOI:10.4130/jaev.7.1221
VINOT, Emmanuel, SCORDIA, Julien, ROCHDI, Trigui, JEANNERET, Bruno, BADIN, François, 2008, Model Simulation, validation and case study of the 2004 THS of Toyota Prius, International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing, Vol3, n3, Inderscience, p139-167, DOI: 10.1504/IJVSMT.2008.023835
Télécharger le documentTRIGUI, Rochdi, JEANNERET, Bruno, MALAQUIN, Bertrand, BADIN, François, PLASSE , C, 2007, Hardware In the Loop Simulation of a Diesel Parallel Mild-Hybrid Electric Vehicle, IEEE VPPC 2007, IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, ARLINGTON VIRGINIA, ETATS-UNIS, 2007-09-09, 8 p
Plus d'infosBADIN, François, SCORDIA, Julien, TRIGUI, Rochdi, VINOT, Emmanuel, JEANNERET, Bruno, 2006, Hybrid electric vehicles energy consumption decrease according to drive train architecture, energy management and vehicle use, The Institution of Engineering and Technology Hybrid Vehicle Conference 2006, COVENTRY, ROYAUME-UNI, 2006-12-12, 12 p
Plus d'infosDABADIE, J.C., MENEGAZZI, P., TRIGUI, Rochdi, JEANNERET, Bruno, 2005, A new tool for advanced vehicle simulations, 7th International Conference on Engines for Automobile ICE 2005, CAPRI, ITALIE, 2005-09-11, 5 p
Plus d'infosSCORDIA, Julien, TRIGUI, Rochdi, JEANNERET, Bruno, BADIN, François, MALAQUIN, Bertrand, 2005, Systematic elaboration of online energy management laws for hybrid vehicles, 21st Worldwide International Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition, MONACO, FRANCE, 2005-04-02, 15 p.
Plus d'infosBADIN, François, BRIAT, O., OLIVIER, S., JEANNERET, Bruno, TRIGUI, Rochdi, MALAQUIN, Bertrand, 2004, The use of batteries in hybrid vehicles, Symposium IEEE VTS Vehicle Power and Propulsion, PARIS, FRANCE, 2004-10-06, 9 p
Plus d'infosTRIGUI, Rochdi, DESBOIS-RENAUDIN, Matthieu, JEANNERET, Bruno, BADIN, François, 2004, Global Forward-Backward Approach for a Systematic Analysis and Implementation of Hybrid Vehicle Management Laws. Application to a Two Clutches Parallel Hybrid Power Train., EET-2004 European Ele-Drive Conference, ESTORIL, PORTUGAL, 2004-03-18, 12 p
Plus d'infosJEANNERET, Bruno, TRIGUI, Rochdi, MALAQUIN, Bertrand, DESBOIS-RENAUDIN, Matthieu, BADIN, François, PLASSE, C., SCORDIA, Julien, 2004, Mise en oeuvre d'une commmande temps réel de transmission hybride sur banc d'essai moteur, 2ème Congrès Européen des Alternatives énergétiques dans l'automobile, POITIERS, FRANCE, 2004-04-07, 11 p
Plus d'infosBADIN, François, DESBOIS-RENAUDIN, Matthieu, TRIGUI, Rochdi, JEANNERET, Bruno, MALAQUIN, Bertrand, SCORDIA, Julien, 2004, Véhicules hybrides, quels choix pour quels gains en émission de gaz à effet de serre, Congrès Européen des Alternatives énergétiques dans l'automobile, POITIERS, FRANCE, 2004-04-07, 9 p
Plus d'infosBADIN, François, JEANNERET, Bruno, HAREL, Fabien, TRIGUI, Rochdi, 2001, Véhicules hybrides, Revue de l'Electricité et de l'Electronique REE, 3, pp. 23-28
Plus d'infosBADIN, François, TRIGUI, Rochdi, JEANNERET, Bruno, HAREL, Fabien, 2000, Stockages électrochimiques de puissance adaptés aux transports en commun, Colloque Gaston Planté 2000, PARIS, FRANCE, 2000-10-30, 7 p
Plus d'infosTRIGUI, Rochdi, HAREL, Fabien, JEANNERET, Bruno, BADIN, François, DEROU, S, 2000, Optimisation globale de la commande d'un moteur synchrone à rotor bobiné. Effets sur la consommation simulée de véhicules électriques et hybrides, GEVIQ 2000, Colloque National Génie Electrique Vie et Qualité, MARSEILLE, FRANCE, 2000-03-21, 6 p
Plus d'infosBADIN, François, JEANNERET, Bruno, TRIGUI, Rochdi, HAREL, Fabien, JULLIEN, Agnès, HANNEBIQUE, M., VAN BERTEN, M., METKEMEIJER, R., MAYER, D., SMAHA, M., VERDIER, L., BERETTA, J., PORCELLATO, M., PARMENTIER, M., DURAND, M., D'USSEL, L., BARIAND, M., BISCAGLIA, S., 2000, SIVTHEC, a research program to evaluate high power batteries ageing in actual use, The 17th International Electric Vehicle Symposium, MONTREAL, CANADA, 2000-10-15, 13 p
Plus d'infosJEANNERET, Bruno, HAREL, Fabien, BADIN, François, TRIGUI, Rochdi, DAMEMME, F., LAVY, J., 1999, Évaluation des performances du véhicule Toyota Prius, C VELEC 97, 3ème colloque sur les véhicules électriques, GRENOBLE, FRANCE, 1999-11-03, 11 p.
Télécharger le documentBADIN, François, JEANNERET, Bruno, TRIGUI, Rochdi, 1997, Véhicule thermique électrique routier : pourquoi, comment?, C VELEC 97, 3ème colloque sur les véhicules électriques, GRENOBLE, FRANCE, 1997-02-05, 11 p
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