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Anne-Sophie EVRARD

Chargée de recherche en épidémiologie

Epidemiology Researcher

Dès le début de ma carrière de chercheur, j’ai choisi de m’investir dans la thématique de recherche “Santé et Environnement” qui a été en 2007 au cœur des engagements du Grenelle de l’environnement.

Ma problématique de recherche actuelle concerne l’évaluation des risques sanitaires environnementaux liés aux transports et aux éoliennes. Je m’intéresse en particulier aux effets de l’exposition au bruit sur la santé en termes de perturbations du sommeil, d’hypertension et de pathologies cardiovasculaires, de troubles psychologiques et de gêne au travers du programme de recherche épidémiologique DEBATS (Discussion sur les Effets du Bruit des Aéronefs Touchant la Santé, 2009-2021), de l’étude de faisabilité CIBÉLIUS (Connaitre l'Impact du Bruit des ÉoLIennes sUr la Santé, 2017-2019) et du projet RIBEolH (Recherche des Impacts du Bruit EOLien sur l'Humain : son, perception, santé, 2020-2024).

From the beginning of my research career, I chose to invest in the "Health and Environment" research field, which in 2007 was at the heart of the Grenelle de l'environnement.

My current research interests focus on the evaluation of environmental health risks related to transportation and wind turbines. I am particularly interested in the effects of noise exposure on health in terms of sleep disturbance, hypertension and cardiovascular disease, psychological distress and annoyance through the epidemiological research program DEBATS (Discussion on the Health Effects of Aircraft Noise, 2009-2021), the feasibility study CIBELIUS (Knowing the Impact of Wind Noise on Health, 2017-2019) and the RIBEolH project (Research on the Impacts of Wind Noise on Humans: sound, perception, health, 2020-2024).

Mes dernières références

My latest references

Mes articles dans des revues classées (2020-2022)

My publications in peer reviewed journals (2020-2022)

EVRARD, Anne Sophie, ECOTIERE, David, DEMIZIEUX, Patrick, GIORGIS-ALLEMAND, Lise, GUILLAUME, Gwenaël, 2022, Exposition de la population au bruit émis par les éoliennes en France métropolitaine, Environnement, Risques et Santé, 21, 5, John Libbey Eurotext, 355-360 , DOI: 10.1684/ers.2022.1675

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ECOTIERE, David, DEMIZIEUX, Patrick, GUILLAUME, Gwenaël, GIORGIS-ALLEMAND, Lise, EVRARD, Anne-Sophie, 2022, Quantification of sound exposure from wind turbines in France, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, MDPI, 14 p, DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19010023

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KOURIEH, Aboud, GIORGIS-ALLEMAND, Lise, BOUAOUN, Liacine, LEFEVRE, Marie, CHAMPELOVIER, Patricia, LAMBERT, Jacques, LAUMON, Bernard, EVRARD, Anne Sophie, 2022, Incident hypertension in relation to aircraft noise exposure: results of the DEBATS longitudinal study in France, Occupational and Environmental Medicine, BMJ PUBLISHING GROUP, 49p, DOI: 10.1136/oemed-2021-107921


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BRINK, Marc, GIORGIS-ALLEMAND, Lise, EVRARD, Anne-Sophie, 2021, Pooling and comparing noise annoyance scores and High Annoyance (HA) responses on the 5-point and 11-point scales: principles and practical advice., International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, MDPI, 13p, DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18147339

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BAUDIN, Clémence, LEFEVRE, Marie, BABISCH, Wolfgang, CADUM, Ennio, CHAMPELOVIER, Patricia, DIMAKOPOULOU, Konstantina, HOUTHUIJS, Danny, LAMBERT, Jacques, LAUMON, Bernard, PERSHAGEN, Goran, STANSFELD , Stephen, VELONAKI, Venetia, EVRARD, Anne-Sophie, 2021, The role of aircraft noise annoyance and noise sensitivity in the association between aircraft noise levels and medication use: results of a pooled analysis from seven European countries, BMC Public Health, 300, 21, SPRINGER, 15p, DOI: 10.1186/s12889-021-10280-3

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BAUDIN, Clémence, LEFEVRE, Marie, CHAMPELOVIER, Patricia, LAMBERT, Jacques, LAUMON, Bernard, EVRARD, Anne-Sophie, 2021, Self-rated health status in relation to aircraft noise exposure, noise annoyance or noise sensitivity: the results of a cross-sectional study in France, BMC Public Health, 21, 116, 11p

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MARTIN, Sylvie, DE GIUDICI, Pascal, GENIER, Jean-Christian, CASSAGNE, Etienne, DORE, Jean-François, DUCIMETIERE, Pierre, EVRARD, Anne-Sophie, LETERTRE, Thierry, SEGALA, Claire, 2020, Health disturbances and exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields from mobile-phone base stations in French urban areas, Environmental Research, Elsevier, 110583, DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2020.110583

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DE GIUDICI, Pascal, MARTIN, Sylvie, GENIER, Jean-Christian, DORE, Jean-François, DUCIMETIERE, Pierre, EVRARD, Anne-Sophie, LETERTRE, Thierry, SEGALA, Claire, 2020, Radiofrequency exposure of people living near mobile-phone base stations in France, Environmental Research, Elsevier, 8p, DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2020.110500

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EVRARD, Anne-Sophie, LEFEVRE, Marie, BAUDIN, Clémence, CARLIER, Marie-Christine, CHAMPELOVIER, Patricia, GIORGIS-ALLEMAND, Lise, LAMBERT, Jacques, LEGER, Damien, NASSUR, Ali Mohamed, LAUMON, Bernard, CENTRE D'EVALUATION TECHNIQUE DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT SONORE EN ILE-DE-FRANCE- BRUITPARIF, 2020, Effets de l'exposition au bruit des avions sur la santé : résultats, à l'inclusion, de l'étude DEBATS, Bulletin épidémiologique hebdomadaire, Institut de veille sanitaire - INVS, pp570-579

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LEFEVRE, Marie, CHAUMOND, Agnès, CHAMPELOVIER, Patricia, GIORGIS-ALLEMAND, Lise, LAMBERT, Jacques, LAUMON, Bernard, EVRARD, Anne-Sophie, 2020, Understanding the relationship between air traffic noise exposure and annoyance in populations living near airports in France, Environment International, 144, Elsevier, p106058, DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2020.106058

Plus d'infos

BAUDIN, Clémence, LEFEVRE, Marie, BABISCH, Wolfgang, CADUM, Ennio, CHAMPELOVIER, Patricia, DIMAKOPOULOU, Konstantina, HOUTHUIJS, Danny, LAMBERT, Jacques, LAUMON, Bernard, PERSHAGEN, Göran, STANSFELD, Stephen, VELONAKI, Venetia, HANSELL, Anna, EVRARD, Anne Sophie, 2020, The role of aircraft noise annoyance and noise sensitivity in the association between aircraft noise levels and hypertension risk: Results of a pooled analysis from seven European countries, Environmental Research, 191, Elsevier, p110179, DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2020.110179

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Mes articles dans des revues classées (2015-2019)

My publications in peer reviewed journals (2015-2019)

BAUDIN, Clémence, LEFEVRE, Marie, SELANDER, Jenny, BABISCH, Wolfgang, CADUM, Ennio, CARLIER, Marie-Christine, CHAMPELOVIER, Patricia, DIMAKOPOULOU, Konstantina, HUITHUIJS, Danny, LAMBERT, Jacques, LAUMON, Bernard, PERSHAGEN, Goran, THEORELL, Tores, VELONAKI, Venetia, HANSELL, Anna, EVRARD, Anne-Sophie, 2019, Saliva cortisol in relation to aircraft noise exposure: pooled-analysis results from seven European countries, Environmental Health, 18, 102, BMC, DOI: 10.1186/s12940-019-0540-0

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LEFEVRE, Marie, CARLIER, Marie-Christine, CHAMPELOVIER, Patricia, LAMBERT, Jacques, LAUMON, Bernard, EVRARD, Anne-Sophie, 2019, Bruit des avions et cortisol salivaire chez les riverains des aéroports en France, Environnement, Risques & Santé, Volume 18, issue 5, September-October 2019, John Libbey Eurotext, pp. 401-410, DOI: 10.1684/ers.2019.1341 10.1684/ers.2019.1341

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NASSUR, Ali Mohamed, LEGER, Damien, LEFEVRE, Marie, ELBAZ, Maxime, MIETLICKI, Fanny, NGUYEN, Philippe, RIBEIRO, Carlos, SINEAU, Matthieu, LAUMON, Bernard, EVRARD, Anne-Sophie, 2019, Effects of Aircraft Noise Exposure on Heart Rate during Sleep in the Population Living Near Airports, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16, 2, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute - MDPI, p. 269, DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16020269

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NASSUR, Ali Mohamed, LEGER, Damien, LEFEVRE, Marie, ELBAZ, Maxime, MIETLICKI, Fanny, NGUYEN, Philippe, RIBEIRO, Carlos, SINEAU, Matthieu, LAUMON, Bernard, EVRARD, Anne-Sophie, 2019, The impact of aircraft noise exposure on objective parameters of sleep quality: Results of the DEBATS study in France, Sleep Medicine, 54, Elsevier, pp. 70-77, DOI: 10.1016/j.sleep.2018.10.013

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BAUDIN, Clémence, LEFEVRE, Marie, CHAMPELOVIER, Patricia, LAMBERT, Jacques, LAUMON, Bernard, EVRARD, Anne-Sophie, 2018, Aircraft Noise and Psychological Ill-Health: The Results of a Cross-Sectional Study in France, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15, 8, MDPI, 14 p, DOI: 10.3390/ijerph15081642

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LEFEVRE, Marie, CHAMPELOVIER, Patricia, LAMBERT, Jacques, LAUMON, Bernard, EVRARD, Anne-Sophie, 2018, Niveau tensionnel moyen et risque d'hypertension chez les riverains des aéroports en France, BEH - Bulletin Epidemiologique Hebdomadaire, 18, Institut de veille sanitaire - INVS, pp. 364-372

Plus d'infos

NASSUR, Ali-Mohamed, LEFEVRE, Marie, LAUMON, Bernard, LÉGER, Damien, EVRARD, Anne Sophie, 2017, Aircraft noise exposure and subjective sleep quality: the results of the DEBATS study in France, Behavioral Sleep Medicine, Taylor & Francis Ltd, pp. 1-12, DOI: 10.1080/15402002.2017.1409224

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LEFEVRE, Marie, CARLIER, Marie-Christine, CHAMPELOVIER, Patricia, LAMBERT, Jacques, LAUMON, Bernard, EVRARD, Anne Sophie, 2017, Effects of aircraft noise exposure on saliva cortisol near airports in France, Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 74, 8, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, pp. 612-618, DOI: 10.1136/oemed-2016-104208

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EVRARD, Anne Sophie, LEFEVRE, Marie, CHAMPELOVIER, Patricia, LAMBERT, Jacques, LAUMON, Bernard, 2017, Does aircraft noise exposure increase the risk of hypertension in the population living near airports in France? , Occupational and Environmental Medicine , 74, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, pp. 123-129 , DOI: 10.1136/oemed-2016-103648

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EVRARD, Anne-Sophie, BOUAOUN, Liacine, CHAMPELOVIER, Patricia, LAMBERT, Jacques, 2016, L'exposition au bruit des avions augmente-t-elle la mortalité par maladie cardiovasculaire dans les communes riveraines des aéroports en France ?, Environnement, Risques et Santé, 15, 6, John Libbey Eurotext, pp. 506-514, DOI: 10.1684/ers.2016.0941

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EVRARD, Anne-Sophie, BOUAOUN, Liacine, CHAMPELOVIER, Patricia, LAMBERT, Jacques, LAUMON, Bernard, 2015, Does exposure to aircraft noise increase the mortality from cardiovascular disease in the population living in the vicinity of airports? Results of an ecological study in France, Noise and Health, 17, 78, WOLTERS KLUWER, pp. 328-336, DOI: 10.4103/1463-1741.165058

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