Anne-Sophie Colas
Bâtiment: Building: L''
25 avenue François Mitterrand$Case24 Cité des mobilités F-69675 Bron Cedex
Bureau: Office: 134
Anne-Sophie Colas
PhD, Eng.
Thèmes de recherche
- Comportement des structures en maçonnerie
- Étude des ouvrages géotechniques et de protection contre les risques rocheux
- Homogénéisation et analyse de stabilité par la théorie du calcul à la rupture
- Analyse de cycle de vie
Parcours académique et professionnel
- Depuis 2020 – Université Gustave Eiffel - Ingénieure-Chercheure HDR au laboratoire RRO
- 2017 – Université Paris-Est – Habilitation à diriger des recherches en Génie Civil
- 2012-2019 – Ifsttar – Ingénieure-Chercheure au laboratoire SDOA puis EMGCU
- 2009-2011 – Sétra – Chargée d'études au Centre des Techniques d'Ouvrages d'Art
- 2009 – ECL–ENTPE – Doctorat en Génie Mécanique (préparé au DGCB de l'ENTPE)
- 2005 – ECL–ENTPE – Master Recherche en Génie Mécanique
- 2005 – ENTPE – Diplôme d'Ingénieur des Travaux Publics de l'État
Encadrement et direction de thèses
- Suzanne Léonard : Évaluation de la capacité portante résiduelle des structures en maçonnerie du génie civil. Thèse ANR Menhir, ENPC, en cours (directeur D. Garnier, encadrant B. Terrade).
- Hicham Cherifi : Vulnérabilité des structures en maçonnerie face aux risques naturels dans un contexte de changement climatique. Thèse Université Gustave Eiffel, en cours (co-directeur D. Garnier, encadrant B. Terrade).
- Amélie Menil : Comportement géotechnique et structurel des tunnels en maçonnerie. Thèse MTE, ENTPE, en cours (directrice M. Bost, encadrant D. Subrin).
- Ambroise Lachat : Le réemploi appliqué au domaine de la construction : principe, impact environnemental et mesure dans le cadre d’une économie circulaire. Thèse Lab Recherche Environnement Vinci-ParisTech, Université Paris-Est, 2022 (directrice A. Feraille, encadrante T. Desbois). Consulter.
- Giovanni Tomaselli : Analytical and numerical approaches to evaluate the load carrying capacity of block masonry structures. Thèse Université de Rome III, 2020 (directeur G. de Felice, co-encadrante M. Malena).
- Benjamin Terrade : Évaluation structurale des murs de soutènement en maçonnerie. Thèse MEDDE, Université Paris-Est, 2017 (directeurs P. de Buhan et J-C. Morel, co-encadrant D. Garnier). Consulter.
- Omar Moreno Regan : Étude du comportement des tunnels en maçonnerie du métro parisien. Thèse CIFRE RATP-Ifsttar, Université Paris-Est, 2016 (directeur P. Chatellier, co-encadrants E. Bourgeois, A. Desbordes et J-F. Douroux). Consulter.
- Depuis 2021 – Mécanique des milieux continus (Cours, L3, 40 h) – ENTPE
- Depuis 2017 – Semaine d'ouverture « Maçonnerie » (Cours/TD/TP, M2, 30 h) – ENPC
- 2015-2016 – Matériaux pour les centrales nucléaires (TP, M2, 8 h) – ENSTA
- 2014-2015 – Calcul des structures du génie civil (Cours, L3, 6 h) – UPMC-Paris VI
- Depuis 2013 – Formation prescripteurs pierre sèche (Form. continue, 8 h) – FFPPS
- 2010-2020 – Résistance des matériaux (Cours, L2, 24 h) – ESTP
- Depuis 2009 – Analyse limite et calcul à la rupture (TD, M2, 15 h) – ENTPE
- 2009-2019 – Résistance des matériaux (TD, M1, 12 h) – ESTP
- 2007-2008 – Mathématiques (TD, L2, 20 h) – ENSAL
- 2006-2009 – Démarche expérimentale en génie civil (TP, M1, 20 h) – ENTPE
- 2006-2009 et 2020-2024 – Calcul scientifique (Cours, L3, 30 h) – ENTPE
Sélection de publications
- T. Parent, M. Brocato, A.-S. Colas, N. Domede, F. Dubois, D. Garnier, A. Gros, J.-C. Mindeguia, S. Morel, P. Morenon, P. Nougayrede, P. Taforel. A multi-model structural analysis of the vaults of Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral after the 2019 fire and a proposal for a hybrid model merging continuum and discrete approaches. Journal of Cultural Heritage, available online, 2023. Consulter.
- A. Lachat, K. Mantalovas, T. Desbois, O. Yazoghli-Marzouk, A-S. Colas, G. Di Mino, A. Feraille. From Buildings' End of Life to Aggregate Recycling under a Circular Economic Perspective: A Comparative Life Cycle Assessment Case Study. Sustainability, 13(17), 9625, 2021. Consulter.
- B. Terrade, A.S. Colas, D. Garnier. Upper bound limit analysis of masonry retaining walls using PIV velocity fields. Meccanica, 53(7), pp.1661-1672, 2018. Consulter.
- O. Moreno Regan, A.S. Colas, E. Bourgeois, P. Chatellier, A. Desbordes, J.F. Douroux. Experimental characterization of the constitutive materials composing an old masonry vaulted tunnel of the Paris subway system. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 12(2), pp.195-215, 2018. Consulter.
- A.S. Colas. Étude des ouvrages en maçonnerie du génie civil : aptitude au service, sécurité et performances environnementales. HDR, Université Paris-Est, 2017. Consulter.
- O. Moreno Regan, E. Bourgeois, A.S. Colas, P. Chatellier, A. Desbordes, J.F. Douroux. Application of a coupled homogenization-damage model to masonry tunnel vaults. Computers and Geotechnics, 83, pp. 132–141, 2017. Consulter.
- H.H. Le, D. Garnier, A.S. Colas, B. Terrade, J.C. Morel. 3D homogenised strength criterion for masonry: Application to drystone retaining walls. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 95, pp. 239–253, 2016. Consulter.
- A.S. Colas, J.C. Morel, D. Garnier. Upper-bound solution for the stability of stone-facing embankments. Materials and Structures, 49(10), pp. 4279–4289, 2016. Consulter.
- A.S. Colas, J.C. Morel, D. Garnier. Assessing dry-stone retaining wall 2D behaviour by full-scale experiments and yield design simulation. Géotechnique, 63(2), pp. 107–117, 2013. Consulter.
- A.S. Colas. Mécanique des murs de soutènement en pierre sèche : modélisation par le calcul à la rupture et expérimentation échelle 1. Thèse de doctorat, ECL–ENTPE, 2009. Consulter.
Research interests
- Assessment of masonry structures
- Geotechnics and rockfall protection structures
- Yield design homogenisation and structural analysis
- Life cycle analysis
Academic and professional background
- Since 2020 - Gustave Eiffel University - Researcher at RRO laboratory
- 2017 – Paris-Est University – Habilitation thesis in Civil Engineering
- 2012-2019 – Ifsttar – Researcher at the EMGCU laboratory
- 2009-2011 – Sétra – Project Engineer at the CTOA
- 2009 – ECL–ENTPE – PhD thesis in Mechanical Engineering
- 2005 – ECL–ENTPE – Master degree in Mechanical Engineering
- 2005 – ENTPE – Engineering degree
Theses supervision
- Ambroise Lachat: Environmental modelling and physical characterization of materials from demolition for their recycling in a circular economy. Lab Recherche Environnement Vinci-ParisTech thesis, Paris-Est University, ongoing (co-supervisors A. Feraille, T. Desbois).
- Giovanni Tomaselli: Analytical and numerical approaches to evaluate the load carrying capacity of block masonry structures. Roma Tre University thesis, 2020 (co-supervisors G. de Felice, M. Malena).
- Benjamin Terrade: Structural assessment of masonry earth retaining walls. MEDDE thesis, Paris-Est University, 2017 (co-supervisors P. de Buhan, J-C. Morel, D. Garnier). Read (in French).
- Omar Moreno Regan: Behavior of the masonry tunnels of the Paris subway system. CIFRE RATP-Ifsttar thesis, Paris-Est University, 2016 (co-supervisors P. Chatellier, E. Bourgeois, A. Desbordes, J-F. Douroux). Read (in French).
Teaching experience
- Since 2017 – "Masonry week" (lectures/tutorials, M2, 30 h) – ENPC
- 2015-2016 – Materials for nuclear power plants (tutorials, M2, 8 h) – ENSTA
- 2014-2015 – Analysis of civil engineering structures (lectures, L3, 6 h) – UPMC-Paris VI
- Since 2013 – Dry-stone training (prof. training, 8 h) – FFPPS
- 2010-2020 – Mechanics of materials (lectures, L2, 24 h) – ESTP
- Since 2009 – Limit analysis and yield design (tutorials, M2, 15 h) – ENTPE
- 2009-2019 – Mechanics of materials (tutorials, M1, 12 h) – ESTP
- 2007-2008 – Mathematics (tutorials, L2, 20 h) – ENSAL
- 2006-2009 – Experimental approach in civil engineering (tutorials, M1, 20 h) – ENTPE
- 2006-2009 and since 2020 – Scientific calculation (lectures, L3, 30 h) – ENTPE
Selected publications
- B. Terrade, A.S. Colas, D. Garnier. Upper bound limit analysis of masonry retaining walls using PIV velocity fields. Meccanica, 53(7), pp.1661-1672, 2018. Read.
- O. Moreno Regan, A.S. Colas, E. Bourgeois, P. Chatellier, A. Desbordes, J.F. Douroux. Experimental characterization of the constitutive materials composing an old masonry vaulted tunnel of the Paris subway system. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 12(2), pp.195-215, 2018. Read.
- A.S. Colas. Analysis of masonry structures in civil engineering: serviceability, safety, and environmental performance. Habilitation thesis, Paris-Est University, 2017. Read (in French).
- O. Moreno Regan, E. Bourgeois, A.S. Colas, P. Chatellier, A. Desbordes, J.F. Douroux. Application of a coupled homogenization-damage model to masonry tunnel vaults. Computers and Geotechnics, 83, pp. 132–141, 2017. Read.
- H.H. Le, D. Garnier, A.S. Colas, B. Terrade, J.C. Morel. 3D homogenised strength criterion for masonry: Application to drystone retaining walls. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 95, pp. 239–253, 2016. Read.
- A.S. Colas, J.C. Morel, D. Garnier. Upper-bound solution for the stability of stone-facing embankments. Materials and Structures, 49(10), pp. 4279–4289, 2016.Read.
- A.S. Colas, J.C. Morel, D. Garnier. Assessing dry-stone retaining wall 2D behaviour by full-scale experiments and yield design simulation. Géotechnique, 63(2), pp. 107–117, 2013. Read.
- A.S. Colas. Dry-stone retaining wall mechanics: yield design modelling and full-scale experiments. PhD thesis, ECL–ENTPE, 2009. Read (in French).
Mes dernières références
My latest references
Mes dernières références
From Buildings' End of Life to Aggregate Recycling under a Circular Economic Perspective: A Comparative Life Cycle Assessment Case Study
Sustainability, 17, 13, 25 p., photos, bibliogr., doi: 10.3390/su13179625
Assessing the Three-Dimensional Behaviour of Dry Stone Retaining Walls by Full-Scale Experiments
International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 14, 9, pp. 1373-1383, doi: 10.1080/15583058.2019.1607627
Experimental characterization of the constitutive materials composing an old masonry vaulted tunnel of the Paris subway system
International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 12, 2, pp. 195-215, doi: 10.1080/15583058.2017.1388883
Étude des ouvrages en maçonnerie du génie civil : aptitude au service, sécurité et performances environnementales
Université Paris-Est Créteil - UPEC, 146 p., bibliogr., fig., tabl.
Télécharger le documentUpper bound limit analysis of masonry retaining walls using PIV velocity fields
Meccanica, 53, 7, pp 1661-1672., doi: 10.1007/s11012-017-0673-6
Application of a coupled homogenization-damage model to masonry tunnel vaults
Computers and geotechnics, 83, p 132-141, doi: 10.1016/j.compgeo.2016.10.024
Cross curves of stability for drystone retaining wall design
IB²MAC - 16th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference, ITALIE, 7p
Plus d'infos3D homogenised strength criterion for masonry: application to drystone retaining walls
Journal of the mechanics and physics of solids, 95, pp 239-253, doi: 10.1016/j.jmps.2016.05.021
Upper-bound solution for the stability of stone-facing embankments
Materials and structures, 49, 10, pp 4279-4289, doi: 10.1617/s11527-015-0787-z
Numerical modelling of the old masonry tunnels of the Paris subway system
SAHC2014 - 9th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, MEXIQUE, 12p
Plus d'infosAdvances on structural, environmental and economical analysis of dry-stone retaining walls
9th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, MEXIQUE, 12p
Plus d'infosHolistic approach of a new masonry arch bridge on a Cevennes road
9th International Masonry Conference, PORTUGAL, 9p
Plus d'infosCalibration of partial safety factors for the assessment of existing bridges
IABSE Conference Rotterdam, PAYS-BAS, 8 p.
Plus d'infosAssessing the two-dimensional behaviour of drystone retaining walls by full-scale experiments and yield design simulation
Geotechnique, 63, 2, pp 107-117, doi: 10.1680/geot.10.P.115