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Articles de revues

DETTI, Abdelkadder, PAHON, Elodie, STEINER, Nadia, JEMEI, Samir, BOUILLAUT, Laurent, SAME, Allou, HISSEL, Daniel, 2022, Remaining Useful Life Prediction for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells Including Reversible and Irreversible Losses, International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, 11, 2, Science Publishing Group, pp 39-46, DOI: 10.11648/j.ijepe.20221102.13

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DETTI, Abdelkadder, YOUSFI-STEINER, Nadia, BOUILLAUT, Laurent, SAME, Allou, JEMEI, Samir, 2022, Hybrid Ageing Model of a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC), International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, 11, 1, Science Publishing Group, pp 17-29, DOI: 10.11648/j.ijepe.20221101.12

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HANINI, Maria, KHEBBACHE, Selma, BOUILLAUT, Laurent, HADJI, Makhlouf, 2022, Dynamic and adaptive grouping maintenance strategies: New scalable optimization algorithms, Journal of Risk and Reliability, 236, 5, Sage Publications Ltd, pp 647-660, DOI: 10.1177/1748006X211049924

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REDONDIN, Maxime, BOUILLAUT, Laurent, DAUCHER, Dimitri, 2021, EM Approach for Weibull Analysis in a Strongly Censored Data Context - Application to Road Markings, International journal of performability engineering, 17, 4, Totem Publisher, pp. 333-342, DOI: 10.23940/ijpe.21.04.p1.333342

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REDONDIN, Maxime, BOUILLAUT, Laurent, DAUCHER, Dimitri, 2020, A Clustering-based Approach to Segment a Pavement Markings Line, International Journal of Performability Engineering, 16, 10, Totem Publisher, pp 1497-1508, DOI: 10.23940/ijpe.20.10.p1.14971508

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BOUILLAUT, Laurent, FRANCOIS, Olivier, PUTALLAZ, Yves, GRANIER, Clément, CIEUX, Christophe, 2020, A hybrid approach for the evaluation of rail monitoring and maintenance strategies for the Grand Paris Express new metro, International Journal of Performability Engineering, 16, Totem Publisher, pp 1685-1697, DOI: 10.23940/ijpe.20.11.p1.16851697

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PASCALE, Emanuele, BOUILLAUT, Laurent, FRENEAUX, Thierry, SISTA, Raffaele, SANNINO, Paolo, MARMO, Pietro, 2018, A Weibull Approach for Enabling Safety-Oriented Decision-Making for Electronic Railway Signaling Systems, Safety, 4, 2, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute - MDPI, 17 p., DOI: 10.3390/safety4020017

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FOULLIARON, Josquin, BOUILLAUT, Laurent, AKNIN, Patrice, BARROS, Anne, 2017, A dynamic Bayesian network approach for prognosis computations on discrete states systems, Journal of Risk and Reliability, 231, 5, Sage Publications Ltd, pp. 516-533, DOI: 10.1177/1748006X17712661

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FOULLIARON, Josquin, BOUILLAUT, Laurent, AKNIN, Patrice, BARROS, Anne, 2017, An Extension Graphical Duration Models Integrating Conditional Sojourn Time Distributions, International Journal of Performability Engineering, 13, 2, RAMS Consultants, pp. 153-172 , DOI: 10.23940/ijpe.17.02.p6.153172

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BOUILLAUT, Laurent ; FRANCOIS, Olivier ; DUBOIS, Stéphane , 2013 , A Bayesian network to evaluate underground rails maintenance strategies in an automation context , Journal of Risk and Reliability , 4 , 227 , INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS - IME , pp 411-424 , DOI: 10.1177/1748006X13481306

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Articles en congrès internationnaux

HANINI, Maria, KHEBBACHE, Selma, BOUILLAUT, Laurent, HADJI, Makhlouf, 2021, Grouping maintenance strategies optimization for complex systems: A constrained-clustering approach, ESREL 2021, 31st European Safety and Reliability Conference, Angers, FRANCE, 2021-09-19, 8p, DOI: 10.3850/978-981-18-2016-8 254-cd

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NAJEH, Ikram, BOUILLAUT, Laurent, DAUCHER, Dimitri, REDONDIN, Maxime, 2021, Dynamic grouping maintenance policy for the road infrastructure, ESREL2021, 31st European Safety and Reliability Conference, Angers, FRANCE, 2021-09-19, 7p

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NAJEH, Ikram, BOUILLAUT, Laurent, DAUCHER, Dimitri, REDONDIN, Maxime, 2020, Maintenance Strategy for the Road Infrastructure for the Autonomous Vehicle, ESREL'20 - PSAM 15, 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and the 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference, VENISE, ITALIE, 2020-11-01, 7p

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TIDJANI, Ali, REDONDIN, Maxime, BOUILLAUT, Laurent, DAUCHER, Dimitri, 2019, Impact of road infrastructure characteristics on road markings, ESREL'19, 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference, Hanovre, ALLEMAGNE, 2019-09-22, 9p

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REDONDIN, Maxime, BOUILLAUT, Laurent, DAUCHER, Dimitri, FAUL, Nadège, 2019, A systematic replacement strategy in the context of a strongly censored lifetime. Application to road markings, ESREL'19, 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference, Hanovre, ALLEMAGNE, 2019-09-22, 8p

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MAIORANO, Cristian, PASCALE, Emanuele, SHENKELBERG, Fred, BOUILLAUT, Laurent, SANNINO, Paolo, SOLORZANO, Yusmery, BORRIELLO, Stanislao, MARMO, Pietro, 2019, MTBF (Metric That Betrays Folk), ESREL'19, 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference, Hanovre, ALLEMAGNE, 2019-09-22, 6p

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DETTI, Abdelkader Haidar, YOUSFI STEINER, Nadia, BOUILLAUT, Laurent, SAME, Allou, 2019, Fuel Cell Performance Prediction Using an AutoRegressive Moving-Average ARMA Model, VPPC 2019, Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, Hanoi, VIET NAM, 2019-10-14

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REDONDIN, Maxime, FAUL, Nadège, BOUILLAUT, Laurent, SAME, Allou, DAUCHER, Dimitri, 2018, Un Algorithme EM pour l'analyse de durée de vie des marquages routiers rétro-réfléchissants, Congrès Lambda Mu 21, Maîtrise des risques et transformation numérique : opportunités et menaces, Reims, France, 2018-10-16, 8 p

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PETIET, Florence, FRANCOIS, Olivier, BOUILLAUT, Laurent, 2018, Une nouvelle approche de réseau bayesien hybride pour la modélisation de la fiabilité, Congrès Lambda Mu 21, Maîtrise des risques et transformation numérique : opportunités et menaces, Reims, France, 2018-10-16, 6 p

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REDONDIN, Maxime, FAUL, Nadège, BOUILLAUT, Laurent, SAME, Allou, DAUCHER, Dimitri, 2018, Alternative Weibull analysis for road markings: an EM approach, ESREL2018 - European Safety and Reliability Conference, Trondheim, NORVEGE, 2018-06-17, 7p

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PETIET, Florence, FRANCOIS, Olivier, BOUILLAUT, Laurent, 2018, A new hybrid Bayesian network approach for modeling reliability, ESREL'18, European Safety and Reliability Conference, Trondheim, NORVEGE, 2018-06-17, 8p

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LIANG, Ci, GHAZEL, Mohamed, CAZIER, Olivier, BOUILLAUT, Laurent, EL KOURSI, El Miloudi, 2017, Bayesian Network Modeling Applied on Railway Level Crossing Safety, RSSRail 2017 - 2nd International Conference Reliability, Safety and Security of Railway Systems: Modelling, Analysis, Verification and Certification, Pistoia, ITALIE, 2017-11-14, Springer Verlag, 15p

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REDONDIN, Maxime, FAUL, Nadège, BOUILLAUT, Laurent, DAUCHER, Dimitri, 2017, Reconstruction of missing retroreflexion data according to yearly inspection of markings, MMR 2017 - 10th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, Grenoble, FRANCE, 2017-07-03, 8p

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REDONDIN, Maxime, FAUL, Nadège, BOUILLAUT, Laurent, DAUCHER, Dimitri, 2017, Temporal clustering of retroreflective marking, ESREL 2017, European Safety and Reliability Conference, Portoroz, SLOVÉNIE, 2017-06-18, 7p

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PASCALE, E, FRENEAUX, Thierry, SISTA, Raffaele, SANNINO, Paolo, MARMO, Pietro, BOUILLAUT, Laurent, 2017, Application of the Weibull distribution for the optimization of maintenance policies of an electronic railway signaling system, ESREL 2017, European Safety and Reliability Conference, PORTOROZ, SLOVÉNIE, 2017-06-18, 8p

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ZHANG, J, LIU, Y, LUNDTEIGEN, Mary Ann, BOUILLAUT, Laurent, 2016, Using Bayesian networks to quantify the reliability of a subsea system in the early design, ESREL 2016 - Risk, Reliability and Safety: Innovating Theory and Practice, GLASGOW, ROYAUME-UNI, 2016-09-25, TAYLOR & FRANCIS, 8p

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FOULLIARON, Josquin, BOUILLAUT, Laurent, BARROS, Anne, AKNIN, Patrice, 2015, Dynamic bayesian networks for reliability analysis: from a Markovian point of view to semi-markovian approaches, SAFEPROCESS'15 - 9th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes, PARIS, France, 2015-09-02, 48, 21, Elsevier, pp. 694-700, DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.09.608

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FOULLIARON, Josquin, BOUILLAUT, Laurent, AKNIN, Patrice, BARROS, Anne, 2015, A specific semi-markovian dynamic bayesian network estimating residual useful life, 16th ASMDA Conference, LE PIREE, GRECE, 2015-06-30, 13 p

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ROZAS, Rony, BOUILLAUT, Laurent, AKNIN, Patrice, BRANGER, Guillaume, 2014, How to keep optimal maintenance strategies with a dynamic optimization approach?, Railways 2014, The Second International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance, AJACCIO, FRANCE, 2014-04-08, 12p

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FOULLIARON, Josquin, BOUILLAUT, Laurent, AKNIN, Patrice, BARROS, Anne, 2014, A specific Dynamic Bayesian Network for a prognosis based maintenance strategy, Railways 2014, The Second International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance, AJACCIO, FRANCE, 2014-04-08, 18p

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FOULLIARON, Josquin, BOUILLAUT, Laurent, AKNIN, Patrice, BARROS, Anne, ROZAS, Rony, 2013, A prognostic algorithm based on probabilistic graphical models for a periodically observable system, ESREL 2013 - European Safety and Reliability Conference, AMSTERDAM, PAYS-BAS, 2013-09-29, 8p

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HAN, Yufei ; FRANCOIS, Olivier ; SAME, Allou ; BOUILLAUT, Laurent ; OUKHELLOU, Latifa ; AKNIN, Patrice ; BRANGER, Guillaume , 2013 , Online predictive diagnosis of electrical train door systems , WCRR 2013 - 10th World Congress on Railway Research , SYDNEY , AUSTRALIE , 25/11/2013 , 6p

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ROZAS, Rony ; BOUILLAUT, Laurent ; AKNIN, Patrice ; SAME, Allou ; FRANCOIS, Olivier ; BRANGER, Guillaume , 2013 , A rollingstock door system’s dynamic maintenance strategies based on a sensitivity analysis through bayesian networks , WCRR 2013 - 10th World Congress on Railway Research , SYDNEY , AUSTRALIE , 25/11/2013 , 8p

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FOULLIARON, Josquin ; BOUILLAUT, Laurent ; BARROS, Anne ; AKNIN, Patrice ; ROZAS, Rony , 2013 , A Probabilistic Graphical Models approach for rail prognosis based maintenance in a periodic observations context , International Conference on Railway Engineering , LONDRES , ROYAUME-UNI , 10/07/2013 , 14p

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