Xavier Chapeleau
Chercheur, membre de l'équipe I4S commune Inria/Univ. Eiffel
Bâtiment: Building: DARCY
Allée des Ponts et Chaussées$Route de Bouaye$CS 5004$44344 Bouguenais Cedex
Bureau: Office: 035
Xavier Chapeleau
Chercheur, membre de l'équipe I4S commune Inria/Univ. Eiffel
Researcher Laboratory: COSYS/SII (Department: Components and Systems / Group: Structure and Integrated Instrumentation) Member of the I4S team (Inference for Structures, joint Inria/Université Gustave Eiffel team)
Affectation : COSYS/SII (Département: COmposants et SYStèmes / Groupe SII: Structure et Instrumentation Intégrée)
Thématique de recherche
Mes travaux de recherche concernent l’instrumentation et le monitoring de structures (ouvrages d’art, éoliennes, etc.) et d’infrastructures (routières, ferroviaires, etc.) de génie civil par des capteurs à fibre optique, et plus particulièrement ceux permettant de réaliser des mesures réparties de déformation.
Axes de recherche
o Axe 1 : Etude du comportement mécanique (modélisation de la fonction de transfert) et la durabilité des capteurs à fibre optique collés ou insérés à cœur
o Axe 2 : Développement de méthode de surveillance et de diagnostic sur le long terme pour des structures réelles (par exemple suivi d'ouverture de fissure)
Publications (depuis 2013)
- Article dans revue à comité de lecture
- Q. Sourisseau, E. Lepretre, S. Chataigner, X. Chapeleau, L. Mouton, S. Paboeuf. Use of high spatial resolution distributed optical fiber to monitor the crack propagation of an adhesively bonded joint during ENF and DCB tests, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 115, art. no. 103124, June 2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijadhadh.2022.103124
- K. Mharsi, X. Chapeleau, J. Fajoui, A. Sellami, P. Casari, M. Kchaou. Characterization shear properties of PVC foams instrumented by optical fiber under flexural loading. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 50(1), art. no. JTE20200123, January 2022. DOI: 10.1520/JTE20200123
- X. Chapeleau and A. Bassil. A General Solution to Determine Strain Profile in the Core of Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors under Any Arbitrary Strain Fields. Sensors, 21(16), pp. 5433, 2021. DOI:10.3390/s21165423
- B. Sawicki, A. Bassil, E. Brühwiler, X. Chapeleau, D. Leduc. Detection and Measurement of Matrix Discontinuities in UHPFRC by Means of Distributed Fiber Optics Sensing. Sensors, 20(14), pp. 3883, 2020. DOI: 10.3390/s20143883
- A. Bassil, X. Chapeleau, D. Leduc and O. Abraham. Concrete Crack Monitoring using a Novel Strain Transfer Model for Distributed Fiber Optics Sensors. Sensors, 20(8), pp. 2220, 2020. DOI: 10.3390/s20082220
- A. Bassil, X. Wang, X. Chapeleau, E. Niederleithinger, O. Abraham and D. Leduc. Distributed fiber optics sensing and coda wave interferometry techniques for damage monitoring in concrete structures. Sensors, 19(2), pp.356, 2019. DOI: 10.3390/s19020356
- X. Chapeleau, J. Blanc, P. Hornych, J. Carroget and J-L. Gautier. Assessment of crack detection in pavement by a distributed fiber optic sensing, technology. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, vol. 7 (26), pp. 1-12, August 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s13349-017-0236-5
- J. Waeytens, B. Rosić, P.-E. Charbonnel, E. Merliot, D. Siegert, X. Chapeleau, R. Vidal, V. le Corvec, L.-M. Cottineau. Model updating techniques for damage detection in concrete beam using optical fiber strain measurement device. Engineering Structures, vol.129, pp. 2-10, December 2016. DOI:10.1016/j.engstruct.2016.08.004
- X. Chapeleau, T, Sedran, L-M. Cottineau, J. Cailliau, F. Taillade, J.M. Henault and Y. Gueguen. Study of ballastless track structure monitoring by distributed optical fiber sensors on a real-scale mockup in laboratory. Engineering Structures, vol. 56, pp. 1751-1757, 2013. DOI:10.1016/j.engstruct.2013.07.005
- Communication avec actes dans un congrès international
- P. Leiva-Padilla, X. Chapeleau, M.-L. Nguyen, J. Blanc, S. Allam, E. Loison, P. Hornych, Use of Distributed Fibre Optic Sensors for the Monitoring of an Accelerated Pavement Test, Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting, Washington, DC (USA), January 7–11, 2024.
- Q. Sourisseau, E. Lepretre, S. Chataigner, X. Chapeleau, M. Deydier, S. Paboeuf. A new adhesively bonded composite repair for offshore steel structures: strength assessment and fatigue, CICE 2023, 11th International Conference on Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE 2023), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 24-26 July 2023. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.8136454.
- N. Delaplanque, S. Chataigner, L. Gaillet, M. Quiertant, K. Benzarti, A. Rolland, X. Chapeleau, A.S Flores. Durability in Alkaline Environment of a Fiber Optic Sensor Bonded at the Surface of Reinforcing Bars for Distributed Strain Measurements in Concrete Structures, EWSHM 2022, 10th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Palermo (Italy), July 2022.
- Q. Sourisseau, E. Lepretre, S. Chataigner, X. Chapeleau, L. Mouton, S. Paboeuf. Adhesively Bonded FRP Reinforcement of Steel Structures: Surface Preparation Analysis and Influence of the Primer, OMAE 2022, 41st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, Hamburg, (Germany), June 2022.
- Q. Sourisseau, E. Lepretre, S. Chataigner, X. Chapeleau, L. Mouton, S. Paboeuf. Use of Distributed Optical Fibre to Monitor the Crack Propagation of an Adhesively Bonded Joint During an ENF Test, CICE 2020/2021, International Conference on Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites in Civil Engineering, virtual, Istanbul (Turkey), December 2022.
- A. Bassil, E. Niederleithinger, X. Wang, D. Kadoke, X. Chapeleau, D. Leduc, O. Abraham, M. Breithaupt, S. Potschke. Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors for multiple crack monitoring in reinforced concrete structures, International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM), Stanford University, Stanford (CA, USA), September 2019.
- A. Bassil, X. Chapeleau, D. Leduc, O. Abraham. Quantification of cracks in reinforced concrete structures using distributed fiber optic sensors. EWSHM 2018, 9th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Manchester (UK), July 2018.
- O. Abraham, E. Niederleithinger, X. Chapeleau, P. Klikowicz, E. Brühwiler, A. Bassil, X. Wang, J. Chakraborty, I. Bayane, D. Leduc, M. Salamak, A. Katunin, J. D. Sorensen. Addressing the need to monitor concrete fatigue with Non Destructive Testing: preliminary results of Infrastar European project. SMT and NDT-CE 2018, New Brunswick (CA, USA). SMT and NDT-CE 2018, 12p, August 2018.
- X. Chapeleau, L-M. Cottineau, T, Sedran, A. Brisson, S. Kolodziejski, C. Masson. Monitoring of temperature gradient effects on the mechanical behavior of a real ballastless track structure, International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM), Stanford University, Stanford (CA, USA), September 2015.
- J. Waeytens, B. Rosic, P.E. Charbonnel, E. Merliot, D. Siegert, X. Chapeleau et R. Vidal, V. Le Corvec and L-M. Cottineau. Comparison of model updating techniques using strain sensor outputs to detect damages in a 8 meter post tensioned concrete beam, International Conference on Recent Advances in Rehabilitation and Sustainability of Structures (RehabStructures), Ponta Delgada (Portugal), June 2015.
- X. Chapeleau, J. Blanc, P. Hornych, J-L. Gautier, J. Carroget. Use of Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors to Detect Damage in a Pavement. EWSHM 2014 - 7th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Jul 2014, Nantes, France. 2014.
- O. Abraham, Y. Zhang, X. Chapeleau, O. Durand and V. Tournat. Monitoring of a Large Cracked Concrete Sample with Non-Linear Mixing of Ultrasonic Coda Waves. EWSHM 2014 - 7th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Jul 2014, Nantes, France. 2014.
- X. Chapeleau, J. Blanc Juliette, P. Hornych, J-L. Gautier and J. Carroget. Use of a distributed fiber optic sensor to detect damage in a pavement, International Society for Asphalt Pavements (ISAP), Raleigh, (NC, USA), june 2014.
- X. Chapeleau, M. Drissi-Habti, L. Quetel and T. Robin. Development of smart pultruded composite materials with embedded fiber Bragg gratings for in-situ strain monitoring, 9th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM), Stanford University, Stanford, (CA, USA), September 2013. Structural Health Monitoring 2013, vols 1 and 2, pp. 839-845, published: 2013.
- Communication avec actes dans un congrès national
- P. Leiva-Padilla, X. Chapeleau, M.-L. Nguyen, S. Allam, E. Loison, J. Blanc, P. Hornych. Perspectives d’utilisation des capteurs à fibre optique continus pour l’instrumentation des chaussées. Congrès Français du Génie Civil CFGC 2023, 23-25 mai 2023 à l'ENS Paris-Saclay. HAL Id : hal-04229031 (recueil des communications)
- Q. Sourisseau, E. Lepretre, S. Chataigner, X. Chapeleau, M. Deydier, S. Paboeuf. Evaluation de la résistance sous chargement monotone et vis-à-vis de la fatigue de patchs collés développés pour la réparation de structures métalliques offshore, Journées Nationales des Composites (JNC) 2023, Comptes Rendus des JNC 23 – Besançon – 3-5 juillet 2023. HAL Id : hal-04331794
- Q. Sourisseau, E. Lepretre, S. Chataigner, X. Chapeleau, L. Mouton, S. Paboeuf. Suivi de la propagation de fissure par fibre optique « continue » dans des joints collés lors d’essais MMB, CFM 2022, Congrès Français de Mécanique, Nantes (France), Septembre 2022.
- J. Waeytens, M. P. Limongelli, E. Merliot, D. Siegert, X. Chapeleau et R. Vidal, V. Le Corvec, L-M. Cottineau. Détection d'endommagement dans une poutre en béton précontraint par recalage de modèles et mesures par fibre optique. Rencontres Universitaires de Génie Civil, mai 2015, Bayonne, France. HAL Id : hal-01167579
- X. Chapeleau, T. Sedran, P. Hornych, J. Sohm, L-M. Cottineau, J. Cailliau, J-L. Gautier. Capteurs à fibres optiques répartis : évaluation de la technologie Rayleigh pour la surveillance de voies ferroviaires et de chaussées, Contrôles et Mesures Optiques pour l'Industrie (CMOI), Orléans (France), nov. 2013.
- Communication orale sans actes dans un congrès national ou international
- Q. Sourisseau, M. Deydier, S. Paboeuf, E. Lepretre, S. Chataigner, X. Chapeleau. Development of Composite patch for Offshore Steel Repair. 1st International Conference on Durability, Repair and Maintenance of Structures, Porto (Portugal), 16-17 March 2023.
- Q. Sourisseau, E. Lepretre, S. Chataigner, X. Chapeleau, L. Mouton, S. Paboeuf. Use of infrared spectrometry and surface energy measurement for surface characterization before bonding, JNC 2021, 22eme Journées nationales des composites 2021, en virtuel.
- Communication par affiche dans un congrès international
1. X. Chapeleau, Strain Transfer Modeling of Distributed Optical Fiber Sensors Under any Arbitrary Strain Distribution: a General Solution, OFS 2022, 27th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors, Alexandria (VA, USA), September 2022.
2. X. Chapeleau, L-M. Cottineau, T. Sedran, J. Cailliau, I. Gueguen and J. Dumoulin. Instrumentation by accelerometers and distributed optical fiber sensors of a real ballastless track structure, European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienne (Autriche), April 2015.
3. X. Chapeleau, L-M. Cottineau, T. Sedran, J. Cailliau, I. Gueguen. Evaluation of a fiber-optic distributed sensing technology for monitoring a new ballastless track structure, Transport Research Arena (TRA), Paris, April 2014.
4. X. Chapeleau, L-M. Cottineau, T. Sedran, I. Gueguen and J. Cailliau. Instrumentation by distributed optical fiber sensors of a new ballastless track structure, European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienne (Autriche), April 2013.
5. X. Chapeleau and M. Drissi-Habti. Monitoring of Smart Composite Materials by Optical Fiber Sensors: From Fabrication to Mechanical Characterization, 6th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM), Dresde, (Allemgne), Sept. 2012.
Encadrement de doctorants
- Mira Kabbara. Modeling and characterization of optical cables used for distributed strain measurements. Thèse débutée le 01/11/2022. Directeur de thèse : Qinghua Zhang (Inria, I4S) , co-directeur de thèse : Frédéric Bourquin (Univ. Gustave Eiffel). Encadrant: Xavier Chapeleau (Univ. Gustave Eiffel/ COSYS/SII-I4S).
- Arij Fawaz. Durability of adhesively bonded joints in marine environment under mode II (shear). Thèse débutée le 01/11/2022. Directeur de thèse : Sylvain Chataigner (Univ. Gustave Eiffel/ MAST/SMC), Xavier Chapeleau (Univ. Gustave Eiffel/ COSYS/SII-I4S) et Emilie Leprêtre (Univ. Gustave Eiffel/ MAST/SMC).
- Quentin Sourisseau. Evaluation de stratégies de dimensionnement de renforcements composites collés sur structures métalliques offshore. Début soutenue le21/10/2022. Directeur de thèse : Sylvain Chataigner (Univ. Gustave Eiffel/ MAST/SMC), Xavier Chapeleau (Univ. Gustave Eiffel/ COSYS/SII-I4S) et Emilie Leprêtre (Univ. Gustave Eiffel/ MAST/SMC).
- Antoine Bassil. Distributed Fiber Optics Sensing techniques for Crack Monitoring of Concrete Structures. Thèse soutenue le 26/11/2019. Directeur de thèse : Dominique Leduc (Université de Nantes/GeM) , co-directrice de thèse : Odile Abraham (Univ. Gustave Eiffel/ GERS/GeoEND), Xavier Chapeleau (UGE/ COSYS/SII-I4S).
Research topics
My research work concerns the instrumentation and monitoring of structures (engineering structures, wind turbines, etc.) and infrastructures (roads, railways, etc.) of civil engineering by fiber optic sensors, and more particularly those allowing to carry out distributed deformation measurements.
Main research works
o The mechanical behavior (transfer function modeling) and durability of fiber optic sensors bonded or embedded
o The development of long-term monitoring and diagnostic methods for real structures (e.g. crack opening monitoring)
Publications (since 2013)
- X. Chapeleau and A. Bassil. A General Solution to Determine Strain Profile in the Core of Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors under Any Arbitrary Strain Fields. Sensors, 21(16), pp. 5433, 2021. DOI:10.3390/s21165423
- B. Sawicki, A. Bassil, E. Brühwiler, X. Chapeleau, D. Leduc. Detection and Measurement of Matrix Discontinuities in UHPFRC by Means of Distributed Fiber Optics Sensing. Sensors, 20(14), pp. 3883, 2020. DOI: 10.3390/s20143883
- A. Bassil, X. Chapeleau, D. Leduc and O. Abraham. Concrete Crack Monitoring using a Novel Strain Transfer Model for Distributed Fiber Optics Sensors. Sensors, 20(8), pp. 2220, 2020. DOI: 10.3390/s20082220
- A. Bassil, X. Wang, X. Chapeleau, E. Niederleithinger, O. Abraham and D. Leduc. Distributed fiber optics sensing and coda wave interferometry techniques for damage monitoring in concrete structures. Sensors, 19(2), pp.356, 2019. DOI: 10.3390/s19020356
- X. Chapeleau, J. Blanc, P. Hornych, J. Carroget and J-L. Gautier. Assessment of crack detection in pavement by a distributed fiber optic sensing, technology. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, vol. 7 (26), pp. 1-12, August 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s13349-017-0236-5
- J. Waeytens, B. Rosić, P.-E. Charbonnel, E. Merliot, D. Siegert, X. Chapeleau, R. Vidal, V. le Corvec, L.-M. Cottineau. Model updating techniques for damage detection in concrete beam using optical fiber strain measurement device. Engineering Structures, vol.129, pp. 2-10, December 2016. DOI:10.1016/j.engstruct.2016.08.004
- X. Chapeleau, T, Sedran, L-M. Cottineau, J. Cailliau, F. Taillade, J.M. Henault and Y. Gueguen. Study of ballastless track structure monitoring by distributed optical fiber sensors on a real-scale mockup in laboratory. Engineering Structures, vol. 56, pp. 1751-1757, 2013. DOI:10.1016/j.engstruct.2013.07.005
PhD thesis supervision
- Antoine Bassil. Distributed Fiber Optics Sensing techniques for Crack Monitoring of Concrete Structures. Thèse soutenue le 26/11/2019. Directeur de thèse : Dominique Leduc (Université de Nantes/GeM) , co-directrice de thèse : Odile Abraham (UGE/ GERS/GeoEND) , Xavier Chapeleau (UGE/ COSYS/SII-I4S)
- Quentin Sourisseau. Evaluation de stratégies de dimensionnement de renforcements composites collés sur struc-tures métalliques offshore. Début de thèse: 01/08/2019. Directeur de thèse : Sylvain Chataigner (UGE/ MAST/SMC) , Xavier Chapeleau (UGE/ COSYS/SII-I4S) et Emilie Leprêtre (UGE/ MAST/SMC)