Jean Paul ROCCHI
Professeur des Universités en Littératures et Cultures Américaines
CFR / UFR LCS - Langues, Cultures et Sociétés
5 boulevard Descartes$Champs-sur-Marne$77454 Marne-la-Vallée Cedex 2
Jean Paul ROCCHI
Professeur des Universités en Littératures et Cultures Américaines
CFR / UFR LCS - Langues, Cultures et Sociétés
Areas of specialization
African American Literature and Culture
Gender and Sexuality Studies
Theories of the Subject
Epistemology and Methodologies in Social Sciences and the Humanities (Transdisciplinarity)
Black Thought, Literature, and Culture
Professional Appointments
September 2011-: Full Professor of American Studies at the Université Gustave Eiffel (formerly known as Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée). First Class since June 2015.
2001-2011: “Maître de Conférences en Littérature américaine” (Associate Professor in American Literature), Université Paris-Diderot.
2000-2001: “Attaché temporaire d’enseignement et de recherche” (Assistant Professor), Université de Tours.
1998-2000: “Monitorat” (Teaching Assistant), Université Paris IV-Sorbonne.
1995-1996: “Lectorat” (University French Assistant), Department of Business Policy and Marketing, University of Central England Business School, Birmingham, the United Kingdom.
1995-1996: “Tutorat” (Tutorials in French), The Open University, Midlands, the United Kingdom.
1994-1995: “Assistanat” (High School French Assistant), Tudor Grange School and St Peter’s Catholic School, Solihull, West Midlands, United Kingdom.
Professional Experience and Service
At the Université Paris-Diderot (2001-2011)
Elected Member of the Faculty Board, Charles V Institute of English and Anglophone Studies, Université Paris-Diderot, 2003-2011.
Co-chair of the Equivalence of Degrees Committee, June 2003-December 2005.
Coordinator of the American Literature Courses, September 2003-September 2009.
Member of the Faculty Recruiting Committee (American Literature), February 2004-September 2008.
Member of the Committee on the Master of Arts Diploma and the Bachelor of Arts Diploma.
Member of the “LARCA” Board (Research Group on Anglophone Cultures) (EA 4214). Co-director of the research program “Identités plurielles: formes, formations, transformations” (“Multiple Identity: Forms, Formations, and Transformations”).
Elected Member of the Scientific Board, Charles V Institute of English and Anglophone Studies, Université Paris-Diderot, 2008-2011.
Elected Member of the University Board, Université Paris-Diderot, 2009.
At the Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée / Université Gustave Eiffel (2011-)
Elected Director Adjunct, IMAGER (EA 3958) “Institut du Monde Anglophone, Germanique et Roman” (Research Center on the English, German and Roman-Speaking Worlds), Universities Paris-Est Créteil and Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée. 2013-2014.
Elected Deputy co-director, LISAA (EA 4120) “Littératures, Savoirs et Arts” (Research Center on Literature, Arts and Knowledge), Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée. 2015.
Elected Co-director of the Graduate School “Cultures et Sociétés” (Cultures and Societies), ED 529, Université Paris-Est, July 16, 2014-July 2020. The Graduate School “Cultures et Sociétés” includes 9 research groups in the Humanities and Social Sciences with some 280 doctoral students.
Elected Member of the “Commission Permanente 11ème et 12ème sections” (“Recruiting Committee of Tenured and Non-tenured Academics in English and German Studies), Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, since 2011.
Member of the “Comité de Pilotage de la Maison Internationale des Sciences Sociales et Humaines, Projet I-site UPE” (Steering Committee for the Creation of the International Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Université Paris-Est), since December 2014.
Representative of the Université Paris-Est-Marne-la-Vallée at the “Institut des Amériques” (since 2015).
To the Profession
Board member of the Collegium for African American Research (CAAR) (, 2009-2015.
Books and Journals Peer-review Referee
For Rowman and Littlefield International and the following journals: Revue Française d’Etudes Américaines, Interfaces, Quaderna.
International Advisory Board
Of the journal Philosophy and Global Affairs (since 2020).
Of the Council of the University of Kwa Zulu-Natal's Gender Studies Program, South Africa.
Member of the Editorial Board
Of the following book series “Global Critical Caribbean Thought,” Rowman & Littlefield International (since 2013); “Living Existentialism,” Rowman & Littlefield International (since 2020).
Of the following journals: Quaderna. E-rea, Revue Poli – Politique des Cultural Studies.
Judge (Prizes)
Fanon Prize and other prizes of the Caribbean Philosophical Association.
AFEA (Association Française d'Etudes Américaines) – Fulbright Prize for the 2019 best Ph.D. dissertation.
Université Paris-Est Prize for the best Ph.D. dissertation in Social Sciences and the Humanities.
Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships Applications and Research Funding
Referee for the following academic institutions: Graduate School “Cultures et Sociétés” (2013-2020), Université Paris-Est; Institut des Amériques (since October 2014); Institut Emilie du Châtelet (2015).
Committee Member
Working Group on Racial, Gender-related, and Sexual Violence and Discrimination in Academia, Association Française d'Etudes Américaines, 2019-2021.
Cercle d’Etudes Afro-Américaines (CEAA) (Association of African American and Diasporic Studies), 1999-present.
Association Française d’Etudes Américaines (French Association of American Studies), 2000-present.
Collegium for African American Research, 2003-present.
Caribbean Philosophical Association, 2006-present.
Institut des Amériques, 2012-present.
Fellowships and Grants
Doctoral Fellowship, Université Paris IV-Sorbonne / French Ministry of Education and Research, 1997-2000.
Doctoral Fellowship, International Programs Fellowship, Brown University, Rhode Island, USA, July-October, 1999.
Harvard Fellowship (Sheila Biddle Ford Foundation), Scholar-in-Residence at the W. E. B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research, January 2007-June 2007.
Scholar-out-of-residence / Affiliate, W. E. B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research, Harvard University, 2007-2010.
Recipient of the Grant for Excellence in Research (“Prime d'Excellence Scientifique”) awarded by the French Ministry of Education and Research and the National Council of Universities (CNU), 2014-2017, 2019-2023.
CRCT (Congés pour recherche et conversion thématique) (Sabbatical Leaves for Research)
Université Paris-Diderot: January 2007-June 2007.
Université Paris-Est: September 2017-February 2018.
CNRS Fellowship (Délégation CNRS)
Joint research program associating the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (French Center for Scientific Research) and the Université Gustave Eiffel, 2019-2021. Temporarily affiliated with the research group LEGS (Laboratoire d'Etudes de Genre et de Sexualité / Research Group on Gender and Sexuality), UMR 8238, Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis / Université Paris Ouest-Nanterre.
Projects selected for the fellowship:
1) “The Work of Death—The Desiring Subject, Rectification, and Non-being”
2) “Psycho-sexualité, affectivité et sensibilité existentielle chez Frantz Fanon” (“Psychosexuality and Existential Affectivity in Fanon's Works”)
3) “Dear Jimmy: Correspondance —Etude de la production épistolaire de James Baldwin” (“James Baldwin's Epistolary Writings”).
Mes dernières références
My latest references
Jean-Paul ROCCHI - Publications & Presentations
Books in Print
1) The Desiring Modes of Being Black—Literature and Critical Theory. London and New York: Rowman & Littlefield International, 2018, 192 pages. With a preface by Lewis R. Gordon. Global Critical Caribbean Thought Series edited by Lewis R. Gordon (University of Connecticut at Storrs, USA), Jane Anna Gordon (University of Connecticut at Storrs, USA) and Nelson Maldonado-Torres (Rutgers University, USA).
2) Ce qui compte (“What Matters / Counts”)
A 264 pages psychoanalytical study in visual arts and autoethnography published in the US e-journal of performance studies Liminalities ( Myron M. Beasley (ed). On Contemplation. Liminalities, A Journal of Performance Studies, 12: 2, 2016. ISSN : 1557-2935
Books at Press or in Progress
1) Affectivity in Black—Text, Feeling, and the Transference of Power. Book proposal submitted in July 2021 to Rowman & Littlefield International for review.
2) Dans le fantasme de l'autre: le racisme et la violence sexuelle dans Nickel de Colson Whitehead (“Material Closure / Mental Foreclosure: Racism and Sexual Violence in Colson Whitehead's The Nickel Boys”). Book proposal to be submitted in September 2021 for review.
Edited and Co-edited Journal Issues and Books
1) L'art de la discipline: disciples, disciplines, transdisciplinarité (“The Art of Discipline: Disciples, Disciplines, and Transdisciplinarity”). Quaderna (, Université Paris-Est’s international, multilingual, and transdisciplinary peer-reviewed online journal. May 2016.
Issue n° 3:
2) Black Europe: Subjects; Struggles, and Shifting Perceptions. Palimpsest (SUNY Press), A Journal on Women, Gender, and the Black International. Volume 4, Issue 2, 2015, 238 p. Co-edited with Frédéric Sylvanise. With the introduction co-written with Frédéric Sylvanise “A View from Europe and the World—An Introduction to Black Europe: Subjects, Struggles, and Shifting Perceptions” (pp. vii-xi) and the essay by Jean-Paul Rocchi “The Word’s Image—Self-Portrait as a Conscious Lie” (pp. 225-234). Black Europe is a peer-reviewed volume issued from the 9th International Collegium for African American Research “Black States of Desire: Dispossession, Circulation, Transformation” organized at the Université Paris Diderot in April 2011 (
3) Black Intersectionalities—A Critique for the 21st Century. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press 2014, 256 p. Co-edited with Monica Michlin. With the introduction co-written with Monica Michlin “Theorizing for Change: Intersections, Transdisciplinarity, and Black Lived Experiences,” pp. 1-20. Black Intersectionalities is a peer-reviewed book issued from the 9th International Collegium for African American Research “Black States of Desire: Dispossession, Circulation, Transformation” organized at the Université Paris Diderot in April 2011 (
4) Understanding Blackness through Performance: Contemporary Arts and the Representation of Identity. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 280 p. Co-edited with Anne Crémieux and Xavier Lemoine. With the introduction co-written with Anne Crémieux and Xavier Lemoine “Black Beings, Black Embodyings: Notes on Contemporary Artistic Performances and their Cultural Interpretations,” pp. 1-22. Understanding Blackness is a peer-reviewed book issued from the 9th International Collegium for African American Research “Black States of Desire: Dispossession, Circulation, Transformation” organized at the Université Paris Diderot in April 2011 (
5) Dissidence et identités plurielles (“Dissent and Multiple Identity”). Nancy: Les Presses Universitaires de Nancy, 2008, 360 p. A peer-reviewed volume issued from the international conference “‘The fierce urgency of now’: Dissensions textuelles et dissidences politiques dans les constructions identitaires (“Textual Dissensions and Political Dissidence: Dissent in Racial, Sexual, Gender-Related and National Identity Formations,”) organized at the Université Paris-Diderot, on March 23-25, 2006.
6) The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman de Ernest J. Gaines: Perspectives récentes de la recherche afro-américaniste (“New Critical Outlooks on The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman by Ernest J. Gaines”). Published online in the French peer-reviewed journal of American Studies Transatlantica (, May 2006. A peer-reviewed volume issued from the international conference on Gaines organized at the Université Paris-Diderot on January 20-21, 2006.
7) L’objet identité: épistémologie et transversalité (“The Object Identity: Epistemology and Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives”). Published in the French peer-reviewed journal Les Cahiers Charles V, issue n° 40 (Université Paris-Diderot), June 2006. 310 p. Reprinted in November 2009.
Journal Articles
1) “Faire un homme. Etiologie moderniste des masculinités américaines: trauma, témoignage, résistance” (James Baldwin's Modernist Masculinity: Trauma, Witnessing and Survival”). In Raynaud, Claudine and Frédéric Sylvanise (eds), Le modernisme noir, Revue Française d'Etudes Américaines, 2018/1, pp. 50-62.
2) “The Word’s Image—Self-Portrait as a Conscious Lie.” In Rocchi, Jean-Paul & Frédéric Sylvanise (eds), Black Europe: Subjects; Struggles, and Shifting Perceptions. Palimpsest (SUNY Press), A Journal on Women, Gender, and the Black International, Volume 4, Issue 2, 2015, pp. 225-234.
3) “Dying Metaphors and Deadly Fantasies—Freud, Baldwin and Race as Intimacy.” In Gordon, Lewis R., Ramon Grosfoguel, & Eric Mielants (eds), Historicizing Anti-Semitism. Human Architecture; Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge, Volume VII, Issue 2, Spring 2009, pp. 159-178. Paper version presented under the title “Anti-Semitism, Racism and the Freudian Construction of Gender and Sexuality” at the International Conference “Global Anti-Semitism,” organized by Lewis R. Gordon (Temple University, USA), Ramon Grosfoguel (Berkeley University, USA / EHESS) and Eric Mielants, on June, 08-09 2007, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (MSH), Paris.
4) “Littérature et métapsychanalyse de la race (Après et avec Fanon)” (“Literature and the Meta-Psychoanalysis of Race (After and With Fanon).” In Dayan-Herzbrun, Sonia (ed), Vers une pensée politique postcoloniale. A partir de Frantz Fanon. Tumultes, n°31, October 2008, Paris: Editions Kimé, pp. 125-144.
Translated by Joëlle Theubet as “Literature and the Meta-Psychoanalysis of Race (After and With Fanon)” and reprinted in Palimpsest (SUNY Press), A Journal on Women, Gender, and the Black International, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2012, pp. 52-67.
5) “‘Writing as I Lay Dying’; AIDS Literature and the Death of Identity.” In Regard, Frédéric (ed), Genre(s), Etudes Anglaises, Paris: Klincksieck/Didier Érudition, April/June 2008 (61/2), pp. 350-358.
6) “‘The Evidence of Things Not Seen, The Substance of Things Hoped For’; Vanishing Rooms de Melvin Dixon ou le racisme intimement” (“Melvin Dixon or Racism Intimately”). In Rocchi, Jean-Paul (ed), L’objet identité: épistémologie et transversalité, Les Cahiers Charles V, n° 40, June 2006, pp. 291-308.
7) “‘The Other Bites the Dust’; La mort de l’Autre: vers une épistémologie de l’identité” (“‘The Other Bites the Dust’; The Death of the Other: Towards An Epistemology of Identity”). In Rocchi, Jean-Paul (ed), L’objet identité: épistémologie et transversalité, Les Cahiers Charles V, n° 40, June 2006, pp. 09-46.
8) “‘Just got to keep going’ Miss Jane et lui: l'autobiographie fictionnelle entre téléologies textuelles et perlaboration de l’identité” (“Miss Jane and Him: Fictional Autobiography Between Textual Teleologies and the Working-Through of Identity”). In Rocchi, Jean-Paul (ed), The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman de Ernest J. Gaines: Perspectives récentes de la recherche afro-américaniste, Transatlantica (, May 2006. 16 000 words.
9) “‘Going to Meet Baldwin’; Baldwin, l'homotextualité et les identités plurielles: une rencontre à l'avant garde” (“Encounter in the Vanguard, Baldwin, Homotextuality, and Multiple Identities”). In La Revue LISA/LISA e-journal, Université de Caen-Normandie, 2004. 6 000 words.
10) “Baldwin ou les spores perdues de l’Amérique: conscience de l’origine et origine de la conscience” (“The Fantasy of Origin in James Baldwin’s Writings or When the Consciousness of Diaspora Meets Psychoanalytical Conscience”). In Alliot, Bénédicte and Geneviève Fabre (eds), Diasporas africaines dans l’ancien et le nouveau monde: conscience et imaginaire, Les Cahiers Charles V, n° 31, Paris, December 2001, pp. 141-160. Paper version presented under the title “The Fantasy of Origin in James Baldwin’s Writings or When the Consciousness of Diaspora Meets Psychoanalytical Conscience” at the International Conference “Diasporas africaines dans l’ancien et le nouveau monde: conscience et imaginaire,” organized by Geneviève Fabre (Université Paris-Diderot), October 26-28, 2000.
11) “‘That kaleidoscopic word, a man’: enjeux et stratégies de la représentation d’une masculinité noire et gay chez James Baldwin” (“Representing Black Gay Masculinity—James Baldwin's Literary Strategies”). In Ogée, Frédéric (ed), Self Portraits/Images de soi, INTERFACES / Word and Image, n°18, Dijon, June 2001, pp. 119-134. Paper version presented at the International Conference “Image / Langage. Images de soi dans la littérature et les arts visuels” (“Word and Image. Self-Representation in Literature and Visual Arts”) organized by the Université Paris-Diderot, Worcester College (USA) and the Université de Bourgogne, June 24-26, 1999.
Book Chapters
1) “Fanon: Mise en mots et en espace d'une sensibilité existentielle révolutionnaire” (“Revolutionary Wording: The Staging of an Existential Sensitivity in Fanon's Works”). In Large, Sophie and Flora Valadié (eds), Les héritages de Frantz Fanon dans les Amériques (tentative title), Oxford, UK, Peter Lang Oxford. To be published in 2021-22.
2) “L’intersectionnalité ou la conceptualisation de la chose vécue” (“Intersectionality as Lived Experience Conceptualized”). In Boussahba-Bravard, Myriam, Emmanuelle Delanoë-Brun and Sandeep Bakshi (eds), L'intersectionnalité: itinéraire d'un concept militant (tentative title), Paris, Payot-Rivages. To be published in 2021-22.
3) “La dés-écriture de l'identité: race, sexualité et littérature africaine américaine” (“Un-Writing Identity—Race, Sexuality, and African American Literature”). In Elbaz, Gilbert (ed), A la recherche d'identités sexuelles. Paris: Editions Le Manuscrit, 2019, 269 p. Paper version (keynote address) presented at the symposium “Sexuality and Globalization,” Université des Antilles-Guyane, Martinique, organized by Gilbert Elbaz (CRILLASH, University of Antilles-Guyane), April 17, 2015.
4) “‘Native Sons, Creative Friends, and Lovers’; Le James Baldwin de Sol Stein ou les dé-liaisons dangereuses: une enquête épistolaire, éditoriale et psychanalytique” (“‘Native Sons, Creative Friends, and Lovers’—Sol Stein’s Ow Private Jimmy Baldwin”). In Raynaud, Claudine (ed), Lettres noires, Montpellier: Presses Universitaires de la Méditerranée, 2012, pp. 147-157. Paper version presented in Claudine Raynaud’s workshop “Lettres noires” (Black Letters) at the Annual Meeting of the Association Française d’Etudes Américaines “Lettres d’Amérique” (“Letters from America”) organized by Isabelle Alfandary (Université Paris Ouest-Nanterre), Emmanuelle Brun-Delanoë (Université Paris-Diderot) and Hélène Quanquin (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle), May 25-28, 2006, Université du Maine, France.
5) “‘Preservation of Ignorance’; The Lack and the Absence—Self-Reflexivity and the Queering of African American and Diasporic Research.” In Wright, Michelle M. and Antje Schuhmann (eds), Blackness and Sexualities, Berlin: LitVerlag, 2007, pp.15-27.
6) “‘Walls as Words as Weapons as Womb as "Woooooow’, Fente murale, fente t/ex(t)u[elle], fondu identitaire: Jouir/Ecrire ou la post-identité dans ‘No Rosa, No District Six’ de Rozena Maart” (“Intersecting Identities and Epistemologies in Rozena Maart’s ‘No Rosa, No District Six’”). In Donatien-Yssa, Patricia (ed), Images de soi dans les sociétés postcoloniales, Actes du colloque de l’Université des Antilles et de la Guyane. Paris: Editions Le Manuscrit, 2006, pp. 179-215. Paper version presented under the title “‘Why are you looking?/What do you wanna/do about it?’; Images du quant-à-soi dans quelques écritures noires de l'extrême contemporain” at the International Conference “Images de soi,” Université des Antilles-Guyane, Martinique, November 23-25, 2005.
Translated into English by Joëlle Theubet as “Intersecting Identities and Epistemologies in Rozena Maart’s ‘No Rosa, No District Six’” and reprinted in Sabine Broeck & Carsten Junker (eds), Postcoloniality-Decoloniality-Black Critique, Campus Verlag, 2014.
7) “‘S/M : Save My Mind’; Violence, Madness and the Trope of Interracial Sado-Masochism in American Culture.” In Prum, Michel et al (eds), Tuer l’Autre: Violence raciste, ethnique, religieuse et homophobe dans l'aire anglophone. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2005, pp. 159-168. Paper version presented at the International Conference “‘Killing the Other’, Racial and Religious Violence in the English Speaking World,” organized by M. C. Barbier, B. Deschamps, and M. Prum, at the Université Paris-Diderot / Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, January 23-24, 2004.
8) “Le ‘sang-mêlé’, le fantasme et l'homosexualité: étude d'une analogie freudienne à trois termes” (“Fantasy, Homosexuality and the ‘Half-Caste’: Study of A Three-Terms Freudian Analogy”). In Prum, Michel (ed), Sang impur, autour de la “race,” Paris: L'Harmattan, 2004, pp. 203-231. Paper version presented under the title “La notion de race dans la conception freudienne de l'homosexualité et la psychanalyse américaine.” (“The Notion of “Race” in the Freudian Conception of Homosexuality and in American Psychoanalysis”), GRER seminar (Research Group on Eugenism and Racism), Université Paris-Diderot, June 6, 2003.
9) “‘Whose little boy are you ?’: l’anti-essentialisme de James Baldwin et le nationalisme noir-américain” (“James Baldwin’s Anti-Nationalist Temptation—Black Gay Masculinity Between Representation and Representativeness”). In Feith, Michel (ed), Nationalismes, régionalismes: survivances du romantisme?, Université de Nantes-CRINI, 2004, pp. 186-198. Paper version presented at the International Conference “Nationalismes et régionalismes: survivances du romantisme?” (“Nationalisms and Regionalisms or the Survivals of Romanticism?”), organized by Michel Feith (Université de Nantes), June 27, 1999.
Peer-reviewed Dictionary Articles
“James Baldwin,” “William Burroughs,” “Judith Butler,” “Truman Capote,” “Allen Ginsberg,” “Hétérosexisme” (“Heterosexism”), “Homoérotisme” (“Homoeroticism”), “Identité” (“Identity”), “Identification” (“Identification”), “Psychanalyse” (“Psychoanalysis”), “Edmund White,” and “Walt Whitman.” In Didier Eribon (ed), Dictionnaire des cultures gays et lesbiennes (“Dictionary of Gay and Lesbian Cultures”). Paris: Larousse, 2003.
1) “A View from Europe and the World—An Introduction to Black Europe: Subjects, Struggles, and Shifting Perceptions.” Co-written with Frédéric Sylvanise. In Rocchi, Jean-Paul & Frédéric Sylvanise (eds), Black Europe: Subjects, Struggles, and Shifting Perceptions. Palimpsest (SUNY Press), A Journal on Women, Gender, and the Black International, Volume 4, Issue 2, 2015, pp. vii-xi.
2) “Theorizing for Change: Intersections, Transdisciplinarity, and Black Lived Experiences.” Co-written with Monica Michlin. In Michlin, Monica and Jean-Paul Rocchi (eds), Black Intersectionalities—A Critique for the 21st Century, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, January 2014, pp. 1-20.
3) “Black Beings, Black Embodyings: Notes on Contemporary Artistic Performances and their Cultural Interpretations.” Co-written with Anne Crémieux and Xavier Lemoine. In Crémieux, Anne, Xavier Lemoine and Jean-Paul Rocchi (eds), Understanding Blackness through Performance: Contemporary Arts and the Representation of Identity, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, pp. 1-22.
4) “Sur la dissidence et la pluralité: une introduction” (“On Dissent and Multiple Identity”). In Rocchi, Jean-Paul (ed), Dissidence et identités plurielles, Nancy: Presses Universitaires de Nancy, 2008, pp. 7-23.
5) “The Call and the Responses: An Introduction to Ongoing Identities.” In Rocchi, Jean-Paul (ed), L’objet identité: épistémologie et transversalité, Les Cahiers Charles V, n° 40, June 2006, pp. 47-68.
Published Papers
1) “‘Due South’: Ernest J. Gaines's House of Fiction.” In New Standpoints 30, November-December 2006.
2) “‘What’s in a name, James Arthur Jones?’; Baldwin: du défini à l’indéfini comme définition.” (“Baldwin—Beyond Identity”). In Revue AFRAM Review, n° 53, June 2001, pp. 10-19.
3) “‘In the darkening gleam of the window-pane’: la parole homosexuelle face au signe noir dans Giovanni’s Room de James Baldwin.” (“Black Signs in Giovanni's Room and James Baldwin's Gay Speech”). In Revue AFRAM Review, n° 49, June 1999, pp. 4-9. Paper version presented at the “Centre d’Etudes Afro-Américaines” (“Association of African American and Diasporic Studies”), Université Paris-Diderot, January 16, 1999.
Book Reviews
Nathalie Etoke. Melancholia Africana. The Indispensable Overcoming of the Black Condition (“Creolizing the Canon” Series. London & New York, Rowman & Littlefield International, 2019). Translated from the French by Bill Hamlett. Foreword by Lewis R. Gordon. Reviewed for Quaderna (, issue n°5, September 2021.
Series Editor
1) With Vincent Broqua (Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis), co-editor in chief of the multilingual and transdisciplinary online journal Quaderna (, 2016-2021. Varia Section supervisor since July 2021.
2) With Lewis R. Gordon (University of Connecticut at Storrs, USA) and Rozena Maart (University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa), series co-editor of Black Existentialism Series, Bloomsbury Publishing, UK. Since July 2020.
Interviews and Participation in Journals, Magazines, and Radio Programs
1) Participation to the radio program “Tout un monde” (“African Americans under Obama Presidency”) hosted by Marie-Hélène Fraïssé, France Culture, April 17, 2011.
2) “A Different Porgy, Another Bess: Encounter on the Scene / Au diapason de la lumière.” Linernotes of Another Porgy, A Different Bess (CD) by David Linx & Maria Joao (with the Brussels Jazz Orchestra). Naïve, 2012.
3) Participation to the radio program “On aura tout vu” (dedicated to Raoul Peck's film I Am Not Your Negro) hosted by Christine Masson and Laurent Delmas, France Inter, May 6, 2017.
4) Participation to the radio program “La Compagnie des auteurs: James Baldwin” hosted by Matthieu Garrigou-Lagrange, France Culture, April 18, 2018.
5) “James Baldwin: Un penseur de l'identité.” Le Matricule des Anges, July-August 2018, pp. 20-25. Co-interviewed: Samuel Légitimus. Interviewer: Valérie Nigdélian.
6) “Baldwin défend une conception de l'identité complexe” (“Baldwin: the Advocate of Multiple Identity”). Marianne, July 9, 2020. Interviewer: Copélia Mainardi.
Keynote Addresses
1) “Fanon, les arts et la littérature: mise en scène et en mots de la sensibilité existentielle” (“Fanon in Arts and Literature: The Staging of an Existential Sensitivity in Fanon's Works”). Symposium “Héritages de Fanon dans les arts et les littératures des Amériques” (“Fanon's Legacy in Americas' Arts and Literature).” Organized by Sophie Large (Université de Tours) and Flora Valadié (Université de Bourgogne), Université de Bourgogne, April 6, 2018.
2) “L’intersectionnalité ou la conceptualisation de la chose vécue: productivité et limites” (“Intersectionality as Lived Experience Conceptualized”). International Conference “Croiser, révéler. Intersectionnalité et transfert des savoirs: itinéraire d'un concept militant” (“Intersectionality Between the Transference of Knowledge and Militancy”). Organized by Myriam Boussahba-Bravard and Emmanuelle Delanoë-Brun (Université Paris-Diderot), November 2018.
3) “La dés-écriture de l'identité: race, sexualité et littérature africaine américaine” (“Un-Writing Identity—Race, Sexuality, and African American Literature”). Symposium “Sexuality and Globalization,” Université des Antilles-Guyane, Martinique, organized by Gilbert Elbaz (CRILLASH, Université des Antilles-Guyane), April 17, 2015.
Invited Talks Abroad
1) “James Baldwin's Desiring Black Subject as Reading Method.” American Studies & Gender and Sexuality Studies, Bates College, Maine, USA, March 3, 2020. Invited by Prof. Myron M. Beasley.
2) “Queer Theory, the Meta-psychoanalysis of Race, and the Politics of the South African Literary Subject.” French Day at UKZN (The France-South African Seasons 2012 & 2013), September 3, 2012. Joint invitation from the Gender Studies Program (The University of Kwa Zulu-Natal, South Africa) and the French Embassy in Pretoria, South Africa.
3) “Queer Studies and the Representation of Race.” Political Studies Department and Graduate Center of the Humanities, The University of Witwatersrand, South Africa, August 28, 2012.
4) “‘Wishing For Wings’: Petrified Knowledge and the Queering of African American Research.” Department of English & the Carter G. Woodson Institute for African-American and African Studies, The University of Virginia, USA, April 13, 2007. Invited by Prof. Marlon B. Ross.
5) “Literature and the Desiring Mode of Being Black.” The Institute for the Study of Race and Social Thought & Center for Afro-Jewish Studies, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA, March 26, 2007. Invited by Prof. Lewis R. Gordon, Director of the Institute.
6) “Dying Metaphors and Deadly Fantasies in Black Homotextualities.” Department of Ethnic Studies and African American Studies Program, Berkeley University, USA, March 19, 2007. Invited by Prof. Nelson Maldonado-Torres.
7) “The Intimacy of Madness and the Madness of Intimacy in African American and Diasporic Queer Literature.” Fellows Weekly Colloquium, W. E. B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research, Harvard University, USA, February 21, 2007. Invited by Prof. Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Director of the W. E. B. Du Bois Institute.
8) “Black Consciousness and Homosexuality: the Dialectic of Reason and Emotion.” Black Consciousness and Sexuality Panel, the University of Guelph, Canada, October 2002. Invited by the ‘Student Guild of the University of Guelph’ and the ‘Biko Institute’ (Director: Dr Rozena Maart).
9) “‘I wondered at the sound of my voice’: White Consciousness and Homosexuality in James Baldwin's Giovanni's Room.” Seminars ‘The Coming Out Novel’ and ‘Lesbian and Gay Fiction’, University of Toronto, Canada, October 29, 2002. Invited by Dr Maureen Fitzgerald, Director of the ‘Sexual Diversity Program’.
10) “Out of Curse Into Desire: Memory in James Baldwin’s ‘The Rockpile’ and ‘The Outing.’” The University of Guelph (School of Literatures and Performance Studies in English), Canada, September 23, 1999. Also presented at Macmaster University (Department of English), Canada, September 24, 1999.
International Conferences with Reading Committees
1) “Ceci n'est pas de la poésie noire lesbienne—Aphonie, abstraction formelle et dérivation sémantique ou la poétique de l'indiscipline chez Dawn Lundy Martin,” (“Rebellious Abstraction and the Elusiveness of Meaning in Dawn Lundy Martin's Poetry”). A paper co-presented with Olivier Brossard (Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée) at the French Association of American Studies (AFEA) Congress “Disciplines / Indiscipline,” Université de Nantes, May 21-24, 2019.
2) “Not-Me, Not-Here, Not-Now. Ethics of Resistance and The Drifting (Apart) Subject in Dawn Lundy Martin's Poetry.” A paper presented at the Caribbean Philosophical Association 2019 Conference “Shifting the Geography of Reason XVI: Resistance, Reparation, Renewal,” Brown University, USA, June 6-8, 2019.
3) “Le non-lieu identitaire: théorisations et expériences littéraires de l'enfermement urbain—John Edgar Wideman” (“Urban (En)Closure: Prison and Identity Deformations in John Edgar Wideman's Works”). A paper presented at the International Conference “Représenter la ville: les mots, les gestes et l'esprit,” organized by the research group SEA (LISAA, Université Gustave Eiffel), Université Gustave Eiffel, September 12-13, 2019.
4) “From the Small Place to the Big Picture—Les Black Studies, la philosophie afro-caribéenne et le projet humaniste global: la critique épistémique et politique de Sylvia Wynter” (“Black Studies and the Humanistic Project: Sylvia Wynter's Political Critique”). A paper presented at the French Association of American Studies (AFEA) Congress “L’Amérique à la loupe: poétique et politique du détail,” Université Nice-Sophia Antipolis, May 22-25, 2018.
5) “Le vu et le su du secret: la masculinité en spectacle chez James Baldwin” (“Secrecy Exposed: The Male Show in James Baldwin's Works”). An invited paper presented at the 14th Conference of the Corsican Psychiatric Association for Mental Health (ACESM / Università di Corsica) “Secrecy and Mental Disorder,” Hôtel du Département de Haute-Corse, Bastia, Corsica, November 25, 2017.
6) “The Work of Death: Constraint as Material Closure and Mental Foreclosure in the Black Text.” A paper presented at the Caribbean Philosophical Association International Conference “Shifting the Geography of Reason XIV: Theorizing Livity, Decolonizing Freedom,” Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC), New York City, USA, June 22-24, 2017.
7) Callaloo Conference—Celebrating the 40th Anniversary. Participation to the panels “Literature and Cultural Studies” and “The Future of Callaloo,” Oxford University, United Kingdom, November 23-26, 2016. Published in Callaloo (Johns Hopkins University Press) in 2018.
8) “Cristallisation affective et créative: une sémiologie de l’erreur” (“Affects and Creation—A Semiology of Erring”). A paper presented at the International Conference “Text/ures de l'objet livre: Accrocs/Glitches,” (Labex Arts-H2H, EA 1569, Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis; Archives Nationale; Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs), organized by Gwen Le Cor and Stéphane Vanderhaeghe (Université Paris 8), Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis, Archives Nationale, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, November 21-23, 2016.
9) “The Pedagogy of SmallPlace-ness—Motion, Perception and (Self-)Transformation.” A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of The Caribbean Philosophical Association: “Shifting the Geography of Reason XIII: Theorizing from Small Places,” organized by Jane Anna Gordon (University of Connecticut, USA) and Rosario Torres-Guevara (CUNY, USA), University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA, June 16-18, 2016.
10) “Spatiotextual Relocations; or the Reinvention of the Self in James Baldwin’s Work.” A paper presented at the International Conference “James Baldwin: Transatlantic Commuter,” organized by Claudine Raynaud, (Université Paul Valéry-Montpellier 3), Université Paul Valéry-Montpellier 3, June 5-7, 2014.
11) “An Idea of France—Black Studies and The Discipline of Jouissance.” A paper presented at the Callaloo International Conference “The Trans-Atlantic, the Diaspora, and Africa,” Oxford University, United Kingdom (The Oxford Research Centre for the Humanities), November 27-30, 2013.
12) “'The Discipline of Jouissance'; Fanon and the Queer Orientation of the Academic Body.” A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of The Caribbean Philosophical Association: “Shifting the Geography of Reason VII: The University, Public Education, and the Transformation of Society,” organized by Nelson Maldonado-Torres (Berkeley University, USA) and Lewis R. Gordon (Temple University, USA) at Rutgers University, USA, September 29-October 01, 2011.
13) “'In and Through'—Psychoanalysis, Literature, and Blackness or the Scene of the Absence of Knowledge.” A paper presented at the International Conference “Scenes of Knowledge / Scènes du savoir,” organized by Sara Thornton (Université Paris-Diderot) and Jean-Marie Fournier (Université Paris-Diderot), Université Paris-Diderot, June 18-19, 2009.
14) “Black Knowledge, the Knowledge of Blacks, and the Systemic Control of Jouissance.”A paper presented at the International Conference “Black Knowledges, Black Struggles, Civil Rights. Transnational Perspectives,” organized by Sabine Broeck and the CAAR (Collegium for African American Research), in Bremen (Germany), March 25-29, 2009.
15) “Frantz Fanon and the Masquerade of (Anti) Racism—A Reading of Conservatism.” A paper presented at the International Conference “France Noire—Black France: The History, Poetics, and Politics of Blackness,” organized by Tyler Stovall (University of California, Berkeley, USA), Trica Danielle Keaton (University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA) and Marcus Bruce (Bates College, USA) at the Institute for Scholars at Reid Hall, Columbia University, Paris, June 6-7, 2008.
16) “Fanon et la théorie queer” (“Fanon and Queer Theory”). A paper presented at the International Conference “Penser aujourd’hui à partir de Frantz Fanon” (Frantz Fanon's Thought Now), organized by Sonia Dayan-Herzbrun (Université Paris-Diderot) with Paris 8 & Paris I-Panthéon Sorbonne universities, at the UNESCO, November 30 & December 1st, 2007. Papers online at
17) “La post-identité dans la prose et la poésie de Rozena Maart” (“Post-identity in Rozena Maart's Prose and Poetry”). A paper presented at the International Conference “‘The fierce urgency of now’: Dissensions textuelles et dissidences politiques dans les constructions identitaires” (“Textual Dissensions and Political Dissidence: Dissent in Racial, Sexual, Gender-Related and National Identity Formations”), Université Paris-Diderot, March 23-25, 2006.
18) “Whiteness and the Politics of Literary Interpretation.” A paper presented at the workshop “Out/In/Into; Or Shifting the Critical Gaze: Whiteness in the African American Mind’s Eye” at the International Conference “The Black World, Inner Space, Inner City, Interaction; Internation,” organized by the Collegium for African American Research (CAAR), Université de Tours, April 21-24, 2005.
19) “‘Widening the Quest’; African [American/European] Research: Toward a Queer Triangulation of Black Heterogeneity.” A paper presented at the International Conference “African American and Diasporic Research in Europe: Comparative and Interdisciplinary Approaches. A Tribute to Michel & Geneviève Fabre,” organized by The W. E. B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research (Harvard University, USA) and the “Cercle d’Etudes Afro-Américaines” (CEAA) at the Sorbonne, December 15-18, 2004.
20) “‘Fantasizing Africa/Fathering New Motherlands’; Les nouveaux territoires de l’émotion dans l’œuvre de W. E. B. Du Bois et des écrivains de la Harlem Renaissance : une fabulation américaine” (“The Harlem Renaissance and W. E. B. Du Bois's New Territories of Emotion”). A paper presented at the International Conference “Fantasmes d'Afrique” (Fantasms of/from Africa), organized by Guillaume Cingal and Philip Whyte (Université de Tours), Université de Tours, November 18-19, 2004.
21) “Desire, Displacement, and the Diasporic Consciousness in the Writings of Melvin Dixon, Norman G. Kester, Rozena E. Maart and Assotto Saint. A Comparative Study.” A paper presented at the International Conference “The African Atlantic, The Making of Black Diasporas,” organized by the Collegium for African American Research (CAAR), Winchester, United Kingdom, April 13-15, 2003.
22) “‘Everything Personal’: James Baldwin, l’autobiographie ou l’écriture des histoires.” (“James Baldwin, the Autobiographical Praxis and the Writing of History”). A paper presented at the International Conference “Ecritures de l’histoire: incidences de l’événement” (“The Event and the Writing of History”), organized by Claudine Raynaud (Université de Tours), Université de Tours, November 2001.
23) “‘Hit the right spot’; le machisme noir et le ‘passing’ féminin dans Devil in a Blue Dress de Walter Mosley” (“Black Machismo in Walter Mosley's Devil in a Blue Dress”). A paper presented at the International Conference “Le polar noir-américain” (“The African American Detective Fiction Conference”), organized by Claude Julien (Université de Tours) and Alice Mills (Université de Caen-Normandie), April 05-07, 2001.
Symposia and Workshops
1) Participation to the round table “Existe-t-il des littératures noires?” (“Black Literature: Is There Such A Thing?” A symposium on black literatures organized by the Universities of Paris 8 and Cergy-Pontoise, March 23, 2017.
2) Participation to the round table on the translation into French of Fire !! Organizers: Olivier Brossard (Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée) and Double Change, Fondation des Etats-Unis, Paris, Septembre 21, 2017.
3) “The Fire This Time: Amour et engagement dans la philosophie politique de James Baldwin” (“Love and Commitment in James Baldwin's Political Philosophy”). A paper presented at the symposium on “Commitment” organized by the research group SEA-LISAA (Claire Delahaye and Lionel Dufaye), Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, November 10, 2016.
4) “Sense and Sensibility in Black and White AIDS Writing.” A paper presented at a symposium organized by the Cercle d'Etudes Africaines Américaines et Diasporiques (Association of African American and Diasporic Studies), at the Université Paris-Diderot, March 06, 2010.
5) “DNA + HIV = NHI (No Human Involved); Ecritures américaines du sida et virologie de la race” (“Race as a Virus in AIDS Writing”). A paper presented at a symposium organized by the Société des Etudes Nord-Américaines (Society of North American Studies), at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, February 8, 2008.
6) “‘Queering Historiography’: Body Consciousness and the Re-Reading of the (Post) Colonial South African Experience.” A paper presented at the symposium “Bremen-Duke Series: Transcultural Humanities Between Globalization, and Postcolonial Re-Readings of History,” organized at the University of Bremen (Germany) by Walter Mignolo (Duke University, USA), Gisela Febel (University of Bremen, Germany) and Sabine Broeck (University of Bremen, Germany), June 17-19, 2006. Synthesis of the workshop available on the websites of Duke University and the University of Bremen.
7) “‘Remembering the Moffie Life’: Conscience noire, conscience homosexuelle dans l’Afrique du Sud de District Six” (“Black Consciousness and Gay Consciousness in District Six, South Africa”). A paper presented at the symposium “Lutte contre le racisme / lutte contre l’homophobie: l’Afrique du Sud, un modèle pour la France?” (Racism/Homophobia; The South African Struggle as Model), organized by Louis-Georges Tin (Université d'Orléans) and Eric Fassin (ENS) at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (rue d'Ulm), May 19, 2006.
8) “De la différenciation raciale dans les questions de genres et les sexualités” (“Gender, Sexuality, and Racial Differentiation”). A paper presented at the symposium “Féminisme et questions de genres” (“Feminism and Gender-Related Issues”), Marseilles-Luminy, July 22, 2005, during the “Universités d'Eté Euro-méditerranéennes des Homosexualités” / the Gay and Lesbian Euro-Mediterranean Summer School).
9) “‘Re-membering African American History’; Les confessions de Nat Turner de William Styron: entre hybridité culturelle et falsification intellectuelle” (“Re-membering African American History; or Styron's Non-Choice Between Cultural Hybridity and Intellectual Forgery”). A paper presented at the symposium “On William Styron,” organized by Martine Chard-Hutchinson, at the Université Paris-Diderot, January 8, 2005.
10) “Autour du livre de François Cusset: French Theory / Réflexions sur les ‘Cultural Studies’” (“François Cusset's French Theory and Cultural Studies”). Organized by Marie-Jeanne Rossignol (Université Paris-Diderot) and Pierre Guerlain (Université Paris Ouest-Nanterre) at the Université Paris Ouest-Nanterre, November 19, 2004. Synthesis published online in Transatlantica, 2005.
11) “‘Peau noire, masques blancs, regard(s) gay’; Fanon, le sujet post-colonial et la théorie queer” (“Fanon, the Post-Colonial Subject and Queer Theory”). A paper presented in the symposium “Comment penser la littérature post-coloniale?” (“How to Think Post-Colonial Literature?”), organized by Bénédicte Alliot, at the Université Paris-Diderot, February 2002.
1) “Representing Homosexuality: James Baldwin's Works and the Next Generation of African American Writers.” A paper presented at the doctoral seminar “Literature and Homosexuality,” Ecole Normale Supérieure (rue d'Ulm). Organizers: Jean-Christophe Corrado, Marco Doudin, and Agathe Giraud. March 07, 2017.
2) “Masculinity, Homosexuality, and Race in James Baldwin's “Going to Meet the Man.” A paper presented at the doctoral seminar “Queer Studies,” Université de Lille, January 26, 2017.
3) “Disciplinary Decadence de Lewis R. Gordon: identité et transdisciplinarité” (“Identity and Transdisciplinarity in Lewis R. Gordon's Disciplinary Decadence”). A paper presented at the seminar “Constructions Identitaires et Mobilisations dans le Monde Anglophone” (“Identity Constructions and Mobilizations in the English-Speaking World”), IMAGER Research Group, Université Paris-Est Créteil, December 12, 2011.
4) “Nouvelles Humanités et cultures minoritaires” (“Subaltern Cultures in the Humanities”). A paper presented with Florence Dupont at the seminar “Archéologie des Humanités” (“Archeology of the Humanities”), at the Institut des Humanités de Paris, Université Paris-Diderot, April 1st, 2011.
5) “Black Identity Formations in a Transatlantic Perspective.” A paper presented in Claire Garcia's seminar (Collorado College, USA), at the “Cité Internationale de Paris,” October 03, 2008.
6) “Pre-post-ero[u]s: Désir, identification et syndrome identitaire” (“Desire, Identification, and the Identity Syndrome”). A paper presented at the seminar “Littérature britannique contemporaine, théorie, société (lire et représenter le présent)” (“Reading and Representing the Present; Theory, Literature and Society”), organized by Catherine Bernard (Université Paris-Diderot), May 2005.
7) “‘Blacks Meet Jews’; Race et ethnicité: l’exemple des rapports entre les communautés judéo et afro-américaines” (“Race and Ethnicity in the US; the Examples of Jewish Americans and African Americans”). A paper presented at the seminar “Sociétés occidentales. Temps, espaces et civilisations” (“Western Societies: Time, Spaces and Civilizations”), organized by M. C. Hoock-Demarle and Michel Prum, Université Paris-Diderot, March 29, 2004.
Other Papers and Talks
1) “L'œuvre de Toni Morrison et la littérature africaine américaine” (“Toni Morrison's Works and African American Literature”). A paper presented at the secondary school, Lycée Colette Besson, on the occasion of Toni Morrison's visit in Paris, on November 04, 2010.
2) Forum “Frontières invisibles” (“Invisible Frontiers Forum”). Invitation from Norma Guevara, 31st Women Films Festival, Maison des Arts de Créteil, March 20, 2009.
3) Workshops on the French Academic Transformation, Université Paris-Diderot, January-April 2009.
“L'université entre universalité et diversité: l'espace commun en question” (“The French Academic Body Between Universalism and Ethno-racial Diversity”). With Antoine Cazé (Université Paris-Diderot). February 10, 2009.
“Identité et devenir de la discipline: vers une interdisciplinarité du transverse” (“Identity and the Future of Disciplines; Towards Transdisciplinarity”). February 19, 2009.
“Autonomie plurielle: Universités, Insularités, Collectivités.” (“Institutional Agency and Autonomy: French Universities and Overseas and Metropolitan Territories”). With Jean-Marie Fournier (Université Paris-Diderot). March 12, 2009.
4) “Baldwin, écrivain et penseur de l’identité”. A tribute to James Baldwin, organized by Arnaud Proudhon, at the Pierre Bayle Library, Besançon, France, January 10, 2008.
5) “James Baldwin et l’Autre au Masculin” (“James Baldwin and The Masculine Other”). A tribute to James Baldwin (150th Anniversary of the Abolition of Slavery), UNESCO, Paris, December 3, 1998.
Organized Conferences, Symposia, and Workshops
1) “Malaise dans la Civilisation? Études culturelles, transaméricanité, transdisciplinarité” (“Trouble in the US Civilization: Cultural Studies, Transamericanness, Transdisciplinarity”). A round table co-organized with Catherine Heymann (Université Paris Ouest-Nanterre), 2019 IDA (Institut des Amériques) Congress, Condorcet Campus, October 10, 2019.
2) “The Cultivation of Self-Knowledge Writing/Reading Individual Black Lived Experiences.” A panel held at the Caribbean Philosophical Association international conference “Ways of Knowing, Past and Future,” Université Cheik Anta Diop, Dakar, Senegal, June 19-22, 2018.
3) “The Black States of Desire Book Series.” A round table held at the CAAR 11th international conference “Mobilising Memory: Creating African Atlantic Identities” co-organized with Monica Michlin (Université Paris-Sorbonne), Liverpool, United Kingdom, June 24-28, 2015.
4)“Transferts, Transculturalités, Transdisciplinarités” (“Transfers, Transculturality, and Transdisciplinarity”). A symposium held at the Graduate School “Cultures et Sociétés,” Université Paris-Est, February 06, 2015.
5) “Black States of Desire: Dispossession, Circulation, Transformation.” 9th international conference of the Collegium for African American Research, Université Paris-Diderot, April 6-9, 2011. A conference with 4 keynote addresses, 222 papers presented, 55 panels, a jazz concert, drama and contemporary music performances, and visual arts exhibitions (photography, paintings, collages). 3 edited books and journal issues have been published out of this conference (see above).
6) “‘The fierce urgency of now’: Dissensions textuelles et dissidences politiques dans les constructions identitaires (“Textual and Political Dissent in Racial, Sexual, Gender-Related and National Identity Formations”). An international conference held at the Université Paris-Diderot, March 23-25, 2006. (With an edited book issued from the conference. See above).
7) “The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman de Ernest J. Gaines: Perspectives récentes de la recherche afro-américaniste” (“New Critical Outlooks on The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman by Ernest J. Gaines”). An international conference held at the Université Paris-Diderot, January 20-21, 2006. (With an online publication. See above).