Jean-charles BORNARD
Ingénieur de Recherche
Bâtiment: Building: L3
25 avenue François Mitterrand$Case24 F-69675 Bron
Bureau: Office: 327
Jean-charles BORNARD
Ingénieur de Recherche
Specialized in cognitive modelling and simulations for Human Centered Design, I'm developping the simulation platform "Virtual-Human Centered Design" that welcome the COgnitive Simulation MOdel of the DRIVEr developped at LESCOT.
Mes dernières références
My latest references
LEVEQUE, Lucie, BELLET, Thierry, BORNARD, Jean-Charles, DENIEL, Jonathan, RANCHET, Maud, DE BAERE, Estelle, RICHARD, Bertrand, 2020, Development of an immersive simulation platform to study interactions between automated vehicles and pedestrians, CHIRA2020, 4th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications, Online virtual conference, 2020-11-05, DOI: 10.5220/0010125002490254
LEVEQUE, Lucie, RANCHET, Maud, DENIEL, Jonathan, BORNARD, Jean-Charles, BELLET, Thierry, 2020, Where do pedestrians look when crossing? A state of the art of the eye-tracking studies, IEEE Access, 8, IEEE, pp 1648333-164843, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3021208
DENIEL, Jonathan, BORNARD, Jean-Charles, LEVEQUE, Lucie, CLAVERIE, Bernard, BELLET, Thierry, 2020, Le risque et son évaluation subjective par le conducteur : une revue historique, Ingénierie Cognitique, 1, 4, ISTE Editions, DOI: 10.21494/ISTE.OP.2020.0548
Télécharger le documentSASSMAN, Matthew, BELLET, Thierry, DENIEL, Jonathan, BRUYAS, Marie-Pierre, BORNARD, Jean-Charles, CLAVERIE, Bernard, RICHARD, B, 2016, Conscience de la Situation et Automatisation de la Conduite : Méthodologie pour une expérimentation sur simulateur de conduite, 29e Entretiens Jacques Cartier : Facteurs Humains, Technologie embarquées et numériques, LYON, FRANCE, 2016-11-22
BORNARD, Jean-Charles, SASSMAN, Matthew, BELLET, Thierry, 2016, Use of a computational simulation model of drivers' cognition to predict decision making and behaviour while driving, Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, 15, Elsevier, pp. 41-50, DOI: 10.1016/j.bica.2015.09.011
BELLET, Thierry, MAYENOBE, Pierre, BORNARD, Jean-Charles, GRUYER, Dominique, CLAVERIE, Bernard, 2012, A computational model of the car driver interfaced with a simulation platform for future Virtual Human Centred Design applications: COSMO-SIVIC, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 25, 7, Pergamon, pp. 1488-1504, DOI: 10.1016/j.engappai.2012.05.010
BORNARD, Jean-Charles , 2012 , Développement d'un modèle du conducteur automobile : de la modélisation cognitive à la simulation numérique. , Thèse de doctorat, Discipline Cognitique , UNIVERSITE BORDEAUX 1 , 192 p
Télécharger le documentBELLET, T, MAYENOBE, P, GRUYER, Dominique, BORNARD, JC, CLAVERIE, Bernard, 2011, The living cognition paradigm: An application to computational modeling of drivers mental activities, US-China Education Review B, 1, 4, David Publishing, pp 568-578
Plus d'infosBELLET, Thierry, MAYENOBE, Pierre, BORNARD, Jean-Charles, PARIS, Jean-Christophe, GRUYER, Dominique, CLAVERIE, Bernard, 2011, Human modelling in Assisted Transportation : Modelds, Tools and Risk Methods, Part 3, Human Modelling in Assisted Transportation : Models, Tools and Risk Methods - 1st édition, Springer, p251-263
Plus d'infosBORNARD, JC ; BELLET, T ; MAYENOBE, P ; GRUYER, D ; CLAVERIE, B, 2011, A perception module for car drivers visual strategies modeling and visual distraction effect simulation, DHM 2011 First International Symposium on Digital Human Modeling, LYON, FRANCE, 14/06/2011, 1p,
Plus d'infosBELLET, T, BORNARD, Jean-Charles, MAYENOBE, P, SAINT PIERRE, Guillaume, 2011, A computational model for car drivers situation awareness simulation: Cosmodrive, DHM 2011 First International Symposium on Digital Human Modeling, LYON, FRANCE, 2011-06-14, 8p
Plus d'infosBELLET, T, MAYENOBE, P, BORNARD, JC, GRUYER, Dominique, MATHERN, B, 2011, Cosmo-Sivic: a first step towards a virtual platform for human centred design of driving assistances, 11th IFAC/IFIP/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation, VALENCIENNES, FRANCE, 2010-08-31, 6p
Plus d'infosBELLET,T ; MAYENOBE,P ; BORNARD,JC ; GRUYER,D ; MATHERN,B , 2010 , Cosmo-sivic: A first step towards a virtual platform for human centred design of driving assistances , IFAC'2010 -30 aout-3 septembre 2010, Munich, Allemagne , IFAC , 6p
Plus d'infosBELLET, T, MAYENOBE, P, BORNARD, JC, PARIS, JC, GRUYER, D, CLAVERIE, B, 2010, Human driver modelling and simulation into a virtual road environment, HMAT 2010, human modeling in assisted transportation, 30 june 02 july 2010, Belgirate, Italia,, HMAT, 12p
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