Luis-Fabian Bonilla Hidalgo
Directeur de Recherche
CFR / GERS - Département Géotechnique, environnement, risques naturels et sciences de la Terre
SRO - Sols, roches et ouvrages géotechniques
Bâtiment: Building: Bienvenüe
14-20 Boulevard Newton$Champs-sur-Marne$77447 Marne-la-Vallée Cedex 2
Bureau: Office: C214
Luis-Fabian Bonilla Hidalgo
Directeur de Recherche
CFR / GERS - Département Géotechnique, environnement, risques naturels et sciences de la Terre
SRO - Sols, roches et ouvrages géotechniques
I work at the department of geotechnical engineering, earth sciences and natural hazards (GERS), at the University Gustave Eiffel. My research interests include linear and nonlinear site response analyses, wave propagation in complex media, monitoring temporal variations of soil properties during ground motion, simulation of ground motion, and probabilistic seismic hazard.
• Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble (2007). Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches. Title: « Site effects studies, strong ground motion prediction, and probabilistic seismic hazard analyses ».
• University of California Santa Barbara (1996-2000), Ph.D. in Geological Sciences. Title: “Computation of Linear and Nonlinear Site Response for Near Field Ground Motion”
• University of California Santa Barbara (1994-1996), MSc. in Geophysics. Title: “Site Amplification in the San Fernando Valley, California: Variability of Site-Effect Estimation Using the S-wave, Coda, and H/V Methods”
• Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito - Ecuador (1984-1991), Geotechnical Engineer. Title: “Probabilistic Seismic Hazard of Ecuador”
Research interests
• Site effects: quantification and numerical modeling
• Nonlinear soil behavior
• Wave propagation in linear and nonlinear complex and heterogeneous media
• Empirical prediction of ground motion
• Site characterization using continuous seismic noise data
• Probabilistic seismic hazard analyses
Editorial responsibilities
• Associate editor, Pure and Applied Geophysics, PAGEOPH, since 2008.
• Associate editor, Bulletin Seismological Society of America, BSSA, since 2017.
Peer review publications (until 2020)
Qin, L., Y. Ben-Zion, L.F. Bonilla, J.H. Steidl (2020). Imaging and monitoring temporal changes of shallow seismic velocities at the Garner Valley near Anza, California, following the M7.2 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake, Journal of Geophysical Research, doi: 10.1029/2019JB018070.
Guéguen P., Mercerat E.D., Singaucho J.C., Aubert C., Barros J.G., Bonilla F., Crispstyani M., Douste-Bacqué I., Langlaude P., Mercier S., Pacheco D., Pernoud M., Perrault M., Pondaven I., Wolyniec D. (2019). METACity-Quito: A semi-dense urban seismic network deployed to analyze the concept of meta-material for the future design of seismic-proof cities, Seismological Research Letters 90 (6) : 2318-2326. doi: 10.1785/0220190044
Bonilla, L.F., Ph. Guéguen, and Y. Ben‐Zion (2019). Monitoring coseismic temporal changes of shallow material during strong ground motion with interferometry and autocorrelation, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., doi: 10.1785/0120180092
Oral, E., C. Gélis, and L.F. Bonilla (2019). 2-D P-SV and SH spectral element modelling of seismic wave propagation in non-linear media with pore-pressure effects, Geophys. J. Int., doi: 10.1093/gji/ggz041
Guéguen, Ph., L.F. Bonilla, and J. Douglas (2018). Comparison of soil non-linearity (in situ stress-strain relation and G/Gmax reduction) observed in strong-motion databases and modelled in ground motion prediction equations, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., doi: 10.1785/0120180169
Chabot, S., N. Glinsky, E.D. Mercerat, L.F. Bonilla (2018). A High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Coupled Wave Propagation in 1D Elastoplastic Heterogeneous Media, Journal of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics, https://doi.org/10.1142/S259172851850043
Durand, V., A. Mangeney, F. Haas, X. Jia, A. Peltier, C. Hibert, V. Ferrazzini, P. Kowalski, F. Lauret, C. Brunet, C. Satriano, K. Wegner, A. Delorme, L.F. Bonilla and N. Villeneuve (2018). On the link between external forcings and slope instabilities in the Piton de la Fournaise summit crater, Reunion Island, J. Geophys. Res., 10.1029/2017JF004507
Régnier, J., L.F. Bonilla, P.Y. Bard, E. Bertrand, F. Hollender, H. Kawase, D. Sicilia, P. Arduino, A. Amorosi, D. Asimaki, D. Boldini, L. Chen, A. Chiaradonna, F. DeMartin, A. Elgamal, G. Falcone, E. Foerster, S. Foti, E. Garini, G. Gazetas, C. Gélis, A. Ghofrani, A. Giannakou, J. Gingery, N. Glinsky, J. Harmon, Y. Hashash, S. Iai, S. Kramer, S. Kontoe, J. Kristek, G. Lanzo, A. di Lernia, F. Lopez-Caballero, M. Marot, G. McAllister, E.D. Mercerat, P. Moczo, S. Montoya-Noguera, M. Musgrove, A. Nieto-Ferro, A. Pagliaroli, F. Passeri, A. Richterova, S. Sajana, M.P. Santisi d’Avila, J. Shi, F. Silvestri, M. Taiebat, G. Tropeano, D. Vandeputte, and L. Verrucci (2018). PRENOLIN: International Benchmark on 1D Nonlinear Site‐Response Analysis - Validation Phase Exercise, Bull. Seism., Soc. Am., doi: 10.1785/0120170210
Laurendeau, A., F. Courboulex, L.F. Bonilla, A. Alvarado, V.A. Naya, PH. Guéguen, E.D. Mercerat, J.C. Singaucho, E. Bertrand, M. Perrault, J.G. Barros, M. Ruiz (2017). Low‐Frequency Seismic Amplification in the Quito Basin (Ecuador) Revealed by Accelerometric Recordings of the RENAC Network, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 107 (6): 2917-2926.
Chabot, S., N. Glinsky, E.D. Mercerat, L.F. Bonilla (2017). A high-discontinuous Galerkin method for 1D wave propagation in a nonlinear heterogenous medium, Journal of Computational Physics, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcp.2017.11.013
L.F. Bonilla, Ph. Guéguen, F. Lopez-Caballero, D. Mercerat, C. Gélis (2017). Prediction of non-linear site response using downhole array data and numerical modeling: The Belleplaine (Guadeloupe) case study, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pce.2017.02.017
Catherine B.T., A. Svay, A. Laurendeau, Th. Chartier, V. Perron, C. Guyonnet-Benaize, E. Kishta, R. Cottereau, F. Lopez-Caballero, F. Hollender, B. Richard, F. Ragueneau, F. Voldoire, F. Banci, I. Zentner, N. Moussallam, M. Lancieri, P.Y. Bard, S. Grange, S. Erlicher, P. Kotronis, A. Le Maoult, M. Nicolas, J. Regnier, L.F. Bonilla, N. Theodoulidis (2017). Toward an integrated seismic risk assessment for nuclear safety, improving current French methodologies through the SINAPS@ research project, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 323, 185-201.
Ashly Cabas, A. Rodriguez‐Marek, L.F. Bonilla (2017). Estimation of Site‐Specific Kappa (κ0)‐Consistent Damping Values at KiK‐Net Sites to Assess the Discrepancy between Laboratory‐Based Damping Models and Observed Attenuation (of Seismic Waves) in the Field, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 107 (5), 2258-2271
Elif Oral, C. Gélis, L.F. Bonilla, E. Delavaud (2017). Spectral element modeling of seismic wave propagation in visco-elastoplastic media including excess-pore pressure development, Geophysical Journal International, ggx375, https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggx375
Julie Régnier, L.F. Bonilla, P.Y. Bard, E. Bertrand, F, Hollender, H. Kawase, D. Sicilia, P. Arduino, A. Amorosi, D. Asimaki, D. Boldini, L. Chen, A. Chiaradonna, F. DeMartin, M. Ebrille, A. Elgamal, G. Falcone, E. Foerster, S. Foti, E. Garini, G. Gazetas, C. Gélis, A. Ghofrani, A. Giannakou, J.R. Gingery, N. Glinsky, J. Harmon, Y. Hashash, S. Iai, B. Jeremić, S. Kramer, S. Kontoe, J. Kristek, G. Lanzo, A. di Lernia, F. Lopez‐Caballero, M. Marot, G. McAllister, E.D. Mercerat, P. Moczo, S. Montoya‐Noguera, M. Musgrove, A. Nieto‐Ferro, A. Pagliaroli, F. Pisanò, A. Richterova, S. Sajana, M.P. Santisi d'Avila, J. Shi, F. Silvestri, M. Taiebat, G. Tropeano, L. Verrucci, and K. Watanabe (2016). International Benchmark on Numerical Simulations for 1D, Nonlinear Site Response (PRENOLIN): Verification Phase Based on Canonical Cases, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 106, 2112-2135, doi: 10.1785/0120150284.
Chandra, J., Ph. Guéguen, and L.F. Bonilla (2016). PGA-PGV/Vs considered as a stress-strain proxy for predicting nonlinear soil response, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol 85, 146-160.
Levy, C., A. Mangeney, L.F. Bonilla, C. Hibert, E.S. Calder, and P.J. Smith (2015). Friction weakening in granular flows deduced from seismic records at the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, Journal of Research Geophysics, Solid Earth, 120, doi: 10.1002/2015JB012151.
Chandra, J., Ph. Guéguen, J.H. Steidl, and L.F. Bonilla (2015). In Situ Assessment of the G–γ Curve for Characterizing the Nonlinear Response of Soil: Application to the Garner Valley Downhole Array and the Wildlife Liquefaction Array, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., doi:10.1785/0120140209.
Bozzano, F., Martino, S., Prestininzi, A., Scarascia-Mugnozza, G., Bonilla, L.F., Bretschneider, A., Chazelas, J.L., Escoffier, S., Lenti, L. and Semblat, J.F. (2015). Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Nonlinearity in Soils Using Advanced Laboratory-Scaled Models (ENINALS Project): From a Site-Test to a Centrifuge Model, in Experimental Research in Earthquake Engineering, Fabio Taucer and Roberta Apostolska Editors, 563-578.
Roten, D., D. Fah, and L.F. Bonilla (2014). Quantification of cyclic mobility parameters in liquefiable soils from inversion of vertical array records, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., doi:10.1785/0120130329.
Viens, L., A. Laurendeau, L.F. Bonilla, and N. Shapiro (2014). Broadband acceleration time histories synthesis by coupling low-frequency ambient seismic field and high-frequency stochastic modelling, Geophysical Journal International, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggu362.
Gelis, C., L.F. Bonilla (2014). Influence of a sedimentary basin infilling description of the 2D P- SV wave propagation using linear and nonlinear constitutive models, Geophys. J. Int., doi: 10.1093/gji/ggu143.
Causse M., Laurendeau A, Perrault M., Douglas J., Bonilla L.F., Gueguen P. (2014). A set of Eurocode 8-compatible synthetic time-series as input to dynamic analysis, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. doi 10.1007/s10518-013-9544-2.
Régnier, J., L.F. Bonilla, E. Bertrand, J.F. Semblat (2014). Influence of the Vs profiles beyond 30 m depth on linear site effects: assessment from the KiK-net data, Bulletin of Seismological Society of America, doi: 10.1785/0120140018.
Roten, D., D. Faeh, L.F. Bonilla (2013). High-frequency ground motion amplification during the 2011 Tohoku earthquake explained by soil dilatancy, Geophysical Journal International, 193(2): 898-904 doi:10.1093/gji/ggt001.
Ktenedou O., C. Gelis, L.F. Bonilla (2013). A study on the variability of kappa (κ) in a borehole: implications of computation process, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 103, 1048-1068.
Regnier, J., H. Cadet, L.F. Bonilla, E. Bertrand, J.F. Semblat (2013). Assessing nonlinear behavior of soils in seismic site response: Statistical analysis on KiK-net strong motion data, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, doi: 10.1785/0120120240.
Pitarka, A., H.K. Thio, P. Somerville, and L.F. Bonilla (2013). Broadband ground- motion simulation of an intraslab earthquake and non-linear site response: 2010 Ferndale, California, earthquake case study, Seismological Research Letters, 84, 785-795.
Gelis C., Bonilla L.F. (2012). 2D P-SV numerical study of soil-source interaction in a non-linear basin, Geophysical Journal International, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2012.05690.x
Di Alessandro C., Bonilla L.F., Boore D.M., Rovelli A., and Scotti O. (2012). Predominant-period Site Classification for Response Spectra Prediction Equations in Italy, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 102, 680-695.
Lancieri M., Madariaga R., Bonilla L.F. (2012). Spectral Scaling of the aftershocks of the Tocopilla 2007 earthquake in Northern Chile, Geophysical Journal International, 189, 469–480.
Daniel R.H. O’Connell, Jon. P. Ake, Fabian Bonilla, Pengcheng Liu, Roland LaForge and Dean Ostenaa (2012). Strong ground motion estimation, in Earthquake Research and Analysis - New Frontiers in Seismology, Editor Sebastiano D'Amico (ISBN) 978-953-307-840-3.
Gehl P, Bonilla L.F., and Douglas J. (2011). Accounting for Site Characterization Uncertainties When Developing Ground-Motion Prediction Equations, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 101, 1101 - 1108.
Rodriguez-Marek A., Montalva G.A., Cotton F., and Bonilla L.F. (2011). Analysis of Single-Station Standard Deviation Using the KiK-net Data, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 101, 1242 - 1258.
Bonilla L.F., Tsuda K., Pulido N., Regnier J., and Laurendeau A. (2011). Nonlinear site response evidence of K-NET and KiK-net records from the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake, Earth Planets Space, 63, 785–789.
Douglas J., Gehl P. Bonilla L.F. (2010). A kappa model for mainland France, Pure and Applied Geophysics, DOI 10.1007/s00024-010-0146-5.
Roten D., Fäh D., Bonilla L.F., Alvarez-Rubio S., Weber T. & Laue J. (2009). Estimation of nonlinear site response in a deep Alpine valley. Geophysical Journal International, 178,1597-1613
Douglas, J., P. Gehl, L.F. Bonilla, O. Scotti, J. Regnier, A.M. Duval, and E. Bertrand (2009). Making the most of available site information for empirical ground-motion prediction, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 99, 1502-1520.
Cotton, F., G. Pousse, L.F. Bonilla, and F. Scherbaum (2008). On the Discrepancy of Recent European Ground-Motion Observations and Predictions from Empirical Models: Analysis of KiK-net Accelerometric Data and Point-Sources Stochastic Simulations, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 98, 2244 – 2261.
Bonnefoy-Claudet, S., S. Baize, L.F. Bonilla, C. Berge-Thierry, C. Pasten, J. Campos, P. Volant, and R. Verdugo (2008). Site effect evaluation in the basin of Santiago de Chile using ambient noise measurements, Geophys. J. Int., doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2008.04020.x.
Fukushima, Y., L.F. Bonilla, O. Scotti, and J. Douglas (2007). Site classification using horizontal-to-vertical response spectral ratios and its impact when deriving empirical ground-motion prediction equations, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 11, 712-724.
Pousse, G., L.F. Bonilla, F. Cotton, and L. Marguerin (2006). Non Stationary Stochastic Simulation of Strong Ground Motion Time Histories Including Natural Variability: application to the K-net Japanese Database, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 96, 2103-2117.
Beauval, C., O. Scotti, and L.F. Bonilla (2006). The role of seismicity models in probabilistic seismic hazard estimation: comparison of a zoning and a smoothing approach, Geophys. J. Int., 165, 584-595.
Bonilla, L.F., R.J. Archuleta, and D. Lavallée (2005). Hysteretic and Dilatant Behavior of Cohesionless Soils and Their Effects on Nonlinear Site Response: Field Data Observations and Modeling, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 95, 2373 - 2395.
Pousse, G., C. Berge-Thierry, L.F. Bonilla, and P.Y. Bard (2005). Eurocode 8 Design Response Spectra Evaluation Using the K-net Japanese Database, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 9, 547-574.
Heuze, F., R.J. Archuleta, L.F. Bonilla, S. Day, M. Doroudian, A. Elgamal, S. Gonzales, M. Hoehler, T. Lai, D. Lavallée, B. Lawrence, P.C. Liu, A. Martin, L. Matesic, B. Minster, R. Mellors, D. Oglesby, S. Park, M. Riemer, J.H. Steidl, F. Vernon, M. Vucetic, J. Wagoner, Z. Yang (2004). Estimating site-specific strong earthquake motions, Soil Dyn. and Earth. Eng., 24, 199-223.
Hartzell, S., L.F. Bonilla, and R.A. Williams (2004). Prediction of Nonlinear Effects, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 94, 1609 - 1629.
Clément Ch., O. Scotti, L.F. Bonilla, S. Baize, and C. Beauval (2004). Zoning versus faulting models in PSHA for moderate seismicity regions: preliminary results for the Tricastin nuclear site, France, Bolletino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, 45, 187-204.
Pitilakis, K., K. Makropoulos, P. Bernard, F. Lemeille, H. Lyon-Caen, C. Berge-Thierry, Th. Tika, M. Manakou, D. Diagourtas, D. Raptakis, P. Kallioglou, K. Makra, D. Pitilakis, L.F. Bonilla (2004). The Corinth Gulf Soft Soil Array (CORSSA) to study site effects, C. R. Geoscience 336, 353–365.
Archuleta, R.J., P. Liu, J.H. Steidl, L.F. Bonilla, D. Lavallée, and F. Heuze (2003). Finite-fault site-specific acceleration time histories that include nonlinear site response, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 137, 153-181.
Bonilla, L.F., J.H. Steidl, J.C. Gariel, and R.J. Archuleta (2002). Borehole Response Studies at the Garner Valley Downhole Array, Southern California,Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 92, 3165-3179.
Field, E.H., S. Kramer, A.-W. Elgamal, J.D. Bray, N. Matasovic, P.A. Johnson, C. Cramer, C. Roblee, D.J. Wald, L.F. Bonilla, P.P. Dimitriu, and J.G. Anderson, (1998). Nonlinear Site Response: Where We’re at (A Report from a SCEC/PEER Seminar and Workshop), Seism. Res. Letters, 69, 230-234.
Bonilla, L.F., J.H. Steidl, G.T. Lindley, A.G. Tumarkin, and R.J. Archuleta (1997). Site Amplification in the San Fernando Valley, California: Variability of Site-Effect Estimation Using the S-wave, Coda, and H/V Methods, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 87, 710-730.
I work at the department of geotechnical engineering, earth sciences and natural hazards (GERS), at the University Gustave Eiffel. My research interests include linear and nonlinear site response analyses, wave propagation in complex media, monitoring temporal variations of soil properties during ground motion, simulation of ground motion, and probabilistic seismic hazard.
• Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble (2007). Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches. Title: « Site effects studies, strong ground motion prediction, and probabilistic seismic hazard analyses ».
• University of California Santa Barbara (1996-2000), Ph.D. in Geological Sciences. Title: “Computation of Linear and Nonlinear Site Response for Near Field Ground Motion”
• University of California Santa Barbara (1994-1996), MSc. in Geophysics. Title: “Site Amplification in the San Fernando Valley, California: Variability of Site-Effect Estimation Using the S-wave, Coda, and H/V Methods”
• Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito - Ecuador (1984-1991), Geotechnical Engineer. Title: “Probabilistic Seismic Hazard of Ecuador”
Research interests
• Site effects: quantification and numerical modeling
• Nonlinear soil behavior
• Wave propagation in linear and nonlinear complex and heterogeneous media
• Empirical prediction of ground motion
• Site characterization using continuous seismic noise data
• Probabilistic seismic hazard analyses
Editorial responsibilities
• Associate editor, Pure and Applied Geophysics, PAGEOPH, since 2008.
• Associate editor, Bulletin Seismological Society of America, BSSA, since 2017.
Peer review publications (until 2020)
Qin, L., Y. Ben-Zion, L.F. Bonilla, J.H. Steidl (2020). Imaging and monitoring temporal changes of shallow seismic velocities at the Garner Valley near Anza, California, following the M7.2 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake, Journal of Geophysical Research, doi: 10.1029/2019JB018070.
Guéguen P., Mercerat E.D., Singaucho J.C., Aubert C., Barros J.G., Bonilla F., Crispstyani M., Douste-Bacqué I., Langlaude P., Mercier S., Pacheco D., Pernoud M., Perrault M., Pondaven I., Wolyniec D. (2019). METACity-Quito: A semi-dense urban seismic network deployed to analyze the concept of meta-material for the future design of seismic-proof cities, Seismological Research Letters 90 (6) : 2318-2326. doi: 10.1785/0220190044
Bonilla, L.F., Ph. Guéguen, and Y. Ben‐Zion (2019). Monitoring coseismic temporal changes of shallow material during strong ground motion with interferometry and autocorrelation, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., doi: 10.1785/0120180092
Oral, E., C. Gélis, and L.F. Bonilla (2019). 2-D P-SV and SH spectral element modelling of seismic wave propagation in non-linear media with pore-pressure effects, Geophys. J. Int., doi: 10.1093/gji/ggz041
Guéguen, Ph., L.F. Bonilla, and J. Douglas (2018). Comparison of soil non-linearity (in situ stress-strain relation and G/Gmax reduction) observed in strong-motion databases and modelled in ground motion prediction equations, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., doi: 10.1785/0120180169
Chabot, S., N. Glinsky, E.D. Mercerat, L.F. Bonilla (2018). A High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Coupled Wave Propagation in 1D Elastoplastic Heterogeneous Media, Journal of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics, https://doi.org/10.1142/S259172851850043
Durand, V., A. Mangeney, F. Haas, X. Jia, A. Peltier, C. Hibert, V. Ferrazzini, P. Kowalski, F. Lauret, C. Brunet, C. Satriano, K. Wegner, A. Delorme, L.F. Bonilla and N. Villeneuve (2018). On the link between external forcings and slope instabilities in the Piton de la Fournaise summit crater, Reunion Island, J. Geophys. Res., 10.1029/2017JF004507
Régnier, J., L.F. Bonilla, P.Y. Bard, E. Bertrand, F. Hollender, H. Kawase, D. Sicilia, P. Arduino, A. Amorosi, D. Asimaki, D. Boldini, L. Chen, A. Chiaradonna, F. DeMartin, A. Elgamal, G. Falcone, E. Foerster, S. Foti, E. Garini, G. Gazetas, C. Gélis, A. Ghofrani, A. Giannakou, J. Gingery, N. Glinsky, J. Harmon, Y. Hashash, S. Iai, S. Kramer, S. Kontoe, J. Kristek, G. Lanzo, A. di Lernia, F. Lopez-Caballero, M. Marot, G. McAllister, E.D. Mercerat, P. Moczo, S. Montoya-Noguera, M. Musgrove, A. Nieto-Ferro, A. Pagliaroli, F. Passeri, A. Richterova, S. Sajana, M.P. Santisi d’Avila, J. Shi, F. Silvestri, M. Taiebat, G. Tropeano, D. Vandeputte, and L. Verrucci (2018). PRENOLIN: International Benchmark on 1D Nonlinear Site‐Response Analysis - Validation Phase Exercise, Bull. Seism., Soc. Am., doi: 10.1785/0120170210
Laurendeau, A., F. Courboulex, L.F. Bonilla, A. Alvarado, V.A. Naya, PH. Guéguen, E.D. Mercerat, J.C. Singaucho, E. Bertrand, M. Perrault, J.G. Barros, M. Ruiz (2017). Low‐Frequency Seismic Amplification in the Quito Basin (Ecuador) Revealed by Accelerometric Recordings of the RENAC Network, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 107 (6): 2917-2926.
Chabot, S., N. Glinsky, E.D. Mercerat, L.F. Bonilla (2017). A high-discontinuous Galerkin method for 1D wave propagation in a nonlinear heterogenous medium, Journal of Computational Physics, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcp.2017.11.013
L.F. Bonilla, Ph. Guéguen, F. Lopez-Caballero, D. Mercerat, C. Gélis (2017). Prediction of non-linear site response using downhole array data and numerical modeling: The Belleplaine (Guadeloupe) case study, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pce.2017.02.017
Catherine B.T., A. Svay, A. Laurendeau, Th. Chartier, V. Perron, C. Guyonnet-Benaize, E. Kishta, R. Cottereau, F. Lopez-Caballero, F. Hollender, B. Richard, F. Ragueneau, F. Voldoire, F. Banci, I. Zentner, N. Moussallam, M. Lancieri, P.Y. Bard, S. Grange, S. Erlicher, P. Kotronis, A. Le Maoult, M. Nicolas, J. Regnier, L.F. Bonilla, N. Theodoulidis (2017). Toward an integrated seismic risk assessment for nuclear safety, improving current French methodologies through the SINAPS@ research project, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 323, 185-201.
Ashly Cabas, A. Rodriguez‐Marek, L.F. Bonilla (2017). Estimation of Site‐Specific Kappa (κ0)‐Consistent Damping Values at KiK‐Net Sites to Assess the Discrepancy between Laboratory‐Based Damping Models and Observed Attenuation (of Seismic Waves) in the Field, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 107 (5), 2258-2271
Elif Oral, C. Gélis, L.F. Bonilla, E. Delavaud (2017). Spectral element modeling of seismic wave propagation in visco-elastoplastic media including excess-pore pressure development, Geophysical Journal International, ggx375, https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggx375
Julie Régnier, L.F. Bonilla, P.Y. Bard, E. Bertrand, F, Hollender, H. Kawase, D. Sicilia, P. Arduino, A. Amorosi, D. Asimaki, D. Boldini, L. Chen, A. Chiaradonna, F. DeMartin, M. Ebrille, A. Elgamal, G. Falcone, E. Foerster, S. Foti, E. Garini, G. Gazetas, C. Gélis, A. Ghofrani, A. Giannakou, J.R. Gingery, N. Glinsky, J. Harmon, Y. Hashash, S. Iai, B. Jeremić, S. Kramer, S. Kontoe, J. Kristek, G. Lanzo, A. di Lernia, F. Lopez‐Caballero, M. Marot, G. McAllister, E.D. Mercerat, P. Moczo, S. Montoya‐Noguera, M. Musgrove, A. Nieto‐Ferro, A. Pagliaroli, F. Pisanò, A. Richterova, S. Sajana, M.P. Santisi d'Avila, J. Shi, F. Silvestri, M. Taiebat, G. Tropeano, L. Verrucci, and K. Watanabe (2016). International Benchmark on Numerical Simulations for 1D, Nonlinear Site Response (PRENOLIN): Verification Phase Based on Canonical Cases, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 106, 2112-2135, doi: 10.1785/0120150284.
Chandra, J., Ph. Guéguen, and L.F. Bonilla (2016). PGA-PGV/Vs considered as a stress-strain proxy for predicting nonlinear soil response, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol 85, 146-160.
Levy, C., A. Mangeney, L.F. Bonilla, C. Hibert, E.S. Calder, and P.J. Smith (2015). Friction weakening in granular flows deduced from seismic records at the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, Journal of Research Geophysics, Solid Earth, 120, doi: 10.1002/2015JB012151.
Chandra, J., Ph. Guéguen, J.H. Steidl, and L.F. Bonilla (2015). In Situ Assessment of the G–γ Curve for Characterizing the Nonlinear Response of Soil: Application to the Garner Valley Downhole Array and the Wildlife Liquefaction Array, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., doi:10.1785/0120140209.
Bozzano, F., Martino, S., Prestininzi, A., Scarascia-Mugnozza, G., Bonilla, L.F., Bretschneider, A., Chazelas, J.L., Escoffier, S., Lenti, L. and Semblat, J.F. (2015). Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Nonlinearity in Soils Using Advanced Laboratory-Scaled Models (ENINALS Project): From a Site-Test to a Centrifuge Model, in Experimental Research in Earthquake Engineering, Fabio Taucer and Roberta Apostolska Editors, 563-578.
Roten, D., D. Fah, and L.F. Bonilla (2014). Quantification of cyclic mobility parameters in liquefiable soils from inversion of vertical array records, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., doi:10.1785/0120130329.
Viens, L., A. Laurendeau, L.F. Bonilla, and N. Shapiro (2014). Broadband acceleration time histories synthesis by coupling low-frequency ambient seismic field and high-frequency stochastic modelling, Geophysical Journal International, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggu362.
Gelis, C., L.F. Bonilla (2014). Influence of a sedimentary basin infilling description of the 2D P- SV wave propagation using linear and nonlinear constitutive models, Geophys. J. Int., doi: 10.1093/gji/ggu143.
Causse M., Laurendeau A, Perrault M., Douglas J., Bonilla L.F., Gueguen P. (2014). A set of Eurocode 8-compatible synthetic time-series as input to dynamic analysis, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. doi 10.1007/s10518-013-9544-2.
Régnier, J., L.F. Bonilla, E. Bertrand, J.F. Semblat (2014). Influence of the Vs profiles beyond 30 m depth on linear site effects: assessment from the KiK-net data, Bulletin of Seismological Society of America, doi: 10.1785/0120140018.
Roten, D., D. Faeh, L.F. Bonilla (2013). High-frequency ground motion amplification during the 2011 Tohoku earthquake explained by soil dilatancy, Geophysical Journal International, 193(2): 898-904 doi:10.1093/gji/ggt001.
Ktenedou O., C. Gelis, L.F. Bonilla (2013). A study on the variability of kappa (κ) in a borehole: implications of computation process, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 103, 1048-1068.
Regnier, J., H. Cadet, L.F. Bonilla, E. Bertrand, J.F. Semblat (2013). Assessing nonlinear behavior of soils in seismic site response: Statistical analysis on KiK-net strong motion data, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, doi: 10.1785/0120120240.
Pitarka, A., H.K. Thio, P. Somerville, and L.F. Bonilla (2013). Broadband ground- motion simulation of an intraslab earthquake and non-linear site response: 2010 Ferndale, California, earthquake case study, Seismological Research Letters, 84, 785-795.
Gelis C., Bonilla L.F. (2012). 2D P-SV numerical study of soil-source interaction in a non-linear basin, Geophysical Journal International, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2012.05690.x
Di Alessandro C., Bonilla L.F., Boore D.M., Rovelli A., and Scotti O. (2012). Predominant-period Site Classification for Response Spectra Prediction Equations in Italy, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 102, 680-695.
Lancieri M., Madariaga R., Bonilla L.F. (2012). Spectral Scaling of the aftershocks of the Tocopilla 2007 earthquake in Northern Chile, Geophysical Journal International, 189, 469–480.
Daniel R.H. O’Connell, Jon. P. Ake, Fabian Bonilla, Pengcheng Liu, Roland LaForge and Dean Ostenaa (2012). Strong ground motion estimation, in Earthquake Research and Analysis - New Frontiers in Seismology, Editor Sebastiano D'Amico (ISBN) 978-953-307-840-3.
Gehl P, Bonilla L.F., and Douglas J. (2011). Accounting for Site Characterization Uncertainties When Developing Ground-Motion Prediction Equations, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 101, 1101 - 1108.
Rodriguez-Marek A., Montalva G.A., Cotton F., and Bonilla L.F. (2011). Analysis of Single-Station Standard Deviation Using the KiK-net Data, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 101, 1242 - 1258.
Bonilla L.F., Tsuda K., Pulido N., Regnier J., and Laurendeau A. (2011). Nonlinear site response evidence of K-NET and KiK-net records from the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake, Earth Planets Space, 63, 785–789.
Douglas J., Gehl P. Bonilla L.F. (2010). A kappa model for mainland France, Pure and Applied Geophysics, DOI 10.1007/s00024-010-0146-5.
Roten D., Fäh D., Bonilla L.F., Alvarez-Rubio S., Weber T. & Laue J. (2009). Estimation of nonlinear site response in a deep Alpine valley. Geophysical Journal International, 178,1597-1613
Douglas, J., P. Gehl, L.F. Bonilla, O. Scotti, J. Regnier, A.M. Duval, and E. Bertrand (2009). Making the most of available site information for empirical ground-motion prediction, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 99, 1502-1520.
Cotton, F., G. Pousse, L.F. Bonilla, and F. Scherbaum (2008). On the Discrepancy of Recent European Ground-Motion Observations and Predictions from Empirical Models: Analysis of KiK-net Accelerometric Data and Point-Sources Stochastic Simulations, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 98, 2244 – 2261.
Bonnefoy-Claudet, S., S. Baize, L.F. Bonilla, C. Berge-Thierry, C. Pasten, J. Campos, P. Volant, and R. Verdugo (2008). Site effect evaluation in the basin of Santiago de Chile using ambient noise measurements, Geophys. J. Int., doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2008.04020.x.
Fukushima, Y., L.F. Bonilla, O. Scotti, and J. Douglas (2007). Site classification using horizontal-to-vertical response spectral ratios and its impact when deriving empirical ground-motion prediction equations, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 11, 712-724.
Pousse, G., L.F. Bonilla, F. Cotton, and L. Marguerin (2006). Non Stationary Stochastic Simulation of Strong Ground Motion Time Histories Including Natural Variability: application to the K-net Japanese Database, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 96, 2103-2117.
Beauval, C., O. Scotti, and L.F. Bonilla (2006). The role of seismicity models in probabilistic seismic hazard estimation: comparison of a zoning and a smoothing approach, Geophys. J. Int., 165, 584-595.
Bonilla, L.F., R.J. Archuleta, and D. Lavallée (2005). Hysteretic and Dilatant Behavior of Cohesionless Soils and Their Effects on Nonlinear Site Response: Field Data Observations and Modeling, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 95, 2373 - 2395.
Pousse, G., C. Berge-Thierry, L.F. Bonilla, and P.Y. Bard (2005). Eurocode 8 Design Response Spectra Evaluation Using the K-net Japanese Database, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 9, 547-574.
Heuze, F., R.J. Archuleta, L.F. Bonilla, S. Day, M. Doroudian, A. Elgamal, S. Gonzales, M. Hoehler, T. Lai, D. Lavallée, B. Lawrence, P.C. Liu, A. Martin, L. Matesic, B. Minster, R. Mellors, D. Oglesby, S. Park, M. Riemer, J.H. Steidl, F. Vernon, M. Vucetic, J. Wagoner, Z. Yang (2004). Estimating site-specific strong earthquake motions, Soil Dyn. and Earth. Eng., 24, 199-223.
Hartzell, S., L.F. Bonilla, and R.A. Williams (2004). Prediction of Nonlinear Effects, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 94, 1609 - 1629.
Clément Ch., O. Scotti, L.F. Bonilla, S. Baize, and C. Beauval (2004). Zoning versus faulting models in PSHA for moderate seismicity regions: preliminary results for the Tricastin nuclear site, France, Bolletino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, 45, 187-204.
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Archuleta, R.J., P. Liu, J.H. Steidl, L.F. Bonilla, D. Lavallée, and F. Heuze (2003). Finite-fault site-specific acceleration time histories that include nonlinear site response, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 137, 153-181.
Bonilla, L.F., J.H. Steidl, J.C. Gariel, and R.J. Archuleta (2002). Borehole Response Studies at the Garner Valley Downhole Array, Southern California,Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 92, 3165-3179.
Field, E.H., S. Kramer, A.-W. Elgamal, J.D. Bray, N. Matasovic, P.A. Johnson, C. Cramer, C. Roblee, D.J. Wald, L.F. Bonilla, P.P. Dimitriu, and J.G. Anderson, (1998). Nonlinear Site Response: Where We’re at (A Report from a SCEC/PEER Seminar and Workshop), Seism. Res. Letters, 69, 230-234.
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