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Mathilde FISCHER
Chargée de recherche
Divitha Seetharamdoo est titulaire d’une thèse de doctorat en systèmes de communications de l’université de Rennes depuis 2006. De 2006 à 2007, elle a effectué un post-doctorat à l’Ecole Polytechnique Fédéral de Lausanne (EPFL) en Suisse. Depuis 2008, elle a rejoint l’institut Français des sciences et technologies des transports et d’aménagement des réseaux (IFSTTAR) où elle est chargée de recherche. Elle a été chercheur invité à temps partiel au Applied Physics group du Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) en Belgique de 2013 à 2015.
Ses recherches concernent en particulier la modélisation et la conception de métamatériaux pour des différentes applications telles que les antennes pour les systèmes de communication, les radars et la compatibilité électromagnétique. Le contexte applicatif de ses recherches se situe principalement dans le domaine des transports et de la ville intelligente. Elle a nombreuses contributions dans le domaine de l’intégration d’antennes en milieux complexes et de techniques d’association de métamatériaux aux antennes pour en améliorer leurs performances lors de l’intégration et la miniaturisation.
Elle a coordonné et a participé à de nombreux projets collaboratifs et industrielles. Elle est auteur et co-auteur de nombreuses publications, chapitres d’ouvrage et brevets.
Elle intervient par ailleurs en tant qu'experte reconnue par CERTIFER (Agence de Certification Ferroviaire) à l'evaluation et la certification des projets en compatibilité électromagnétique. Elle est intervenu sur le Métro de Sydney.
Membre élu suppléant de la Commission d'évaluation des chercheurs du ministère chargé des transports et du développement durable
Membre élu du Conseil scientifique de l'IFSTTAR - CAC provisoire de l'université Gustave Eiffel
Mes dernières références
My latest references
Articles en revue
Journal papers
MANOUARE, Ahmed Zakaria, IBNYAICH, Saida, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, EL IDRISSI, Abdelaziz, GHAMMAZ, Abdelilah, 2020, Design, Fabrication and Measurement of a Novel Compact Triband CPW-Fed Planar Monopole Antenna Using Multi-type Slots for Wireless Communication Applications, Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 29, 2, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd, 24p, DOI: 10.1142/S0218126620500322
AWAN, Zeeshan Akbar, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, 2020, Scattering characteristics of a metasurface covered chiral sphere, Applied Optics, (59), Optical Society of America, p. 5670-5679, DOI: 10.1364/AO.392709
KALAAGI, Mohammed, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, 2020, Retrodirective metasurfaces from non-reciprocal to reciprocal using impedance modulation for high-super-cell-periodicity designs, Applied Physics A, (126), SPRINGER, 7p, DOI: 10.1007/s00339-020-3455-2
CHUKWUKA, Ozuem, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, RABAH, Mhamad-Hassanein, 2020, Stored energy of arbitrary metamaterial inclusions, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 23, (53), IOP Publishing, p. 235501, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6463/ab78d3
KARI, Nadia, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, LAHEURTE, Jean-Marc, SARRAZIN, François, 2020, Modal Analysis of Chiral Metamaterial Using Characteristic Mode Analysis and Eigenmode Expansion Method, IEEE Journal of Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques, 5, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - IEEE, pp37-43, DOI: 10.1109/JMMCT.2020.2981235
KALAAGI, Mohammed, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, 2019, Multiangle retrodirective cascaded metasurface, Journal of Applied Physics, 126, AIP Publishing LLC, p. 104901, DOI: 10.1063/1.5095147
Télécharger le documentMANOUARE, Ahmed Zakaria, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, IBNYAICH, Saida, EL IDRISSI, Abdelaziz, GHAMMAZ, Abdelilah, 2018, Miniaturized CPW-Fed Planar Monopole Antenna for Multi-band WLAN/WiMAX Wireless Applications, Journal of Nano and Electronic Physics, 10, 1, Sumy State University, 9p, DOI: 10.21272/jnep.10(1).01009
MANOUARE, Ahmed Zakaria, IBNYAICH, Saida, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, EL IDRISSI, Abdelaziz, GHAMMAZ, Abdelilah, 2018, Design, fabrication and measurement of a miniaturized CPW-Fed planar monopole antenna using a single vertical strip for multi-band wireless applications, Journal of Engineering Technology, 7, 1, American Society for Engineering Education, pp155-169
Télécharger le documentSROUR, Hussein, GILLARD, Raphael, MERIC, Stéphane, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, 2018, Analysis of the Retrodirective Mechanism of a Flattened Dihedral, IET Communications, INST ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY-IET, 12 p, DOI: 10.1049/iet-map.2017.0491
RABAH, Mhamad-Hassanein, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, BERBINEAU, Marion, 2016, Analysis of Miniature Metamaterial and Magnetodielectric Arbitrary-Shaped Patch Antennas Using Characteristic Modes: Evaluation of the Q Factor, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 64, 7, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - IEEE, p.2719-2731, DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2016.2571723
RABAH, Mhamad-Hassanein, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, BERBINEAU, Marion, DE LUSTRAC, André, 2016, New Metrics for Artificial Magnetism from Metal-dielectric Metamaterial Based on The Theory of Characteristic Modes, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 15, INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS - IEEE, p460-463, DOI: 10.1109/LAWP.2015.2452269
RABAH, Mhamad-Hassanein, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, ADDACI, Rafik, BERBINEAU, Marion, 2015, Novel miniature extremely-wide-band antenna with stable radiation pattern for spectrum sensing applications, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, issue 99, INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS - IEEE, pp. 1634 - 1637, DOI: 10.1109/LAWP.2015.2415491
AVELLA CASTIBLANCO, Jorge, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, BERBINEAU, Marion, NEY, Michel, GALLEE, François, 2015, Surface Impedance Boundary Conditions in Time Domain for Guided Structures of Arbitrary Cross Section With Lossy Dielectric Walls, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 63, issue 3, INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS - IEEE, 1086-1097, DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2015.2388535
ADDACI, Rafik, HAMDIKEN, Nazih, FORTAKI, Tarek, FERRERO, Fabien, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, STARAJ, Robert, 2014, Simple bandwidth-enhancement technique for miniaturised low-profile UWB antenna design, Electronics Letters, 50, 22, Institution of Engineering and Technology, pp. 1564-1566, DOI: 10.1049/el.2014.3163
BERBINEAU, Marion, KASSAB, Mohamed, GRANSART, Christophe, WAHL, Martine, COCHERIL, Yann, MASSON, Emilie, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, SANZ, David, GHANNOUM, Hassan, GATIN, Oriane, 2014, Le véhicule connecté dans les transports publics : technologies existantes et perspectives, Revue de l'Electricité et de l'Electronique REE, 4, SOCIETE DES ELECTRICIENS ET DES ELECTRONICIENS - SEE, p60-67
Plus d'infosADDACI, Rafik ; SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha ; RABAH, Mhamad-Hassanein ; BERBINEAU, Marion , 2013 , Multi-band multi-antenna system for diversity and/or MIMO applications , International Journal of Research in Wireless Systems , 2 , 1 , 7p
Télécharger le documentGERMAIN, Dylan ; SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha ; BUROKUR, Shah Nawaz ; DE LUSTRAC, André , 2013 , Thin Conformal Directive Fabry–Pérot Cavity Antenna , IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters , 12 , INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS - IEEE , p926 - 929 , DOI: 10.1109/LAWP.2013.2273972
GERMAIN, Dylan ; SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha ; BUROKUR, Shah Nawaz ; DE LUSTRAC, André , 2013 , Phase-compensated metasurface for a conformal microwave antenna , Applied Physics Letters , 124102 , 103 , AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS , 124102-12102(3) , DOI: 10.1063/1.4821357
RIOULT,J ; HEDDEBAUT,M ; SEETHARAMDOO,D ; DENIAU,V , 2009 , Real-time 3D electromagnetic field measurement instrument with direct visualization , Comptes Rendus Physique , Vol10, n1 , Elsevier , p13-21
Chapitres d'ouvrage
Book chapters
BERBINEAU, Marion, KASSAB, Mohamed, GRANSART, Christophe, WAHL, Martine, MARAIS, Juliette, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, 2015, Chapter 3: ICT for Intelligent Public Transport Systems, state of knowledge and future trends. In: Clean Mobility and Intelligent Transport Systems, IET Digital Library, pp49-74, DOI: 10.1049/PBTR001E
AVELLA CASTIBLANCO, Jorge, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, BERBINEAU, Marion, NEY, Michel, MASSY SANCHEZ, Grigory Ibrahim, GALLÉE, François, 2015, Time-Domain Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Confined Environments, Chapter 7. In : Advanced electromagnetic waves, Osman Bashir (EDS), INTECH, pp.179 - 207, DOI: 10.5772/61340
AVELLA CASTIBLANCO, Jorge, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, BERBINEAU, Marion, NEY, Michel, GALLEE, François, 2013, Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Modeling for Finding Antenna Specifications and Positions in Tunnels of Arbitrary Cross-section. In Wave Propagation Theories and Applications, Yi ZHENG (Ed), InTech, p261-288, DOI: 10.5772/51838
SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, SAUVIAC, Bruno, 2013, Metamaterials for non-radiative microwave functions and antennas. In: Metamaterials and wave control, Eric Lheurette (Ed), WILEY, p67-83
SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, 2013, Towards new prospects for electromagnetic compatibility. In: Metamaterials and Wave Control, Eric Lheurette (Ed), WILEY, p87-107
SEETHARAMDOO,D , 2010 , L'utilisation de métamatériaux (composites) dans les transports guidés du futur : enjeux et verrous , Innovations dans les transports guidés urbains et régionaux (Traité systèmes automatisés, IC2), Soulas,C et Wahl,M (Eds) , Hermès Science Publications - Lavoisier , p114-123
Plus d'infosCommunications
Conference papers
WANG, Yen, WEN, Yinghong, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, BERBINEAU, Marion, 2021, Research on electromagnetic emission characteristics of vacuum tube magnetic levitation system, ICEAA 2021, International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, Honolulu, Hawai, ETATS-UNIS, 2021-08-09, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - IEEE, 1p, DOI: 10.1109/ICEAA52647.2021.9539650
KALAAGI, Mohammed, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, 2020, Fano Resonance Based Multiple Angle Retrodirective Metasuface, EuCAP'20, 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Copenhague, Danemark, 2020-03-15, 4p, DOI: 10.23919/EuCAP48036.2020.9135337
Plus d'infosKARI, Nadia, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, LAHEURTE, Jean-Marc, SARRAZIN, François, 2020, Circularly Polarized Electrically Small Antenna Using Chiral Metamaterials and Based on Characteristic Modes Theory, EuCAP'20, 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, COPENHAGUE, DANEMARK, 2020-03-15, 5p, DOI: 10.23919/EuCAP48036.2020.9135585
Plus d'infosKALAAGI, Mohammed, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, 2020, Multi-Band Metamaterial Absorbers to Efficient Energy Harvesters for Railway Applications, IWAT 2020, International Workshop on Antenna Technology, Bucarest, ROUMANIE, 2020-02-25, 3p, DOI: 10.1109/iWAT48004.2020.1570609890
Plus d'infosCHUKWUKA, Ozuem, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, KALAAGI, Mohammed, 2020, Analysis of cloaking metasurface using theory of characteristic modes, IWAT 2020, International Workshop on Antenna Technology, Bucarest, ROUMANIE, 2020-02-25, 4p, DOI: 10.1109/iWAT48004.2020.1570598014
DAGHARI, Marwa, ABDELHAMID, Chafai, SAKLI, Hedi, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, 2019, Design And Simulations Of Stable Pass-Band Filtering Response Using Miniaturized Element Frequency Selective Surface (MEFSS), IWCMC 2019, 15th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference, Tanger, MAROC, 2019-06-24, pp821-825, DOI: 10.1109/IWCMC.2019.8766557
CHUKWUKA, Ozuem, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, RABAH, Mhamad-Hassanein, 2019, Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in Metamaterials Using Theory of Characteristic Modes, AP-S/URSI 2019, IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, Atlanta, ETATS-UNIS, 2019-07-07, p. 1405-1406, DOI: 10.1109/APUSNCURSINRSM.2019.8888960
Plus d'infosKARI, Nadia, CHUKWUKA, Ozuem, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, LAHEURTE, Jean-Marc, SARRAZIN, François, 2019, Analysis of a chiral helix metamaterial using eigenmode expansion method and characteristic mode theory, AP-S/URSI 2019, IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, Atlanta, ETATS-UNIS, 2019-07-07, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - IEEE, 2p, DOI: 10.1109/APUSNCURSINRSM.2019.8889006
Plus d'infosKALAAGI, Mohammed, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, 2019, Electromagnetic energy harvesting systems in the railway environment: State of the art and proposal of a novel metamaterial energy harvester, EuCAP' 19, 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Cracovie, POLOGNE, 2019-03-31, p. 1-5
Plus d'infosCHUKWUKA, Ozuem, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, RABAH, Mhamad-Hassanein, 2019, Coupling Analysis of Metamaterial Inspired Structures using the Theory of Characteristic Modes, EuCAP'19, 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Cracovie, POLOGNE, 2019-03-31, 5p
Plus d'infosKALAAGI, Mohammed, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, 2019, Eleven Channel Retrodirective Metasurface Based on the Combination of the Generalized Phase Law and Impedance Modulation, EuCAP'19, 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Cracovie, POLOGNE, 2019-03-31, 3p
Plus d'infosRABAH, Mhamad-Hassanein, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, CHUKWUKA, Ozuem, 2018, On the Use of Modal Powers and Energies in the Analysis and Design of Metamaterial Structures, IEEE RADIO 2018, Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean, Flic en Flac, MAURICE, 2018-10-15, 2p
Télécharger le documentCHUKWUKA, Ozuem, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, RABAH, Mhamad-Hassanein, 2018, Methodology for Quantifying Metamaterial Stored Energy Using Theory of Characteristic Mode, APS-URSI'18, IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, Boston, ETATS-UNIS, 2018-07-08, 2p
Plus d'infosSEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, AMOUSSOU, Charbel, GHANNOUM, Hassan, COCHERIL, Yann, 2018, Radio-wave penetration modelling through composite train bodies and heat-absorbing glazing, EUCAP'18, 12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Londres, ROYAUME-UNI, 2018-04-09, 5p
Plus d'infosKALAAGI, Mohammed, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, 2018, Retrodirective Metasurface Operating Simultaneously at Multiple Incident Angles, EUCAP'18, 12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Londres, ROYAUME-UNI, 2018-04-09, 5p
Plus d'infosOZUEM, Chukwuka, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, RABAH, Mhamad-Hassanein, SAKLI, Hedi, 2018, Stored Energy Evaluation of Metamaterials based on Theory of Characteristic Mode, EUCAP '18, 12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Londres, ROYAUME-UNI, 2018-04-09, 5p
Plus d'infosYANG, Kun, BERBINEAU, Marion, GHYS, Jean-Pierre, COCHERIL, Yann, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, 2017, Propagation measurements with regional train at 60 GHz for virtual coupling application, EUCAP 2017, 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Paris, France, 2017-03-19, 5p, DOI: 10.23919/EuCAP.2017.7928494
SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, ADDACI, Rafik, PHAM, Vy Xuyen, CHAGNY, Christian, YANG, Kun, GHYS, Jean-Pierre, BERBINEAU, Marion, 2017, Influence of railway environment on antenna performances at mm-Wave frequencies, EUCAP 2017, 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Paris, France, 2017-03-19, 4p, DOI: 10.23919/EuCAP.2017.7928771
TEKAM, Gabin Oumbe, GINIS, Vincent, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, DANCKAERT, Jan, 2016, Subwavelength resonant antennas enhancing electromagnetic energy harvesting, SPIE Photonics Europe, Bruxelles, Belgique, 2016-04-03, 6p
Plus d'infosSROUR, Hussein, GILLARD, Raphaël, MERIC, Stéphane, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, 2016, Improved Retrodirective Flattened Dihedral Using Incidence Angle Correction, LAPC 2016 - Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference, Loughborough, Royaume-Uni, 2016-11-14, 4p
Plus d'infosWANDERLINDER, Luis Felipe, LEMAIRE, Dominique, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, 2016, Experimental analysis for metamaterials used to lower the LUF of a reverberation chamber, EMC Europe 2016, Wroclaw, Pologne, 2016-09-05, 5p
Plus d'infosRABAH, Mhamad-Hassanein, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, 2016, Calculation of the total Q-factor for electrically small antennas with metamaterials using characteristic modes, 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Davos, SUISSE, 2016-04-10, 5p, DOI: 10.1109/EuCAP.2016.7481901
AVELLA CASTIBLANCO, Jorge, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, BERBINEAU, Marion, NEY, Michel, 2016, Modal wave propagation characteristics in tunnels of different cross sections, 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Davos, SUISSE, 2016-04-10, 4p, DOI: 10.1109/EuCAP.2016.7481738
GERMAIN, Dylan, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, BUROKUR, Shah Nawaz, LUSTRAC, Andre, 2014, Phase-compensated metasurface for conformal sectoral beam antennas, 2014 IWAT- International workshop on antenna technology: mall antennas, novel em structures and materials, and applications, 2014-03-04, pp. 187-190, DOI: 10.1109/IWAT.2014.6958634
ANDRIES, Mihai Ionut, SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha, BESNIER, Philippe, 2014, Analytical modal analysis to evaluate the contribution of metamaterials to the improvement of reverberation chambers, EMC Europe 2014 - International Symposium onElectromagnetic Compatibility, Goteborg, SUEDE, 2014-09-01, INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS - IEEE, PP.883-888, DOI: 10.1109/EMCEurope.2014.6931028
RABAH, Mhamad-Hassanein ; SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha ; ADDACI, Rafik ; BERBINEAU, Marion , 2014 , Future Communication Systems: Cognitive radios from Antenna Point of View , 20th LAAS International Science Conference , Beyrouth , LIBAN , 27/03/2014 , 2p
Télécharger le documentRABAH, Mhamad-Hassanein ; SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha ; DE LUSTRAC, André ; BERBINEAU, Marion , 2014 , Analysis of Metamaterial Inclusions for Association with Radiating Elements Using the Theory of Characteristic Modes , EuCAP 2014, 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation , La Haye , PAYS-BAS , 06/04/2014 , p1081-1083
Plus d'infosADDACI, Rafik ; FERRERO, Fabien ; SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha ; LE HUY, Trinh ; STARAJ, Robert ; BERBINEAU, Marion , 2014 , Multi-band Multi-Antenna System with New Approach of PIFA Bandwidth Enhancement , EuCAP 2014, 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation , LA HAGUE , PAYS-BAS , 06/04/2014 , 4p
Plus d'infosADDACI, Rafik ; SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha ; LE HUY, Trinh ; FERRERO, Fabien ; STARAJ, Robert ; BERBINEAU, Marion , 2014 , Multi-Standard Miniature Antenna for Smart Wireless Handheld Devices Application , EuCAP 2014, 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation , LA HAGUE , PAYS-BAS , 06/04/2014 , 4p
Plus d'infosRABAH, Mhamad-Hassanein ; SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha ; ADDACI, Rafik ; BERBINEAU, Marion , 2013 , Antennes miniature pour la radio intelligente : sondage de spectre et liaison de communication , Journées franco-libanaise 2 , Dunkerque , France , 22/10/2013 , 1p
Télécharger le documentRABAH, Mhamad-Hassanein ; SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha ; BERBINEAU, Marion , 2013 , Analyse et conception d’antennes très large bande en utilisant la théorie des modes caractéristiques , URSI 2013 - Journées scientifiques Union Radio Sciences International , Paris , FRANCE , 26/03/2013 , p179-184
Télécharger le documentRABAH, Mhamad-Hassanein ; SEETHARAMDOO, Divitha ; ADDACI, Rafik ; BERBINEAU, Marion ; GHYS, Jean-Pierre , 2013 , A miniaturized EWB antenna for spectrum sensing applications , APSURSI - Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium , Orlando , ETATS-UNIS , 06/07/2013 , INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS - IEEE , pp1750-1751 , DOI: 10.1109/APS.2013.6711534
SEETHARAMDOO, Jorge, BERBINEAU, Divitha, NEY, Marion, GALLEE, Michel, 2013, Electromagnetic modeling and definition of antenna specifications and positions for radio system deployment in confined environments, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean (RADIO 2012), Réduit, MAURICE, 2012-09-24, vol44, 44, 1, 5p, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/44/1/012010
CASTIBLANCO,J ; SEETHARAMDOO,D ; BERBINEAU,M ; NEY,M ; GALLEE,F , 2011 , Modélisation modale de la propagation des ondes dans des milieux confinés , Assemblée générale du GDR ONDES : Interférences d'ondes, octobre 2011, Nice, France , 2p
Télécharger le documentCASTIBLANCO,J ; SEETHARAMDOO,D ; BERBINEAU,M ; NEY,M ; GALLEE,F , 2011 , Méthodologie de conception et de positionnement d'antennes en environnement confiné , Assemblée générale du GDR ONDES : Interférences d'ondes, octobre 2011, Nice, France , 2p
Télécharger le documentSEETHARAMDOO,D ; COCCATO,I , 2011 , Investigation on the use of metamaterials to lower the operating frequency of reverberation chamber , EMC Europe 2011, 26-30 September, York, United Kingdom , IEEE , 6p
Télécharger le documentSEETHARAMDOO,D ; COCCATO,I ; BERBINEAU,M , 2011 , Cavités sub-longueur d'ondes à métamatériaux pour des applications de compatibilité électromagnétique (CEM) , Colloque National Métamatériaux, mars 2011, Orsay, France , 1p
GHYS,JP ; SEETHARAMDOO,D ; COCCATO,I ; PAVLOVIC,M ; BERBINEAU,M , 2011 , Numerical modeling for the analysis of Vivaldi antenna as transmitter in a reverberation chamber , ACES 2011, 27th International Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics, March 27-31 2011, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA , Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society , 6p
Plus d'infosAVELLA-CASTIBLANCO,J ; SEETHARAMDOO,D ; BERBINEAU,M ; NEY,M ; GALLEE,F , 2011 , Determination of antenna specification and positioning for efficient railway communication in tunnels of arbitrary cross section , ITST 2011, 11th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications, 23-25 August, St Petersburg, Russia , IEEE , p678-683
Plus d'infosSEETHARAMDOO,D ; AVELLA CASTIBLANCO,J ; BERBINEAU,M , 2011 , Metamaterial for trainborne antenna integration and reduction of EMI between onboard systems in the railway environment , WCRR 2011, 9th World Congress on Railway Research, may 22-26 2011, Lille, France , 7p
Plus d'infosAVELLA-CASTIBLANCO,J ; SEETHARAMDOO,D ; BERBINEAU,M ; NEY,M ; GALLEE,F , 2011 , Surface Boundary conditions for lossy dielectrics to model electromagnetic wave propagation in tunnels , EUCAP, 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, 11-15 April 2011, Roma, Italy , IEEE , p2478-2482
Plus d'infosCASTIBLANCO,J ; SEETHARAMDOO,D ; BERBINEAU,M ; NEY,M ; GALLEE,F , 2010 , Full-wave modeling for propagation in underground railway tunnels with arbitrary cross-section for antenna positioning , ITST 2010 10th International Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems Telecommunications, 9-11 November 2010, Kyoto, Japan , IEICE , 6p
Plus d'infosCASTIBLANCO,J ; SEETHARAMDOO,D ; BERBINEAU,M ; NEY,M ; GALLEE,F , 2010 , TLM modeling for electromagnetic wave propagation in tunnels , IEEE Workshop on Present challenges in computational electromagnetics: complexity management, multi-scales, multi-physics, uncertainty management, statistics, Décembre 2010,Saint Malo, France , 2p
Plus d'infosMARIAGE,P ; DENIAU,V ; SEETHARAMDOO,D ; RIOULT,J , 2009 , Analysis of electromagnetic pollution radiated due to embedded 802.11a/b/g equipments both inside and outside railway vehicles , ITST 2009, 9th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications, october 2009, Lille, France , IEEE , p129-134
Plus d'infosRIOULT,J ; SEETHARAMDOO,D ; HEDDEBAUT,M ; DENIAU,V , 2009 , Gyroscanfield : visualiser en 3D et en temps réel le rayonnement électromagnétique d'un objet sous test , Journées Champ proche optique THz et Micro-ondes Compatibilité Electromagnétique, 5-6 février 2009, Lausanne, Suisse , EPFL , 1p
Plus d'infosRIOULT,J ; SEETHARAMDOO,D ; HEDDEBAUT,M , 2009 , Novel electromagnetic field measuring instrument with real-time visualization , IEEE EMC Symposium 2009, august 2009, Austin, Texas, USA , IEEE , 6p
Plus d'infosSEETHARAMDOO,D ; MARIAGE,PH ; DENIAU,V ; RIOULT,J , 2009 , Introducing electromagnetic modelling and metamaterials for EMC analysis of novel transportation systems , Young researchers Seminar 2009, june 2009,Torino, Italy , ECTRI , 12p
SEETHARAMDOO,D ; BERBINEAU,M ; TAROT,A ; MAHDJOUBI,K , 2009 , Evaluating the potential shielding properties of periodic metamaterial slabs , EMC Europe 2009, Workshop Materials in Applications, june 2009, Athens, Greece , 4p
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Service expertise
X2Rail-1 (S2R-CFM-IP2-01-2015) est le 1er projet mené par les membres du programme Shift2Rail. Il vise le développement de nouvelles solutions de signalisation ferroviaire avec en particulier les sujets télécommunications, cybersécurité, réduction des essais sur site...
Via des mises à disposition de chercheurs pour Railenium, l’Ifsttar est impliqué dans les projets de l’entreprise commune Européenne ferroviaire Shift2rail dans le cadre du Programme d’Innovation 2 (IP2) - Systèmes avancés de gestion et de contrôle du trafic coordonné par Ansaldo. La première phase du projet X2RAIL-1 (S2R-CFM-IP2-01-2015) a été lancée en 2017 et se poursuivra jusqu’en 2019. La deuxième phase (X2Rail2) démarre en 2018 et se terminera en 2020. Enfin, la troisième phase (X2RAIL-3) démarrera en 2019 pour se terminer avec plusieurs démonstrateurs ferroviaires en vraie grandeur en 2022. Chaque phase vise à développer des briques technologiques indispensables du système de gestion et de contrôle du trafic. Les partenaires des projets sont des membres ou des membres associés de Shift2rail, soit plus de 19 partenaires du secteur ferroviaire venant de 9 pays (France, Allemagne, Belgique, Grande Bretagne, Suède, Espagne, Italie et République Tchèque). Railenium est membre associé de l’entreprise commune Shift2rail pour l’IP2 dans le cadre du consortium SmartRacon qui associe le DLR, le CEIT, NSL et Railenium Plus de dix chercheurs de l’Ifsttar contribuent aujourd’hui aux projets X2RAIL-1 et X2RAIl-2 sur différents sujets (futurs systèmes de communication sans fil adaptatifs pour le contrôle-commande, virtualisation des essais, la cybersécurité des systèmes, localisation GNSS pour servir le concept de balise virtuelle ERTMS, ...)
https://shift2rail.org/project/x2rail-1/Contacts Université Gustave Eiffel
À travers CERTIFER nous avons participé à la certification des procédures et des tests en compatibilité électromagnétique sur le réseau complet (Analyse documentaire de CEM, mission sur le terrain, sondages par échantillonnage en pré-construction et post-construction) et à un conseil (CERTIFER) des rapports rédigés par les industriels. Cette action est reconduite d'année en année.
Contacts Université Gustave Eiffel
Contacts Université Gustave Eiffel