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Fabrice DETREZ

Associate professor, HDR

CFR / MSME - Modélisation et Simulation Multi-Echelle


Bâtiment: Building: Lavoisier

5 boulevard Descartes$Champs-sur-Marne$77454 Marne-la-Vallée Cedex 2

Bureau: Office: B13

Fabrice DETREZ

Associate professor, HDR

CFR / MSME - Modélisation et Simulation Multi-Echelle

I am a research engineer interested in understanding, modelling and optimising of the mechanical response for sustanaible materials. I work as Associate Professor of Engineering Science at the University Gustave Eiffel, in the MSME Lab.

Research: Multiscale modeling of polymers and their composites: from the atomic scale to the part scale

Teaching: Materials sciences and Engineering mechanics at B. SC. & M. Sc. levels 

My Scientific Expertise

  • Bio-sourced Polymers and Composites
  • Generating in silico Microstructures
  • Numerical Homogenization
  • Atomistic Simulations
  • Multiphysics Problems
  • Structure-Property Relationships

I am a research engineer interested in understanding, modelling and optimising of the mechanical response for sustanaible materials. I work as Associate Professor of Engineering Science at the University Gustave Eiffel, in the MSME Lab.

Research: Multiscale modeling of polymers and their composites: from the atomic scale to the part scale

Teaching: Materials sciences and Engineering mechanics at B. SC. & M. Sc. levels

My Scientific Expertise
    Bio-sourced Polymers and Composites
    Generating in silico Microstructures
    Numerical Homogenization
    Atomistic Simulations
    Multiphysics Problems
    Structure-Property Relationships

Mes dernières références

My latest references



Xiaoxin Lu, Fabrice Detrez, Julien Yvonnet, Jinbo Bai
Identification des propriétés élastiques locales des interfaces et interphases d'un nanocomposite polymère graphène. 16ème Colloque National en Calcul de Structures (CSMA 2024), CNRS; CSMA; ENS Paris-Saclay; CentraleSupélec, May 2024, Hyères, France
Noëlle Billon, Fabrice Detrez, Alba Marcellan, Thierry Hamaide
Introduction à la physique et aux propriétés thermomécaniques des matériaux polymères. Hermès, Science et Ingénierie des matériaux. Hermès, Science Publication, 2024, 978-2-7462-4958-5
Fabrice Detrez
Modélisation du lien entre le comportement viscoélastique et le changement de conformation d'une macromolécule. 31eme colloque national DDformation des Polymères Solide (DEPOS 31), Oct 2023, Anglet (France), France
Fabrice Detrez
A Constitutive Model for Semi-Crystalline Polymer Deformation Involving Lamellar Fragmentation. XVII International Conference on Computational Plasticity, COMPLAS 2023, Sep 2023, Barcelona, Spain
Fabrice Detrez, Xiaoxin Lu, Sébastien Roland
Génération de microstructures sphérolitiques dans les composites à matrice thermoplastique semi-cristalline. JNC23 : Journées Nationales sur les Composites 2023, AMAC, UFC, Supmicrotech-ENSMM, CNRS, Jul 2023, Besançon, France
Yun-Mei Luo, Fabrice Detrez, Luc Chevalier, Xiaoxin Lu, Sébastien Roland
Multiscale framework for estimation of elastic properties of Poly ethylene terephthalate from the crystallization temperature. Mechanics of Materials, 2023, 181, pp.104617
Fabrice Detrez
Génération de microstructures sphérolitiques dans les composites à matrice thermoplastique semi-cristalline. 23ème Journées Nationales sur les Composites, JNC 23, Jul 2023, Besançon, France
Vincent Langlois, Cong Truc Nguyen, Fabrice Detrez, Johann Guilleminot, Camille Perrot
Permeability of polydisperse solid foams. Physical Review E , 2022, 105 (1), pp.015101
Xiaoxin Lu, Fabrice Detrez, Julien Yvonnet, Jinbo Bai
Identification of elastic properties of interphase and interface in graphene-polymer nanocomposites by atomistic simulations. 2022 International Symposium on Polymer Nanocomposites (ISPN2022), Sep 2022, Lorient, France
Xiaoxin Lu, Fabrice Detrez, Nicolas Auffray, Sebastien Roland
Étude de l’anisotropie élastique d’agrégats de sphérolites par méthode FFT. 25ème Congrès Français de Mécanique. CFM2022, Aug 2022, Nantes, France
Hanane Attar, Yun Mei Luo, Luc Chevalier, Thanh Tung Nguyen, Fabrice Detrez
Identification of anisotropic properties of polymer sheets from heterogeneous biaxial tests. Polymer Testing, 2022, 115, pp.107721
Xiaoxin Lu, Jinbo Bai, Fabrice Detrez, Julien Yvonnet
Multiscale Modeling of Graphene-polymer Nanocomposites with Tunneling Effect. Jinbo Bai. Nanocomposites: preparation, Characterization and modeling, 2022, 978-1-789-45031-6
Nguyen, V. Langlois, J. Guilleminot, F. Detrez, A. Duval, et al.. Polydisperse Solid Foams: Multiscale Modeling and Simulations of Elasto-Acoustic Properties Including Thin Membrane Effects. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2022, 249, pp.111684
Hanane Attar, Yun-Mei Luo, Luc Chevalier, Thanh Tung Nguyen, Fabrice Detrez
Identification of anisotropic properties of polymer sheets from heterogeneous biaxial tests. Polymer Testing, 2022, 115, pp.107721
Matthieu Caruel, Fabrice Detrez, Isabelle Navizet
Estimation of the free energy barrier of the step of P i release in myosin VI cycle. ESB 2022 Congress, Jun 2022, Porto, Portugal
Xiaoxin Lu, Fabrice Detrez, Julien Yvonnet, Jinbo Bai
Identification of elastic properties of interphase and interface in graphene-polymer nanocomposites by atomistic simulations. 18th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (EMMC18), Apr 2022, Oxford, United Kingdom
Robin Manevy, Fabrice Detrez, M Caruel, Isabelle Navizet
Identification of free energy barriers associated with Pi departure from the active site using Umbrella Sampling. PhysioLab. 2022
Xiaoxin Lu, Fabrice Detrez, Nicolas Auffray, Sebastien Roland
Growth modeling and mechanical study of anisotropy of polymer spherulite aggregates by FFT method. 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering. ECCOMAS 2022, Jun 2022, Oslo, Norway
Matthieu Caruel, Fabrice Detrez, Isabelle Navizet, Robin Manevy
Umbrella Sampling for the estimation of the free energy barrier of Pi release in Myosin. ESB2022 Congress, Jun 2022, Porto, Portugal
Robin Manevy, M Caruel, Fabrice Detrez, Isabelle Navizet
Étude mécanique d'une protéine du muscle. Journée thématique Biomécanque et Biomatériaux, Apr 2021, Paris, France
Minh Vuong Le, Julien Yvonnet, Fabrice Detrez, Nicolas Feld
Coarse mesh condensation multiscale (cmcm) method for full-field simulation of nonlinear heterogeneous structures. 14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM-ECCOMAS) 2021 –Virtual Congress, Jan 2021, Paris, France
Hanane Attar, Thanh Tung Nguyen, Yun Mei Luo, Luc Chevalier, Fabrice Detrez
Identification des paramètres du PET à partir d'essais biaxiaux hétérogène. Colloque DEPOS 30, Sep 2021, La Napoule, France
Xiaoxin Lu, Fabrice Detrez, Julien Yvonnet, Jinbo Bai
Identification of elastic properties of interphase and interface in graphene-polymer nanocomposites by atomistic simulations. Composites Science and Technology, 2021, pp.108943
Xiaoxin Lu, Fabrice Detrez, Julien Yvonnet, Jinbo Bai
Identification des propriétés élastiques de l'interphase et de l'interface d'un nanocomposite graphène polymère par dynamique moléculaire. 22ième Journées Nationales sur les Composites, JNC 22, Jun 2021, Virtuel, France
Xiaoxin Lu, Julien Yvonnet, Fabrice Detrez, Jinbo Bai
Modélisation électromécanique non linéaire multi-échelle de nanocomposites graphène-polymère. Jinbo Bai. Nanocomposites: Préparation, caractérisation et modélisation, ISTE Group, pp.167-198, 2021, 9781789480313
Cong Truc Nguyen, Vincent Langlois, Johann Guilleminot, Fabrice Detrez, Arnaud Duval, et al.
Predicting permeability via statistical descriptors of morphology on polydisperse foams including membranes. The 11th edition of the Automotive NVH Comfort congress, Oct 2021, Le Mans (Sarthe), France
Xiaoxin Lu, Fabrice Detrez, Sebastien Roland
Étude numérique des relations entre la cinétique de cristallisation isotherme et la microstructure sphérolitique. Colloque DEPOS 30, Sep 2021, La Napoule, France
Nicolas Feld, Minh Vuong Le, Julien Yvonnet, Fabrice Detrez
Calcul de structures composites faiblement multi-échelles. 22ième Journées Nationales sur les Composites, JNC 22, Jun 2021, Virtuel, France
Robin Manevy, Isabelle Navizet, M Caruel, Fabrice Detrez
Identification of free energy barriers associated with transition in Myosin cycle using Umbrella Sampling. Workshop Les Houches Protein Dynamics, May 2021, Les Houches, France
Minh Vuong Le, Julien Yvonnet, Nicolas Feld, Fabrice Detrez
Full-field elastic simulations for image-based heterogeneous structures with a Coarse Mesh Condensation Multiscale Method. International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 2020, 18 (3), pp.305-327
Isabelle Navizet, Fabrice Detrez, M Caruel, Robin Manevy
Étude du cycle de la myosine par dynamique moléculaire. Laboratoire Modélisation et Simulation Multi-Echelle. 2020
Minh Vuong Le, Julien Yvonnet, Nicolas Feld, Fabrice Detrez
The Coarse Mesh Condensation Multiscale Method for parallel computation of heterogeneous linear structures without scale separation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2020, 363, pp.112877
Cong Truc Nguyen, Johann Guilleminot, Fabrice Detrez, Vincent Langlois, Michel Bornert, et al.
Micro-macro acoustic modeling of heterogeneous foams with nucleation perturbation. The 11th International Styrian Noise, Vibration & Harshness Congress: The European Automotive Noise Conference (ISNVH 2020), Nov 2020, Graz, Austria
Yanghao Gong, Fabrice Detrez, Yun Mei Luo, Luc Chevalier
Simulation of microstructure evolution for polymer using the phase field method: Crystallization induced by temperature. Polymer Crystallization, 2019
Xiaoxin Lu, Fabrice Detrez, Julien Yvonnet, Jinbo Bai
Multiscale study of influence of interfacial decohesion on piezoresistivity of graphene/polymer nanocomposites. International Conference on Nonlinear Solid Mechanics (ICoNSoM2019), Jun 2019, Rome, Italy
Yun Mei Luo, Luc Chevalier, Xiaoxin Lu, Fabrice Detrez
Crystallization Modelling of Poly Ethylene Terephthalate: from Microstructure to Mechanical Properties. International Conference on Nonlinear Solid Mechanics, Jun 2019, ROMA, Italy
Cong Truc T Nguyen, Camille Perrot, Fabrice Detrez, Johann Guilleminot
Étude numérique multi-échelle des relations structure-propriétés acoustiques d'une mousse à distribution étendue de tailles de pores. 24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2019), 2019, Brest, France
Xiaoxin Lu, Fabrice Detrez, Sébastien Roland
Numerical study of the relationship between the spherulitic microstructure and isothermal crystallization kinetics. Part I. 2-D. Polymer, 2019, 179 (28), pp.Article number 121642
Minh Vuong Le, Julien Yvonnet, Nicolas Feld, Fabrice Detrez
Une méthode FE2 généralisée pour la résolution de structures composites sans séparation d’échelles. 21ème Journées Nationales sur les Composites, École Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers (ENSAM) - Bordeaux, Jul 2019, Bordeaux, Talence, France
Xiaoxin Lu, Julien Yvonnet, Fabrice Detrez, Jinbo Bai
Multiscale study of influence of interfacial decohesion on piezoresistive of graphene/polymer nanocomposites. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2019, 27, pp.035001
Xiaoxin Lu, Fabrice Detrez, Julien Yvonnet, Jinbo Bai
Etude multi-échelles de l'influence de la décohésion interfaciale sur la piézorésistivité de nanocomposites polymère/graphène. 24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2019), Aug 2019, Brest, France
Julien Yvonnet, Xiaoxin Lu, Fabrice Detrez, Jinbo Bai
A two-scale FE2 method using neural networks. MORTech 2019 - 5th international Workshop on Reduced Basis, POD and PGD Model Reduction Techniques, Nov 2019, Paris, France
Minh Vuong Le, Julien Yvonnet, Nicolas Feld, Fabrice Detrez
Une méthode Quasi-FE2 pour la résolution de structures composites. 14ème Colloque National en Calcul des Structures (CSMA 2019), May 2019, Giens, France
Minh Vuong Le, Julien Yvonnet, Nicolas Feld, Fabrice Detrez
Une méthode Quasi-FE2 pour la résolution de structures composites sans séparation d’échelles. 14ème Colloque National en Calcul de Structures (CSMA 2019), CSMA, LEM3, MSME, Université de Lorraine, Arts et Métiers, CNRS, May 2019, Hyères, France
Minh Vuong Le, Julien Yvonnet, Nicolas Feld, Fabrice Detrez
The Reduced Condensation Domain Decomposition (RCDD) Method for simulations of heterogeneous structures. Engineering Mechanics Institute 2019 (EMI) conference, Jun 2019, Pasadena, United States
Xiaoxin Lu, Dimitris Giovanis, Julien Yvonnet, Vissarion Papadopoulos, Fabrice Detrez, et al.
A data-driven computational homogenization method based on neural networks for the nonlinear anisotropic electrical response of graphene/polymer nanocomposites. Computational Mechanics, 2019, 64 (2), pp.307-321
Xiaoxin Lu, Fabrice Detrez, Julien Yvonnet, Jinbo Bai
Identification par dynamique moléculaire des propriétés d’interfaces et d’interphases dans les nanocomposites polymère graphène. Colloque DEPOS 28, 2018, La Bresse, France
Xiaoxin Lu, Fabrice Detrez, Sebastien Roland
Modélisation de la cristallisation des thermoplastiques semi-cristallins. Colloque DEPOS 28, 2018, La Bresse, France
Xiaoxin Lu, Fabrice Detrez, Sebastien Roland
Modeling of the mechanic behavior of graphene-polymer interphaseusing molecular dynamics. International Conference on Deformation, Yield and Fracture of Polymers. 17th DYFP, Mar 2018, Kerkrade, Netherlands
Xiaoxin Lu, Julien Yvonnet, Fabrice Detrez, Jinbo Bai
Low electrical percolation thresholds and nonlinear effects in graphene-reinforced nanocomposites: a numerical analysis. Journal of Composite Materials, 2018, 52 (20)
Fabrice Detrez, Nicolas Auffray, Cong Truc Nguyen, Xiaoxin Lu, Sebastien Roland
Growth modelling and mechanical study of anisotropy of polymer spherulite aggregates. International conference on Deformation, Yield and Fracture of Polymers. 17th DYFP, Mar 2018, Kerkrade, Netherlands
Minh Vuong Le, Julien Yvonnet, Nicolas Feld, Fabrice Detrez
A filter-based multiscale homogenization method for composite structures without scale separation. 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM6), Jun 2018, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Xiaoxin Lu, Julien Yvonnet, Fabrice Detrez, Jinbo Bai
Multiscale modeling of nonlinear electric conductivity ingraphene-reinforced nanocomposites taking into account tunnelling effect. Journal of Computational Physics, 2017, 337, pp.116-131
Yang-Hao Gong, Fabrice Detrez, Yun Mei Luo, Luc Chevalier
Simulation of polymer crystallization induced by temperature using the phase field method: Focus on the Avrami rate constant . 20 th ESAFORM Conference, 2017, Dublin, Ireland
Xiaoxin Lu, Julien Yvonnet, Fabrice Detrez, Jinbo Bai
Numerical analysis of electric conductivity and percolation threshold of graphene-reinforced nanocomposites by finite element method. 13e colloque national en calcul des structures, Université Paris-Saclay, May 2017, Giens, Var, France
Xiaoxin Lu, Julien Yvonnet, Fabrice Detrez, Jinbo Bai
Computation of effective nonlinear coupled electro-mechanical properties of graphene-reinforced nanocomposites . [0] GDR PolyNano 3661. 2017
Fabrice Detrez, Luc Chevalier, Yang-Hao Gong
Modelization of Nucleation and Pattern Formation of Polymer Spherulite. DEPOS 27, 2017, Dourdan, France
Xiaoxing Liu, Julien Yvonnet, Fabrice Detrez, Jinbo Bai
Multiscale modeling of the electrical and mechanical properties of graphene-reinforced nanocomposites. ECCOMAS Thematic Conference: Computational Modeling of Complex Materials across the Scales (CMCS 2017), Nov 2017, Paris, France
Fabrice Detrez, Luc Chevalier
Modèle numérique de la nucléation et de la croissance de sphérolites . [0] GDR PolyNano 3661. 2017
Xiaoxin Lu, Julien Yvonnet, Fabrice Detrez, Jinbo Bai
Conductivité électrique de nanocomposites. Modélisation par homogénéisation périodique Application au PMMA/Graphène.. [0] GDR PolyNano 3661. 2017
Xiaoxin Lu, Julien Yvonnet, Fabrice Detrez, Jinbo Bai
Numerical analysis of electric conductivity and percolation threshold of graphene-reinforced nanocomposites by finite element method. VII International conference on Coupled problems in Science and Engineering, Jun 2017, Rhodes Island, Greece
Fabrice Detrez, Luc Chevalier
Modeling the Nucleation and Growth of Polymer Spherulites. 14th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2017, Montreal, Canada
Fabrice Detrez, Nicolas Auffray, C.T
Nguyen, Luc Chevalier. Growth modeling and mechanical study of polymer spherulite aggregates. CFM 2017 - 23ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Aug 2017, Lille, France
Fabrice Detrez, Nicolas Auffray, C
T. Nguyen, Luc Chevalier. Modèlisation de la croissance et étude des propriétés élastiques des agrégrats de sphérolites . 23ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2017), 2017, Lille, France
Xiaoxin Lu, Julien Yvonnet, Fabrice Detrez, Jinbo Bai
Computational Homogenization of the Nonlinear Electrical Behavior of Graphene/Polymer Nanocomposites. 14th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Jul 2017, Montreal, Canada
Fabrice Detrez, Julien Yvonnet
Modelling of size effects in thin polymer films and characterization by molecular dynamics. 8th Multiscale Materials Modeling, 2016, Dijon, France
Xiaoxin Lu, Julien Yvonnet, Fabrice Detrez, Jinbo Bai
A computational approach to quantify the electric conductivity of graphene-reinforced nanocomposites. ECCOMAS Congress 2016, Jun 2016, Crete Island, Greece
Fabrice Detrez, Yang-Hao Gong, Yun Mei Luo, Luc Chevalier
Phase Field Theory of Nucleation and Polymer Spherulite Pattern Formation. 15th European Mechanics of Materials Conference, Sep 2016, Bruxelles, Belgium
Fabrice Detrez, Y
Cong, H. Zahrouni, Julien Yvonnet. Multiscale Modelling of Buckling in Thin Polymer Films and Characterization by Molecular Dynamics. 8th Multiscale Materials Modeling, Oct 2016, Dijon, France
Yang-Hao Gong, Yun Mei Luo, Luc Chevalier, Fabrice Detrez
Rate Growth Simulation of Spherulitic Microstructure of PET Induced by the Temperature Using the Phase Field Method. 19th ESAFORM Conference, 2016, Nantes, France
Caroline Bollinger, Paul Raterron, Olivier Castelnau, Fabrice Detrez, Sébastien Merkel
Textures in deforming forsterite aggregates up to 8 GPa and 1673 K. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 2016, 43 (6), pp.409-417
Xiaoxin Lu, Julien Yvonnet, Fabrice Detrez, Jinbo Bai
A computational approach to evaluate the effective electrical conductivity of graphene-reinforced nanocomposite. [0] GDR Polynano 3661. 2016
Yang-Hao Gong, Fabrice Detrez, Yun Mei Luo, Luc Chevalier
Phase Field Method to Model the Evolution of the Microstructure of PET Induced by the Temperature. DEPOS 26, 2015, Aber Wrac'h France
Fabrice Detrez, Julien Yvonnet, Qichang He
Multiscale Modelling of Size Effects in Thin Polymer Films and Characterization by Molecular Dynamics. DEPOS 26, 2015, Aber Wrac'h, France
Fabrice Detrez, O Castelnau, P Cordier, Sébastien Merkel, P Raterron
Effective viscoplastic behavior of polycrystalline aggregates lacking four independent slip systems inferred from homogenization methods; application to olivine. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2015, 83, pp.199-220
Fabrice Detrez, Julien Yvonnet, Qi-Chang He
Multiscale modeling and molecular dynamics characterization of size-effects in thin films polymers. VI International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, May 2015, Venice, Italy
Xiaoxin Lu, Julien Yvonnet, Fabrice Detrez, Jinbo Bai
MD simulations on graphene reinforced polymers . [0] GDR Polynano 3661. 2015
Xiaoxin Lu, Julien Yvonnet, Fabrice Detrez, Jinbo Bai
Modeling and Numerical Analysis of Graphene-Polymer Nanocomposites using Molecular Dynamics (MD) Simulation and Finite Element Method (FEM). [0] GDR PolyNano 3661. 2015
Fabrice Detrez, Julien Yvonnet, Qi-Chang He
Multiscale modeling and molecular dynamics characterization of surface effects in polymer thin films . 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Jul 2014, Barcelone, Spain
Olivier Castelnau, Fabrice Detrez, Patrick Cordier, Sébastien Merkel, Paul Raterron
Effective Stress Sensitivity of the Viscoplastic Upper Mantle, and Related Deformation Mechanisms at the Grain Scale. American Geophysical Union fall meeting, Dec 2014, San Francisco, United States
Sabine Cantournet, Laurent Corté, Fabrice Detrez, D.N
Ku, Mohammed Cherkaoui, et al.. Device for tissue repair. United States, Patent n° : US 2014/0039620. 2014, 12 p
Paul Raterron, Fabrice Detrez, Olivier Castelnau, Caroline Bollinger, Patrick Cordier, et al.
Multiscale modeling of upper mantle plasticity: From single-crystal rheology to multiphase aggregate deformation. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 2014, 228, pp.232-243
Paul Raterron, Olivier Castelnau, Fabrice Detrez, Caroline Bollinger, Patrick Cordier, et al.
Multiscale Modeling of Upper Mantle Plasticity: Integrating Experimental and Theoretical data into Mean-field Schemes. American Geophysical Union fall meeting, Dec 2013, San Francisco, United States
Fabrice Detrez, O Castelnau, P Raterron, P Cordier, Sébastien Merkel, et al.
Advances in high-pressure materials rheology: from single-crystal to aggregate plasticity. New Trends in Solid Mechanics: Coupled Fields and Multiscale Modelling, Jun 2013, Castro Urdiales, Spain
Caroline Bollinger, Sébastien Merkel, Paul Raterron, Olivier Castelnau, Fabrice Detrez
Comparing olivine single crystal and polycrystal rheology: evidence for supplementary accommodation mechanisms at grain boundaries. American Geophysical Union fall meeting, Dec 2013, San Francisco, United States
Jason S
Bach, Fabrice Detrez, Mohammed Cherkaoui, Sabine Cantournet, David N. Ku, et al.. Hydrogel fibers for ACL prosthesis : design and mechanical evaluation of PVA and PVA/UHMWPE fiber constructs. Journal of Biomechanics, 2013, 46, pp.1463-1470
Sabine Cantournet, Laurent Corté, Fabrice Detrez, D.N
Ku, Mohammed Cherkaoui, et al.. Device for tissue repair. France, Patent n° : WO2012/098251 A1. 2012, 40 p
Castelnau, Fabrice Detrez, C. Bollinger, P. Cordier, N. Hilairet, et al.. Viscoplastic behavior of multiphase Earth mantle polycrystals inferred from micromechanical modeling. American Geophysical Union fall meeting, Dec 2012, San Francisco, United States. pp.1
Raterron, O. Castelnau, Jie Chen, P. Cordier, Fabrice Detrez, et al.. High-Pressure Deformation of Earth Materials: From Single-Crystal Rheology to the Modeling of Upper-Mantle Plasticity. American Geophysical Union fall meeting, Dec 2012, San Francisco, United States. pp.1
Fabrice Detrez, O
Castelnau, C. Bollinger, P. Cordier, P. Raterron, et al.. Micromechanical modelling of the viscoplastic behavior of Earth mantle polycrystals. International Symposium on Plasticity.. International Symposium on Plasticity, Jan 2012, San Juan, United States. pp.1
Fabrice Detrez, O
Castelnau, P. Cordier, R.A. Lebensohn, S. Merkel, et al.. Microstructure and Rheology of the Earth Upper Mantle inferred from a multiscale approach.. Colloque Plasticité, 2011, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France. pp.1
Fabrice Detrez, Sabine Cantournet, Roland Seguela
Plasticity/damage coupling in semi-crystalline polymers prior to yielding: Micromechanisms and damage law identification. Polymer, 2011, 52, pp.1998-2008
Fabrice Detrez, Sabine Cantournet, Roland Seguela
Introduction du mécanisme de fragmentation dans la modélisation des polymères semicristallins. Colloque DEPOS XXIII, 2011, Guidel-Plage, France. pp.1
Fabrice Detrez, O
Castelnau, P. Cordier, S. Merkel, P. Raterron. Microstructures and rheology of the Earth's upper mantle inferred from a multiscale approach. MicroDICE Conference - Ice deformation: from the model material to ice in natural environments, Nov 2011, Grenoble, France. pp.1
Castelnau, Fabrice Detrez, C. Bollinger, P. Cordier, N. Hilairet, et al.. Micromechanical modeling of the viscoplastic behavior of multiphase Earth mantle polycrystals. American Geophysical Union fall meeting, Dec 2011, San Francisco, United States. pp.1
Fabrice Detrez, Sabine Cantournet, Roland Seguela
Couplage plasticité endommagement dans les polymères semicristallins induit par fragmentation. Colloque Matériaux, 2011, Nantes, France. pp.1
Baxter, J.S. Bach, Fabrice Detrez, Sabine Cantournet, Laurent Corté, et al.. Augmentation of bone tunnel healing in anterior cruciate ligament grafts : application of calcium phosphates and other materials. Tissue Engineering: Parts A, B, and C, 2010, 1, 712370, 12 p
Fabrice Detrez, Sabine Cantournet, Roland Seguela
A constitutive model for semi-crystalline polymer deformation involving lamellar fragmentation. Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 2010, 338 (12), pp.681-687
Fabrice Detrez, Roland Seguela, Sabine Cantournet
Quantification et modélisation du couplage plasticité endommagement dans les polymères semicristallins à morphologie sphérolitique. XIXème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Aug 2009, Marseille, France. 6 p
Thomas, Roland Seguela, Fabrice Detrez, V. Miri, C. Vanmansart. Plastic deformation of spherulitic semi-crystalline polymers: An in situ AFM study of polybutene under tensile drawing.. Polymer, 2009, 50 (15), pp.3714-3723
Fabrice Detrez
Nanomécanismes de déformation des polymères semi-cristallins: étude in situ par microscopie à force atomique et modélisation.. Science des matériaux [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]. Université Lille I, 2008. Français
Fabrice Detrez, R
Seguela, G. Coulon. Etude par MFA des mécanismes de déformation dans des systèmes polymères semi-cristallins modèles à base de polycaprolactone. CFM 2007 - 18ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Aug 2007, Grenoble, France
Fabrice Detrez, Mathilde Leboeuf, Vincent Ferreiro, G
Coulon. Etude par MFA des nanomécanismes de déformation plastique dans des systèmes polymèriques modèles à base de polycaprolactone. Forum de Microscopie à sondes locales, 2005, Anglet, France